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While finding it hard to say goodbye, I absolutely must express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone on this thread, who has been such a crucial part of my viewing enjoyment over this past 6 months with all your wonderful insights, opinions and discussions. It has been a true joy knowing you all... and I really hope that we will be a part of other drama threads again going forward. Especial shoutout and appreciation goes to the incredible @homura, without whose contribution, my understanding of the historical motivations and significance would have been very much diminished. Thank you all!

I am curious about the potential impact that Jukryong, as Baek Dal Won, the founder of the peddler union, has on Joseon's political landscape. In Tree, the real and present threat comes from Milbon, and correct me if I am wrong, but I do not recall the peddler union ever being a part of the political unrest in that era. 30+ years down the road, would Yeon Nyang be still alive to manipulate behind the scenes, even when YBJ is dead by the end of it? Unless the peddler union plays an important role in Tree's sequel.. though from what I understand, in this universe, it is still Milbon, through prime minister Han Myung Hoi who would be instrumental in tearing down all that King Sejong built up painstakingly. Questions questions.

What a interesting coincidence also that Jukryong, played by Han Sang-jin, would have a similar fate to his character in Tree... both characters going underground to bide their time and scheme behind the scenes, waiting for the right moment to strike again. Likewise, Ha Ryun's Jo Hee Bong has an equally ominous overreaching presence in Tree as Han Ga Nom.

I find it incongruous though, that Ha Ryun's is revealed to be ex-Moomyung, seeing that he was painstakingly tracking them after being tasked by YIG earlier on. Did this twist come as an afterthought, because it certainly felt like one, and I was hardpressed to reconcile the person he was shown to be earlier, when with YIG, with his true identity today.

From what I know, the Daemado invasion happened in 1419, during which time, Yi Do was already crowned king. At the time, he was 22 years old. Yet in SFD, his visit to BY's island showed him to still be a relatively young boy... certainly not king yet, which indicates that it took YBW several years before the attack could be launched to end the Japanese pirate threat once and for all.

Ahh... still can't stop thinking about this universe. And watching the making videos, especially the farewells, just makes it even more bittersweet, driving home that it is truly over.

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After finishing Six Dragons, I went back and started re-watching "A Tree With Deep Roots".  Even though I loved watching "Deep Roots" the first time, watching it after watching Dragons makes it even more interesting.

Some of the characters in Dragon are also depicted in Tree, albeit from a different perspective. Such as Lee Bang Won, Lee Bang Ji, Moo Hyuk, etc. 

Even more interesting is where Sam Bong's supporters were depicted as the protagonist and Lee Bang Won as the antagonist in "Six Dragons", Sam Bong supporters  are the antagonist in "A Tree With Deep Roots". 

Yep, not only music change a lot of things, so do politics.  :P

Of course, it is also hilarious that many of the actors in Dragon had different roles in Deep Roots.  For instance, Gil Tae Mi and Yook San, both who died at the end of Dragons, have been reincarnated into, respectively, a scholar  and a minister, in Trees.  :lol:

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They are doing a survey right now whether to release a Making DVD for SFD right now on daum cafe, for those who are interested, you can go and express your interest in buying one, I think if they get a certain number, then they will really release it


Spent a whole day yesterday in writing an "essay" on SFD in Chinese (LOL), just seems that there are a lot less interesting discussions on SFD in Chinese (as compared to English), so I kinda combine my feelings/thoughts on SFD, as well as some of the information/insight I have obtained through here from @homura and translated them into Chinese. I have noted that some of you are actually Chinese, if you are interested, you can see the link to my "essay" (LOL) here.



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I remember someone seemed to have posted this BTS before http://tvcast.naver.com/v/805119

Just watched it, and there was a bit where BW was trying to put the hairpin on BY's hair, but failing (LOL), and then an assistant taught him, and he said "I can do it" hahahaha, and then when BW hugged the queen, he said "Boon-ah, sorry"

hahahahahahahahaha, just in case there are people like me who haven't watched yet

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On 24/03/2016 at 10:45 PM, Blizzardistkaputt said:

I had one question though. Why would Lady Min object to Yi Do being the crown prince? Yi Do was her biological son too.

i think she doesnt really object...she prefer the first son because he is close with the two uncles who got killed

