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[Drama 2015] My Love Eun-dong 사랑하는 은동아


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 If this was any other drama with any other OTP the crazy scheming and senseless opposition this relationship is facing would have turned me off weeks ago but ep after ep this series manages to keep things together with its writing, its directing and of course with its acting (JJM and KSR have some of the best chemistry I've ever seen in dramaland). Ep 7 and 8 are a fine example of this as much of what happened could have easily taken the makjang route with ED crying for 2 full ep and doing "the right thing" because she can't possibly betray her "loving family" but what we got was a determined woman who let everyone know things are about to change and started to slowly get back control of her own life. Sure, she didn't run back to HS like some of the fans might have wished but let's be honest, doing that after 10 yrs of marriage and not being entirely sure about her child's father (I'm thinking she's starting to have doubts about that already) would have been weird.

  The best part of the show and perhaps the main reason it works so well is of course the OTP (as many of the thread contributors have already mentioned) and I just have to give it up to JJM and KSR for the job they are doing here - the chemistry if off the charts and they genuinely seem to have fun together in a scene. It kind of makes you wonder why these 2 have been ignored by dramaland casting directors when it comes to lead roles, especially KSR (probably an age thing but that's another discussion for another time).

 Another thing that adds to the quality of the series is the humour that kind of sneaks up on us and always lightens the mood at just the right time - HS interactions with his team or ED and HS bickering like a young couple in the store. I think without these moments the story would be a little too "heavy" and certainly not as fun.

 My main concern with the story right now is the crazy opposition they are facing: we've got the douchebag husband and the "parents, the stalker CEO lady (Kim Yoo Ri has the worst luck with her characters) and now even the nice sister whom I genuinely liked seems to have joined this camp (the whole "you've got to get well for your wife" bit made that pretty clear). I trust the writer will come through with this part and the OTP does make it easy for us to ignore it so far but they better start working on this because as things are now even the cute manager/sidekick might turn on them at some point (JK this guy won't let his Hyung down :D ).

  All in all another 2 solid, "old school drama" kind of episodes that keep the story exciting and make us root for our star crossed OTP even more. Let's hope the second half of the story will stay this good and we get a good conclusion for our heroes (even if it's not the one we're hoping for :) )


P.S. Nice addition to the cast with the funny French accent girl just showing up out of nowhere -  she made me think about another good show which aired last year on jTBC - Yoona's Street :)

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Hi all,

I have been watching this drama since it aired, but avoided this thread for fear of spoilers. But the show is too good- I have to share!!!  This is first drama in a while where I am not just excited for new episodes, but nervous about what's going to happen. 

I have only back read last 10 or so pages, so forgive me if I repeat anything that has already been discussed:

Poor ED. While your heart breaks for EH losing his love, this woman is literally trying to piece her life and identity together. And feeling guilty on top of it because leaning on the only person in her life who is straight up with her equals infidelity. She must be feeling a million different emotions- especially lonely. 

My big question: what is everyone, including EH sister, trying to "protect" ED from? Is it about not damaging her family?  Or is there something painful we don't know about her relationship with EH?

I worry about this OTP. Even if all obstacles get cleared up, even if ED memory comes back fully, Is she really even ED anymore? What does that mean for their future?????

I'll be prepared with tissues for each episode of second half. 

Thanks for all your insights!


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I like this drama too. I find it light but intense at the same time. The story is quite good and unique. I love the way how it is being told.  

 - However I would just like to comment on @Teryn15 's comment regarding the adoptive father. I don;t think that there was sexual abuse, I believe it is more of using their adoptive daughter, Eun Dong  for career advancement .   The adoptive parents became selfish. Eun Dong since she is not blood related to them it was easier for them to make use of her. Sort of wanting a payback for the fact that they adopted her, gave her a family, shelter, food and cared for her ,sort of. 

