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[Drama 2013] ★ Secret | Secret Love 비밀 ★

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MDSY said:

Secret Episode 7 Review: Hwang Jung Eum Starts Believing That Ji Sung Has to Do with Her Son’s Death

Secret, episode 7, Kang Yoo Jung(played by Hwang Jung Eum) started to believe that Jo Min Hyuk(played by Ji Sung) had to do with her son’s death.

Yoo Jung saw Hye Jin(played by Moon Ji In) on the streets and followed her. She asked her why she lied that Yoo Jung abused her child. As Hye Jin did not know what was going on, Yoo Jung told her that her son has died.

Hye Jin was shocked and said, “I didn’t do that on purpose. I was just asked to stop you from being set free early.” Yoo Jung then remember Min Hyuk warning her, “You’re going to feel extra uncomfortable if you come out of prison.” She started to believe that he was the one who planned killed her son.

cr: koreandrama.com

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after watching happy together secret special....I suddenly wanted to share this

Hwang Jung Eum from 9 years ago... her debut with Sugar!  when she was 18! she still looks young and beautiful and I liked her old hair.... :D so cool...

I looked for Jo in Sung and Bae So Bin old moments from their debut years but I couldnt find anything! :(
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Whoa, ViKi subbers are blazing through this one! It's at 65% now!  smiley-dance013.gif
I'm getting worried because MH keeps parading YJ around - in front of SY, in front of his step-mother, in front of co-workers, in front of DH....I think it puts her in more danger? I'm terrified of what will happen once his father finds out about her. leaving.gif

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Wasn't Yoo Jung dressing a little better than this?. I think they've gone overboard with the 'poor people' clothing....I know you can put yourself together better than that shopping at Goodwill (thrift stores).....Why are we carrying branded bags and the latest cell phone, while wearing ahjumma swap-meet ensembles? /:) Fail.
Without subs, I want to hope DH doesn't have anything to do with the baby's disappearance. I know his mom does.
DH is such a wuss, the relationship was going to fail baby or no, How could he have a career as a prosecutor with a jailbird wife? and a child outside of marriage?
Se Yeon, I don't get her. Dude's lover and baby dies and she acts as though he lost a cell phone. She couldn't pretend she was upset over his pain in front of him?....It wasn't till he tries to kill himself that she something but, that's only because it effects her.  Now years later she expects something? Why? because she says so?....haha lady. You excepted this behavior years ago. Sorry
MH part of me wants this to get all Thai Lakorn and turn the contract into a marriage-contract-for-revenge-because-I-love-to-hate-you-cause-you-killed-my-family-and-trotting-you-around-as-my-wife-is-really-going-to-harm-you-no-really, plot...but this isn't set up that way...If Daddy had a 'you can't get your inheritance unless you are married' ultimatum perhaps, but I don't see this going there...I can hope though
DH, I love that the sad-eyed second lead is such a wussie rat bastard. Those sad eyes and Korean superman face make you want to justify stuff for him, but, then it's like, hey, you like totally killed your future father in law, what a bastard!!!!!
Maybe there's hope for the revenge marriage thing MH finds baby San and pics come out with him holding baby and YG together. Scandal news erupts over illegitimate child and so on...
Oh and Se Yeon you can't paint, so there, 

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LDH really looks gorgeous everytime I saw her with those outfits in Secret, a real supermodel indeed. I think, I'll still love her eventhough I also know her character will be an evil bitchy girl soon. I. JUST. LOVE.HER. Hope the writer-nim will make SY such an elegant antagonist, which means it will be hard for us as viewers to hate SY :))
I really anticipate how the writer-nim will build the character of our 4 main casts. It's solid so far and the story as well. I rooted for them that I can't help myself but continuing watching every single scene patiently, just to make sure that I didn't miss anything. I'm sooooo exited to know what will happen next since, well, we all know that what we can do for now is (just) guessing and guessing and guessing and GUESSING AGAIN! Omo there's none of the secrets has revealed yet. Ottoke ottoke? We're just arrived on episode 7 and (not) so far away until we stand on the last journey of our secrets *crossing my fingers #:-S
I know that maybe it's too soon to conclude anything happened. But... This drama has taught me that:1. Being too naive will ruin our life. It's good to be kind to others, but to be tooooo naive is just a stupid thing we can do for ourselves. YJ was so naive that she ended up being back-stabbed by the people she trusted a lot. AND SHE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW!!! Let me count... Let me count. She hasn't realized that DH probably the MAIN EVIL DEVIL OF ALL THE BAD LUCK SHE SUFFERED THE MOST, San and Dad death cases for example. Luckily, She didn't too naive to realized that San was being abused by her ex-cellmate. Oh dear, the people closest to us would be the people who hurt us the most also.

