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[Variety] Happy Sunday -1 Night, 2 Days (1박 2일) S3 :KBS 1N2D S3 MISS ALL MEMBER -STAFF EXCEPT JY :PAGE 447 END MARCH 2019

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I wondered if i should say this... thought alot abt it, but well... just sharing... 


I know everyone who loves 1N2D and Kim Joo Hyuk is sad.. so am i. But i also feel maybe some are keeping their attachment to the pain of loss too much. Ive lost several close friends suddenly in my life as well. The first one was the toughest, and that was when i was a mere 18yr old. Went to school one morning, and got informed that one of our classmates have passed away that morning. I will never forget the friend.. or that day... but after grieving for some time, i come to realised that its better to let the person go, and just remember the happy memories. Go in peace, believe he is in a better place now, and that we will meet again some day, and keep the happy memories.. because as much as we love those who have passed away, they also wouldnt want to see ppl who love them be too sad and sorrowful bcos of them. They would want to be remembered fondly. So do not wallow in too much of our selfish pain and sorrow, but think about what JooHyuk would want us to do.. would he be happy if he sees ppl who love him be too sad because of him, and couldnt even watch 1N2D, a program made by ppl he loved? A program that he supports and watch every week? Or even dramas and films he starred in. If we love JooHyuk that much, then do things that honor him, things that he would have wanted us to do. Swallow our own pain and do the things that is tough as an offering for him. That would make him happy and proud. And slowly, that would be how to get us through the grieving process. That was how i walked out of my pain of losing my friends. We will cry, we will smile, and eventually we will laugh. 

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@blackberrypie thought about whether should write this too, but I guess just like you, I'd like to share my thought


People grieve and mourn in different ways. Some would wallow, share their sadness with others, some would keep it inside and move on like nothing happens. I'm the latter. I lost both my parents in 2 months time and went to work in just 2 days. It doesn't mean the one is sadder than the other. Nothing is more devastating than losing the loved ones.

But no matter how you deal with it, the same thing will happen no matter what.

Time heals.

Soon, much sooner than we can imagine, we will smile and laugh again.

One day, we will look at hyung's pictures without any tears. We will watch the episodes with him in those, maybe with a tear or two, but we will smile and laugh again.

One day, everything about gutaeng hyung will fade into memories.


So, let us grieve and mourn with our own ways. He would want us to be happy again. His unruly brothers to be naughty and funny again. We will. They will. For now, I guess, we can give time to ourselves.


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By the way, JJY will be returning to Seoul tomoro as scheduled, not earlier. In a way, i kinda hoped that as well.. bcos he already missed the funeral, no point in rushing back asap, while the news is still hot in korea, and have reporters shoving cameras at his face. Better for him to deal with the initial shock and grief in a faraway place with no reporters to disturb him... and cook island is a beautiful place, so hope it heals his pain, and return when he is able to compose himself. Its much better this way. Hope he finds peace as well.. -_-





the article just released not long ago said JJY have returned and arrived at Incheon on 4th Nov 6pm KST.


on the other hand, this article said he will arrive on 5th Nov, tomorrow. Duno which is the correct one...



probably the latest one is the right one... 




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@jayne21874 Agreed. We all have different way to grieve. For me personally, watching Joohyuk's episodes when he still in 2D1N help me with the grief. It reminds me that he made good memories with the members and enjoy every moment even when the mission and condition were hard. I can see him talking and laughing with his brothers over and over again. His movies, dramas, and variety shows are the things left from him that we all can treasure.


@blackberrypie  I think let's wait if his agency confirm this or not.



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@blackberrypie Yeah just saw the confirmation from his agency. Just like you posted, before there were still articles claimed he'd be back tomorrow with the rest of LOTJ team. So it's confusing for me too.


According to the article, his agency stated he is in despair and with his condition it's better to avoid any medias around, they kindly ask for understanding. Many Knetz also commented before and told reporter to not take his picture in the airport when he arrived. Glad the reporters had some decency this time and respected his privacy. Now that he's home, he has people close to him including 2D1N hyungs that he could talk to and console him.





