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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook ❤ Park Min Young (ChangMin) ~HEALER couple~


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i just read that she won't be the lead actress in the chinese production, but it's going to be suzy....nooooooooooo


Wait, Suzy as female lead and youngi as d 2nd lead? I'm sorry, PMY has graduated from d school of 2nd leads.

With Suzy?what? Its weird. If this is true,I do not support it.no way,she deserves better.

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@mellinadear calm down darling, you misunderstood,  apparently CG is postponed or cancelled,  and there was a rumor that MY might start in another Chinese drama that was offered to Suzy, but we have no confirmation on any of them, and I think IF MY decides some day to act as a second leading lady in the future , I believe she would thought wisely about it and I would trust her decision , since she acts for acting and not to just be a star, so *crossing fingers* that we'll hear some news soon.

@amyR055 oh Amy, I love those articles, I remember he said that about PMY but I didn't read it in details like that. I agree and love what you said, actually I was thinking the same when I saw what MY told him, she can read and see the real him *swoon* so how not to fall with someone like that beats me, THATs IF he didn't fall for her, which I dont believe is the case each day.

Some people were overjoyed with him complaining about too much intimate scenes, I remember reading some posts about that. But at the time maybe I was one of the few who understood what he meant, I don't remember getting angry or sad at all. But I was so happy when things started to follow about him saying to his friend it was nice, and he continued to explain about not being bf/gf so it would be uncomfortable,  but sane people who enjoyed it ignored this *shrug* I'm just glad he said it on live TV recently .

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I love your post <3. I always want to write about what i think about his personality. i find it difficuft to describe. BUT WHAT YOU WRITED IS SIMILAR WITH MINE.

Some people said he is PBS in real life (even himself). I don't feel that way.

Of course he is dorky, likes to do ageyo but as you said it's more like the personal he want to show to other people so it will make them more comfortable

But behind a close door, he is one serious namja.  By being stubborn, that means he loves to be in controlled and he is not really open minded. He has his own way of doing things.

This. I think is very typical Cancer. I'm a Cancer too and just one day different with his birthday. I think Cancer has easy-going and gently appearance. It's a part of Cancer's personality but we are also very stubborn, tend to be the controller and lazy (Wookie once mentioned about his laziness in a interview which i forgot what it is haha)

I also be obsessed about the comfortable relationship. I want a boyfriend whom i can also be a friend with him. Beside the attraction, i also seek for the comfort.

Sincerity. He is a sincere person. What he says, i take them 90% reliable, the most for any celebrities i know, more than s.o i really love ( about remain 10%, you can't know clearly about anything even yourself right, you might confused s.t about yourself). I believe he always avoid telling lie.

Another thought:

I also think actor should not appear in variety show too frequently. It does harm their image. EX: SJH (not Seo Jung Hoo lol). Because i can see her every Saturday in RM, i can not watch her acting in normal way anymore since her character in RM is too strong. 

BUT for rarely join a variety show like that. He might feel he's not suitable with that kind of work. *eyesight MY* you too MY.

Edited by seinhi
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Wait, Suzy as female lead and youngi as d 2nd lead? I'm sorry, PMY has graduated from d school of 2nd leads.

With Suzy?what? Its weird. If this is true,I do not support it.no way,she deserves better.

Sz does not participate this drama and pmy is the female lead as i know. The shooting will start soon (23 may) lets see. I agree with reem, even if she will choose as second lead, there must be a reason.

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Guest amyR055

@Reemkanabta Same case as me. Previously I just read through the article,  I remembered being impressed about what was the reporter's impression about MY but I didn't really read in detail yet but luckily I've a habit of copy paste things I am interested in at that moment. No further confirmation needed, Healer did take over my life for few months. To tell you the truth after healer ended till now I didn't even watch a single drama yet.  So when @siptiamari talked a bit about reporter then I remembered about that article.

It was funny about how superficial people can be sometime. Jumping into conclusion and in rush to put article about him complaining about romance scene and about he denied dating PMY.   However, what can we say and we can never stop people from feigning ignorance and  putting a blinder in front of their eyes when the condition suited them.

@seinhi So glad there is someone who agreed with me on this personality thing. I thought I made up all of those by myself using my delulu brain. So you as a fellow cancer with JCW can relate to some of the things I said right. BTW you must be artistic too, since cancer loves art. About being lazy, yes he did admitted to it in one of the interviews but looking at his schedule nowadays I don't think he can even have time to spell word LAZY. lol

In this case you can't ship yourself with wookie, cancer vs. cancer, probably there will be clash of the titans if you guys meet since both are stubborn. :lol:

If I'm not mistaken, one of the cancer traits- before he/she opens his/her heart for romance, he/she will need a bit of reassurance first from the other party before they start pursuing because once they fall, they will fall hard. About being comfortable in romance, Pisces is just perfect for cancer because he/she loves partner who can lead and organized, there won't be an issue who should lead. Oh my now I am turning into a love counselor, before a wedding matchmaker. Better stop now. lol

@dandelionjd So that news is confirmed? If the shooting will start on 23 May, we can expect to see MY in these few days. Culture Depot is too quiet.. To think that agency only has two artists to manage. I really hope the agency is more active updating news about MY.

