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[Drama 2014] SBS - Birth of A Beauty 미녀의 탄생


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@suchadiva42‌ i've also picked out the perfect orange pumps for her haha.

@Annette‌ I hope your prediction is true. Even if their reunion is at the end of ep 19 it's ok with me, as long as SaRa regains some of her smarts. Lol

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yaqiyuki said:

Granny's assistant reported to her what happened in the meeting.GCY goes to Granny and says Sara is fake, and that everything will be revealed in her talkshow.
Sara confronts HMH and asks how can he do that.HMH tells Sara he has won this round.
Granny & HTH are talking, HTH says he lost completely this round.Granny says she knows that Sara is fake.HTH asks how did she know, Granny says GCY told her, and that everything will be revealed in her talkshow.
Sara calls LKJ and asks if he was the one who hurt HTH.LKJ says he's not the one, and that HTH is one fo the candidates to be the successor, so how can he be able to do that.LKJ then asked Sara to think, of someone higher authority, and Sara immediately guessed HMH.
Everything starts to connect for Sara as she thinks back.HMH calls Sara from the back.- END -

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i still don't understand why the script writers let this bunch of murderersto roam around scott free ....this drama is like a mafia story ... gangsterism thrives and the lawis not in sight to do any thing constructively right ... not even a bitSara is a sitting duck ... she is cornered from all directionshope help will be swift and justifying or else don't think the endingwill be good ....

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Wae wae wae? For all the issues that started from Episode 1, which of those have been settled by now? I do love a male lead chasing the female lead but not to the point that the female lead is making the male lead such a stupid character that instead of supporting the male lead, i tend to pity him. Please writer nim, fix Sara's character. She's getting on my nerves now.

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Guest crazywindblower

Thanks for the recap.. :)

Sara is getting to my nerves..I am really starting to hate her! How can she just not realize that HMH is HTH enemy, its so obvious the moment they are both fighting over the CEO post..I find her decisions and plans stupid, as it only ends up hurting HTH.. 8-> X(

I hope HTH will stand to his words that he and sara will be strangers from now on, sara needs to learn a leasson..She is so disappointing! $-)

HTH also needs to get back to his senses, he needs to train himself not to get affected by too much remorse or emotion. But I still love him..He is the only character I like in this drama now, just watching it because of him. :x :)

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mdnora said: i still don't understand why the script writers let this bunch of murderersto roam around scott free ....this drama is like a mafia story ... gangsterism thrives and the lawis not in sight to do any thing constructively right ... not even a bitSara is a sitting duck ... she is cornered from all directionshope help will be swift and justifying or else don't think the endingwill be good ....

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I believe, I need to wait for the next episode... this episode didn't look good! Sorry, but Sara seems to be so stupid! Where is the beauty here? A beauty is supposed to be gentle and smart (Beauty and the beast), she can see beyond ugliness! Here it is not the case. She can't make the difference between good guy and bad guy!? Really!? 8-|

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I went back home this weekend hoping to watch a nice ep 18 but lols it makes me angry seriously. I've to go back to college tomorrow and will be back home again on 28th, so i can only watch the last 2 eps after 3 weeks(ps: i dont have time to watch drama at college ^ ^;;) it makes me somehow regret lmao i really want to ask sara ' Have you eaten your med?' XD and HMH, your evil teddy bear! NAGA!! I can only hope ep 19 will turns out better fuhfuhfuh

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meemaggi said: I went back home this weekend hoping to watch a nice ep 18 but lols it makes me angry seriously. I've to go back to college tomorrow and will be back home again on 28th, so i can only watch the last 2 eps after 3 weeks(ps: i dont have time to watch drama at college ^ ^;;) it makes me somehow regret lmao i really want to ask sara ' Have you eaten your med?' XD and HMH, your evil teddy bear! NAGA!! I can only hope ep 19 will turns out better fuhfuhfuh

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Guest crazywindblower

I hope someone can translate the video preview of episode 19,hihihi.. :) :\">

I wonder what sara told hth when she went to his house,i hate the fact that she is somehow trying herself look pitiful to hth or making him feel still worried of her..I feel she is taking advantage of hth love for her now that she will now hmh true colors.. [-( 8-X this is just my opinion.. :)>-

HTH oppa wake up! you have proven a lot already how much you love Sara..I think it is already time that Sara should fight for you and prove her love for you..I just hate it that HTH does everything for her, he needs to play hard to get sometimes.. >-)

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Thanks @yaqiyuki for the live recap n @kbleon for the pics .. I like the way HTH handle everything .. trying to revived and come back and start all over again  for Winner Food ... and for sara to help HTH despite HTH knowing i'm ok with it n it shows that she still care and love for him but at the same time she's easily manipulated by HMH ... that's not a smart thing to do but that's is SGR @Sara .. the appearances might have changed but the inner self is still the same...naive, scared and fragile when she's alone ... easily used, abused by HMH, LKJ and GCY  ... the only person she can lean on to is HTH .. she needs HTH by her side ..
There's 3 more episodes to go ..the writer needs to come up with some concrete stories n reassured us with something good n  finished it with a bang other wise its a failure for BOAB .. (but deep in my heart i know it will be a happy ending with Sara n HTH) ha ha
[-O< :x

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