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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook ❤ Park Min Young (ChangMin) ~HEALER couple~


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@all, here's a link to a more polished version of the photobook (episodes 1 to 10 complete, yay!)  fortunately for us it's in english but unfortunately for the healer cast ... perhaps i should put together one with korean translation but ... nah ... that's going to be a lot of work ... and it take years before i even get to comprehend hangul ... it's not an easy language ...


@reemkanabta i think this will be my last project related to healer/SJH/CYS ... i love being passionate about things i do but i think i have to draw a line and step back ... it was enjoyable though because as i read through healerites soompi comments, it brings me back to those times i was watching the healer broadcast ... it's also sad because some of the healerites have already moved on ... it's actually a lot of work but as i mentioned to @tehlimau i prefer holding a book and flipping pages than clicking online ... proudly analog ... :-)  @tehlimau thanks for offering snippets of your fanfic but as i was skimming through it i found 1 or 2 that i embedded in the photobook (with credit) ...

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@cmoirae2 love the photobook. When it is completed, I will definitely print it out for keepsake. :D 

@fyeahjcw another fantastic photo scandal to trigger the bursting blood vessels of other ships! They really do look like they belong together! We can only all pray that this will come true in a few years.

@amyR055 lol, I m her fan too, and it took me by surprise this actually happened. Arrows are fine - I have a thick hide. Lol.

so, I was actually DREAMING about the next fic last night. I will probably start writing after my class tonight, if I can control myself. Haha. 

Still so very quiet on the ChangMin front? They must be spending lots of quality time together!!!

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@cmoirae2. Love the the photo book , you have done a fantastic job at compiling the photos and quotes, I will definitely download it for safekeeping, thank you. 

@tehlimau when you print a book, don't forget to look for me , haha. Imagine if we were to put together a book of both your FF and C-strips as imagined by @ReemKanabta

@keemanjy_stv , buddy, you were totally hinting for a Cstrip with your name on it , haha :P

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@Ahpheng 's latest strip - Honey, Wookie, Love, just strip down, show us your back (in HD please) and we can verify if you have ONE or TWO moles. Or alternatively, you can show to PMY and she will inform us (I am gracious like that), during your One Night in Busan or 5 Nights in Seoul, or whatever rocks your boat.

Ok right, too much gray matter here - back to work (and studies), and typing notes for the next FF. :P

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Morning changminers

Yep in that hug at the rooftop they were definitely sitting open legs and attached together.  JCW spot doesn't matter here. It's freezing cold and they need to warm eachother so I don't believe MY will mind even if by any chance she felt something hard through her coat *Pervy mood go away* and so was the back hug at the end of working 15, lol

@tehlimau thanks again for you wonderful FF * bowing to you and to @Ahpheng* for keeping us entertained :x

Everyone just wanted to say that JCW  is staying until May 2nd not as I previously said he'll be leaving today. And he's having a fan meeting by day and Healer party at night, which makes me furious why no body else is going.

@ReemKanabta .. we were left feeling dismay of the non turnout of uri minyoung_shi at the end. what a let down. sigh

BTW Hiya everyone,

Miss mingling with all of you been away with hubby and kids and somehow hp and this temp tread just doesn't connect. Arrgghhhh. >:( >:( Well it took me a while to backread today, not that i mind because the sizzling content makes me want to fly high, it's too much to digest at one go and as usual your discussions and delulu mind are a riot hahahah ( as what @@keemanjy_stv said .. welcome aboard, we luv to have man's POV here hope more can come out and join the discussion and make more riot.hahahha)

aigoooo .. i got sooo much to say but first of all and quote all of you awesome ladies and gents for your analysis and summary.
@ReemKanabta as always you are daebakkkk, i always enjoy your post. and pmy picture before she cut her hair, wowww.. and that's a wow, she is simply gorgeous and with her no diva like attitude, she is almost perfect. No wonder jcw mesmerized and fall hard for her. even a female spesis like me admiring her beauty let alone a male gene.

@Ahpheng hahahaha .. u make my day with the comics can stop lol. simply entertaining.. i am one of your fans now hihi
@fyeahjcw ... argghhh why the emots bow to you no longer available, luvvvvvv your gifs. as we know slow gifs captures and reveal the secret uri couple intimacy and loving gaze and glance and all of it belongs to the perfect couple...arghhhh i am dead.