Edited by amyR055
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Guest agigomwookie0587

Hello everyone here...I read some topic here regarding noona's new rumors drama...OMG in behalf of my #changmin'tobe shippers too we beg to disagree if Noona accept the role...for sure lots of bugs'hers will make some noise...just to dragg Noona down... in the name that suzy declined the offer...hopefully Noona well do the same too...most of the paparazi are really thinking advantages and negative thoughts    most especially when the topics are really interesting... hoping that noona will read the opinions of their fans...and we're hoping too by next day she will be update and confirm her answer.

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@dandelionjd So that news is confirmed? If the shooting will start on 23 May, we can expect to see MY in these few days. Culture Depot is too quiet.. To think that agency only has two artists to manage. I really hope the agency is more active updating news about MY.

​reading here and there, the official statement has been not released yet but it seems the fans of both Min Young and Hans Zhang are quite excited about their working together as @mimi26 said on PMY thread and on twitter one of pmy fans said yesterday many marketing weibo revealed this news. The poster will be revealed today but idk with face or not. Me too a bit disappointed to depot culture.

Hello everyone here...I read some topic here regarding noona's new rumors drama...OMG in behalf of my #changmin'tobe shippers too we beg to disagree if Noona accept the role...for sure lots of bugs'hers will make some noise...just to dragg Noona down... in the name that suzy declined the offer...hopefully Noona well do the same too...most of the paparazi are really thinking advantages and negative thoughts    most especially when the topics are really interesting... hoping that noona will read the opinions of their fans...and we're hoping too by next day she will be update and confirm her answer.

​calm down sist, just trust our minyoungie ;)...

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chingus, trying to catch up with everyone's post ... 

@OdankItha haha ... i don't like scandals even if it's with wookie ... haha ... sorry wookie ... i'll post a photo of the room i stayed in in IG ... soooo 80's but the sheets smell good though ...

@tehlimau i was hoping to give everyone a view of what i am seeing first hand ... good thing we have technology to do this ... i am sharing the wealth to everyone :-)  although virtually ...

@ReemKanabta OMG, just the thought that he is in the same building makes me spazz ... shallow me ... let's spazz together virtually ... here's the link to the final version of the photobook - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B30sZjkPVey0Yl90VTBOSFcyUk0/view?usp=sharing 

@saeedeh happy to share my story with everyone ... thanks for wishing me well ...

i got back from jinju late last night ... after the 2pm performance i headed back to the hotel to collect my luggage and then head to the train station but unfortunately i missed it ... as i was searching for other options to get back to seoul, one fan from Taiwan came rushing to me and told me wookie just got in the building ... too late for me the elevator door closed ... and little bodyguard was laughing at my reaction how-can-i-miss-wookie expression ... other fans stayed and said he left the hotel at 8pm to catch a flight to seoul ... i can't hold the fort any longer and had to leave to catch my 8pm train ... that would have been a good opportunity for another close encounter because there were only a handful fans in the lobby ... oh well, that's okay, i already had my close encounter on saturday ... if ever, this would have been a bonus ... another big bonus ...

i will stop by glorious on wednesday to drop off some goodies that were in the delayed luggage and also meeting another fan from singapore to have coffee at coffee bay ... if i get reservations, i'll probably have lunch at miele in gangnam ... i may sit on a chair that wookie sat before ... hahaha ... this is too much!  sorry, i am having a wookie overload ... everything changed when i saw him in person ... i am like a crazy fool ... well, but i am on vacation and can accommodate this demeanor for now... once i am back to the US, i will have reel back to being serious and put wookie in the backburner ... 




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Min Young become 2nd lead actress,while Suzy the first??? Hmm... Impossible... I'm not willing it!!! And about Suzy n Chang Wook will working together in one frame,hmm,maybe it was based in this article... 


Well,I lauhged loud when read this article... I can't imagine Chang Wook face expression when he work together with his lover's ex gf... His lover??? Ooops... Soory for my hyper delulu... Qeqeqe

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Guest Voilla_amore

I've been really curious about her bracelet ......


pic not mine....

its look like love bracelet, ( okay...okay...don't kill me okay ?....) since I am insane and crazy and whatever every haters says...I admit it, bit still....still..still.....I couldn't get them out of my mind, and I bought 1 ticket to this Changmin Shipper, so I couldnt get out right ? I only have to be in this ship until the end....( whatever it means...).......


Well, why I bother with this bracelet ? I just realized it after I met with my cousin, and  she jut got her proposal, and she show me the couple love bracelet, that really really look like this one....jinja... It  have a diamond, and it hit me, how her bracelet just look like Uri mrs J2b.... well...she told me that this bracelet are couple with a ring ( for a men ) ......so........makes me wonder...........#sighed, I wish she allowed me to take a picture of her bracelet.


well.............this new soompi really really hate me...I've been kicked out several times....

