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[Drama 2016] Descendants of the Sun 태양의 후예


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26 minutes ago, phikyl said:

@gilaswan Actually, I had a couple ideas for posts to make [like discussing scene parallels and such] after we finished the re-watch but I'm not sure how interested in them people would be. Anyone who is still here after another 8 weeks though is probably not going anywhere. :phew:

Hahaha... I know right? I hung around on the YongPal thread for a long time too... But DOTS has certainly left me a lot more for whatever it is I think I'm analysing than YongPal did. I think the production team for DOTS was just awesome. The director really took drama production and filming to a new height. I'm not sure how anyone can beat the mark he's set, honestly. Not like I know much about film and VA and all that, but just from a regular viewer's perspective, it's as my friend put it, "Watching a mini movie every episode." So epic, each episode. So many things to look at. So many things to think about just from the artistic and production perspective. Nevermind the story. That can wait. Hahaha... Now, every other drama I watch seems so visually flat. Does anyone else feel that?

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@mabelialong I love all these calendars! I'm never going to be able to just stick to one though. 

Would it be alright for me to make a pic request for a calendar [if you haven't done this scene already]?


I think this scene of MY hugging SJ would make a gorgeous calendar backdrop. Unfortunately I only have a gif, not a picture. :sweatingbullets:

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@gilaswan Yes! I feel that way too with other dramas right now. I also feel like the relationships they depict in other shows are really one dimensional [with a few exceptions]. Nothing can really compare to the complex, adult relationship between Beauty & Big Boss. :wub:

This show has become the new benchmark for adult relationships in shows to me. It would be amazing if more producing teams started to follow DotS rather than sticking to the usual relationship plotlines. The ratings say that many others agree with me as well. There's no way the 30% [at certain times close to 50%] viewership ratings had nothing to do with how the MY/SJ relationship was portrayed. 

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51 minutes ago, phikyl said:

@gilaswan Actually, I had a couple ideas for posts to make [like discussing scene parallels and such] after we finished the re-watch but I'm not sure how interested in them people would be. Anyone who is still here after another 8 weeks though is probably not going anywhere. :phew:


I'm totally up for such a discussion.  Let's do it.  I feel pretty confident there will be plenty of us still around in 8 weeks, and once my project's over on Monday, I'm on board to catch up with the week-to-week rewatch (although, like everyone else, I can't promise to stop there) . . .

(Also, we love your long posts!)


22 minutes ago, gilaswan said:

I think the production team for DOTS was just awesome. The director really took drama production and filming to a new height. I'm not sure how anyone can beat the mark he's set, honestly. Not like I know much about film and VA and all that, but just from a regular viewer's perspective, it's as my friend put it, "Watching a mini movie every episode." So epic, each episode. So many things to look at. So many things to think about just from the artistic and production perspective. Nevermind the story. That can wait. Hahaha... Now, every other drama I watch seems so visually flat. Does anyone else feel that?


*raises hand*  I've been describing DotS to my friends as a well-done summer blockbuster movie except that, instead of it being over in 2 hours, it's 16 hours of awesomeness.  It makes sense given DotS was produced by a film company; they have that experience.  But it definitely raised the bar.  The only question is, will other dramas be able to meet that bar?  A production like DotS required a big budget and while, I think it's success gives other dramas confidence to try and do the same, not every drama is going to be able to succeed in the same way. 

As for your OT question, I googled and it looks like there are Laneige counters in Surabaya so maybe they might have the lipstick you're looking for?  Good-luck and safe travels this week!

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15 hours ago, gilaswan said:

*cue the curtain scene* 

She looks at him, and she's still irritated; he looks at her and he no longer listens to SDY who's still trying to solve the how-do-I-get-my-phone-back problem:

SDY: Seeing that he left the phone here, I think he made a run for it

YSJ: Yes, I think he made a run for it

SDY: Why don't we go outside and look for him? He couldn't have gone far.

YSJ: Yes, he couldn't have gone far. Why don't you go and find him.

All this while, SDY and YSJ are looking in KMY's direction, but see how differently their eyes speak! SDY is thinking about how to solve the handphone problem; YSJ is thinking about how to solve the KMY problem. :D And it doesn't take long for his best friend to notice it. SDY gives him the "What the..." look. My phone, bro, focus! My phone! And because the bro code at this point is still stronger than a girl he's met for the first time, he reluctantly follows SDY out in search of KKB.

