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26 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

@40somethingahjumma and @chasingdaisy I feel the same. I never considered him as creepy. Actually, even when he was beating the pervert, I wasn't mad at him for his reaction because all his anger and frustration had at some point to burst out! When NJY or SC hurt HS, he only showed his cold shoulder. He stayed calm all the time, but he must have been deep upset to see that HS got hurt because of others' greed, at a time he wanted to get closer to her. Then he witnessed HS getting physically hurt and since she is the only one who likes him genuinely, she means the world to him. He got even madder, when the pervert described HS as a femme fatale seducing men! You could sense, he couldn't bear the thought that his girlfriend was called as such, well aware that she is the total opposite!

His problem is that when he talked to In Ho, he was cold but he was never his intention to be like that. I was glad that HS saw that he was really concerned for In Ho and his help wasn't hypocrisie! 

This is why I don't think any of the psychological labels are helpful. It puts him in some kind of box and I don't think he fits into any of the usual labels. I'm no psychologist but having been in education for a long time dealing with individuals regularly, I think it's best to take people as they are and deal with their baggage as they come. 

As for the kicks of fury, I also think it's just his way of releasing his wrath against a right royal scumbag. Again no creepy for me. ;) Is he abnormal because he doesn't yell and scream while punching and kicking the villain? Is there an emotionally "right" way to deal with scumbags? How is yelling and screaming "better"? The weasel had his own kind of misogynistic cunning too. He's been dodging cops and tenants while scamming the landlady. Stealing women's underwear and then accusing other women in the neighbourhood of being sexually promiscuous. There's just too much irony in that. Jung treated him with the contempt he deserved. There's no point in engaging with someone who was ready to throttle another human being and kick them down the stairs.


To use another Star Wars reference, "there is still good in him". ;) Although he will reap what he's sown, he is still grappling with his humanity in ways that he's never had to before. It's sad that when he's finally connecting with someone in a simple and beautiful way, his sins come back to haunt him. Well, perhaps it's all for the best. To go through fire and come out a better man for it.


I've also noticed that in the course of many K dramas, the male and female leads come together and then they hit an apparently insurmountable obstacle but they somehow find their way back to each other. Well, I'm hoping that's the case here too. :D


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Cheese in the trap can be interpreted in so many different ways. Like @MrsSoJiSub wrote, either HS is the mouse and the cheese is YJ. Once she enters the trap, she can't forget YJ! Or it's the other way around: once YJ fell for HS (cheese), he can't forget her! Both can't escape from each other... their love will never stop!

Nevertheless, I consider there is another possibilities the mice are the baddies and they want the cheese but they are caught by YJ! NJY wanted to get close to YJ and hurt HS many times, at the end, she was caught by YJ and punished for that. I am expecting, this will happen to MS, SC and YG!! 

@MrsSoJiSub I don't see YJ as bad at all. He has a huge sense of justice... even later, he recognised that he went too far, while the others never questioned themselves. In Ho is the best example for that! I really like In Ho, but he is much more self-centered and selfish than Jung. It 's about his hand, him being a victim aso. Yet, he doesn't think why he was getting beaten. How did the quarrel start aso? Jung is always questioning himself and his actions which proves that he isn't arrogant at all! He only appears as such because of his coldness and fake smiles! He is someone who will admit he did something wrong. So he was sincere with HS. He takes his promises very seriously. 

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Did anyone else suspects inha for inhos hand injury? Don't know if anyone already mentioned it  if yes sorry!! It just came to me as a thought in ep 7 when they fought and she almost step on his hand!! So maybe she was somehow involved...

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It's a bit off topic but I'm currently watching Bad Guys too. It's such a jarring experience going back and forth between such a dark and violent drama with a sunny one like Cheese. I almost feel like Jung is Lee Jungmoon before he went full blown psycho hahahahaha. 

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16 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

Cheese in the trap can be interpreted in so many different ways. Like @MrsSoJiSub wrote, either HS is the mouse and the cheese is YJ. Once she enters the trap, she can't forget YJ! Or it's the other way around: once YJ fell for HS (cheese), he can't forget her! Both can't escape from each other... their love will never stop!

Nevertheless, I consider there is another possibilities the mice are the baddies and they want the cheese but they are caught by YJ! NJY wanted to get close to YJ and hurt HS many times, at the end, she was caught by YJ and punished for that. I am expecting, this will happen to MS, SC and YG!! 

you have a very good and simple interpretation for that ..CHEESE IN THE TRAP:blink:

just my opinion...cheese is SEOL  and a lot of rat want a piece of her..but like what you said she was trap on YOO-JUNG  bait....if i remember in the beginning of the drama she was mesmerized by YOO-JUNG  once he appeared during their drinking session.


