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YJ and Seol are talking. He answers to her questions. She does not understand him. 

===I'm sorry, I do not understand what they were saying.===

He apologizes. She tries to leave. She was angry at him because he does not tell her the truth. 


Assistant Ho once wanted to steal a purse at a joint drunk, and YJ saw it. 


Now YJ framed assistant Ho? Like he stole women's underwear? Some conflict between assistant Ho and YJ. YJ very angry.

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YJ saw that YS took the wallet at the gathering?

YJ threathened YS about losing his report..

YJ meet with YS and JY and he's angry at YS!

JY tells YJ that YS did that at the time because of him.. 

JY is kneeling for forgiveness..

YJ tells JY to go home (his family's??)
And YS is asking whether he'll go???

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YJ is having thoughts about all the times..
and he said in his head "I'm not weird.. it's u guys"..

then he's thinking "Seol. I'm not weird"


*need to re-watch!
Sorry for any mistranslation!!

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A lot of internal monologues from both Seol and YJ.

After Seol walks away, YJ calls someone.

 Flashback - apparently YJ saw TA Heo take money from someone's wallet. YJ talks to TA Heo about the report

Now - TA Heo is scared of YJ. YJ sees TA Heo and neoghbour together . DARK YJ - very scary. He is staring down TA Heo.

Not sure what is said between YJ, neighbour and TA Heo. Now YJ is literally shouting.

Still very tense. TA Heo has lost steam.

YJ walks away and leaves the two.

Scene: YJ in his room and thinks about what was said by Seol and the neighbour.

Thinks back to the scene with SC, the guy who tried to get Seol drunk, Joo Yeon incident and In Ha and it looks like he is reflecting on what he has done.

[Hmm... does this mean he was truly unaware of how manipulative he was?]

OK everyone - more skinship tomorrow and scenes with YJ and In Ha. MUST WATCH PREVIEW!!

And I get my Beanpole advert - I want the bag!! If it comes with the model I am definitely buying it ^^

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1 minute ago, emme85 said:

YJ is having thoughts about all the times..
and he said in his head "I'm not weird.. it's u guys"..

then he's thinking "Seol. I'm not weird"


*need to re-watch!
Sorry for any mistranslation!!


It's giving me the same chills as Min in "I remember you" - that same thinking that what he's doing is right. Interesting :) 

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Aaaa.... lots of screencaps from our friends here.. so I think I don't need any images for my posts tonight! hehehe... 

Need to rewatch the episode and probably amend my posts.. coz I think there's lot of mistakes~ haha

I can't even watch the preview properly!! :bawling:

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yass the crazy stalker shall soon make an appearance (reappearance?). i wonder if that story is going to remain true to the webtoon. noooo at the preview. why is inho asleep in seol's room? drama don't do this to me. my old wounds have yet to heal. i can't take another round of some richard simmons like that.

seol and jung are adorable together and i like that they talk and that she doesn't put up with his bs or accept his bs reasoning and excuses. i enjoy that she stands by her beliefs as does he. yoo jung you better not change too much. stay dark and gray. don't nobody need or want another inho. 

i missed so much because my stream lagged. need to download now. and there it is folks, i have become addicted to another drama just like that *shakes head at self* but i refuse to ship (lies she been shipping seol/jung since she first read the webtoon) okay i will secretly ship but not too hard. just a tiny small bit *prepares heart* even if it don't work out, you got the webtoon. it'll be fine, not all writers are like that LOL. 

i really enjoyed today's episode. how does park hae jin do it. one episode he's all dark and toeing the line of all kinds of -paths and then the next episode he is boyish and adorable and just a man dating a girl. i forgot that the man can smile (man i loved him in bad guys) and looks all so good doing it. they seriously need to have him wear dark colors all the time.i also demand one cute phone call or text scene per episode. 

what did jung say to my second otp? did he remain the richard simmons i wanted to beat down in the webtoon or was his response more accepting? 

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Sorry all. 

My Korean is basically non-existent so it may not be accurate. 

This episode is really worth watching again (with subs) to get a clearer picture. 

I agree with @MrsSoJiSub that this couple TALKS to each other, confronts each other and does not leave assumptions to fester. 

To clarify the situation - Neighbour and TA Heo are in a relationship (?)

At the end of this episode , I still do not like In Ha and was briefly upset with In Ho's brattiness in the beginning. 

And I can't wait for tomorrow's episode - scenes in Seol's room with YJ and I thought I saw In Ha in her room as well (?)

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@emme85 @NRGchick Thanks for the live recap !! cheetah

I was wrong: Young Go hasn't appeared yet. Nevertheless, I am glad that we see our couple fighting because that's how a relationship should work: lovey dovey scenes are really great, but that's not all!

So far, I believe, HS is still suspicious of YJ therefore she got upset with the report. But honestly, it was to YJ's disadvantage and he was willing to do it. On the other hand, I can understand why she is upset with YJ. Getting her the job with blackmail isn't right!

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I was just so curious about their confrontation after HS realized everything that YJ did for her. Maybe, I have to wait until tomorrow for the subs. :)

Anyways, I am excited for the next ep after seeing the preview! More OTP moments! Yayy!! :heart:

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wow. What an episode... Thank you for recapping, @NRGchick@emme85@plappi@MrsSoJiSub, @bebebisous33,
@blademan, @Ayu Rashid  (yea.. I also thought that little girl form MDGSW - she was good!)  @999hearts

Thank you for screencap, @delal@drynase - (yey.. you even got In-Ha and In-Ho as kids... thank you!),

I need to re-watch this episode... so intense...  lots in it. Can barely wait for subs now...

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