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I think YBW was a very capable individual ahead of his time. A decisive character and whether we like to admit or otherwise, there is no guarantee that Sambong's vision would have become reality in the hands of Bang Seok. He was young, had never been tested. Honestly, as shown in the Goryeo period, overly powerful nobles destroy countries. As much as I hate to admit it,its likely that Joseon may have been destroyed within decades of its founding. It needed strong, decisive and ruthless ruler like YBW. Someone who took no prisoners and got things done. I read that its the nobles who hated him but his policies were favourable to the average folk..... Also think about it, YBW ruthlessly got rid of his eldest son for Yi Do because he knew the latter was more capable. A legacy to leave behind. But despite Sejong's many great deeds, it undeniable he made a mistake when choosing his successor. He chose the not most capable one and by historical accounts, his eldest son was already fairly unwell by the time of Sejong's death and indeed did not outlive him by more than a few years. Undoubtedly the eldest contributed at the outset, but he should have chosen the capable one at the time of his death. He owed it to his people but could not make the tough choice that had to be made. 


I always believed that kindness at times can be cruel. That to avoid hurting one, we spill the greatest blood. Which is what happened historically.A country in its infancy needs a decisive leaders who make the hardest choices otherwise its no better than a failed state. We see that even today. 


Just my 2 cents as I am really tired of people viewing things in black and white. I see the world as a shade of grey, white, blue, purple and mis-mash of other colours. Similarly, YBW was a similarly a complex individual.


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Having a had my deep moment above. I am still in mourning of BY and BW. It's just sad.........maybe because I can't see many people being so selfless. Like it or not, in the society we live in, we live in such isolated cocoons, we grab such openings with both hands. We are told living life to the fullest is the goal......so when I see something like this on screen. I can't say I can relate to it even though logically I can accept it.

I think this would have solved writer-nim if we had more than 1 kiss!!!!! And at least some skinship at the end. It broke my heart when I realised at the end that was the last time they ever saw each other, That YBW never lived to see the great things his son would accomplish.....

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Not sure if this was posted before... but below is the translated interview with PD Shin Kyung-soo shared by fan, one of the posters on DB here:

Awesome Six Flying Dragons ended. They say the reason the ratings didn’t go over 20% was that it had too many(6) leads, and by trying to portray common people and mixing martial arts heroes into political intrigue made the plot unfocused and slow. Also they said it was disappointing that Jung Do-jeon who was charismatic, was in the center of the show in early episodes and Boon-yi who represented common people lost their energy in the later episodes.

Some from Interview with Sin Kyung-soo PD:
Q: How were the actor/actresses?
A: “They all had their own strong characteristics. I feel casting was done perfectly. Kim Myung-min led the show’s structure as a whole, Yoo Ah-in showed the depth and various acting skills, which was extra-ordinary for his age. If mistakenly portrayed, it could be shown as ‘beautify’ or ‘too young’ but he made convincing LBW. Si-kyung worked with me for the third time and she showed depth and elegant, and precise acting as expected. Byun Yo-han worked first time with me, and he was excellent in interpertating the script and bring out his own, and passion acting without caring about own safety. Yoon kyun-sang has optimistic personality matching his MH character. He became the dragon in ep 49, but he never looked bothered and gave staff positive energy during that long enduring period. So I am thankful. Chon Ho-jin portrayed solemn LSG with Charisma. There was energy I have not seen before.”

Q: Have you talked with Yoo Ah-in about other works and how Lee Bang-won was portrayed before?
A: I haven’t talked with Yoo Ah-in much. In the beginning I talked about important scenes to him once. In my view, Yoo Ah-in was LBW, because he interpreted the character brilliantly. He was almost 100% matched with LBW I imagined.

Q: Because LBW was convincing and approved by viewers, Jung Do-jeon and Jung Mong-joo felt like evil being on opposite side.
A: History has passed with having LBW centered and drama also portrayed that way. There have been a few dramas about LBW and they were all popular portraying LBW fitting that (airing) time period. LBW was either hero or villain before. So I suggested writers to avoid these two point of views. I think it is such fortunate that Yoo Ah-in acted believably so well. But then again I was worried about JDJ and JMJ characters who were opposite side of the fence.

Q: What was the most memorable scene for you?
A: Jo Young-gyu’s death scene. We were shooting in the warehouse we built in the set, and I asked the actor (Min Sung-wook) to crawl bleeding terribly. That time I noticed the door was open, so I thought about a scene to go crawling and close the door. I talked to Min about it and he took it well.