@AnsOlga @CrushOnHealer @Voilla_amore @Eileen531  it's always a pleasure to read all your postings and analysis. enjoying the pics too...muahsszzz

@amyR055 @keemanjy_stv .. can't count how many times we imagining them being together as real couple but to hear you said it outright has fueled and boost my spazzing. it's a different feeling altoghether hahhahaha 

@tehlimau dear .. what can i say, you deserve our group hugs. swooning your splendid FF. I need a good minutes to read slowly without my kids hovering the pc demanding their share of use .. arghhhhhhh

 @all .. sorry if don't quote all of you but thank you for sharing and spazzing together. This is the happiest ship here in soompi :D :D


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Thanks @Eileen531 & @avi1003_stv it's all from what we are sharing here, and I really enjoy putting it in a timeline, just watch me when the DVD comes, lol

@Ahpheng I'm with @tehlimau let's strip him down and count how many moles that hard build back have *drooling**pervythoughts**PMY please take over* lol,*just look at how hard it is, even with wearing such a sweater*


@tehlimau hahahaha, I love that you were dreaming about your next FF, hopefully it will be a smooth evening for you, and you can start writing as soon as you finish your lesson, we'll be waiting, btw, you know that we will have 20 min of each script reading session in the special features,right!! we will see them interact there, YYYYAY

@amyR055 I was wondering what Wookie meant with girly sentiment when he expected that from PMY, I guessed it was something like that, but your exact description of what he meant is DEABAK, I love every word you wrote here

"About JCW,  his preconceived opinion was PMY must be some sort of diva since she is quite famous and being such as beautiful woman  she must be a snobbish under that pretty face. His previous co star gave him a cold shoulder in the early filming. When he tried to be friendly by making  small talk , his co star didn't really cooperate.   So, he thought that he will have the same problem with MY. He even thought MY will be feminine type of woman. The type that had a sticker on her forehead' FRAGILE'  -Handle with Care- and stand-offish/snobbish.  That was why he was taken aback when he realized how wrong was his preconceived ideas about MY. Not only she is super gorgeous with infectious laugh  but also super friendly. He didn't even have to work hard to break the ice between them because MY was the one who took the first step to make them comfortable with each other. For MY, doing a good job filming without  wasting time feeling awkward  with each other was more important than maintaining ' I am more famous than you so work you a** off to butter up to me'.  Once he realized that, he was charmed beyond words  -  as we know he is trapped already. No way out for him. lol"

It fits this picture perfectly, he had this look first "She's not what I expected her to be, not at all, is she for real!!"


Then it was always like this "This woman is making me feel THINGS, why can't I take my eyes off of her, I just love looking into her eyes, I think I can see how beautiful her soul is" biting lips 

" and look at THOSE LIPS, Waaah, she's perfect" it's ok Wookie, you're perfect too

and then PMY thought "What! is he having a crush on me"



@luvspartace I know, he will say was I really looking at her like that!!!

gifs credit to the lovely @fyeahjcw

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let me refer to the sohu interview ... my owh my Jisem, i am left speechless with his cuteness and frank.

I am more intrigues by what he didn't say rather than what he actually utter in this segment ..hahahhaha

Why i said that ? the first one 

pic credit to @fyeahjcw

That was a Healer promotional segment and without doubt pmy name will be mentioned and the probability to link it to him in romantic manner is high so he must be very aware of this coming and must know what to answer so what he didn't say is somehow feed as an ANSWER to csi delulu mind like us. As you all have discussed, he was more prepared and i agreed to it. he looked more relaxed and know what's coming.

ok for a while, let's throw the delulu mind on the shore. We assume at the mo he is not interested with minyoung_shi, not close, just on friendly terms or let say they are merely colleague. Currently both of them are walking on different path doing their own stuff. So i was expecting his answers would be ( about being tired of the skinship) one of the followings without offending his co-star or rather indicating they are not romantically involved


1. Those skinship are part of the scripts.. i am just following the writers aspiration ( juz like he answered i just worn what's given to me ... lol )

2. Those lovey dovey scenes were done during the cold winter, in our mind, we would like to finish the scene quickly and move over to the next one ... (Duhhhhhh)

And on his answers to the question from the floor regarding the possibility of him dating pmy outside healer, he could have answered

1. I have tried to potray and act the character my best and i am grateful for the award but I hope noona hagu ( btw, what is hagu means ) will one day meet her dream man and get married.

2. I am more focused on my career at the moment and not having any thought about having a girl at the moment. I might get swayed thus i rather not dwell on this kind of thoughts.

