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[Drama 2014/2015] Healer 힐러


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Guest uniku

when the healer drama aired on television in our country? I am very sad :(ji chang wook will soon play in the new film? Is this true? I am waiting oppa with a new project.

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Guest JCWsBelle


Thanks a ton for all that information! I had no clue! Let me see if I can order it. :w00t:

Also, I hope the thread fires up, like you said, once the DVDs are released. All those hours of Healer and exclusive interviews sound like heaven. :wub:Sigh...

And what is it that people do here, if I may ask? :)

Edited by JCWsBelle
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D-4 before Healer DVD released!!


cr: @Healer_1208 twitter

when the healer drama aired on television in our country? I am very sad :(ji chang wook will soon play in the new film? Is this true? I am waiting oppa with a new project.

Dear, you're not the only one waiting for Healer to be aired on our countries... le sigh..

Yes, JCW will have a new movie "Fabricated City".. He's currently filming the movie


Healer will be broadcasted in Japan on July 31.. But JCW will attend the screening on July 17. Kinda like Sohu event back then in China.

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Guest uniku

@kanyaprasetyo thanks for your information, im looking forward this movie, because the plot and storyline was interested, still about hacker,,,but ahjumma still the best, i like character of ahjumma :D. Korean drama currently airing on television in Indonesia is pinnoccio. so when healer aired in television on my country.?..hiks:sweatingbullets:I've been watching a healer in a computer seven times but never bored. OMG..i miss my oppa jcw....

@kanyaprasetyo thanks for your information, im looking forward this movie, because the plot and storyline was interested, still about hacker,,,but ahjumma still the best, i like character of ahjumma :D. Korean drama currently airing on television in Indonesia is pinnoccio. so when healer aired in television on my country.?..hiks:sweatingbullets:I've been watching a healer in a computer seven times but never bored. OMG..i miss my oppa jcw....

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I hope it will be well-accepted in Japan. :wub:   Anyone see this picture yet?  The packaging looks so good.  They really need to put in a drooling emoticon for occasions such as these.  :lol:  Anyways, I ordered off of Innolife.  I'm assuming that all international orders regardless of which site you used, will be shipped on the 20th?  I haven't gotten any e-mail yet.  So many delays, but now we can finally get our hands on Healer. :w00t:

So...will you marathon the extra footage or take it slow?  Re-watch first or after?  Or both. :D


cr: cafe.daum.net/healerdvd

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No one added "How to take care of your Healer Director's Cut DVD/BD" so I'm posting it here. It includes very important instructions.


It saddens me so much we're not allowed to discuss about Healer Director's Cut and reveal any information. I was looking forward to revive this forum with all Healerites.

I wonder why they made such strict and drastic decisions. Whatever the reason, I respect it.

While we wait for our DVD/BR to arrive, here are the covers from jichangwook_hyein8705.

Looks amazing, right? I'm jealous at the people who already got their package. Can't wait for my DVD! :)

Few more clear pictures from mow1230 (weibo).


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WTF? I wanted to blog about it. Seriously! They know seriously how to kick us in the face and don't want to sell all normal DVDs leftovers.
Besides that limitation wasn't known when I did order my box and I'm quite pissed of now they try such a stunt who is illegal in my country because of personal rights.

First they postpone the publishing date 3 times and now this. :angry:

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They are still available at Yesasia Global in pre-order and normal edition. You even can still order the Blu-Ray. I think Yesasia did order some definite amount from a retailer.
For US inhabitants you have to buy from Innolife, who only has the normal edition available.

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Minasan, long time no see!  Hope you don't mind me dropping in like this.  :D

I've been seeing lots of posts out on the Interwebs where folks are really upset over the restrictions placed upon purchasers of the "Healer" DVD boxset.   If it's okay with everyone, I will explain some simple legal reasons on why KBS and Kim Jong Hak Productions have made such demands.

1.  First and foremost, the Republic of Korea copyright law prevails over any other purported "country rights" or "personal rights" or "purchaser rights," etc.  This is a Korean-produced media compilation, and by merely that issue alone, no other country/venue/entity/person can claim that their "rights" are being trampled over by not being able to share any portion of the media or discuss it in any way.

2.  Past Korean drama Directors' Cut DVD sets have also had these same restrictions in place; if you read the 'fine print' on each DVD boxset, it says pretty much the same thing:  NO sharing of this product AT ALL.  In addition, it also seems a "moral copyright" is being asserted on the "Healer" boxset, which basically states that by not sharing the contents of the DVD boxset, it "preserves the integrity of the work while barring the work from alteration, distortion, or mutilation."  Uploading screencaps, portions of the script, etc. is considered a ‘mutilation’ of the product and is a violation of those same rules.