2. Being too obsess to things/people is not good that we may confuse to understand what exactly we're looking for. DH is too obsess (or too rigid?) to exit from his poverty, and thought that law should be balance in order to make the justice between those who have power and who haven't. And when he suddenly realized he has no power and being used by the power itself, he's going to gain the power with anything he can do, not really care if it'll hurt him and people around who love him much. As to MH who obsesses to YJ and take revenge in the name of love. Eh? I mean, what he thought it was love. When he realizes he's falling in love to the girl he obsessed, it's too deep and too hard for him to get over the feeling, kekeke. And I believe, SY is going to get obsessed to MH. Omo.

3. When we hate someone that much and can't forgive him/her, it's a projection of neither we hate ourselves that much also that we can't even forgive ourselves OR we never experienced of love and forgiveness. Same goes to, when we can't love someone, it's a projection of we can't love ourselves. How can we know what love is if we never loved ourselves? How can we know how to forgive people's mistakes if we can't ever forgave our own mistakes and the bad things we've experienced in life? How can we ask others to love us if we can't give love to others too?

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tessieroo said: Whoa, ViKi subbers are blazing through this one! It's at 65% now!  smiley-dance013.gif
I'm getting worried because MH keeps parading YJ around - in front of SY, in front of his step-mother, in front of co-workers, in front of DH....I think it puts her in more danger? I'm terrified of what will happen once his father finds out about her. leaving.gif

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Here are my thoughts before the whole episode is subbed. 
So, in the end this is still just a game to Minhyuk. It's a bit bothersome to me, it's almost as if he'll go bipolar or insane if he doesn't get over this. During the hospital scene in the beginning he says "if you're like this, then it's no fun." It just goes back to reaffirm my thoughts that he is nowhere falling for her yet. He pities her and is somewhat looking out for her wellbeing unbeknownst to him yet. But he doesn't love her yet. He wants her up and going so it'll be easier to carry out his plans of putting her in misery still. Plus, it seems that he likes that he can easily push her around from how the episode has progressed. He's still out to get the truth on what really went down that night, and before he does, he's still going to keep Yoo Jung close by to observe and act out on her because it's easier. I feel he now knows, Dong Hoon has something to hide even more or that he knows more than he's letting off about the whole situation hence he isn't letting go of Dong Hoon easy either. 
As for the scene between Dong Hoon and his family. His mom irritates me to no end. She's truly ungrateful and a bit self-centered. She gives this vibe off as if she's doing everything for her son and her family for their best interest but to me it seems like she just wants it all to be better for herself. His dad, clearly doesn't wear the pants in the relationship. And I feel the dad really has no clue to what mother and son may be up to. I feel he's just holding back towards Yoo Jung clearly because he doesn't know that she saved his sons richard simmons from going into jail. What also bothers me is that he seems to be slightly blaming his dad for why he is in this predicament that he is. "Do you know what I have done to be in the position and etc." It seems that to make up for what he dad wasn't able to achieve he set the standard for himself, and because of that he allowed YJ to go to jail so he can be in the position of higher status in the working field that he is. Which I think is cowardly again. Why the hell would you blame your father for, your father didn't make the decisions you did. Your father isn't a criminal. Tsk. 
I'm glad Yoo Jung can now lean on her cell mate unnie for help and for a place to stay though. I'm personally glad that this episode had some laid back and humorous scenes because we totally needed those scenes. Most notable of course was the scene where MH is dragging KS around to avoid meeting both SY and YJ which of course is unavoidable. SY is obviously disturbed or bothered by the fact that MH is still seeing YJ. She knows he's doing this for his own pleasure and so called revenge, but she's been his childhood friend for so long, I think she knows what MH is capable of and how he can possibly see YJ in the future. 