There you go boy, easy to answer right ? 

But WHAT and HOW did he gave his answered. Well well well ... we have witnessed him coying and i say rather embarassed response. not to mention his smiles .. arghhhhh omigoshhhhhh why or whyyyy u doing this jisemm ... why didn't you denying it ... hint hint hint. clue clue clue. 


ok yes ..they are together as an item .. no news is goooooooooooooood news. Missing you though Changmin. ..please dun stay under the white sheet opsss i mean radar for long time. We need more clue please .. hahahahhaa


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i can't let this go .. i simply can't .. synergy ?? I notice jcw has this habit of wearing the ring on his right forefinger even before Healer. He likes to change from left to right finger



ok.. i better stay under the radar for the time being before my mind keep going further :P


pic not mine : credit to owner..many many thanks

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@amyR055, you just know how to describe all the nonsense I'm blabbering or thinking , thank you :x


​i was watching EK during it's broadcast and because of my obsession with jcw and hjw i finished the 50 episods without any regrets. Enjoying the show and of course in shipping the two silently. Yup, i read about jcw struggling to be close to his noona and co-star but it was only in the beginning, they show their level of comfort and closeness increase as the episodes moves ( you can see them joking and full of fun during bts and i have enjoyed that tremendously .. owhhh how i love his acting his spoilt paeha) 

Even with the age gap i still shipped them together  jcw keep reiterating age is not a big issue to him and there's a probability of him and hjw off screen. But my dream crashed when i saw them together in the Northcape interview right after EK ended. i don't know how to describe it but somehow it dismay me of their interaction. I only saw him as being a dongseng to his noona. No chemistry ..no stare .. no magnetic effect .. no sizzling. Not anymore. Then i know it was the moment to stop.

No doubt, I am still a big fan of hjw and before EK, i was soooo swooning on her partnership with HyunBin but then the rest is history ..:(

first time using the spoilet.. it works... yeyyyy 

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@avi1003_stv welcome back my dear and you are on a roll!! I was laughing all the way regarding the possible answers Wookie could have answered but didn't. Right on point! *claps*

Stealing some Soompi time during dinner before class. @ReemKanabta i have already started writing the next ff, I couldn't control myself. My fear is I have to rewrite the whole damn thing when the DVD comes out and my scenarios are incorrect. :( but that is what fiction is all about right?! 

Lets see how fast i can write tonight. You may get some thing before your day ends. ;) 

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Beautiful Amazing ChangMiners Chingus let us remember the many lovely words our sweet JCW and PMY about each other!
Let's start with a press conference that the Healer was in mid-December before shooting 7-8 episodes obvious!

Chang Wook: Our relationship with CYS described as pink romance(so Koreans describe tender feelings) I'm so pleased with her(PMY) removed, and though the morning when, in the beastly cold, we arrive at the site, always say hello, even though we are not in the best shape, We tried to joke and have fun. Our pink romance will continue and it is possible that for him to add a little red (passion) (laughs)

In his every word, JCW, always beautifully describes everything related to the beautiful goddess PMY, everything that is connected with all the happy time of our ChangMin Couple, in the Healer, and I personally absolutely clear that our delightful PMY, a girl who has wonderful charm and most importantly a very wise woman around she, if you learn all of its excellent human, good quality, it is simply not possible, do not fall in love, she is particularly nice, because even her every act in relation to other people beautiful, and the fact that, she never answers all the negative that is poured out on her every day, some other dastardly fans ship (probably from their own foolishness and weakness), I personally only causes an infinite admiration and pride for our PMY, all the negativity persons ultimately will lead only to them, all that they dared to write about our beautiful PMY, I'm really looking forward to the day when our favorite beautiful Couple ChangMin very happy with each other and do not hide their feelings! I am sure that even now they are happy next to each other, and we ChangMiners, just to feel all these emotions and happiness, in our hearts!
I am proud of each of our ChangMiners, all your thoughts, wonderful creation, all that you are doing everything for our ChangMin, so beautiful and wonderful a pure heart, I can feel it all, thanks for everyone! I love you all!
Also many thanks to the Chinese ChangMiners, they are not here with us, but through their amazing work, we can clearly feel their love,and care for ChangMin Couple!
Chinese fans constantly write,that ChangMin Most Beautiful Couple, Lucky couple, and JCW and PMY, just perfect for each other, so that a strong synergy between our Changming, Chinese ChangMiners called Eternal Love, and I think we're all ChangMiners World also fully agree with them!
Our Beautiful Couple ChangMin,special couple,that,conquer the hearts at once and forever!