I'm so sorry to cut your post @gilaswan so I don't take much space for my post. This part makes me LOL'ing so hard, people might think I'm crazy laughing at my screen :joy: OMG. The way you describe the scene is totally hilarious, how SDY focus on solving his phone problem while YSJ, just in a matter of minutes forgets all of those bcos of MY, LOL some more :joy: This is exactly how I know he's smitten by her. The look on his eyes. If we will discuss about the gaze, it will take us pages. 

I guess no one ever ignored him before, this intrigued him. This girl is not easy, indeed...lol


Let me post this once more, smitten SJ :wub:  SDY looked like he's ready to smack his head, lol


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“Descendants Of The Sun” Actress Seo Jeong Yeon Joins YG Entertainment

“Descendants Of The Sun” Actress Seo Jeong Yeon Joins YG Entertainment

There’s another new member of the YG family!

Only days after it was announced that actor Lee Jong Suk joined YG Entertainment, it has been revealed that actress Seo Jeong Yeon is also now housed under the agency.

On May 14, YG Entertainment confirmed that Seo Jeong Yeon signed a contract with them in early May.

YG Entertainment has been recruiting actors and actresses since 2013, expanding beyond its image as an agency for musicians. Currently, the label houses top talent such as Cha Seung WonChoi Ji WooKang Dong WonKim Hee Ae, and plenty more.

Seo Jeong Yeon recently played the role of Ha Ja Ae on the hit drama “Descendants of the Sun.” She has previously appeared in other popular dramas such as “Heard It Through the Grapevine,” and “She Was Pretty.”



Seems like YG do a BIG recruiting this year.... Lee Jong Suk, Sech Kies and now our nurse Ha join their club too.... congrats eonnie 

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15 hours ago, CatWhiskers said:

You can see that YSJ is pretty jealous about it. He was being quite petty during the scene in the car when he was "forced" to take KMY to town for wifi. It was quite funny actually.  She is not his gf. They barely had anything together except for some failed dates and mutual physical attraction.

I thought I had replied to this earlier but it looks like I didn't. My apologies! I love jealous SJ. It's really hard at those times to tell that he's the captain of a special forces team because he gets so childish. I can't even count the number of times we see SJ pout but all of those times involved MY with another guy [or guys if you count the doves].

He's such a child when it comes to getting the "competition" out of the way too. "MY isn't paying attention to me when I'm trying to figure out her schedule? Oh I'll just send all my guys back to the barracks so she HAS to look at me!" Bwahahaha!

@themarchioness Yay! At least I know I won't be talking to myself! :P 


Re-watching 1 & 2 again and I'm curious: Why do you guys think that SJ can read MY so well and vice versa? I refuse to believe that MY is just predictable because there's no way Big Boss would be interested in a boring, predictable woman. :lol: Even from the beginning of their relationship, SJ always seems to know what MY is thinking and MY can tell what he's thinking too.

SJ "Why did you become a doctor?"

MY "Because I was good in school."

SJ "That's very convincing."


MY "Don't ask. You look like you're just dying to tease me" 

SJ "It's just a handsome face....Maybe I should get water [instead of coffee at the movies]"

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1 hour ago, gilaswan said:

Now, every other drama I watch seems so visually flat. Does anyone else feel that?


47 minutes ago, phikyl said:

@gilaswan Yes! I feel that way too with other dramas right now. I also feel like the relationships they depict in other shows are really one dimensional [with a few exceptions]. Nothing can really compare to the complex, adult relationship between Beauty & Big Boss. :wub:

Guess what, I haven't even started another drama after DOTS :bawling:  I keep replaying the episodes. 


You guys are right, it feels like watching a movie in each episodes. And I don't know if I can find other drama as this quality as DOTS anytime soon, they have set the bar high. From the mature love story to the wonderful directing and awesome cinematography. It's a complete package. 


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Kim Ji Won Talks About Jin Goo’s True Personality At “Descendants Of The Sun” OST Concert

Kim Ji Won Talks About Jin Goo’s True Personality At “Descendants Of The Sun” OST Concert

At the OST concert for the hit drama “Descendants of the Sun” on May 14 in Seoul, actress Kim Ji Won shared some insights into her co-star and love interest in the show Jin Goo.

