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[Drama 2015] Enchanting Neighbor황홀한 이웃 Thanks for watching.

Ldy Gmerm

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@LdyGmerm, @tatka, @ina111,
I went back and looked at the character description for PCW. The following is what I could make out from the translation, but it's the basic idea of his character. 
The ideal father, and idea husband. He has a fantasy about a happy family. From his childhood he suffered a wound because of his father's adultery. PCW is a hard working man to defend his family and is a true head of his family. As for the wife wanted a husband who does not lose his charm. PCW wants a warm tranquil happy love with CYK being side by side, For PCW who does not know that it will not even be a fact.  Then in one moment the perfect family which was his aim fell into hell. He experiences the maximum life of obstacles until he meets a woman name Gong Soo Rae. . 

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@awsparkle Thank you! So there is a chance that his wife cheated on him knowing about his “wound because of his father's adultery”. That makes her more evil and him more pitiful. “PCW wants a warm tranquil happy love” — hehe, I guess they will make a perfect couple with GSR  :x Can't wait because I can't watch her being bullied by her husband anymore. Grrr.
I am also afraid that at some point CYK will want to get her ideal husband back, and remember that scene where she first told him that she liked him and that she was always this straight forward (in the car)… So she can also become an obstacle in GSR–PCW relationship (he would still and forever hate her though). She just wanted new fresh feelings in her life but BSG can make her bored very soon.

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I think CYK is a spoiled over indulged brat who has to have all of a man's attention focused on her. PCW was very attentive but he also gave a lot of attention and love to their daughter. She wasn't satisfied with sharing his attention with their daughter so she found someone who gave her all of his attention. 

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@LdyGmerm,   Thanks for the recap
SbG wil never try and take GsR back he would finally be rid of her it will be his mom trying to bring her back because the sister will not want to support her over grown brother that mom and GsR has made into a crutch and have no talent to work or ant skills.. I agree with you mom may be a leech but she knows how take up for her daughter and once she finds out how mom and daughter has used her kid and his mom has no rights to bytch at her about anything it will get ugly and she will point out just how shortsighted GsR is even after the kid been in school he still didn't allow you to sleep in the same room as him he's not into you but hate the sight of you.. I couldn't believe he was asking her was she a stalker she knows he's in love with someone else and her tiptoeing around him always walking on eggs shells it's only a matter of time before he snaps on her and not going to care who him telling her just what he feels about her  

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@LdyGmerm, @valsava,
I took another look at the posters on page 1. In the first one it's the placement of the feet that is interesting. SBG standing in place and CYK has walked up close behind him. GSR is standing in place and off to the side, but PCW is behind both woman but headed in the direction of GSR. 
The the second poster appears to be a mirror that has been cracked and splits the image of the couples in half. PCW is standing behind GSR with his left arm around her upper body and his right hand holding her upper arm. To me it appears as if he's protecting her. CYK is standing behind GSB with only her hand on his shoulder. You don't see her other hand or arm but it looks to me as if it's behind her back, which makes me think the appearance that she's behind him but not all the way. 

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said: @LdyGmerm, @valsava,

I took another look at the posters on page 1. In the first one it's the placement of the feet that is interesting. SBG standing in place and CYK has walked up close behind him. GSR is standing in place and off to the side, but PCW is behind both woman but headed in the direction of GSR. 

The the second poster appears to be a mirror that has been cracked and splits the image of the couples in half. PCW is standing behind GSR with his left arm around her upper body and his right hand holding her upper arm. To me it appears as if he's protecting her. CYK is standing behind GSB with only her hand on his shoulder. You don't see her other hand or arm but it looks to me as if it's behind her back, which makes me think the appearance that she's behind him but not all the way. 

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I can't see him trying to hurt GSR or that kid physically. I can see him doing something to break up SBG's family like his has been broken up. It may mean he lets GSR know what SBG has been up to with his wife and what happen with his kid. I am sure that will come out and she will see that SBG will never be with her after she finds out what he has done.. but I see PCW experiencing the treatment that GSR gets from her family, that kid and SBG and his mother and will realize this woman is a sweet, kind woman who is being used and mistreated by these people especially SBG. The best revenge he could ever give SBG is to help GSR get away from him and start over. Helping her be successful and not need him. Falling in love with her will be a bonus for both of them because they are both better suit to one another then SBG and CYK.