dc9bh0j8sm0k.png Cr:Chinese/Tracy

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@tehlimau You don't have to rewrite anything, somehow I have a feeling most of your scenarios are spot on, you can just edit them a bit, and anyway you will struck by inspiration and you'll keep writing many more *sigh* why so late. I knew it, you couldn't wait, do you want me to act as your evil angel and tell you : go for it, or shall I be the good angel and keep nag on you to hold yourself 9_9

@avi1003_stv he could also say it like this: 2. I am more focused on my career at the moment and not having any thought about having a girl at the moment.AND we're just good friends, really

Which could be the best polite denial if you really mean it, thats why I'm happy with his answer :D


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Guest amyR055

But my dream crashed when i saw them together in the Northcape interview right after EK ended. i don't know how to describe it but somehow it dismay me of their interaction. I only saw him as being a dongseng to his noona. No chemistry ..no stare .. no magnetic effect .. no sizzling. Not anymore. Then i know it was the moment to stop.

@avi1003_stv I agreed that JCW really  respects  and look up to her. He look really comfortable and playful with her in some of the pictures that I saw.Why not, there is nothing to not like about her and a lot to be gained by learning  from her. I even saw one clip when they were at the airport and JCW was telling jokes and laughing. JCW really tried to entertain HJW and he didn't mind about fan taking photos so I assumed he didn't have anything to hide, or  a secret dating as he claimed with his co star.  I watched EK ( or not really) because I skip or ff most of the part but  I love YJH's character and his deep set voice.  That man voice is really something.

As you said the Northcape interview kind of confirmed that they were not in a romantic relationship. His body language really speaks volume. That was not a body of someone excited, he almost looked bored and wanted to end the interview asap. When we are happy, we are literally  up, a lot of movements and so on - effects of defying gravity. But he looked  kind of small in that interview.

I have this picture for comparison - still debating  whether I need to hide his  previous costar's face or not because I don't want to offend any fans but I love these pictures for reading his body language.

You can really see the different body language in these pictures. He really projected a dongsaeng vibe in the left picture. On the right, he looked really light up and huge.

But to tell the truth I don't really concern about the other shipper  because for me  delulu ocean is infinite , it's huge. It can accommodate thousand and thousand of ships. You can ship whoever you like. Till now I still find it's amusing reading about other shippers that share the same male actor or actress - their findings always matched perfectly with their own ships. Making you go - wow this guy or gal is really  a player -playing left and right, front and back - if you really ignored the facts that you're in a delulu land.

GTG... will read others' posts later.  Have fun everyone. Don't forget to row the ship occasionally.LOL


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@amyR055 @avi1003_stv

I watched EK after healer, I endured the whole 51 episodes, and just FF the few wars scenes at the beginning (WY scenes, the character was too ideal for my liking, I adored the flawed TH and JCW played him perfectly and made the little whiney brat so likable and so loved, I don't think we will love this character as much, if another actor played him)

I was already a changminer so I only shipped the character's of Tanyang, and later episodes I shipped the lead actress with Tal Tal (YJH:x) but I didn't want my TH heartbroken. in the bts, I felt he was like a kid, really playful and funny but I didn't see any sparks flying.

IMO their chemistry in the NC CF wasn't the same as in EK


Drooling time  



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Good morning @all Healerites and Chang Miners...

I will take some time to thank you all for your words, for your insights, and constant participation in this thread; you do it from your heart. I can see how this thread has become kind of structured with your posts…and that makes this blog so much interesting and fun.

@ReemKananabta…your posts are very nice. Your stories with pictures and clips of JCW and MY since the beginning of the script reading and in a chronological way are great! I will keep them.

@tehlimau ’s fanfiction writings, just perfect and enjoyable. I can’t wait for the ones you will write after the DVD’s are out…I will be out of town, but will read them when back.

@Ahpheng as always your c-strips are an important part of the structure of this blog… they are fantastic and witty. I will keep them as well.

@AnsOlga …your creations come to be for me the soft and romantic part of the structure. Full of positive thoughts…like the balance…the yoga…to go to when there is commotion.

@Eileen51 I always wait for your posts because I feel  many times they can rectify us from going the wrong way…thank you.

@fyeahjcw love your gifs…perfect

@cmoirae2  I checked your photobook…very good! Hard work! Do not be sad for the ones that moved on...maybe they are still there...