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1 minute ago, madlena said:

Did anyone else suspects inha for inhos hand injury? Don't know if anyone already mentioned it  if yes sorry!! It just came to me as a thought in ep 7 when they fought and she almost step on his hand!! So maybe she was somehow involved...

When she yelled at her brother that she would hurt his hand, I had this thought... especially, when you think that In Ha seemed to love drawing. The way In Ho treated her was really cruel, tactless and so arrogant... and we saw that when In Ha was mad, she would retaliate! Her aunt was hurting her, she screamed at her telling her to hurt her even more. She wasn't scared of her aunt... usually, physically abused persons are more scared and try to smoothe the temper from the abuser. But here, we had the opposite. She even took the jewelry and wanted to report her aunt. She knew exactly what she was doing. She knew that stealing her aunt's belongings would infuriate the aunt and in order to escape from her, they needed to report the abuse. Her mind was pretty sharp and clear for an abused child. To conclude, she could manipulate people as a child! She has a tendency to self-destruction! The way she used her body because she was so mad at her aunt is a clue for that.

Back to her painting: In Ho made fun of her, insulted her for her poor skills which made her so mad! I can imagine, she could get revenged! She knew how arrogant and cocky In Ho was with his piano playing... There is definitely this possibility that losing her dream pushed her to get even: with an injured hand, he would give up his dream too! Just like her...

But this is only a theory...   

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24 minutes ago, madlena said:

Did anyone else suspects inha for inhos hand injury? Don't know if anyone already mentioned it  if yes sorry!! It just came to me as a thought in ep 7 when they fought and she almost step on his hand!! So maybe she was somehow involved...

Reading the webtoon I always wondered, hmmmmmm what if it was Inha??? A lot of things go down within the time frame that the hand incident happens and I've always wondered, "who is instigating all of this!?!!?" Inha is....she's down right scary and a bit insane and sometimes violent from time to time in the webtoon. I have always wondered if she could have orchestrated the whole mess, if it could have been her. But I hope it's not. To literally crush your own brother, your flesh and blood's dream like that...she wouldn't...? No Inha wouldn't......

Honestly, I doubt if Jung or Inha was involved in the hand incident. In the webtoon we are given bits and pieces. A bone here and there, but when it comes down to it, we still don't know (it's really draggy and frustrating imho) . I get the feeling that Inho and his ego, and genius, and skill of the piano and down right arrogance and boastful attitude brought what happened upon himself. But again we don't know so I am curious what the drama decides to do with that. 

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hello!~ silent reader here... hopefully i joined the bandwagon a bit earlier this time so i can join the debate/discussion :lol:

I've caught up with the English version of the webtoon..


The scene of Young Gon cornered Seol near the English Academy and In Ho interrupted and kicked him 


and Also just finished watching ep 7-8..

I think I slowly understand Yoo Jung's character more and more. When I started watching the drama at first without reading the webtoon, I got so 'scared' of YJ's character :lol:... like nervously scared... he seemed so.. 'two faced', only putting up a nice front with a malicious personality inside.. But after reading the webtoon as well, I think I understand why he behaves that way..

He's handsome since very young, rich family background, etc. He has been the center of attention ever since he was little.. and [probably] because his father has such high expectations for him, plus Ju Yong's 'advice', he's 'forced' to put on the nice front. Because he HAS TO behave that way since little, and that he could tell that everyone approached him with a purpose, he ended up tuning everyone out. Until where i'm at in the storyline, he looks like the loneliest character to me. Growing up in his dad's political and social circle, even if it bugs him, he has to be nice, and act like a gentleman everytime, even though he hates it too. In school, friends [guys and girls alike] approached him bc of his look, his wealth, and his 'easy-going' front, and that he always pays. Girls throw themselves at him without asking whether he's okay with it or not. Guys follow him/jealous of him bc of little petty stuff as well. I guess at that time, Seol was the only one that didn't act like that. Perhaps she caught his attention. However, she has her own negative judgement about him too and would avoid him/suspicious of him (which is understandable as well). My thought is that he did 'hate' Seol before. But after the 'sleeping-holding-hand' incident, he slowly changes his mind about her, that 'ahh.. maybe this girl is different than the rest of them..'. So he started to approach her to get to know her more. He tries to change, to be more open/genuine. Perhaps he does love Seol, perhaps he doesn't. But his behavior/attitude towards her when they first met isn't unreasonable. From all the encounterments between them, he has his reasons to have certain judgement of her. On top of that, she had viewed him negatively and treated him coldly too, so it added to his nonchalant attitude towards her; hence, the texts to Young-Gon and why he didn't stop In Ha to continue with those texts..