The pair reenacted a popular scene from the drama for fans in the audience. When asked how similar Jin Goo is to his character Seo Dae Young, Kim Ji Won replies, “About 50 percent.”

She adds, “He would suddenly change 100 percent in Seo Dae Young when we were filming, but usually he has a boyish charm.” Kim Ji Won goes on to joke, “He’s like what he looks like when he dances along to Red Velvet’s ‘Dumb Dumb.’” Red Velvet made a special cameo in the final episode of “Descendants of the Sun,” and Jin Goo later danced to “Dumb Dumb” on May 1′s episode of “Running Man.”

The audience then asks him to dance, but Jin Goo dodges their request by saying, “Unfortunately the song hasn’t been prepared, so I can’t.”

Kim Ji Won also says that Jin Goo is similar to his character in the way that he loves his wife.



Let's see his dance once more time



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"Unfortunately the song hasn't been prepared so I can't [dance]" :lol: In this technological age? Likely excuse! I'm sure a fan could have pulled the song up on their phone in 30 seconds flat!

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Assaaa... finally I can submit my first report on group-rewatch team :) 

I jump into episode 3 for the first report, and slit it into 3 batch. and this is my first batch.... hope you all like it ;) 


My Highlight on DOTS episode 3.

KANG MO YEON (1st batch – The Arrival)

I’d like to write about her this time, why? Because in this episode the pillar is on KMY emotion on re-meeting with the man she dumped and get tangled more closer.

In first scene it was obvious she was surprised to see him coming out from the plane. Never thought that she will meet him again specially in this other part of the world. She came to Urk with awfull feeling. She get there as her punishment to reject and hit the chairman Han (at least that what dr. Song said)

Image result for descendants of the sun episode 3Image result for descendants of the sun episode 3

Even thou she was surprise to see YSJ again she also find it complex on what she’s gonna do or act. In the passing by scene we saw she follow him with her eyes, while YSJ keep walking pass her by. And when YSJ come to her to hand over the scarf, she just stoned without knowing what to say, either she has to say hi or say nothing at all. And with her nature she choose to say nothing at all.

Image result for descendants of the sun episode 3

Come into the base, her mood just gotten worse. She just want to get this volunteer over in no time. Another bad timing is coming again, she meet YSJ in front of the house base but YSJ keep walking and ignore her.

Did he really not see me, or is he pretending he didn’t

  Image result for descendants of the sun episode 3  

That line picture how uneasy she is with the situation happen between her and YSJ.

And the landmine when YSJ approaching her due the children crowd scene, KMY want to pay his “ignorance” back by quick leaving him from the site,

“I’m leaving first” she said, but poor KMY... she got into YSJ trap of joke.

Image result for descendants of the sun episode 3Image result for descendants of the sun episode 3

After her bad mood all day, arriving in another part of the world, and ignorance act by YSJ... the joke that thrown by YSJ at her make her explode.


After found out that it’s just a joke she explode. She cry.. not only because the joke but more because of what she already been through all day. She need that cry in my opinion, and it help her to set her emotion back in track. Proven by how quick she also forgive YSJ after admitting that his joke is way out of line.

YSJ : “ Wait I’m sory

YSJ : “My joke went too far because I’m used to only spending time with the guys

YSJ : “I’m really sorry

And with calmer face KMY reply

I understand

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31 minutes ago, Yippeuni said:

After found out that it’s just a joke she explode. She cry.. not only because the joke but more because of what she already been through all day. She need that cry in my opinion, and it help her to set her emotion back in track. Proven by how quick she also forgive YSJ after admitting that his joke is way out of line.

She forgave him quickly in words but she was still holding it against him the next day. She singled him out to be her pincushion in front of the other soldiers on purpose. Lol! I really like it that MY still has her childish moments, just like SJ does. It makes them both seem more real because lets be honest, what adult hasn't done some similar petty gestures of retaliation/jealousy? :P

I agree that everything piled on top of her that day was just too much and SJ's landmine joke pushed MY over the edge. There's another thing that I would add in to the list of things pressuring her that day too; Director Han's phone call. Director Han forcing MY to talk to him via Dr. Song's phone made it impossible for MY to get out of the conversation without the rest of her team hearing about the hotel issue between MY and Director Han. She knows her team so she most likely also knew they would gossip about it. What she didn't expect was that the phone conversation would just be the first of many "bad timing" moments that day. 