Q: You have good reputation that you take actors’ opinions into shooting.
A: “It was possible because writers had open-minded. Writers said they will give directors some rights- allow making some changes, and just remember to make a good show. So I did lots of shooting preparations, but actors also came really well prepared. I think one method of good directing is to help actors to play comfortably. So I tend to listen to their opinions.”

Q: In the beginning, Gil Tae-mi made big news. Did you expect that?
A: “Writer-nim predicted. They said at casting time that if Gil Tae-mi doesn’t become famous, drama will fail, so I was really stressed out about it. I have known Park Hyuk-gwon (who played GTM) because we did many works together. We know about each other too well so burden was 100 times more because we had to show the new, fun and creative character. I didn’t have doubt he would do well, but still after we did the first shooting, we sighed. However it settled in one week. Actor also said he had hard time in the beginning. There was time they did re-shoot in the site, and Cho Jong-won (Lee In-gym character) gave a lot of help. Makeup team gave a hand too.”

Q: Mu-hyul (played by Yoon Kyun-sang)’s ending in episode 49 was amazing.
A: “Credit has to be given to martial arts director. Shooting that scene was the last shooting for the day, but editing that day was not finished so I had to come back to Seoul around 2 PM. I told directors and Kyun-sang ssi do it themselves.”

Q: One particular thing in SFD was that there were lots of stage actors.
A: “Acting in SaGeuk is not easy so I wanted to cast people with proven acting talents. Also I think casting should be always fresh and new. I wanted to cast new people rather than people you watch on TV all the time. Besides 6 dragons who are well known, the people who supported them were the people with experience in doing theatre plays. I tend to watch lots of plays to cure the wound I get doing dramas. I go to watch actors, but I get good ideas too.”

Q: If there is any actor you particularly appreciate personally?
A: “There were 330 people in the show, and I casted about 200 personally. So it is hard to pick just one. Since even the person who shows only in one scene has to act well, casting was very difficult. I even dug out the plays that I watched when I was in college and had headache doing it. So after middle point, I asked help from close actors and get their recommendations and call them myself. I asked them politely if they can do it when they had only one episode to play, and most of time they easily agreed without hesitation. It bothers me that many times casting director decides actors and meet them in shooting site for the first time. So I tell staffs “They have to do well. Show them where the makeup room is.” When I do that, staffs’ attitude meeting actors when they arrive changes. Actors also feel “Oh this show staffs show concerns for me” and can do acting and can do acting feeling comfortable.”

Q: In the beginning of the show, Jung Seong-gil who was faking a Japanese pirate received high praise for his good acting.
A: After that episode, writer-nim trusted me 100% on my casting. I have buy a meal in DaeHakRo (where most of small playhouses are) when the show completes.

Q: One of the best things in SFD was action (Martial arts) scene. What was the secret?
A: “I think first one is trust. Gang Hyung-mook action director is in action school and I only met him when we did ‘Three days’. In the beginning we had many meetings and preparations, but after the first shooting I thought I could trust him. Second one is the fact that action director and shooting director worked well together and did their best within given time. Third one is actors- Byon Yo-han, Yoon Gyun-sang, and Han Ye-ri did preparation at their hardest and acted without care for what happens to them. The quality of their action got better and at the end they had body movements and speed just like professional action actors.”

Q: Acting was great, product was great, but ratings didn’t follow that- are you disappointed?
A: “Of course I am disappointed. I think this was new type of drama. Following 6 leads was not easy. Writer-nim, actors and even viewers could feel conflicted as to which character they have to follow. I think SFD is 2 track drama. There is a character’s transformation as time passes(how history shaped) in Sageuk, and there is time imaginary figures had to move forward. Writer-nim combined these figures very exquisitely, but viewers who were used to watch typical Sageuk might have felt uncomfortable about these imaginary people’s stories. At the same time the people who are used to fantasy Sageuk might’ve thought why we were doing the show about a figure we all know too well.”
“Since it is a long drama there was time I felt bothered and dispirited, but as PD I had to keep leading the team not showing personal feelings. It was hard. The biggest disappointment was when we didn’t get ratings we expected. But writer-nim kept going and crews and actors followed them, so we could complete 50 episodes.”

