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[Drama 2014/2015] Lady of the Storm 폭풍의 여자


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You know just watching my yeobo HW right now is giving me the heartburn and I'm out of damn ROLAIDS 8-| I'm also thinking JT and Mother will come to the rescue of JI. while HW looking on and will still be stuck under his brother HS shoe like glue. to a fact that I'm waiting for HW to cripple HS with his shenanigans by taking it all from his azz.

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I think HS and HB will be underestimated HW. He may go along for a bit in order to get his feet under him but I think HW will do just as you say he will right the wrongs that HS and HB have done to JI because it is the right thing to do and he will try to stop his brother from his obsession with this company in order to save him. If that means going against him and making sure he does not get that company so be it but I think eventually HW will show them all who is the smartest one. His brother has lost himself in his quest for revenge over a situation he may not know all the facts about.

So I like you will give HW time to get it together but as long as he is working in the company he can keep his eyes on things and get his hands on the evidence that will clear JI and find her daughter not to mention make his brother pay for the things he has done as well as HB. He loves his brother and as you said he worshiped him but he has realized his brother has taken the wrong path all because of his desire to get that company back. Also his brother has hurt a person that did nothing to him and hand nothing to do with what was going on. HW is aware that his brother did that to get her out the way and make her less attractive to HW. Little does he know all he did was increase that attractiveness.  HW will be trying to help her on the sly.

Like I noted above HS thinks by having HW in that house and the company he can keep him under his thumb and watch and control him and what he will find out is that HW is a grown man and he will not be able to control him at all. He will never make him understand what he has done all in the name of a company that has been gone from their family for years. He will never make him understand sacrificing innocent people for his own gain. And he will never understand his brother lying to him in order to get him to go back to school. So HS needs to watch out because he will be surprised when it is the one person he hoped would understand his need and desire to get that company back only to see HW take it from him or make sure he does not get it at all.

There is more to what happen in the past with that company and that house and it should be interesting to see if what HS perceived as the events that past is really what happen or if it was his grief at the loss of his mother and father that skewed his thinking.  I have no doubt that JT's dad may have tried to be a bit slick but I think something else happened that caused his father to have a heart attack and die. It could have been shock at finding out that JT's dad did something to bankrupt him or staged a take over.. we shall see..

I am hoping that it is JT and his mother that help JI she surely needs some secret help besides HW when he finally gets his feet under him.


I thought the same thing.. JI should have gotten a few good slaps in on HB just for GP because of what she has done to her and now having moved her kid.. but the good girl does not resort to that.. (for once I want a strong female good girl that will give as good as she gets..!)

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@Ldy Gmerm Chingu, your right. he just made her even more scrumptious. =)) =)) =))

I like that he feels Baaaaaddddd that he hurt his brother. HW getting drunk and crying at what his brother did was soooooooo sad but worth it. I think HW is HS weakness and he will do anything for him, I think if he realizes that HW is head over heals in love with JI,MJ's might make it happen so his brother can be happy. That is why I hope for.

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@"Ldy Gmerm"‌ @"Sarah you guys are right,if you remember HW is called the young master as I can remember if any Korean drama someone is called the young master you know that person is an heir to a family fortune and the photo shoot also shows he is in the lead

.for now he is facing the reality that what he has been running away from for so long,he can't run anymore, he needs time to reciprocate the idea that his brother doesn't appear to be the person he thought he is,then again he doesn't need to convince JI that he never meant to abandon her when she sees him again working in the company and learn that he. is the son of the owner,that will shows he is not a person to be bribe,he has his own money.

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if ji sees jt mom again mom will call her "meng sheng" that's ji name when they were in jeju island, then jt will ask ji about it and ji will tell him she was the child mom looked for, ji will get the company shares according to jt mom's will, jt will allow ji to work in company that will hugely anger hb and her servant jmy.lol my guess. ;)

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in an early ep jt dad said he would take care of hs and his brother after their dad died, in last ep hs said the room hw moved in never changed its master that's hw, so i guess after dad died they lived and grew up in the big house too until hw moved out later when he got older, hw was just one of 3 young masters that's jt/hs/hw.