 - the possibility of Ra il being Eun Ho/Park Hyun Soo's son is greater since a  lot of focus has been made on the fact that they slept together before the accident happened.                                                                                                          - I hope Eun Dong/Seo Jung Eun will get a DNA paternity test secretly for her son Ra il as this would also help her in her quest for the truth,  it  will prove/disprove  somehow the lies/claims of those around her. and proving who the real father is will in the end be the basis of her decision .If Eun Ho is the father she and her son goes to Eun Ho and divorces her husband. . If not, then she and her son  lives separately (divorces)  from the lying husband   Either way, she divorces the lying husband (by this time he has already fully recovered ). As it is now, he is hiding the fact that he is slowly recovering and is already able to use his right arm.  

It would be good to have a happily ever after ending for Eun Ho and Eun Dong.

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My two cents worth after watching the latest episode :


1) I don't think that ED's adoptive father abused her.  I agree with @seungshinl that the bruises and injuries reflect ED's childhood poverty (weak bones from poor calcium and vit D) and clumsiness (falling off her bike frequently) rather than something sinister. 

2) I believe RI is HS/EH's child.  The little nuggets of information left to us by our amazing writer (the way EH and RI both lie down with their legs up, the confirmation that ED and HS slept together in their 20s) are the pre-planted information when RI's birth secret inevitably comes out.  

3) When ED says to HS on the bus about their song, it was playing during their "first" was probably intended to point to music playing during their first time sleeping together, as HS then proceeded to say that he didn't remember the song initially as he was "being seduced by a nine tail fox and buried in the ground".  I think his description sounds more appropriate for a "first time together in bed" than a "first kiss in a phone booth".  I think the confusion comes from the fact that for Episode 2, they edited out the brief bed scene that was present in the webisode, and therefore created the confusion about "what song was playing in the phone booth?" when I think the original intent was for the song to be played during the bed scene and then have ED reference that event, but due to post-production the effect became different and everyone referred to the "first" as the kiss in the phone booth.

4) I think what everyone in their families want to "protect" is their perceived stability.   I think in Korean society (as with many Asian societies), for ED to leave her disabled husband with whom "she has a child" and be with a famous actor like EH is likely to leave bad impressions for both ED as a woman and EH as an actor, despite knowing or not knowing the backstory to their relationship.  It's not fair but that's the way it can be.  For EH's sister she may be doing it to protect her brother and patient from being hurt, for ED's father it may be to protect himself from being exposed for his wrong doing in creating a fake backstory to ED and JH's (not-)love story, for JH it will be to protect his current life with a wife and child where it will be difficult to have any prospects if she should leave him.

5) I've never commented much on SR, as I think of her purely as that hateful rich and unrepentant second lead villain that most kdramas have to have.  She is just extra annoying because she's so manipulative and ED and EH already have so many other obstacles to overcome.

6)  My favourite scene in ep 8 is when EH takes ED to the park outside the cinema near the phone booth towards the end and then holds her hand.  "This hand was mine 10 years ago"  Swoooon!!!  and I reckon the absolute confirmation that he knows that SHE knows that she is Eun Dong, even though she hasn't got all her memories back yet!


I am still loving the story development and pacing of this drama.  More impressive than any other drama I've watched so far.  And very appreciative of the lighter moments that are scattered throughout to lift the heaviness of some of the necessary scenes.  JJM does such a good job of EH being childish.  The scenes with him looking for clothes for the meal date, the noodle selca, and his clothes throwing tantrum at the kids clothes shop, mixed in with the swoon worthy scenes in the changing room where he calls her Eun Dong directly, his request for her not to sleep with her husband, and his cute smiles and looks when he was walking with ED in his hood makes this drama soooooo addictive!  Hope this continues as we get into the more angsty episodes to come.  Thank you for everyone's insights, it's making the viewing an even more enjoyable experience for me!

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@seungshinl, thank you for your illuminations. I loved the point you made about the "fence."

@lucy13880, thank you for all the goodies... stills, and netizen comments, and ratings info.