The drunk scene. Lols that was hilarious. We thought he wasn't fully drunk but considering how the next morning was, he obviously was a tad bit too much over. Haha. I found it hilarious how the look on his face made it seem like he felt so violated if she saw him half naked. Haha. It was bittersweet though seeing the mini breakfast scene. He was rash towards her. The asking for water scene after eating reminded me of him and his ex-gf...sad though. 

Now, we see some light on MH's family affairs. That woman, his stepmom, really does get on my nerves though. Sincerely gets on my nerves. When she pulls YJ aside and verbally humiliates her. At least MH dislikes his mother enough to take YJ away and speak up. So, it seems that his stepmom married his dad for money. But seriously, I feel that what if her daughter isn't MH's father's child. The daughter and MH isn't close...and earlier when we saw the exercise scene between mother and daughter, the daughter mentioned that she probably got more of her father's genes and we see the mother's face kind of tense up. What if the child isn't MH's father's daughter? Just saying. But yeah, I just don't like how his stepmom acts all high and mighty simply because she has the name of "lady of the house". 
MH and YJ holding hands makes my heart melt slightly even if he's accusing her of irrational stuff like following him to his home and what not. BUT I loved loved the fact the DH saw them together. Yes, make the mothaeffer feel guilt and regret. MH of  course returns to his jerk self once in the room with her.  During the DH and YJ scene afterwards. How dare he say that he's repent for the crime they did?! All he did was live with his guilt. Yoo Jung had to repent for all of it, when it wasn't even her doing! She went to jail in his place, labeled a murderer in his place, is getting avenged on in his place. Even after serving time for his crime, she still can't live in peace and has already lost more than she did being out of jail than when she was still locked up. How the heck does he dare say that he's done back all the paying back for what has happened!?! Yes, DH is right not to trust MH and to tell YJ to be careful. But seriously, I feel like he's doing this more to look out for his own butt because he's still so scared of his karma  catching up to him and everything getting revealed. I just can't stand him. 
As for the beating, I so glad so finally let out some anger and violence. She deserved too and the chick deserved the beating. Till now we still don't know who was behind it and what was really said or done to San. Which brings me to say that, it's pretty evident that it seems that she now thinks MH has something to do with San's impending death. The reason why I say impending is because I feel San is still out there somewhere. The reason why I say she will probably think it's MH is because of the flashback she had. 
I'm still adamant that MH has nothing to do with San's disappearance. He may be cruel but he's lost his own child, I don't think he has to capabilities of killing her child or putting him in a situation where he possibly could've been killed. What we do know is that the last ones to really have physical contact with San is DH and his mother. I feel they hid him somewhere. 
In the new episode preview, we see MH all hyped up with anger again. Now, DH has more to worry about because of the picture of him and YJ that was sent by MH to his house. It just goes to show that MH is up to something. The puzzles are slowly falling back in place. 

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Preview: MH raised the doubt that it was YJ leaving his ex. He was chasing back the accident for some reasons. I think he was hiring a private investigator to reerect the truth of what happened really and who really left after looking. At last, he asked YJ if it was really her looking at the his ex dying and left. She was shocked to hear it and couldn't answer his question.

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@shae - 
That's interesting, I don't know why but I thought segmenting was easy. Thanks for that bit of info, I had no idea. I always get annoyed at the nasty subbing comments. (and the comments about celebrity plastic surgery - Pffffttttt, who cares?)
Is it just me or did SY come off even nastier in this episode? I still think she and DH's mom would get along great. 

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@Lmangla , @anvesha , @shae, and @rryd - thanks for responding to my post. Well, I guess my theory about the half sister gets blown to bits when faced with little things like logic and facts!  :)

I don't know why I was thinking SH's sister had been younger and an infant. Oh well, I did say it was silly and improbable.

I wonder what the situation with MH's half sister is then. rryd, I think you have some really good insights about that. I was just thinking how this new "secret" might tie into the rest of the story. The viewers would only be given a glimpse of the "you might not be my real mother" scene if it were significant. Unless it is just another example of "everyone having secrets."