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ep 45

... later. ;)

man: i told you never allow madam to stay alone at home.
woman: she was with hb so...
man: was she with hb?
jt: she went out last night and still you haven't found her yet? if mom had something wrong you 2 will pay for it.
ji: president?
jt: ji?
ji: is my teacher your mom?
ji: please believe what i said, please listen to me!
hb: if she herself won't give up she will be forced to give up.
ji: leave me a alone, until i get my daughter back i won't give up.

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in an early ep jt dad said he would take care of hs and his brother after their dad died, in last ep hs said the room hw moved in never changed its master that's hw, so i guess after dad died they lived and grew up in the big house too until hw moved out later when he got older, hw was just one of 3 young masters that's jt/hs/hw.

Sorry to say this I watch ep3 with English subtitles jt dad came into the office hs was there crying,hs then said to him who told you to take over my father company and house. Jt dad reply your dad asked me to take care of his children for him,in ep 16 jt asked hs to leave hw alone to be a film director but hs reply by law hw suppose to be in the company working it a. good idea we all have own perspective on what is going happen that is fun of watching this drama.

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ep 45

the note from nurse: if you check the usb you will know who took your kid away, hb asks a man rob it ji,  the man sends the usb to hb, hb is told the nurse has gone abroad she wonders how to handle ji.

ji tells police she was rubbed and she lost a usb that tells about kid, she goes to ask hb if she did it, hb denies it, hb says she just got the note and she was rubbed and it can't be coincident, hb says right the timing was so perfect but ji doesn't have any proof to accuse her and she came for ji because of her old feeling for her, ji says what old feelings, hb says ji has said a lot bad words to her but she understands her since right after in jail for 2 years her kid disappeared so she can't act normal, she asks if ji still wants to know who did it, she nurse did it to cover up her mistakes at work that made kid's condition worse and she has escaped, she says she has just provided ji a good info about her kid, ji says it came out hb's mouth and hb might lie, hb says whatever and she is right here and the nurse has escaped so it's clear who was the criminal.

friend asks ji if waited for the nurse and she was worried about her and she sees ji's blood on kneed...

hb mom says what if the nurse sent out copies of the usb, hb says the nurse is abroad and she won't be back b/c she participated in the crime, mom says but ji suspects hb, hb says ji can't do a thing to her and she isn't capable and she is just an ex prisoner and if she struggles hard she still can't touch her a hair.

ji says she has report the robbery to police but it's hard to catch the man and the usb must have been destroyed so there won't be proof to accuse hb, friend says she can't believe hb but hb has denied it and the nurse was weird, ji says what if the nursed sent her the usb, friend says the nurse said she knew nothing and she even escaped, ji says the nurse couldn't tell so she sent her the usb and hb seemed talk about the nurse to make her distracted, friend says hb is bad but why she hided kid away and jmy is the more suspicious, ji says she will find out if it's jmy or hb or both of them.

ji knocks on door and she enters the house and she yells to jmy mom where kid is hided, mom says sorry to ji, it's only a dream, jang says so mom dreamed of ji again, mom says what if ji comes to ask where they hide kid and it's right you can't live well if you commit a crime, she asks if jang had bad dreams too, jang says she didn't commit crime, mom says jang also made ji jailed.

at dinner table hs asys jt can't eat well and he has to take care of mom and he should find a nurse quickly, jt says they are interviewing a few people and he will find a good nurse, mom asks hb to eat mushroom, hb gives it to hs and says he lives it, he says mom gave it to her, she says it's the same if he eats it.

later hs asks her not to play a show before hw,  she says he asked her to play it before, he says she overdid it, she says she wants to do if he asks her stop and ok she won't do it again, she sees hw looking at her weird, she says so hw knew she and hs are fake and that's why hw asked her stop but they will fake to others because "the show must go on", hs says enough, she says at least they can stop the show before hw, hw says he even took them as model for his future married life, long apologizes to hw, hw says hs ordered him so it wasn't his fault, long says he won't lie to him again and he will listen to hw only, hw says so long should go shopping for kid and  go to see her for him.

at door ji friend asks why long came again and he should just go lost, he says he didn't come to her but kid but there's no kid, he asks where kid is, she says he is hw's fellow and hw sold the video to hb, he says she misunderstood hw, she says she won't listen to him because he is also a suspect like hb who might take away kid, he says so hb took away kid and he calls hw.