As for that kid I hope she leaves her with her grandmother to raise since the Aunt and her used her and then talk to her any kind of way. The Aunt wants to play mom on the side not respecting boundaries when she knows she is never going to say that girl is hers and take her in to live with her.

@awsparkle that is insightful about the posters. I believe everyone's speculations are correct. CYK when she wakes will end up with SBG for a time. Whether she remembers all that happen that night or not. He will not be her end game because her personality is too spoiled and she wants the next new THING or MAN in this case.  He may love her or may just be in lust or using her for his career and her wealth but in the end she will shed him like she sheds everyone else. She will want the man that loved and cared for her back but PCW is long since over her after her cheating on him and killing their child.

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I don't think PCW will go as far as trying to hurt anyone but SBG if he gets the opportunity. His anger vengence is directed towards SBG and not an innocent woman and child that had nothing to do with what happen. Right now I think he's just sizing up everyone just to see what kind of life SBG lives and what these people mean to him. He hasn't realize yet that SBG doesn't live with the rest of the family. Once he finds that out he will realize GSR is in the same situation with a cheating spouse. 

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awsparkle said: @valsava,
I don't think PCW will go as far as trying to hurt anyone but SBG if he gets the opportunity. His anger vengence is directed towards SBG and not an innocent woman and child that had nothing to do with what happen. Right now I think he's just sizing up everyone just to see what kind of life SBG lives and what these people mean to him. He hasn't realize yet that SBG doesn't live with the rest of the family. Once he finds that out he will realize GSR is in the same situation with a cheating spouse. 

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A little bit off top, but has anyone else noticed that the pretty secretary looks like actress Baek Jin Hee (Pride and prejudice, Triangle, I summon you gold) in some way? Or maybe it is because of her voice and constitution of the body…

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In that last episode we see PCW sign papers that looked like some sponsorship contract for his wife's musical. I wasn't sure what that was about, so I skimmed through a couple of older episodes (4 and 5) to try to understand what he was doing, because I remembered that he talked to OHD about sponsorship somewhere in there. Anyway, in doing that I ran across a couple mentions of PCW's family. One reveals that he also has a sister, and that his mom is in the US. (I guess his sister is there too.) The other pertains to what @awsparkle posted about - his dad's adultery.

I hid the conversation details under a spoiler tag - I'm not sure they're so relevant, and I'm not sure anyone cares. At least for me the second conversation helped put into better context the chairman's anguish in the hospital scene from episode 15. The chairman knows how much PCW must have been hurt by his daughter, and he is torn about it.

If you read this, please keep in mind that I'm paraphrasing, and that my understanding comes from ridiculously small amount of knowledge of Korean and Chinese and Google translate.

In episode 5, around minute 10, the chairman asks PCW why he is (was?) travelling to the US, if it was because his mom was not doing well. PCW says that that wasn't the reason, that he heard just recently from his sister that his mom is doing quite well. He says that it wasn't a business trip either, but something to do with CYG. He says he didn't want to tell her about it because there was slim chance of success, and he wanted to avoid potential disappointment. (My guess is that this trip had something to do with securing funding for CYG's play.)

Later in the same episode PCW is having dinner with the chairman. The chairman thanks him for helping realize his daughter's dreams, PCW replies that he's just helping her start, she is the one that has to do the hard work from now on. The chairman says he's not worried about her, but about PCW. He appreciates PCW's caring about YG and SB, but he wants him to live his own life sometimes. PCW says that those two are his life, and chairman asks how that can be, says that his life is his own. PCW then says that when he was about his daughter's age, he woke up one morning to find his mother just gone. Her clothes, shoes - nothing left. Without any explanation his father brought in another woman. That woman told him that she's his father's woman, but doesn't want to be his mother, that he shouldn't expect a mother from her. He says that his father lived like that, for himself. He says that his mother was in the nursing home, even tried to commit suicide twice, but that his father didn't blink an eye. Chairman then says something along the lines of there existing different types of people, those like PCW who live for others, and the ones who live for their own good. He finishes by touching his chest and saying that when he looks at PCW, it hurt him there.