3.  For those of you claiming "fair use" (as in, “I own this DVD and I can do whatever the hell I want with it!!!”), that doctrine is also diminshed, because the one who holds the copyright (KBS/KJHP) can set the level of “fair use” sharing as they see fit.  Normal "fair use" would allow use of the copyrighted product in reviews and commentary (blogs included), research, and its use as a teaching device.  Using that I-own-it-logic, ANYONE could claim "fair use" while uploading portions of the DVD to a file-sharing server.  Then we’ve opened Pandora’s Box to any and all illegal usage without these limitations in place.

4.  It's a pretty strong line KBS/KJHP have drawn in the sand, but I can see why they have done so (although I'm still scratching my head over the "can't discuss anything" part of their demands).  They stand to make a lot of money in royalties from these sales, and by any unauthorized sharing of the "Healer" media, they would see that royalty money go away (since everyone would have free copies and not spending money for their own copies).  Plain and simple, if those royalties go away, then our actors may not see the full amounts due to them (no matter what their contracts state).  And we want our “Healer” cast and crew to get paid what they are entitled to, right?

5.  KBS is the largest broadcast network in Korea, and as such, has the deep pockets and specific technology to go after copyright infringers with swift penalizing actions.  Korea has a 'one-strike policy' when it comes to the illegal use of copyrighted media; it doesn’t matter how big or little the illegal upload is, they will trace your IP address and shut you down, fine you big bucks, and possibly jail you faster than you can say jjajangmyun.  And if you're not shut down by the authorities, some crabby netizen will eventually snitch on you as well.  Can you say "embarassing?"

From what I can tell, it seems the only people making a big fuss over what we can and cannot share from the "Healer" DVD boxset are the international fans (those living outside Korea).  And I've read some pretty nasty words from said disgruntled fans, with petitions being circulated in order to demand KBS/KJHP rescind their limitations on sharing the DVD contents.  Which to me, is rather silly since the Korean fans I know have merely shrugged their shoulders and accepted this as this just another day of doing business in Korea.  Doesn't that kinda make us look petty and childish?

You may or may not understand why such Draconian restrictions exist.  But maybe everyone can try to keep a cool head and not be as vocal about these rules and regulations that are in place to protect the integrity of the boxset while also protecting the copyright holders as well.  As it has been written, "We expect that all fans of Healer will exercise good morals and protect our precious Healer... "   The "Healer" cast and crew worked hard to bring the world such an amazing drama; we should work hard to protect that amazing drama for them as well.

I hope this explained a few things without putting you to sleep.  Thanks for reading!


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@cherkell, thank you so much for the info about our (including yourself) concerns.

but do pray, the ones that really care so much about sharing the Healer DVD contents are found in the shipper thread. Please do inform them about these legal action knowledge that you've posted here. 

Again, thank you so much for your wisdom in this matter. 

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@cherkell dear ... thanks for providing us your perspective on this whole dvd brouhaha ... i would agree and abide by these restrictions however from the way i see it, it may not be a straightforward application of korean copyright laws as this may also be encroaching international laws and reconciling these may convoluted and tricky ...

Also in fairness to soompiers, i havent heard of any petition going around demanding kbs to rescind these restrictions ... any rumblings from tieba baidu? ... i have not heard of this either ... I would assume that this is what you referred to as the international community ... whilst people are upset about this directive, you may have also heard of people working around the situation ... but no petitions ... i just hope we stop making a generalization of this behavior because majority of soompiers are decent and understand plain english ... there may be a few perhaps but that is not the general sentiment i get ...

Delurking again to share my 2 cents ... i am part of that international community and i take offense for such comments specially if it sounds condescending ... more so that i perfectly understand and am supportive of kbs taking this direction and by all means intend to comply with these to the letter ... for certain most soompiers are also onboard however were caught offguard and not expecting these strict guidelines ... nonetheless i get the impression soompiers will comply to this directive ... lets chill, relax and enjoy the drama ... again ... this time in high definition :-)


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Minasan, long time no see!  Hope you don't mind me dropping in like this.  :D

I've been seeing lots of posts out on the Interwebs where folks are really upset over the restrictions placed upon purchasers of the "Healer" DVD boxset.   If it's okay with everyone, I will explain some simple legal reasons on why KBS and Kim Jong Hak Productions have made such demands.

