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12 hours ago, cenching said:


Cheers up!!! :innocent:  I know how life can be so unkind sometimes but hey!! there’s always a silver lining in the clouds...:innocent:


I think @abnoch is having a mental breakdown from all of the burdens he has been carrying around. Does he receive any professional medical help? As orang Timur, the best psychologists/psychiatrists is the family. He needs supports from his closest people who can help in lighten the burdens on his shoulders....:tears:

Cheers, I have the best brother in the world! Must be thankful about that:heart:

Hmmm yes. Until Sunday he was resting in bed. He currently is receiving medicines and sessions with a psychologist. I'm catching up MoA with him in hospital. It is making him breakdown but it is healing him too, like he is sure that I'm really ok, I'm saved, because the last him he saw me before the tsunami accident when I was browsing some new ep. of MoA:bawling:

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Only 9 days into the new year and I'm already sick of it again. Why is every girl I meet crazy? It's not even funny anymore. 


For the first time, since a very, very long time, I'm really angry and want to punch my pillow into oblivion.

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Twelve Night's


In the process of finishing dramas that I had already started.  This would be one of them and wondering if anyone else here had watched it too?

Will place my thoughts in spoiler to protect those whom might want to watch it one day too...



It might be the first drama that I loved and didn't love and honestly still feel so unsure.  Yet it's meaning and value I can't deny felt so true and it's story so real that it unfolded in a way that asked whether one believed in fate or not.  Could two people love each other without ever really talking about it, support one another without even having to be there, meet each other 12 times in 8 years and never become what most people consider a commitment or couple.  Seeming to always be right on the edge of happiness of something more and then somewhere along the way while watching this drama realizing to them having each other in their heart without possession was to them happiness too...


 This thinking which is so out of my box and yet it really messed with my mind or should I say my heart the ending wasn't what I expected or to be honest hoped for but still it sure did challenge my way of thinking...






@Dhakra Hang in there believe me not every girl you meet is crazy!!  Trust me there are some good ones too.  There are a lot of girls out there you have yet to meet.   Days and hopes in this year waiting for you to live...  So don't go beating up that innocent pillow of yours and allow it and you to stay fluffy and I don't want Johnny to get upset wondering what the heck is wrong.  :tears:  Just breathe in and out for tomorrow is a new day....:)


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@USAFarmgirlI really gave up hope today. It seems like some girls don't have parents and lack in parental education. And so far all the girls I met during the last year, including this year so far, is crazy.

Hell, the first girl I talked to this year lied straight into my face and didn't even feel bad when I figured it out just ten minutes afterwards. She even blamed me today that she need to lie yesterday! 

But she's not the only one, Council of Ladies remember a specific person from last year I met twice,  that thought she really would need a cameo appearance in 2019, just to be even more childish.


I'm done, really. I'm done! Mrs. Dhakra is over. I throw the towel. That's it. I'm not trying anymore. No wedding, nothing. I give up. The search is over. Project Mrs. D has failed!


I'm going to bed now. 

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@Dhakra  I know you're hurting and I respect your feelings and it's not easy trying to lift someones spirits up when I am only able to use words from halfway around the world. Not to mention I know that whether a person is male or female it's never easy.  Having a crush, falling in love or rejection.   If finding the perfect person for ones life was so easy.  There would be less lonely people, heartache, one sided love, breakups, stress, divorce, cheating, lying, suicide, it just goes on and on.  Heck most of our dramas prove that.  And although they are fiction still they are a reflection of what's really going on around us...


Putting oneself out there in hopes of finding that right person.  That perfect fit or soulmate it sounds romantic and it can be.  Yet for most that path is also full of heartbreak, disappointment, frustration and loneliness.  It's easy for me to sit back in my comfy chair and cheer you on but the truth is I am not you. I'm not hurting or feeling what you're feeling. I am not laying in bed at the moment thinking about what ever happened over and over replaying in my mind and heart why me?  Sleeping soundly I doubt that...:tears:


Here is what I do know and that is that the desires and hopes of Mrs D is never over, not really.  You can say it, you can even feel it but you can't control the future or what your heart might yet feel.  That's the humbling part about being human we can't control everything no matter what we think or believe.  You're not alone in your struggles, potholes and bumps in the road.  In fact you're just like everyone else trying to find your way in searching and wanting someone to share your life with .  Don't be so hard on yourself and don't give up no matter how many black eyes fate or choices seem to give you.  Because above all, your happiness is worth fighting for no matter how long it takes...

Sending you a hug:) -2



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