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I am new and old girl I do not know  how to mention someone post here. -_-


Yes, people grieve differently. For me personally, I am not in a healthy mental state (clinically depressed, GAD, etc.) 1n2d reminds me of 'better times' when I was healthy, watching it regularly with my family while eating sodaeng. My Mom lives in Korea while us siblings attended school in Japan. We came home every week-end. Even now, season 3 succesfully makes me smile or even laugh. It is something precious. It is a breath I do not feel often. It is a part of family custom as well. When they went to Harbin, my Dad had bussiness occasion in Shanghai. He actually fled there to take picture of Jongmin haha. While for me, my favourite is always KJH. He is different than any eldest of entertaiment world. Is he the same guy as in Prague drama ? He has a soft voice. He has a gaze of someone that is listener than talker. I have synesthesia and I see him as someone that has been hurt (like the lady said in eps when Rain came). Someone that know what lonely is. Someone that does not really believe in unconditional positif regard. What is he doing in variety show, really ? 


Sometimes my mind screams 'is he me ???' 


I am surprised as well that I feel such bereavement of someone I never met. It is a strong émotion I have not had in a while. Well my psychiatres was happy, since any émotion is better than none. For anyone that feel so much sorrow without understanding why, you are not alone. Here I am in an autumn sky of Scotland, praying him all the best heaven could offer. 


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I started rewatching S3 again as part of my therapy... at first still in disbelief state and sad but eventually making me cherish him more... so glad he joined 1n2d that I got to know him well and drew him closer to my heart. Now that I'm rewatching old episodes made me more attentive to his actions and words... made me realize that I missed some detailed words like when CTH videocalled his kids, Joohyuk said how jealous he was so he needed to find a wife and start his own family soon and said this is not the time for me to do this (doing games on this variety show) ... as well as in Seollal episode he said he should start his family soon and wanted to have a child to become a father so he could better understand his father's heart because his regret was not being close to his father.


Entertainment weekly tribute to Kim JooHyuk (his life as an actor):



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I never posted before and never thought that I will ever, but here I am posting. I just need to get this out of my head. 


I have a progessing health issue and, aside from treatments,  I distracted myself a lot by watching Kshows. Somehow, I got hooked to 2D1N Season 3. I feel like they're a part of what made me able to stay a bit sane during my flare ups. I managed to stay for 45 minutes inside an MRI machine, twice, replaying the funniest part of the show in my head. I watched their shows in hospital beds. I am truly grateful that the show exists, that the casts and the crew exists. I am not a person who mourn the death of a person I don't know personally. But I sobbed when I hear KJH passed away. I still sob a bit whenever I see a moving picture of him. It's different for each people, and there's no one right way to mourn. Choose the right one for you and understand that others might have their own pace and reason to mourn just a bit longer. 


I will be watching 2D1N again, absolutely. I will be crying too when I watch them, no doubt. But I am damn sure, though it won't be exactly the same, that I will be laughing with the casts again.

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Glad to hear that Joonyoung has reached Korea safely.


Translating from a chinese source of Raymon Kim's insta post (anyone with Korean knowledge can help correct this if there are any inaccuracies),


Actor Kim Joohyuk, I've only remembered now that I have your number. After the second 1n2d filming, you let the staff drink the makgeolli that we brought back from the filming location while you only drank half a cup. You told me that it's fate  that we filmed together twice, asked me to address you as hyung and told me your number. I've forgotten all of that... As I'm shy with strangers, because I'm a person who doesn't dare to initiate getting a photo as a memory with the people I'm filming with, "Will he remember me?" I did not have the courage nor the face to attend your wake. Hojin pd sent two pictures to the hesitating me, saying that hyung would be thinking of seeing me and told me to come. Because of his words, I went to the funeral hall and put a stalk of chrysanthemum, but my heart still hurts... It breaks my heart when I have to get up from bed immediately to send my daughter to the hospital emergency section... It is more heartbreaking to delete your number, please definitely go to a good place hyung. Actor Kim Joohyuk.