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Thank you for the translations...

If the Chairman in my opinion is so torn after knowing about PCW's past and what his father did. He should not have spoken such harsh words to him. From the above post he knew his SIL was working hard to help his daughter in her dream and yet he finds out that not only why he was out doing that for her she was with another man and in front of his child and it cost that child her life. That is the ultimate betrayal for a person. I understand his wanting to protect his daughter but he knows she did wrong. She cost the life of the child that man loved and she hurt her husband in her cheating who only thought of her and that kid. Of course the cousin and the wife fueled this fire with their words too getting what they wanted a complete break between the FIL and PCW.  All the FIL had to do was admit PCW was justified in his anger, his pain and his grief and that his daughter did an awful thing and suggest that PCW stay away or file for divorce. He did not need to say anything to that man that has lost his child (his granddaughter) and found out what his wife had been up to.

This is why he will deserve what is to come. The cousin and the wife taking over and kicking him out. The trap (the aide) getting in and getting what she wants too. When he finally realizes what these people did it will be too late for him to stop it. It is a shame because PCW like he said did live for others he lived for his little family and that dream is gone now.

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Thank you for the tranlation.
Sadly GSR lives the same way as PCW but her family life started as a lie and that lie to have that family has bitten her in the butt. She's lived this way for so long it doesn't matter if she's hurt as long as she still has this family. Over the years her self esteem has become so low she wouldn't know how to live just for herself. 
PCW's whole life was his wife and daughter. He would never do to his family what his father did and became the perfect husband and father. PCW just didn't know he was only living out his fantasy and the opposite happen and his wife became the cheater. 
PCW's fantasy life came crashing down and GSR's is next. She's trying to hold on but there's going to come a point where she will have to let go and stop living  a lie. 

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I believe GSR already sees it. This has been twice that SBG has attacked her verbally and told her how he felt and possibly about her too. This time he was physical pushing her. The sad thing is his mother does not correct this behavior she sides with him. All of these people will rue the day that treated this woman that way especially when she is gone.

PCW I expect will not have to do a thing except expose where SBG was the night he was hurt and with whom.. As well as his actions caused the death of that child. Everything else will happen on its on. Once that truth comes out there is nothing that GSR can do she will finally have to see that she gave up a portion of her life and love for a man that has no respect for her, does not appreciate her and possibly hates her for being pushed into marriage with her. He has already shown her signs that he does not care to be with her, can not stand her hovering over him trying to help him or take care of him and that he has no desire for her what so ever. He does not notice not one thing about her.

I expect PCW will see all of this as well as hear talk and conversations about them. He will find out real fast how SBG treats his wife. He already has seen where SBG's head is and that is with his wife at the moment. I can see the divorce coming just not sure if SBG will ask for it once CYK is divorced or well or will GSR do it when she finds out the truth. Either way she has the truth coming at her full force.

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@ina111 Thank you so much!  ^:)It's interesting to know that PCW even used to do everything he could for his wife's career (+ cared for the child + worked in FIL's company). How much he will be able to do for GSR then — she has A LOT he can help her with!

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GSR will never divorce him I really believe they are going to have to sneak divorce papers in on her and have her to sign them telling her it something else GSR will be divorced and not know it until it comes time to kick her out and she will end up with nothing.. She won;t even get alimony out of him which I think his sister should pay.. 

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I can not see how SBG would a. have any money to pay alimony or a settlement b. have the desire to compensate her for all the years she slaved for him , his mother and that kid c. even appreciate all she has tried to do for him. Especially when he finds out the kid is not his either and he was tricked.

I also don't know how she can avoid not giving him a divorce. There will be nothing to hold on to once she finds out what she suspected that he was cheating and he killed that child from his cheating. All PCW has to do is produce that black box data and she can't deny it. Even if he does not do it she can go get it from somewhere. I see him demanding one and they will not have to trick her to do it. She needs to have the truth hit her in the face.

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I so agree GSR needs to be hit hard and the truth of what happen in that car is a big enough blow to do the trick. The man she so adores was lusting after another woman with her child in the back seat and his lust for that woman killed that child. 

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