Q: DoWhaJun fight is the one I remember the most. I heard it was long shooting and weather was really cold.
A: We filmed for about 3.5 days. Byon Yoo-han, Yoon Kyun-sang and Min Sung-wook/Young-gyu had muscle aches because of their many actions. Also Yeon-hee(Jung Yoo-mi) and Bang-ji (BYH) had important episodes settling their younger days of earlier episodes so it was not easy shooting emotionally.”

Q: Which scene you felt the most proud of?
A: “When we did the ending of episode 2 (Jung do-jeon at the gate). Ever since I received the 4 books of scripts, I wanted to shoot the JangPyungMoon(gate) scene well. I wondered if I could ever shoot that kind of scene again so I did to my heart’s content. That scene had the largest scale in this drama.”

Q:How about BW and Boon-yi’s romance? The scene they had snowball fight was memorable.
A: “There was no snow in weather forecast for a week. So we had to go to a ski resort. Still only MooJoo in JunBook province had snow and like miracle snow accumulated. So we went to MooJoo and filmed, and felt like it was magic and we received some present. Everybody had fun shooting. Ah-in and Se-kyung ssi were also happy like a child.”

Q:If there is any message to relay to the viewers?
A:”Very thankful. I am thankful that there are many people loved the show. Six dragons parted ways after they fought each other, but they met with dreams and ideas to make a brand new world in the beginning. I hope people remember that mind. That way maybe we can view this world we live in more optimistically and healthily I think. ”

Wow last remark reminds me of Heads’ ending recap comments “the dream Dragons dreamed for us won’t soon be forgotten.”

cr. fan @ Dramabeans

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5 hours ago, oohhkkay said:

I remember someone seemed to have posted this BTS before http://tvcast.naver.com/v/805119

Just watched it, and there was a bit where BW was trying to put the hairpin on BY's hair, but failing (LOL), and then an assistant taught him, and he said "I can do it" hahahaha, and then when BW hugged the queen, he said "Boon-ah, sorry"

hahahahahahahahaha, just in case there are people like me who haven't watched yet

thanx for all the translation bf

and this i really wanted to know since the BTS has no translation - thank you

its so funny that he said that

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Guest adikkeluangman

I still got 4 episode more to go to finish. I can't bear to watch it. SBS used English title '‪Roots Of The Throne‬' on their FB post of this drama. So the title still like similar and prologue to TWDR.

Here is Nam Da Reum in his young Yido outfit after finished filming for his scene.

It really heartwarming and how Korean love their historical dramas/movies. Even the historical places that they used are the original or they only need to maintain of it. And also to see non-Korean get interested in Korea history. If only my country drama industry interested to do this kind of drama just for the sake of knowledge and history. 

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Guest ktiminie

2015 SBS Drama Awards ‘Six Flying Dragons’ overall wins:

tumblr_o09pzcOrQa1rs3l09o9_400.gif  tumblr_o09pzcOrQa1rs3l09o10_400.gif

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tumblr_o09pzcOrQa1rs3l09o7_400.gif  tumblr_o09pzcOrQa1rs3l09o8_400.gif

Credit eluvnel



gckg.gif And 2015 SBS Drama Awards Yoo Ah In and Shin Sekyung winning Best Couple:


tumblr_o08h9yKifV1rs3l09o3_400.gif   tumblr_o08h9yKifV1rs3l09o1_400.gif

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Credit eluvnel



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I just translated a part of YAI's interview on Bang Won’s relationship with Moohyul, Bangji and Young Gyoo. I translated this part because it almost made me cry when I read it on metro this morning. :tears:

If anyone wanna repost it elsewhere, pls quote the source for my tumblr: http://oohhkkay.tumblr.com/post/141771947569/yoo-ah-in-on-bang-wons-relationship-with

Q: As Yi Bang Won, how’s the relationship with Moohyul, Bangji and Young Gyoo?

Moo Hyul is a good catalyst in making people burn. In front of Moo Hyul, YBW could bluff and be pretend to be smarter and greater. As it went on, the bluffing becomes his real self. That’s why he valued and loved him, but then he left me, bad guy.

Bangji and BW are comrades but they are not friends. When they got on different ships, their friendship disappeared. I have a good relationship with Yo Han in reality, but after we turned to different ways in the drama, I seldom saw him and it became awkward.