The conversation in the picture was basically about Chef Raymon hesitating about whether to go and saying that he had no courage. Hojin pd was telling him to come if he was not busy and that Joohyuk would be happy to see him and would be thinking of him, so please come. Hojin pd also mentioned that he went on the 31st and would be going slightly later today (1st).

Source: https://m.weibo.cn/status/4170368765518667


Hojin pd really cherishes his relationship with Joohyuk. Someone mentioned online that Hojin pd tends to follow Joohyuk if the members split up during the trip, so they were very close (not sure how accurate was the information about the pd designation).


It was a consolation to see that Joohyuk was remembered fondly by 1n2d guests from their appearances. Have seen Henry, Ryohei Otani (Seeing Korea special), Kim Sook, Minah (Female Friends special) at the wake. Chefs Sam Kim and Lee Yeon Bok also shared photos about Joohyuk.


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Hi LYD89 (how to mention a post ??), your assumption that Hojin PD usually followed KJH was most probably right. Traditionally main PD will follow the oldest cast (like how Ilyong follows Junho the most) unless it does not convenient him (like in summer work when he exchanged rôle so he stayed in the village with JY). The fancafe I frequently visit also has a popular headcannon that Hojin followed KJH around because he never casted in variety before. Btw, he calls KJH with nim while he call other hyungs bit more casually. I like how Hojin worded his word with the chief. 


And fridgemagnets, hang on there ! I know how hard it is to live in hospital. To have to go through many treatments while our peer enjoy their life. I wish life would be nicer and kinder to you soon. I know how hard it is to make sense why we bereaved of someone we do not know. But since the feeling is real, let's try our best to face it. 

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Thank you for translation of Raymond Kim @lyd89 

So touching and I'm so glad Yoo pd encourage him to come since I know Joohyuk would be happy.. It indeed like fate they being paired twice when he guest


Ilyong pd 



UhmJunghwa post


Kim Jong Do hyungnim :( 

Even GongHyoJin


I'm sure there many others it just hard to keep track...


Oh didn't know even Otani Ryohei come.. I'm glad he did :) 


I'm so glad we can see how much he is getting loves by many people and no longer have empty space behind him :( 

He had lived the good lives he want 


I'm glad JJY arrived safely in Korea and no paparazzi taking his airport pics because that would be horrible.. 

I hope he can mourn in peace and his hyungs and friends would be there by his side hopefully this time.. Hope he get to go to JooHyuk grave


Always feel Yoo pd is extremely fond of JooHyuk and respect him a lot also think of him like big brother


I hope the fans would give space and time for the members&staff as well..

since I saw a lot keep asking and demanding them to do tribute already so fast.. 

I mean give them a break this just happen in few days ago not even a week at least give them time and have faith with their love for JooHyuk which we might won't really understand how deep it is..

I'm sure they will when they are ready emotionally. I'm glad for the strike right now tbh 


I start watching again old episode with Gutaeng and I'm not crying even my heart is bit heavy because what he leave behind in the show is purely only good and happy memories full of genuine laughter so I'm sure he don't want us to be sad for long time....i won't say I'm moving on even others will because I will always keep him alive in big part of my heart and memory for as long as I live :) 

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Is there any news on 2D1N's episode this Sunday?


BTW did anyone know KBS World YT account? I mean, there wasn't any new upload of videos. I was trying to browse videos, mostly about Kim Joohyuk's news, especially on Entertainment weekly but there wasn't. I don't have much time searching for videos and i only know KBS World acct. I wondered if the account as well was affected because of the strike? Can't play other episodes of 2D1N (last 2months) as well..


@fridgemagnets stay strong there, pal!

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It's has been 6 days since the passing of uri Gutaeng hyung. We still feel so unreal. It's difficult but we have to keep telling ourselves that we have to move on.