ji asks if jmy and bh together took kid away, jmy says she is delusional and he is kid's dad but she suspected him and now she even suspects bh and he knew she had victim syndrome towards hb but now she is just too much, ji says what, he says stop talk like that and she is a shame, she says so her heart for kid is a shame for him, he says she should stop suspecting innocent people and he is very busy and he must go, she says he continues pretending but she knows him.

ji calls hb to talk, hb says ji is so persistent and ji still suspects her and she is busy and she won't talk to her, ji says she is at lobby and she can go up to her office, hb says what ji thinks this place is and ji dares come here, hw comes in, hb says alright and she has nothing to hide, hw asks where she hided kid, she asks if ji suspects her so he thinks it's her, he says ji must have a reason to suspect her, she says ji doesn't know hs did it, he says what, she says he should think who wanted to hide kid and it's her or his brother he likes so much, she says he so cared about ji so hs did it, he says it can't be hs, she says it's hs who put ji in jail.

ji comes to office, jmy asks why ji came, she ignores him and enters hb's office and sees hw and asks why he is here,  hb says they all know each other so if they should have lunch together and she smiles, ji says she didn't come for lunch and she asks hw to leave and she has words to hb, hw says he wants to talk to her and he takes her outside.

ji says hw must worry she will do things to hb and she won't listen to him, he says kid disappeared and he wants to help, she says he is with hb and he wants to help her? she says as if what he did to her 2 years ago isn't enough so he and bh are planing something else again, she says he can tell hb she won't forget her if it's hb who took away her kid and she leaves, hb says it seems ji has misunderstood him and he must be sad, she says why hw looks at her like this and it isn't her but hs who hided kid.

hs is hurry to hw, hw is half drunk and says so here it comes his brother he likes and trusts the most and he wanted to go to ask him if he did that and why, hs says so it's about ji again, hw says so for him hs took took away her kid, hs asks what hw talks about, hw says looking at hs's face it seems hs didn't do it, he says hb said hs took away ji's kid, hs says what, hw says he knew he can't believe hb but hs is capable of doing that so he just doesn't know if he should believe him.

hs sends hw to bed, he recalls hw said bh told him he took away ji's kid.

hb says hs shocks her and hs looks like he wants to beat her up, he says his mind wanted to do it and how she could say words to hw like that, she says what words and oh if it's about him taking away ji kid and so what, he says after she made him and hw like that and she asked so what, she says so their good relationship has gone bad but it's already gone bad long time ago and if hw can't trust him it isn't because of her but him.

hb get a text message about someone has a copy of the usb and will wait for her at a place, ji friend wonders if hb will come, ji says she will come to cover up her trace if she is the criminal, hb asks the secretary if he can track down the sender, he says it was sent by a computer and he needs time to find it, she says it must be the nurse, he says the nurse is abroad, she says either nurse pretended she was abroad or she has come back asking for money, he asks what to do.

friend says hb won't come, ji says hb may send someone else, a man comes and calls hb there's an envelope on the chair, she asks him to take it to her, ji sees the man's tattoo and says he is the man who robbed her bag, friend says so it's bh who did it.

hb opens the envelope and sees nothing, ji and friend arrive, ji says she sent the text and she asks where hb took her kid to and hb must return her kid.

already did. ;)

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For whoever is interested in a live chat. We loved it during Cheongdamdong Scandal and us live watchers need to vent to fellow watchers so @Lunkera created a chat room. Join us if you want. The time will be 5:50pm Eastern Standard Time (US time).

CHAT Room is available during live broadcast: http://www.chatzy.com/33228713204268

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NewKDramaAddict said: For whoever is interested in a live chat. We loved it during Cheongdamdong Scandal and us live watchers need to vent to fellow watchers so @Lunkera created a chat room. Join us if you want. The time will be 5:50pm Eastern Standard Time (US time).

CHAT Room is available during live broadcast: http://www.chatzy.com/33228713204268

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Ldy Gmerm said: NewKDramaAddict said: For whoever is interested in a live chat. We loved it during Cheongdamdong Scandal and us live watchers need to vent to fellow watchers so @Lunkera created a chat room. Join us if you want. The time will be 5:50pm Eastern Standard Time (US time).

CHAT Room is available during live broadcast: http://www.chatzy.com/33228713204268

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