I lost several posts, that I too lazy to remake.....................arrrggghhhh...I miss the Old Threats............ 

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Guest Voilla_amore

for everyones who miss uri Mrs J2B.....

hey! this is for my international fans. i&rsquo;m always thankful for your supports and love that u guys showed me muah♥

tumblr_nnj8nptBCI1ur5j77o1_500.jpgtumblr_nnj8nptBCI1ur5j77o2_500.jpgremember who also love to wear facemask ?

Her expression remind me of Uri Wookie.......cute, adorable plus adorkable and beautiful....


pics cr to owner



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@cmoirae2 looks like you are having loads of fun - thanks for updating us. @amyR055 wonderful analysis of the personalities of our ChangMin, gives me a fresh new insight!

@dandelionjd I hope sincerely PMY is not working with Suzy, media circus will go insane. 

@AnsOlga like Reem I love the edited pictures. Did you do it? If so, can I use them for my latest ff?

@all, halfway through the next ff - since I don't like things hanging, shall aim to finish in the next couple of hours!! (Even though I m supposed to be studying...)

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Guest Voilla_amore

@siptiamari : All the news about couple news ...he he he......

So...for a breaking the ice.........

I ship him with ......Yeo Seung Ho ...he he he...not in those kind relationship, but one of his best chemistry on air....

So far, Wookie very best Chemistry that I felt only with Seong Ho and of course Youngie...

5417da6af4d5bad3828f8b6901340f6e.jpga lovely bts.....

tumblr_nhxiotWQwT1sm54imo1_400.gifthe finest assasin who fell for his best friend


just check it out, but you can skip it.....

All those news remind me why I love JCW. I fell for him, and actually I ship him with......( relax....ladies..) with Yeo Seung Ho. Yup, it goes long time ago, in Sageuk . Their chemistry is one of the best. Seung Ho play the finest assasin that he only weakness is his own dear bestfriend Dong Soo ( JCW ). Yeo Seong Ho besotted look and smitten look toward Wookie is one of those.....

 I also remember that those time, many criticism for pd choices, coz Wookie will be the lead actor in this Epic Sageuk ( a very Long Sageuk....), although he already famous as 'Donghae'. Pdnim explained that he choose him, becoz his Megawatt smile. Turn out that he play a warrior that also being a weakness to one finest assasin. I watch this sageuk, but not finish it....coz after in the middle to end, the story went sour. If any of you curious about it, see for yourself.....why the great assasin failed several mission becoz of  his. 

Wookie also said that he learn a lots from Seung Ho ( Yeo Seung Ho is a famous child actor, a very very talented, that's why he goes beyond his age, and he also already done his MS ). This remind me how Wookie play as a Healer.....

tumblr_nhmjbdhI5J1sm54imo4_400.gif in this role, I understand what the pdnim said about megawatt smile

tumblr_mlxu3fARVQ1qju2iuo3_250.gifsmitten look....

tumblr_mlxu3fARVQ1qju2iuo1_250.gifbesotted look.....

tumblr_mlxu3fARVQ1qju2iuo6_250.giftheir chemistry is one of the best those times.....

all pics credit to owner


tumblr_m0hhqhycrj1rql8tuo1_500.jpglong ago.....


I want them to be pair again........

all pic cr to owner

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Guest adniRose

i loooove this IV..  almost all her comment just make me relate to someone.. lol

Minyoung love to cook, and she cooks at home.. yeah i think maybe when she's not busy.. her bf is going to be so lucky, especially if she has a bf who loves to eat.. remind me of someone *wink*wink*

the mc even ask "if you went to deserted island with celebrity friend", i just scream Ji Changwookkkkkk..!! lol

that freelancer thing also remind me of someone.. heeeee

and she said by 30, she wants to be associated by words of "actor who can trust and cast!"

she also wants to be someone who communicate truthfully, via acting AND people connection.. 

somehow all these point just hit me hard..!

didnt the directors and writer said this about her regarding Healer.. they can't even imagine any other actress who can play CYS just how PMY nailed it perfectly, which i think she already achieve that "trust and cast" points..

plus regarding trust, (put my shipper feels aside) i don't think these two can come out THAT beautiful on-screen if they dont have enough trust with each other off-screen.. especially when involving all those skinship stuff, you-know-how-it-can-be-risky-with-their-body-touching-and-all.. JCW worried about his female partner regarding this kind of thing (big applause for this gentleman), but then we see all their romantic and skinship scene come out so naturally like real lovers, isn't that just show how much she trust him, and also how he trust her as well to do her part.. their comfort level is just amazing..! and the communicate stuff, yeah, you guys have discuss that perfectly before..:)

i really admire PMY's lovely personality.. even the mc is kinda teasing her a bit, she just laugh it off wholeheartedly.. it's not hard to fall for her y'know.. but i think Minyoung is a girl who is easy-going and so bright outside, but somehow inside she's a lil bit cautious and closed, so not everyone can enter her heart easily.. well, hopefully that certain someone can..:wub: sorry for this long rant.. lol

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