@akinahara89…our moderator (mother)

@Odankltha …nice posts

@amyR055 …a lot of data and information.

@dandelionjd nice references to morumoru…

@nicesmile you are the sweetness that give the needed innocence to this thread.

@keemanjy_stv …from a guy point of view…interesting.

And the constant positive, insightful and fun posts of @avi1003_stv @treasure51 @CrushOnHealer @villa_amore @pnaysurfer84@luvspartace@siptiamari …you are the ones who fill the structure.

Without your enjoyment of the structure, the feeling of being at "home" wouldn’t be possible.

@all that I had missed and are also “a constant” in our paradise. Sorry for not thanking you by name.

@all the others that contribute to this Chang Min blog; it is nice to read your thoughts.  I am part of this group who post here from time to time.

I wanted to take this time to really thank you all…many times I am in a rush and do not have the time.

Now, I was thinking that 400 million people watched Healer in China. It means that some of those millions might be shipping our ship. MY will soon have more fans in China and Healer has been very well received internationally. It tells us that our ship is liked by many people right now. There is more positive than negative regarding their relationship right now. I do not think they are afraid of many antis right now.  So they should be happy isn’t it? That is why JCW didn’t care about the Barcelona thing?

Have a good day/night!!! :)

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Guest Keemanjy

Hello again ladies!  Still no news from the both of them?  I am not surprised . They are probably taking advantage of how much time they have with each other now cause once the filming started and she will be consumed with her character as Serena  You my friend will probably be the second thing in her mind LOL!  So get as much lovey dovey moments with her as possible. Bwahahahaha! And start preparing that pouting face LOL!  ✌️Peace JCW,  just stating the reality of this business. 


@Ahpheng no my friend I am not hinting at all. I know that I would be the laughing stock for even joining in a forum.  My gf told me I am unreal hehehe she caught me posting mind youxD she thought I am doing the online datingO.o but.. she then said awww that's cute, but I know she Is just being nice9_9 I know she wanted to smack me like there's no tomorrow. 


You lovely  gals have the smartest and the coolest theory I tell yah! You can probably do the forensic science next:D keep it up cause I a having the time of my life reading all of it. 


@tehlimau one of these days I will check out your site.  I don't know how my gf would react this time.  Shes gonna love me even more hahahahaha! 



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Annyeong!  annyeong!  annyeong!   chinggus!  unnies!   ChangMin shippers!  ..(sad about some moving on...but ok..)  Healerites too!  How's everyone been doing?  I am always reading day to day posts of everyone here and I might say,  it always put a 'smile' on my lips... oh.. I won't mention my 'delulu' heart and mind just yet...   and I guess,  everyone is longing for Changmin...  few days had passed without any news nor updates from them.   My mind tells me they are busy about something... perhaps? Nepal incident?  But they are just doing it silently?  AND I really like that...discreet :)  I admire those who help without mentioning what they are doing.  But I will remember our PMY being the 1st to post something in her IG about call to help.  

Dear @cmoirae2  ,  it's very nice :)  Loved it!  :wub:  and I am pretty sure,  ChangMin will or might have seen it too by now.  I really have the gut feeling, they are both reading this thread.

And to others, @avi1003_stv  @tehlimau  @AnsOlga  @pnaysurfer84  @zenit  @ReemKanabta @amyR055  @Eileen51  @fyeahjcw  @akinahara89 @Ahpheng @dandelionjd  @OdankItha  @nicesmile  @keemanjy_stv  (only thorn :) )

and @All ...  one day I will just have to list down all so nobody will feel bad or sad if their names aren't called in the 'roll call'  xD 

Thanks to @All... my bzz work gets most of my time these days... and when I am on-line,  it will be at night when most of you are sleeping. 

UPPSSSS....  gtg ...  or i might be left by the service.... talk to you @All....  take care everyone!!! 



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Guest Keemanjy

This crashing and reloading thing every 4 seconds is really a pain in the butt. It takes away your train of thought.  So before I toss my iPad in the window I better cool down and get ready for work.  It's been fun reading all of you ladies insights. I know you gals keep talking about delulu this and delulu that but you manage to back it up with reasonable facts.  Unlike others that are just making stuff as they go along to feed their own fantasy. 


Ops I better quit while I'm aheado.O as they say if you have nothing nice to say then don't say nothing at all.  


Have a a great day/night everyone!

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