What I LOVEEEEEE about CITT is that both main male/female characters have their own shortcomings. Yoo Jung and his 'twisted' personality. Seol and her over-analyzing, quick-to-judge, pushover type of character. When they're put in the romantic relationship, i think they'll teach each other life lessons as well. Their road will be hard [with the crazy Yong Gon, Sang Chul, and that cray cray Min Soo girl]. But I think they'll make it! :wub:


THOSE KISSING MOMENTS in EPISODE 8 THOUGH.. :wub::wub:... I squeal with all the butterflies in the stomach floating/flying everywhere... :wub: BRB GOTTA GO REPLAYING THEM AGAIN :w00t::w00t:



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18 minutes ago, madlena said:

Did anyone else suspects inha for inhos hand injury? Don't know if anyone already mentioned it  if yes sorry!! It just came to me as a thought in ep 7 when they fought and she almost step on his hand!! So maybe she was somehow involved...

I also suspect Inha though cz based on the flashback it seems that inha envy of inho's talent and herself is not a good artist judging from her painting and Inho use to make fun of her thats scene where she almost step on inho's hand really frightening so I guess she might have something that cause those guys beaten up Inho.

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13 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

It's also a personality thing and an expectations thing. Inho and Joon are more open and expressive with them self also can afford to be carefree, they can afford to be easy to love because the responsibilities and expectations held on them does not have the weight of that, that's held on Seol and Jung.  If they fail people won't be devastated and would be willing to help them back up. On the other hand if Seol or Jung tend to keep things close to vest and don't really share how they feel unless directly asked or provoked to do so. If the two were to fail or make a mistake, it would be like the world is ending. "How dare you do wrong. We're disappointed". But it's sad for both groups when you think on it. It's sad to look on and think that people have no expectations of you. They actually expect you to fail and expect nothing from you. At the same time it's sad to think that people have too many expectations and demands for you. That no matter what you do it's feels like it is never good enough and that you must be more, do more, attain more because the expectations are so high. 

My Jung and Seol...I will stand in the rain under and umbrella with you Jung. You're not easy to love, but that's what makes me love you. 

People are generally drawn to extroverts, I think, especially if they're great talkers. That's why they're the life of the party, and seem so beloved. 

I find Seol and Jun's dad rather chauvinistic. He's so belligerent and disrespectful towards his wife and daughter that I want to throw things at him. It's almost as if he wants the noodle place to fail. Well, maybe he does seeing that his business ventures have gone down the proverbial gurgler. Unfortunately his irresponsible attitude is affecting his son's work ethic. I don't know that he has no expectations of his son. I think he has expectations only of his son which is why he's invested so heavily in his education to the point of sending him overseas. He is the son afterall, the one to carry the family name. No wonder he was so disgusted that his daughter is not only is completing a university education and has snaffled herself a good-looking, rich boyfriend. :P I wouldn't be at all surprised if Jung told them about the company just to annoy her father and make Seol look good. :lol:

With In-ho, I'm less sure although I suspect it's largely his musical talent that people are impressed with. Because they are not like us mere mortals people who are very gifted get a pass on things that most of us won't be able. Plus there's the fact that he lost his mum and dad at a very young age most probably, that saw him get "extra special treatment" at the Yoon household. 

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Regarding the kiss in Ep 7 - definitely on point as it is Seol, who has never dated, plucking the nerve to kiss her boyfriend. It would be strange if she was bold and confident in attacking him for a kiss. [Well, in a sense she did attack him and squish his face in the process] To me YJ looked bemused. 

I am sure YJ knows how Seol feels about him. He has an uncanny ability to know what Seol is thinking because her emotions are written on her face. During his drunken confession, he shows his vulnerability by asking the only person whose opinion matters to him if she sincerely liked him. And asked her not to think too badly of him. For a drunk person, he was spot on the lips for that kiss. LOL. 

Even if Ep 9 shows the angst when YG keeps his manipulations going and Min Soo adding the stress, if the couple takes time off, I am positive they will be able to work their way back together. 