I guess we'll find out soon enough. Or in my case, not nearly soon enough @-) This speculating is driving me crazy!

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If Ahn lawyer knows how much I know about him, he'll be surprised?He knows but not enough...he ignores the most important he was the driver,the one that turned away even though he saw the person lying over there...I hope he will realise soon that she is not that kind of person...she needs help...he must find the prove i really hope he will find backup file for the blackbox in the driver's car...I want to see that bastard scared...

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Guest lettykay

Janett said:

IF this b*** purpose only was to prevent YJ to be set free early on parole then what happen to San is not MHs doing.

He is to "sofisticated evil" to do it bluntly like that and let a ragtag make his bidding and looking at how he responded to YJ fathers predicament and what he said to DH I dont turn on people when they are in need and was willing to pay for the operation he would definatly not turn evil on an innousent child.

Also he would not do it on two fronts as he alreay had DH doing what he wanted.

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shae said: tessieroo said: Whoa, ViKi subbers are blazing through this one! It's at 65% now!  smiley-dance013.gif
I'm getting worried because MH keeps parading YJ around - in front of SY, in front of his step-mother, in front of co-workers, in front of DH....I think it puts her in more danger? I'm terrified of what will happen once his father finds out about her. leaving.gif

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Janett said: MDSY said:

Secret Episode 7 Review: Hwang Jung Eum Starts Believing That Ji Sung Has to Do with Her Son’s Death

Secret, episode 7, Kang Yoo Jung(played by Hwang Jung Eum) started to believe that Jo Min Hyuk(played by Ji Sung) had to do with her son’s death.

Yoo Jung saw Hye Jin(played by Moon Ji In) on the streets and followed her. She asked her why she lied that Yoo Jung abused her child. As Hye Jin did not know what was going on, Yoo Jung told her that her son has died.

Hye Jin was shocked and said, “I didn’t do that on purpose. I was just asked to stop you from being set free early.” Yoo Jung then remember Min Hyuk warning her, “You’re going to feel extra uncomfortable if you come out of prison.” She started to believe that he was the one who planned killed her son.

cr: koreandrama.com

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hmmmm i am watching raw at work and when MH put his shirt on I noticed something .... he doesnt have armpit hair? I have never seen a man without armpit hair !? .... am I seeing it right or my screen is just too small? need to watch this on my big screen HD TV to verify! LOL

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MDSY said:
class="post-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 5px; padding: 0px; line-height: 30px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-size: 20px !important;"Secret Episode 7 Review: Ji Sung Saves and Looks After Hwang Jung Eum

In Secret, episode 7, Jo Min Hyuk(played by Ji Sung) saved and looked after Kang Yoo Jung(played by Hwang Jung Eum).

Min Hyuk found Yoo Jung passed out, and quickly brought her to the hospital. He said to her while she was lying down unconscious, “This ain’t not fun if you’re lying down like this.” He wiped her sweat for her and whispered, “Wake up, Kang Yoo Jung.”

class="post-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 5px; padding: 0px; line-height: 30px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-style: normal; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-size: 20px !important;"Secret Episode 7 Review: Lee Da Hee Warns Ji Sung to Stop Being Obesessed Over Hwang Jung Eum

In Secret, episode 7, Shin Se Yeon(played by Lee Da Hee) warned Jo Min Hyuk(played by Ji Sung) to stop being obsessed over Kang Yoo Jung(played byHwang Jung Eum).

As Min Hyuk still was not over his late ex-girlfriend, Se Yeon said, “Will I do the same if you have died? But doing this for all these years won’t help either you or that girl. It’s just an obsession. This is good enough for Seo Ji Hee to realize that you feel sorry for her.”

As she kept telling him to stop taking a revenge on Yoo Jung, Min Hyuk got mad and pushed her to the wall. He said, “I said, stop it.” However, Se Yeon shouted, “Yes, shout at me like that. You can either get mad or cry, but at least do it in front of me.” Then she took at the book, ‘Wuthering Heights’, and said, “Read this. See how people can change after falling in love.”

cr: koreandrama.com
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