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[Drama 2016] Descendants of the Sun 태양의 후예


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2 hours ago, lizzzie said:

Nothing major but thought t'd be interesting to share! 

I realised that the dates in the series don't really match up. 

1. Argus' death: 3rd March 2016

2. MJ transferred back to Urk: 30th Nov 2015


I've spotted more but totally forgot which scene/episode it was. 

And am I the only one who likes to spot continuity mistakes? Haha the things you notice you watch an episode multiple times! 

Here's one from Epi 13! 

  Hide contents


She bit into the middle but

Next shot shows the corner of the sandwich gone 



Omooo.... This is a very funny findings so far..... Lol lol lol

someone who did dots production surely need to monitor this forum and laugh to him/her self about this...

Omona... SDY math disease is very contagious.... 

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6 hours ago, joongkyo said:



thanks @melissala for the article link http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=382&aid=0000466564



whaaaat?? i'm ready for new news and pic  :phew: :phew:

our song - song will reunite again tonight, right? :wub:

in my question list by email to jherald, i even asking about if the cast watches the drama together. and it happened :lol:


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The "when did you meet MyeongJoo" scene is just so funny. Classic SDY-blurness coupled with YSJ-wit -- "I might just meet a girl a month ago whom I've been dating for a year too."

bwahahahahha!!! Best! I love them!!

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51 minutes ago, gilaswan said:

1. Truck went over a pothole and they lost their balance. She landed on top of him, so he gets hay on his hair and back, but then he flips her over, so she gets the hay on her back and hair. Hahaha

2. Dr Song's will for the nurse (aiyoh, I forgot her surname)

3. Someone speculated it was Northern Limit Line, the war movie about the Second Battle of Yeonpyeong starring Lee Hyun-woo and Jin Goo.

4. That might forever remain a mystery. Heh


Orginal questions from @SkyKid

3. I answered many pages ago, that the movie is likely to be Northern Limit Line, because it's being distributed by  Next Entertainment World (NEW), the same production/distribution company that produces DoTS. It was released around June-July 2015 (DoTS started filming in June 2015), and also a top-chart box office.

2. The folder would contain Nurse Ja Ae's pics, secretly taken by Dr. Song. That would be sweet.

1. About the hays, hmmm..maybe @gilaswan would care to write another awesome fanfic about those lucky hays? :))

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43 minutes ago, sanaeozora said:

I haven't back read yet but having watched the episode with the subs, there are two things which I absolutely loved:

Dr Kang joining a 'Soldier's Girlfriends/Wives Social Group'...that's SO MUCH like her! I found that hilariously cute.

Also, I loved that they got the whole Shi-jin NOT really being dead within the same episode. I feared for my heart that we would not see him come back and that we'd leave Mo-yeon suffering.

Speaking of suffering, and not understating how much of it Mo-yeon did, I am horrified about the things that Shi-jin and Dae-young had to go through in that year. After being mortally wounded, they probably were captured and kept prisoners for a very long time until they managed to escape or get somehow released. Also, judging by how badly he looked (I know, he was sexy as hell but they were trying to make it look like he had been through hell and back) I'm pretty sure the story he's going to tell is a deeply traumatic one. Just seeing his eyes when he saw Mo-yeon gave me goosebumps...the amount of pain was unreal.

And now, I seriously hope that in the next episode we'll see the OTP2 reuniting as well. I doubt they've killed Dae-young...after all, Jin Goo said the end was cool and/or refreshing, it depends on the translation, but in any case, I don't think he'd say something like that if his character was going to die a horrible death. If that's the case, he'd need to get his sense of perception checked. 

Also, I find it slightly amusing that I share birthday with Captain Argus....:sweatingbullets:


After reading your post on YSJ and SDY suffering and kept as prisoners, a funnie thought came into my mind. YSJ and SDY may be rescued or released with the help of the Arab secret service since YSJ did actually save their leader's life. Just a thought and my speculation, I may be wrong... lol...

Will try and watch online streaming tonight since its the finale...so going to miss this drama..4 more hours to go!

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1 minute ago, angelineong said:

I seriously hope KES gives Captain Yoo a promotion in episode 16. I can't bear to see Dr Kang crying and missing him again. (The same position as the 'stone fish' or 'puffer fish' soldier.)



Ditto!! My wish too exactly! He well-deserved it anyway.

And I am just a bit curious how they're gonna re-adjust the whole legal things with both Captain YSJ and SDY coming back to life. Of course it's not the main thing that I would like to see because who cares how the legal documents get done, right and seeing them kissing, hugging, making up and out are way more important on top of our list. And I think they will definitely tell how YSJ and SDY made it out alive in tonight's episode. I am so looking forward for it! Therefore, bring it on Episode 16! I am really sad it's ending but I am curious how it's gonna end. It's a mixed feeling really.

I am camping here extra early today because it's the finale and even though it's like less than 4 hours to go I am already putting aside all work. I am setting my tent early today to join them camping tonight too!

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Did anyone notice his jumper has the word "LONELY" written on it. He really needs someone to hold, hug and kiss him. Poor guy :lol:



@baykawaii I ordered the OST via YESASIA  link

@gilaswan haha what else is on YSJ's mind with "it's so early in the evening"...they are already in their early 30's and mother-in-law has no problem with him being naughty with her daughter. Writer-nim likes to play with words like "we communicate with our bodies when we have not say I love you to each other" (not exact form) in the preview as a voice-over the camping trip (an event that is suppose to bring their relationship to another level) but then those lines were used in their flashback café date instead. And the camping trip, I hope it won't be a flashback too, if the miracle reunion turned out to be just KMY's imagination/hallucination again (like a mirage in a desert)...so bad of me for saying that but only a few more hours and everything will be revealed. Can't believe it will be over today.....