As for In Ho, even though I think he is adorable, he still gives off the good friend feel. Definitely from Seol's perspective is that she sees In Ho only as a friend. I see no indecision in her , unlike some drama heroines - you know who I mean. :rolleyes:

PS. Can someone tell me what happens to YG? After all his craziness? So that I can look forward to him unravelling into a incoherent baboon. 

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14 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

See when we say that we are victim blaming. We are blaming the victims Seol and Bora for not giving into MinSeol's desires (because she wants them to be nice to her, she wants them to feel sorry for her as a way of befriending her. emotional manipulation at it's finest) for and being "nice" as to calm down and keep in check the behavior of the perpetrator, MinSeol. Nope, Seol is in no way shape nor form responsible for how MinSeol deals with rejection and accepts unfriendly behavior. Seol has a right to be or to not be friends and say no to whomever she chooses. Let's not forget that before that lion confrontation Seol had tried to nicely and calmly talk with and ask MinSeol about the lion. Seol saw the it, and she friendly asked and even tried to make excuses for MinSeol by saying "oh isn't that mine? did you find it on the floor or something?" that was MinSeol's opportunity to nicely admit that yes she had found it and to give it back. Even during the confrontation, Seol had suggested going somewhere private to talk. She didn't want the class seeing and potentially embarrassing MinSeol should she admit to anything. Seol was being considerate and MinSeol and MinSeol refused that consideration.

Hell Seol was being nice in that moment so MinSeol could have had a laugh and even worked in a lunch date ("oh yeah I found it on the floor after you dropped it the other day *giggle giggle* I been wanting to eat with you or something as an apology to return it. Here *gives lion* can we do that now?') instead the girl in all her delustion and desire to be in the right and make herself the victim; works in her mind that Seol is accusing her of something (this is MinSeol's own guilt speaking here because she knows her reasons for taking the lion in the first place were unpure) and trying to make her look guilty/stupid/a fool/a thief in front of the whole class (again these are MinSeol's own insecurities of herself that she is venting out by pushing on to Seol). The girl is delusional, she doesn't like herself and because she can't attack herself, she attacks Seol instead. She needs professional help not enabling or cuddling of her insecurities and delusions by pity friending her. Furthermore to say "if she hadn't been mad..." again is to victim blame. We are putting the fault and respobsiblity of MinSeol's actions on Seol and Bora when really the only person responsible for those thoughts and actions is MinSeol and MinSeol alone!

To me saying what I quoted is akin to this: "well if you hadn't have been wearing that short skirt, maybe you wouldn't have gotten raped" here, we are blaming a victim of rape and accusing them of causing their own violent crime of loss of power and abuse because of what they wore (this sadly happens all too often in our rape culture world). No it is never anyone's fault for being raped. Blame solely lies in the evil scum that chose to rape because it really doesn't matter what you wear, how much you drink, how you danced, flirted, etc, etc. A person is vile piece of richard simmons and they wanted to rape they would have raped you or someone else not because of these things but in spite of these things because that's just who they are. The same is true of MinSeol. She is delusional and unhinged in her mind. One way or another, sooner or later, she would have gotten mad at Seol. She would have turned Seol into her enemy, she would have further delusioned herself and blamed Seol and made her the bad guy and she the victim. It could have been anything. Oh Seol is supposed to be a good student but today she's late for class *hate her hate her* Oh Seol normally wears her haird down but today it's up while mine is down *hate her hate her* Oh Seol normally sits her, but now she's sitting there *hate her hate her* Do people not see that Seol is really not the issue here and that she just happens to be the VICTIM of MinSeol's unstable mind.

It's not Seol, it's not about Seol. It's not what she does, what she says, what she wears, or how friendly or unfriendly she chooses to be. If it wasn't Seol it would have been Bora that MinSeol is dressing as and "stan" over, it could have been Euntaek, it could have been Jung, it could have been San Chul. It could have been freaking professor Kang! All of this is all MinSeol and she truly needs professional help. And as someone training to become a professional who one day is able to assist/work with/help the MinSeol's and others of the world. I promise that trying to make all these excuses for MinSeol (one can pity her, one can try to understand her, one can put oneself in her shoes and try to see things from her perspective but still we must see what she had done we all do that here with Jung) and put blame on others, will hurt her (and others) more than help her. I understand where people are coming from and it's needed, at the same time the very opposite is necessary when dealing with those who are on the verge.