@jadecloud, I agree with you. I still feel sad for JH. The fact is, not only his body is crippled, so is his mind to have created that family that was not meant to be, while lying and eliciting guilt

@10192123sangre, I too hope JE/ED will do a paternity test, but I think it is too early for her, because she is just beginning to piece together her life and the lies she had been fed. I do not think the thought has occurred to her yet that RI may not be JH's son, but HS'/EH's son.



And her response...


And we finally got a glimpse of the man who have been following them and taking photos. I still do not understand what is it about him, that he is in SR's court and not in his friend's court... Can't be love of SR, because he should know that he has no chance with her. Is it because of her investments in the company? And what does he plan to do with these photos?



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Hi All,

This is my first time commenting on this thread. I am in trouble now because this drama makes me think and care about its story and characters. :) The drama has created attachment that I haven't experienced since Healer. It's the best drama that is airing right now.

A couple of points that I just felt I want to get them off my chest and get your opinion:

1. I felt that the teen ED is slightly different in character as compared to 20s and 30s ED. The teen ED is more serious and matured beyond her age, on the other hand 20s and 30s ED seem to be closer in characterisation - passionate, fun, and reckless at times as she follows her hearts. This could be to do more of the child actress that potrays ED rather than the characterisation in the story?

2. In Episode 8, when they had their dinner date, I thought that EH knew already that JE knew that she was ED, that's why when he drove her home, he said not to sleep with her husband. But I guess I was wrong, because it was in later scene (in the clothing shop) that EH knew and confirmed it with EH.

3. Is there any indication that 20s ED may already date/like her Choi husband before EH appeared? It doesn't seem to be the case to me, but if the 20s ED liked Choi before her meeting again with EH, it may complicate ED and EH's love story.

My apology if these have been discussed before and if that was the case, please ignore them. I may not be able too active in posting comments due to RL, but love reading all  your comments/ thoughts on this wonderful drama.


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1. I felt that the teen ED is slightly different in character as compared to 20s and 30s ED. The teen ED is more serious and matured beyond her age, on the other hand 20s and 30s ED seem to be closer in characterisation - passionate, fun, and reckless at times as she follows her hearts. This could be to do more of the child actress that potrays ED rather than the characterisation in the story?

Regarding your first point, it just show the significance of the impact HS had in ED's life, the ED in her 10's had HS all to himself without any extra forces influencing their relationship, their relationship was smooth sailing,something the latter ED's didn't have the privilege to have with her having a boyfriend in her 20's and a husband in her 30's.

The 10's ED could enjoy HS to her heart content knowing that she was all his while the latter ED's(20's and 30's) must have felt some pressure because of their situation and since it was natural for her to love HS so in an effort to stay true to her self, it must have come as been passionate, fun, and reckless at times when she follows her hearts.

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I love episode 8 and the many many scenes in it.

The hand-holding scene, just like their first date in the 20s, brings a big smile to face when I see Eun Ho hesitating and then finally holding her hand with a heart-fluttering smile.

Eun Ho in the car with ED, still being that hot-tempered Hyun Soo, getting angry for the unfairness of life and fate that having found ED, she is unable to remember him. That heart-wrenching plea with JE/ED to please find ED for him!

EH losing his cool at the clothing store when JE/ED asked him how he could be sure that ED was not dating someone else.

While JE now knows she is ED with some memory of bits here and there, wait till she remembers everything and the chemistry between EH and ED will explode!


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cr. Viki.com


This Viki translation hits the point and conveys the intended meaning but it is a little different from what the father actually said in Korean.


The father said 'You, Jung Eun and Ra il are a family living inside of a fence (울타리 - wool-ta-ri).  No one can break that (fence).'


This is very interesting.  Isn't that so telling the writer/father did not come out and say 'you are Ra il's father' or 'you and Eun Dong are parents of Rail' "you are a family so the man can't break up your family?'  He did not.