1.  First and foremost, the Republic of Korea copyright law prevails over any other purported "country rights" or "personal rights" or "purchaser rights," etc.  This is a Korean-produced media compilation, and by merely that issue alone, no other country/venue/entity/person can claim that their "rights" are being trampled over by not being able to share any portion of the media or discuss it in any way.

2.  Past Korean drama Directors' Cut DVD sets have also had these same restrictions in place; if you read the 'fine print' on each DVD boxset, it says pretty much the same thing:  NO sharing of this product AT ALL.  In addition, it also seems a "moral copyright" is being asserted on the "Healer" boxset, which basically states that by not sharing the contents of the DVD boxset, it "preserves the integrity of the work while barring the work from alteration, distortion, or mutilation."  Uploading screencaps, portions of the script, etc. is considered a ‘mutilation’ of the product and is a violation of those same rules.

3.  For those of you claiming "fair use" (as in, “I own this DVD and I can do whatever the hell I want with it!!!”), that doctrine is also diminshed, because the one who holds the copyright (KBS/KJHP) can set the level of “fair use” sharing as they see fit.  Normal "fair use" would allow use of the copyrighted product in reviews and commentary (blogs included), research, and its use as a teaching device.  Using that I-own-it-logic, ANYONE could claim "fair use" while uploading portions of the DVD to a file-sharing server.  Then we’ve opened Pandora’s Box to any and all illegal usage without these limitations in place.

4.  It's a pretty strong line KBS/KJHP have drawn in the sand, but I can see why they have done so (although I'm still scratching my head over the "can't discuss anything" part of their demands).  They stand to make a lot of money in royalties from these sales, and by any unauthorized sharing of the "Healer" media, they would see that royalty money go away (since everyone would have free copies and not spending money for their own copies).  Plain and simple, if those royalties go away, then our actors may not see the full amounts due to them (no matter what their contracts state).  And we want our “Healer” cast and crew to get paid what they are entitled to, right?

5.  KBS is the largest broadcast network in Korea, and as such, has the deep pockets and specific technology to go after copyright infringers with swift penalizing actions.  Korea has a 'one-strike policy' when it comes to the illegal use of copyrighted media; it doesn’t matter how big or little the illegal upload is, they will trace your IP address and shut you down, fine you big bucks, and possibly jail you faster than you can say jjajangmyun.  And if you're not shut down by the authorities, some crabby netizen will eventually snitch on you as well.  Can you say "embarassing?"

From what I can tell, it seems the only people making a big fuss over what we can and cannot share from the "Healer" DVD boxset are the international fans (those living outside Korea).  And I've read some pretty nasty words from said disgruntled fans, with petitions being circulated in order to demand KBS/KJHP rescind their limitations on sharing the DVD contents.  Which to me, is rather silly since the Korean fans I know have merely shrugged their shoulders and accepted this as this just another day of doing business in Korea.  Doesn't that kinda make us look petty and childish?

You may or may not understand why such Draconian restrictions exist.  But maybe everyone can try to keep a cool head and not be as vocal about these rules and regulations that are in place to protect the integrity of the boxset while also protecting the copyright holders as well.  As it has been written, "We expect that all fans of Healer will exercise good morals and protect our precious Healer... "   The "Healer" cast and crew worked hard to bring the world such an amazing drama; we should work hard to protect that amazing drama for them as well.

I hope this explained a few things without putting you to sleep.  Thanks for reading!


Thank you but I can't agree on point 1. If copyrights law would be that easy you surely couldn't buy rip-off shirts with Disney figures in Korea for example. And Disney is a very big company compared to KBS.

People complaining doesn't mean they won't honor the rules. They complain to state their opinion. Korea may have a different way but when a company tells me how I have to talk about something I bought from them it is kind of censorship. I don't mean companies sueing bloggers for telling something they don't like, I mean KBS telling us in what phrases we have to talk. That surely is not acceptable for most of us who are living in free countries.

Edited by usagi1997
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OH YAY! My package has arrived this afternoon. 

Unfortunately, it was send to my office while I'm on leave today LOL. And because it's a public hol in my country tomorrow, I will only be able to view my package on Monday. :( 

Anyway, reading all those previous posts and the emphasis on copyright and all, I'm so sad that we can't discuss about the DVD at all??? Is it?? So I won't be expecting even a tiny bit of translations from our fellow healerites here? That's just so sadddd. :( 

Edited by AshleyChia
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