No, it's not that we shouldn't upset mentally unstable people. No one should have to walk on egg shells around you your whole life and always be nice to you and always say what you want to hear and never make you angry least it set you off and you result in violence of some sort. It's that we should teach mentally unstable people how to properly read, analyze, handle, and respond to the world's varying emotions and situations that will come there way in healthy ways that make them not a danger to themselves or others. To do otherwise is just to enable dangerous potentially life threatening people and behavior and that would just richard simmons up the world more so than it already is.

@enigmatic_zephy (not Selena Gomez, but Selena Quintanilla-Pérez, she was a famous Spanish singer who was starting to make it here in the US mainstream when she was killed by her "fan" turned close friend and manager of her fanclub and one of her boutiques. She was so young and it's all really tragic) I actually see some of your points and get you and agree with you. A part of me does feel sorry for Minsoo and I do see how she is a victim of her own mind and Younggon's behavior however she and Jung are two very different kinds of crazy imho. Both their asses are in need of psychological help. I think many of us here time and again have said how much Jung needs psychological help. All of tumblr and my rational mind knows Jung needs help. Again however, Jung's brand of crazy and MinSeol's brand of crazy are two very different crazies. Jung is almost methodological and actually to a degree aware of his emotions and allows himself to not go off the handle (see his handling of Youggon in ep 8). His brand of crazy is done with such fineness and control that I kind of want to admire it (he reminds me of Hannibal Lecture in that regard which makes him the most dangerous and the most grey area imho) MinSeol and Younggon's crazy is the kind that they themselves cannot control at times, that lack of control is what separates the three and makes the two much scarier than the one. I am never scared that Jung is going to come to college and just massacre a room full of students. With Younggon and MinSeol, I feel it's only a matter of time before they come and massacre the whole classroom of students (not so much MinSeol tbh). The day I see Jung peeking between book shelves watching and waiting taking pictures and dream up delusional scienerios in his mind of the wonderful lunch and talks he and so and so are going to have and or how he's going to break up someone's relationship and then laugh with glee at how that person will then jump into his arms full of kisses and love (DELUSIONAL!!),  that is the day I find a way to jump into this drama and strong arm Seol and all of society away from him myself (with that said it doesn't mean I don't think Minsoo and Younggon shouldn't have friends, boyfriend/girlfrineds, etc etc. They can have that and do deserve that as much as all the rest of us. However, right now I don't see how with the way they are they can have that. They need help so that they are one day able to attain all of that and find the security and love and acceptance they long for -see in this regard they are like Jung-).

ETA: After I read my own post, I see exactly what you mean enigmatic with regards to how we treat Jung and MinSeol. For me personally I see them differently because while I see Seol and Bora as victims of MinSeol because they hadn't committed any crimes or done any real injustice to MinSeol (I do know her name is Minsoo but until she returns to herself -she ain't go her mind right now- she shall remain MinSeol). I don't see the people that Jung goes after as victims because they are despicable people who have committed crimes and done unjust things not only towards Jung but many other people. Again with MinSeol and Younggon (more Youggon than MinSeol) I see them a danger and threat to just about anyone and everyone. With Jung I see him a danger and threat to just a few select few.

That's a fair analysis.. :) 

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OK I never read the webtoon so I don't know what happen next but please don't hate Yoo Jung.. he's a lonely soul and the fact that some of his acts might look tricky and planned is just the epiphany of his independency as a human.. still I need to kudos him because he's able to socialize good as well as polite to others.. but inside, his dark side is still strongly controling his mind and makes him doing what he did so far.. and the dark side is like a sleeping Tiger that can scarily attack and maul those who hurt his love ones. The result of constantly trying to be a perfect son and a qualified heir to his father's kingdom. 

All he needs is just Seol... and I believe that after all missunderstanding cleared and their heart to heart love reevaluate.. the relationship can start over a new fresh page.. Yoo Jung will be able to emerge his bright side, just like the sun rising in his morning life..

I never and can't see Seol with In Ho.. they don't have that 'I love you so much it hurts' vibe.. ever. 

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1 hour ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

It breaks my heart too because it hits just a little too close to home. And kids who don't feel that they receive love easily sometimes sabotage their own interests by withdrawing and confirming to themselves and others that they're just "too different".

I don't know what kind of nightmare Jung went through as a child and in high school to have so much darkness in his soul but that statement says it all for me. 

That's why I've never been afraid of him. Never saw the "creepy". Just contempt and cold rage. One moment he seems dangerous but he also seems like a lost little boy hungry and thirsty for some kind of genuine affection in his life. It's probably what draws Seol to him in part. 