Instead what the father said leaves a room for possibility JH's family has been put together in one of many ways and they are sheltered inside (around) of a fence (e.g. the shelter created by the father with their lies). And that the man can't break down the fence.


So hopefully this sheds new light on this debate and perhaps take it to a different direction.  I'm sorry about the spello.




Regarding ED's problems the writer stated she has weak bones, looks like she was born with it and she needs to take calcium supplements (hence the goat milk).  Poor people do not have access to milk readily which is expensive in Korea and we all know how poor ED and her granny were when EH met them.  


I agree ED seemed to be scared of her step father in few shots but I don't believe it had anything to do with abuse.  She stayed out over nite (after the phone booth kiss) and we know she was with EH.  A  lot of young ladies would be in hot water for doing that I know I was.  She also went away on a weekend visit to Namhae.  Many parents do not support that in Korea.  I was not allowed to go even if it were among church friends.  All the relevant father/ED scenes were in EP 2 which fits this story line.   I don't believe just based on what we saw it suggests physical or sexual abuse.


We know the father basically destroyed ED's life in other real ways.  He did that by neglect and non-interest rather than abuse in my opinion.  He could not care less about the well being of Eun Dong.  They were probably a childless couple (infertility perhaps) and adopted ED.  Looks like the mother wanted a child more than the father.  Father did not have bonded with ED at all.  


I feel the father considers JH to be his son, his child, as well as his best student.  He sacrificed his daughter to 'create a family' for JH and 'built them a fence' they could live in.


Why does JH keeps saying 'you made me do it?' to ED.  JH has a mindset in the same place where Seo Ryung is now.  Whatever ill she may do against ED or EH she will end up saying 'you made me do it.'  All the saguk people seem to say 'you made me do it' after they slash and poison thousands of people.  I don't understand this mind set but this is not new in a Kdrama character.


JH is saying you didn't love me when I loved you, you made me get into the car accident, you made me lose my career and because of that your father 'created a life for us.'  Not my fault, it's your fault. It's too late to change so just lump it.

@seungshinl,  Hi. I think the last time I really camp in a thread was KMHM. Now MLED I have to agree with this post yesterday I threw a lot of speculations out there but still can't come to a good understanding until the writers shows us what ED do that makes everyone blame her.. I'm more incline to believe that adopted scared once her memories return and if EH finds out RA II is his she will loose her daughter and G/son..   

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  I have a feeling that EH will connect the dotThe only way he could think he is prob only if stepdad Seo lied to Jae Ho whenever the pregnancy was discovered. And that is only if Jae Ho ever had a chance to be intimate with Eun Dong before the accident. From what we've seen, no chance. But then again, only a flashback will tell us clearly what their backstory is.s. In this episode at one point he was angry telling JE that ED had another man's child. If he only knew he might need to change it to "having another man raising his child",  but later we see him looking at RI's photo. I almost expect that RI looks similar to how HS looked at that age, and then something will click.. maybe..


Morning All,


@Jadecloud,  Hi  You Said:    The only way he could think he is prob only if stepdad Seo lied to Jae Ho whenever the pregnancy was discovered. And that is only if Jae Ho ever had a chance to be intimate with Eun Dong before the accident. From what we've seen, no chance. But then again, only a flashback will tell us clearly what their backstory is.


Most likely EH was never intimate with JH I think if that had happen it was forced but I don't see ED keeping quite about something like that but then again knowing adopted he would have let it go because it would ruin JH career  and dad wasn't going to allow that o she is blamed for this accident and is career going down the drain supposedly at her fault.. 


SR I find her evil waiting to happen the more she sends he boy toy out to keep track of EH every move and see he spends as much time with ED as possible the more angrier she'll become looking at those pictures and in one of her lonely for him drunk moments she's going to do something crazy and I hope EH don't get stuck with taking care of her because that would be fatal..      