In front of Young Gyoo Hyung (Note: Hyung is elder brother for a guy), YBW is a complete person, being able to show everything of his. In the turbulent times, they are best friends who can rely on each other. Because of Young Gyoo Hyung’s death, I think BW's shelter disappeared and so I acted in that way. During the Princes’ Strife, he appeared for a short time in front of BW like a fantasy, I felt like a lump was in my throat then. He was the one follower whom I liked the most. I had a great rapport with Min Sung Wook sunbae (Note: sunbae- more senior person at work/school).

Q. 이방원으로서 무휼, 이방지, 조영규와 관계는 어땠나

“무휼은 사람을 버닝시키는 좋은 촉매제 같다. 무휼 옆에서 이방원은 더 멋있고 대단한 척 허세를 부렸어요. 그러면서 허세가 진정한 자신의 것이 되기도 했어요. 그래서 아끼고 사랑을 줬는데 날 떠났다. 나쁜 놈”  

“방지는 이방원과 동지애는 있어도 우정은 없어요. 다른 배를 타는 순간 그 어떤 우정도 없어지는 관계라고 생각했어요. 요한 씨와는 실제로는 좋은 관계인데 극 중 틀어진 뒤로 자주 못 보니까 뭔가 어색해졌어요”  

“영 규형에게는 모든 것을 보여줄 수 있었던 이방원의 완전한 사람이었어요. 난세 중 서로에게 의지한 베스트 프렌드. 영규 형의 죽음으로 마음의 안식처가 없어졌다고 생각하고 연기했어요. ‘왕자의 난’ 중 판타지처럼 잠시 방원이 옆에 등장했는데, 그 때 뭉클했어요. 가장 좋아하는 신 중 하나다. 민성욱 선배와도 크게 교감했어요”

Original interview http://www.starseoultv.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=394019

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@oohhkkay Thank you so much for the translations - it made me tear up too... especially when he explains YBW's relationship with JYG, with whom he need never be afraid of showing who and what he is inside.... so true, and YAI and MSW truly brought that relationship to life, and made us hurt all the more when JYG died.

Love how he scolded MH as a bad guy for leaving him... guess he couldn't help but be a little sore :D 

Incidentally, I really enjoyed reading your SFD Chinese essay... have you not thought of translating it to English for everyone here? :) 

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1 minute ago, liddi said:

@oohhkkay Thank you so much for the translations - it made me tear up too... especially when he explains YBW's relationship with JYG, with whom he need never be afraid of showing who and what he is inside.... so true, and YAI and MSW truly brought that relationship to life, and made us hurt all the more when JYG died.

Love how he scolded MH as a bad guy for leaving him... guess he couldn't help but be a little sore :D 

Incidentally, I really enjoyed reading your SFD Chinese essay... have you not thought of translating it to English for everyone here? :) 

Let me think for a while... I didn't it was necessary before because a lot of insight there was obtained from soompi actually and especially from homura as i am sure you have noticed, and in the Chinese discussions, there were much more limited because they didn't have the input like we have here.

I spent a whole day writing that on Friday... my friend said she could sense I got so tired by the end of my "essay" that those minor roles were not as well developed. hahahahaha. Let me see if I have the energy/mood to do it tomorrow, (my original plan was to spend my way tomorrow rewatching SFD, hahahahaha since it is Easter holiday here. haha.)

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Just now, liddi said:

@oohhkkay No pressures! SFD rewatching takes precedence for sure! :) I am a little different... wanting to dive into Tree rewatching, to see how differently I view the drama after all that we have seen in SFD. 

Tree somehow gave me not a very good feeling when I watched the first time before, I am still thinking if I should rewatch, I actually rewatch parts of it with the old BW earlier when I waited for the next eps of SFD. I think I may rewatch it after I rewatch SFD.

I actually also need to pack for Korea lol. haha, I am leaving for Korea the end of the week. Yay, going to see BW's tomb next week. (I am crazy I know lol)

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@oohhkkay Wow... I'm envious! Would love to visit Korea one day... of all the countries I've visited, somehow Korea has not been one of them yet. Hopefully one day soon.

I truly love Tree, and actually marathoned the last 14 episodes within 1.5 days :D I think watching it made me love and appreciate SFD all the more... because it gave me different insights to the characters I've come to know, love or fear in Tree, and rethink their point of views and perhaps try to understand, if not agree with how they handled things. By the same token, the long list of names that younger Yi Do narrated of those who died because of YBW, now have a face and reason behind their deaths, and certainly I feel that having watched one enriched the enjoyment of the other and vice versa. 

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