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@phikyl Can I just say how much I love your explanation behind SJ's gaze towards MY when he and the entire Alpha Team had returned to Urk during the earthquake? Everything was just so on point :) You can really see that the moment SJ and MY's eyes meet, you can feel the longing from the both of them. Aside from that, you can also see relief on SJ's side in the sense that nothing bad had happened to the love of his life while he was away, and MY had also felt that kind of relief in the sense that SJ has now returned to Urk to once again, save the day. Hahaha! Omo where can I find a knight in shining armor like YSJ ;__________;

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@annettegatuslao Thanks! :D

I really wanted to go more into the longing/elation that passed between the two of them and MY's own reaction to SJ's arrival but that meant bringing an analysis of MY's gaze into the post when I was trying to stick to just SJ. Maybe I'll do an analysis of MY's gaze in that scene another day. Either way, I'm sure I'll mention it again when we get to Ep 6 because I love that scene just as much as everyone else does. Lol!

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20 hours ago, gilaswan said:


In Episode 1, when Yoo SiJin first encounters Kang MoYeon, he regards her like any other person he meets for the first time. His focus is on recovering Seo DaeYoung's phone and does nothing more than answer her questions:

"Are you Big Boss?" - Yes

"Are you his guardian?" - Not his, but the phone's (i.e. if we could just get the phone back, we would be out of here, thank you.)

But she ignores him immediately after he tells her what he's there for and switches her attention straight back to the patient she was with; he had assumed it would be a quick and easy assignment to complete but he was wrong. At that very moment when she ignores him, see how his regard for her changes with that little raising of his brow as if to say, "This one's not easy." Her strength of character and presence immediately catches his attention but he is not yet intrigued.

He watches her work as she questions the nurse on where Kim KiBeom had run to, and he tries his luck again with the phone. His focus is still on retrieving the phone and she is at this point a challenge to this puzzle - how to get the phone back? Game on. 

See how he pushes Nurse Choi MinJi to the side just to get into a position where he can catch KMY's eyes. He's impatient and honestly somewhat obnoxious here and CMJ is none too pleased about being shoved by him. YSJ is an army captain and is not used to not getting an immediate response to a simple order - give me back my phone. So he continues being this obnoxious male:

"Are you listening to me?" 

And the brilliant response from KMY? Of course I'm not listening to you, you self-absorbed person of the male type! She doesn't answer his question and merely throws another question back at him - she's on her own mission to fact find: Are you a thug? Cos if you are, I'm not letting you leave the hospital after you assaulted someone! We see KMY is someone who has a strong sense of social justice here, aaaaaannnd... he is hooked. The man has taken the bait which KMY doesn't even realise she's thrown at him! His eyes now show intrigue with KMY. The retrieving of the phone is no longer the puzzle - she is.

*cue the curtain scene* 

She looks at him, and she's still irritated; he looks at her and he no longer listens to SDY who's still trying to solve the how-do-I-get-my-phone-back problem:

SDY: Seeing that he left the phone here, I think he made a run for it

YSJ: Yes, I think he made a run for it

SDY: Why don't we go outside and look for him? He couldn't have gone far.

YSJ: Yes, he couldn't have gone far. Why don't you go and find him.

All this while, SDY and YSJ are looking in KMY's direction, but see how differently their eyes speak! SDY is thinking about how to solve the handphone problem; YSJ is thinking about how to solve the KMY problem. :D And it doesn't take long for his best friend to notice it. SDY gives him the "What the..." look. My phone, bro, focus! My phone! And because the bro code at this point is still stronger than a girl he's met for the first time, he reluctantly follows SDY out in search of KKB.



Did id somebody told you that you're so good, I'm reading all of your insight and fan fictions... You could be a writer or some sort! English is not my first language so I wasn't able to express my feeling or words of appreciation to your insight properly... Please keep it coming xx 


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@phikyl Your analysis is spot on. See this is why i have a hard time moving on from dots and this thread. You people here have a excellent way of writing and your deep thoughts on each and every scene makes me want to watch that scene again.

Thatswhy iam more excited about this weekly rewatching assignment, i can get to read your detailed analysis on every scene and all the characters

So iam thankful to all the lovely posters (@gilaswan@themarchioness @CatWhiskers @kristy86 @mellisala and many others) who keeps this thread going.

Lastly this is one of my fav moments among many others in the drama


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