@lclarakl Regarding the 3-Part-Special ... A rep from KBS announced on March 29, "KBS' 'Descendants of the Sun's special episodes will air from April 20-22 for 3 days straight. On the 20th and 21st, highlight episodes will air, while on the 22nd, a making-of epilogue will broadcast." source



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1 hour ago, baykawaii said:

Does anyone know where I can order the CD soundtrack? Has it been officially released yet?


You can get the official OST physical album for both Vol 1 and Vol 2 on Gmarket~ (Vol 2's release date is 22nd April).


38 minutes ago, utkim said:


Yes the article says that due to CF filming and overseas schedules the actors are not able to join in the gathering to watch the last episode together with the staff. :(

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11 minutes ago, utkim said:


yeah, just read this news too, as I understand they decided to cancel the meet up for final episode because the actors' schedule can't make it :tears:

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Hi everyone, just want to share some thoughts after watching the raw of ep15. Haven't seen any of the subs so my interpretion might be wrong. This is not a rant, but just some comments from someone not very well versed in Korean dramas... just consider me a casual drama watcher. Anyways...

In my humble opinion, the drama feels like it's going into the comic/videogame universe or something. Some small inconsistencies aside (which is totally ok btw), the drama has been fairly realistic. At least from episode 1-12... and then things started getting weird. For starters, YSJ came back from the dead and stood up and walked to the NK dude in the hospital and diffused the situation. And then he somehow managed to magically purge the bullets from his body. Man he makes a certain Man of Steel look weak seriously.

And then in ep 15 he gets shot. Multiple times. And after an undisclosed period of time later he appears in what seems to be the same desert looking perfectly fine. It's ok if he healed up over that period of time... but when KMY checks her phone, she saw that her messages have been read (I think). YSJ must have a phone with a mega battery that can last soooo long! Otherwise he must have had some means to charge his phone, and the desert doesnt look like it has any powerpoints nearby.

And he responded to her walkie talkie message, or something like that. So he's probably sitting under the sun waiting for KMY to say something onto a certain frequency and then respond and then dramatically appear.

And as someone mentioned somewhere, it doesn't make sense for him to go MIA for so long without a phone call or a message to KMY. You could argue he was captured and tortured... if that was the case, how does he still have a functioning phone with him?

Really hope this is explained in the last episode, cos at this point using the 'Sorry-I-need-to-fake-my-death-to-go-undercover' excuse would be weak in my opinion.

As much as I'm looking forward to the last episode, I really wouldn't be surprised if they said YSJ is of Kryptonian origin, or KMY fell asleep at the grave marker and it was all a dream, or YSJ starting the episode saying 'My name is Yoo Shi Jin. For 1 year I was stranded on a deserted desert with only one goal: survive....' (kudos if you get this reference btw).

So yeah... just some thoughts from ep 15. But if they are going to pull some stunts and make a strange ending, I guess we can just consider ep 12 the last episode for this drama.

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6 minutes ago, EclipseWF said:

Hi everyone, just want to share some thoughts after watching the raw of ep15. Haven't seen any of the subs so my interpretion might be wrong. This is not a rant, but just some comments from someone not very well versed in Korean dramas... just consider me a casual drama watcher. Anyways...

In my humble opinion, the drama feels like it's going into the comic/videogame universe or something. Some small inconsistencies aside (which is totally ok btw), the drama has been fairly realistic. At least from episode 1-12... and then things started getting weird. For starters, YSJ came back from the dead and stood up and walked to the NK dude in the hospital and diffused the situation. And then he somehow managed to magically purge the bullets from his body. Man he makes a certain Man of Steel look weak seriously.

And then in ep 15 he gets shot. Multiple times. And after an undisclosed period of time later he appears in what seems to be the same desert looking perfectly fine. It's ok if he healed up over that period of time... but when KMY checks her phone, she saw that her messages have been read (I think). YSJ must have a phone with a mega battery that can last soooo long! Otherwise he must have had some means to charge his phone, and the desert doesnt look like it has any powerpoints nearby.

And he responded to her walkie talkie message, or something like that. So he's probably sitting under the sun waiting for KMY to say something onto a certain frequency and then respond and then dramatically appear.

And as someone mentioned somewhere, it doesn't make sense for him to go MIA for so long without a phone call or a message to KMY. You could argue he was captured and tortured... if that was the case, how does he still have a functioning phone with him?

Really hope this is explained in the last episode, cos at this point using the 'Sorry-I-need-to-fake-my-death-to-go-undercover' excuse would be weak in my opinion.

As much as I'm looking forward to the last episode, I really wouldn't be surprised if they said YSJ is of Kryptonian origin, or KMY fell asleep at the grave marker and it was all a dream, or YSJ starting the episode saying 'My name is Yoo Shi Jin. For 1 year I was stranded on a deserted desert with only one goal: survive....' (kudos if you get this reference btw).

So yeah... just some thoughts from ep 15. But if they are going to pull some stunts and make a strange ending, I guess we can just consider ep 12 the last episode for this drama.

I dont know, but statement about he was being undercover mission its possible to be happen.. I dont think this statement weak.. It makes sense. Since we all know YSJ back as healthy person..(and his body was reported missing)..

added: i dont think SJ being shot multiple times..  I saw clearly he just got 1 shot. And the bullet pierce his body( i saw the blood come out straight with the bullet i think) i also saw, he got shot arround his shoulder, i dont think the shot killing him, instead he just fainted..

What im questioning is.... Why MY and SJ meet at albania (i forgot the country) ........ and SJ called her yepuni.. It seems he know everything about MY, also spying MY..@.@

but since this is kdrama.. It possible for SJ planned everything, so MY came to that country as volunteer doctor..so he can meet her..

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