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Guest vvpal

EH is definitely suspicious (or at least beginning to suspect) of RI's parentage because he has studied his photo in at least 2 scenes. I hope the truth comes out quickly although I doubt it will be the next 2 episodes because the truth, which I'm convinced RI is EH's child, will mean that's not much more holding everyone back and we can just wrap up the show in 10 episodes.

So I think the focus of the next 2 episodes will be more dating (YIPPEE!), the dad-JH conflict and HA-SR interference. Yes, I think HA will interfere because there's always at least one noble idiot in every show and it looks like SR has hooked her on her scheme.

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EH is definitely suspicious (or at least beginning to suspect) of RI's parentage because he has studied his photo in at least 2 scenes. I hope the truth comes out quickly although I doubt it will be the next 2 episodes because the truth, which I'm convinced RI is EH's child, will mean that's not much more holding everyone back and we can just wrap up the show in 10 episodes.

So I think the focus of the next 2 episodes will be more dating (YIPPEE!), the dad-JH conflict and HA-SR interference. Yes, I think HA will interfere because there's always at least one noble idiot in every show and it looks like SR has hooked her on her scheme.

@vvpal,   I don't think HA will be a big problem actually she will be more help to RA II getting him adjusting to his new family RA II seems to like her daughter (his cousin) so I see this as a plus maybe she'll move back home and with both G/Kids in the house the G/Parents will become a lot happier.. With him and his cousin in the same school he will become more active and social.. RA II is to closed off to be such  young child he has no friends and cousin can help him get in touch with himself and his surroundings.. JH and the adopted family will be out Koreans are huge on family and especially males and if RA II is indeed EH child after ll they done it's no way they can even attempt to try and keep him placed with JH these people don't have a legal ground to stand on..      

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So after finally watching episode 8 with subs (I know how could I stand it) my initial impression that Choi and the step parents are despicable people who purposely took advantage of ED's amnesia and lied to her to create a reality they wished for has only been reinforced.  Though we may get more enlightenment in future flashbacks from what's been shown it's pretty clear that:

ED was never in love with Choi and not intimate with him.  It's very telling that even after ten years of being told she was madly in love with Choi and had a child with him that her apparent feelings for him are still very platonic.  I think if she ever had more than platonic friendly feelings for him she would be able to muster up something more than a pat on the back hug.  I think she was empathetic in her memory loss but as the magnitude of their deception becomes more apparent that will change.  It appears that her father tried to push her into a relationship with Choi. I think there were two reasons he did this: because he genuinely like Choi and saw him as the son he never had and because they could be a package deal when the baseball teams were recruiting Choi to the major leagues.

That after the accident the trio (Choi & parents) tried everything in their power to try to keep her amnesia intact.  They lied to her and shipped her off to America to convince her that it was where she was raised.  I'm a little confused on how they are actually married because according to what they have told her it would seem that their story to her was that they married right out of High School so it would have been weird for her to marry again. 

I felt so bad for ED when she was begging for Choi and her mother to tell her the truth and they were like no we know what's best.  They are panicked because they know when the truth comes out they will lose everything.  I just don't know how they can tell her to her face that we lied to you and we're not going to tell you the truth. They now know that she knows she's been lied to just not the extent.

I won't feel any empathy in the least when their fantasy come crashing down on them. Mom's I'm sorry and Choi's I'm sorry I loved you is so insincere, what they mean is I'm so sorry I've been caught poor pitiful me.

Regarding HA, I don't think it's clear yet what she meant by protecting ED, it could be taken a couple of different ways. I'll reserve judgement until it's more clear.


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What about the ratings? Anyone could post?^^


Many K-netizens said it's weird that this drama's ratings not that high as they expected. I also read from MLE JTBC official site that one says 'Why 1.5%? The search ranking is No.3 (at that time).' I think MLE will get higher ratings next week for Producers finally finishes airing.

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@lucy13880 Thanks a lot! I think that it's enough 'cause Falling for innocence also had the same rating and was an amazing drama *__*

I think this drama should get the chance to break 2% or even higher. The acting, directing and script deserve that. 


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