I have been following 2D1N since season 1 and grow so attached to each member just like my own brother (From Kang Ho Dong to current members). We laughed, we cried, we shared the joy with them. I still remembered how awkward uri Gutaeng hyung was during his 1st ep. Before he was casted in 2D1N, i knew he was an actor, but never knew that he was also named South Korea's Huge Grant. His charisma and humour was another level. I cried during his last episode and hoped that he would stay longer in 2D1N. But, respect his decision. To me, though he left the show, but I never felt that he left and could still feel his presence whenever i watched the show. Haha.. I always wanted to visit KBS building and hope to meet them once and to tell them in person that they are great and are also popular internationally. 2D1N jjang! 


Stay Strong, to all my chingu here.

We believe uri Gutaengie hyung will be watching over us and his loved ones from heaven. He would like to see our happy faces again.


Aja aja fighting!





P.S. i'm re-watching 2D1N Season 3 from ep 1 onwards.. I cried and laughed at the same time.

Keep telling myself, I'll be okay, I'll be okay... To my chingu here too, hope you all will be okay too.


Short clip - S3 Ep1 (Credit owner)


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“2 Days & 1 Night” To Air Special Episode Dedicated To Kim Joo Hyuk


On November 5, KBS 2TV’s “2 Days & 1 Night” will air a special episode dedicated to actor Kim Joo Hyuk.

This news was announced in a caption at the end of a rerun on the morning of November 5 with no additional details.

In response, a source from the program shared, “The production team did not want to promote the special episode for Kim Joo Hyuk,” and added, “We are thinking that it will be a time for dedicated viewers to remember Kim Joo Hyuk.”

Kim Joo Hyuk passed away in a car accident on October 30 at the age of 45. The sudden news of his death brought shock and grief to the entertainment world, and many celebrities attended his funeral to pay their respects.

The actor was a former member of “2 Days & 1 Night” and earned the nickname Gutaengie-Hyung. He had a close friendship with the cast members Cha Tae Hyun, Defconn, Kim Joon Ho, Kim Jong Min, and Jung Joon Young. Kim Joo Hyuk also previously mentioned in an interview that the show helped him recover from an acting slump.

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Just wanna share One of my favorite moments of uri Gutaeng hyung


2015 KBS Entertainment Award

That's when uri Gutaeng hyung received Top Entertainment award.

That's when uri Gutaeng hyung wanted to give rest of the members a surpirse but didn't expect to receive an award himself.. He went blank for 5sec before going onstage to receive the award.. 


(Credit owner) Watch from 1:05:10 


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20 hours ago, The_Doctor said:

“2 Days & 1 Night” To Air Special Episode Dedicated To Kim Joo Hyuk


On November 5, KBS 2TV’s “2 Days & 1 Night” will air a special episode dedicated to actor Kim Joo Hyuk.

This news was announced in a caption at the end of a rerun on the morning of November 5 with no additional details.

In response, a source from the program shared, “The production team did not want to promote the special episode for Kim Joo Hyuk,” and added, “We are thinking that it will be a time for dedicated viewers to remember Kim Joo Hyuk.”

Kim Joo Hyuk passed away in a car accident on October 30 at the age of 45. The sudden news of his death brought shock and grief to the entertainment world, and many celebrities attended his funeral to pay their respects.

The actor was a former member of “2 Days & 1 Night” and earned the nickname Gutaengie-Hyung. He had a close friendship with the cast members Cha Tae Hyun, Defconn, Kim Joon Ho, Kim Jong Min, and Jung Joon Young. Kim Joo Hyuk also previously mentioned in an interview that the show helped him recover from an acting slump.

Anyone knows what time is the broadcast? Still at 1940hrs?

Edited by LyraYoo
please do not quote the images ,thank you
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  staff 1n2d should using this video for 1n2d 10th anniversary epi.. but .......... this last word from kim joohyuk for 1n2d  ...  





member just record for this special epi  .... but none one  cant talk .ex  cth ... he visit again place where joohyuk go for seolla epi  














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