I don't know if Seol can forgive him for playing a role in the stalker incident with OYG but someone sure needs to. Otherwise the cycle of disappointment, resentment and anger will probably never end for him.

Redemption for Jung is possible but I think someone needs to reach out, sit down and weep with him.


definitely what i think too. Jung is not creepy... he's just behaving as what he taught himself to. i think his current persona is just his surviving skills that already well developed by him - especially when he was told "had to be polite and I can't get angry." i mean, who would tell kid that? it's true we need to teach little kids we need to be polite, but can't get angry? anger is one of the channel of human expressing their emotions. although being excessively angry is bad, i had the feeling that Jung suppressed his anger all the time; hence; the mask that he wears. he must've told himself that and it became a sort of mantra for him and the result is what we see now.


1 hour ago, bebebisous33 said:

His problem is that when he talked to In Ho, he was cold but it was never his intention to be like that. I was glad that HS saw that he was really concerned for In Ho and his help wasn't hypocrisie! 

 sorry for cutting your post, but yes, Jung was just being Jung when he talked to In-ho. we know there are loads of unresolved things between them , and probably Jung figured that just how he gets into In-ho's head; by being cold. somehow In-ho matches that - just observed how he talked to Jung all these while. lol these two boys could you guys please hug it out?


1 hour ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Especially when I think of the webtoon and Jung's father (I will be soooo upset if the drama never gets into that and other things that are related to Jung's upbringing and how the siblings came into his life in the first place) it tugs at my heart strings. The same is true of Seol and how her parents differentiate in the love they show her and Joon. Joon just smiles and he's given the world and it feels like no matter how hard Seol works, how independent she is, how much she tries to not be a burden to them, they can't even say a simple "you did well. you're doing well. we're proud." I know exactly how they feel too. I have a younger brother who man..*le sigh* but still it's like he hung the moon in my mother's eyes. Meanwhile I do everything to have that "good daughter" label and I don't get half of what he gets. :tears::tears::tears: 

It's also a personality thing and an expectations thing. Inho and Joon are more open and expressive, they also can afford to be carefree. They can afford to be easy to love because the responsibilities and expectations held on them does not have the weight of that, that's held on Seol and Jung. If they fail people won't be devastated and would be willing to help them back up. On the other hand if Seol or Jung tend to keep things close to vest and don't really share how they feel unless directly asked or provoked to do so. If the two were to fail or make a mistake, it would be like the world is ending. "How dare you do wrong. We're disappointed". But it's sad for both groups when you think on it. It's sad to look on and think that people have no expectations of you. They actually expect you to fail and expect nothing from you. At the same time it's sad to think that people have too many expectations and demands for you. That no matter what you do it's feels like it is never good enough and that you must be more, do more, attain more because the expectations are so high. 

My Jung and Seol...I will stand in the rain under and umbrella with you Jung. You're not easy to love, but that's what makes me love you. 

again, sorry for cutting your post but i always thought his father could be one of the root cause of his behaviour.

and true, Inho and Joon wear their hearts on the sleeve because they can do that. Jung? i dont think he knows how to be open and carefree - he has a lot of expectations to bear.



there's one chapter in the webtoon where Jung was in a call with his father, and he just casually said that - "I didn't do it (to whatever happen to Inho's hand)" - to his father. it seems that Jung still feels that his father dont trust him, and with that scene i'm side-eyeing his father tbh. your son still has to defend himself after a few years - did you really ask him what had actually happened? or you did ask, but you can't trust him?


and yes, that what makes me love Jung too. i will stand with him until the end, prolly i will make a placard that says "BE STRONG, JUNG" and send it to him. hahahahaha

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all of u made me curious..m starting with R88... 2 episodes down.. cant believe its actually so funny.. and rt now my bet on the rich lady's non duffer son being the hubby.. 


ok ..no more R88 convo here.. 


CIIT - someone was very gracious to list all the OST links.. sincere apologies but may i request someone to pm those links..else i keep losing track of it

Many thnks

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Anyone here also read the korean webtoon? I thought the newest should be updated yesterday since its approximately updated 6-7 days after the lastest posted ;( 

Edit: I have just read tbinnie's note on her lastest post that CITT webtoon is currently on hiatus. (just ignore my question above lolol)

Oh ya tbinnie has been out from her nest!!! Anyone who asked about the summaries should be catching up there :)

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