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[Drama 2013] ★ Secret | Secret Love 비밀 ★

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Guest Fransiska Yani

Hello, i've been in a silent mode since this drama began. I wasn't ready for making some comment here before i watch the drama. After i ended watching 6th episode, i felt so many emotion like i did after TMS. But honestly, i ship MH with YJ already but please, don't make a tragic ending like Shark because i saw in the first page the genre of this drama is melodram. Please, i want my ship will sail good and don't make me crying again like nam gil oppa did to me



I agree with you ...

PD nim, script writers ... Please, don't make sad ending.

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linns said: Secret in Kwave magazine vol 13. 


 “Thanks for saying that. (Laughs.) I don’t think that I know more about acting than her, and we do have to be good partners in this project. I definitely want to improve in acting out my role with her in Secret Love. I want to make our roles meaningful with the talents that we have now. I also would feel very grateful to Jung-eum if she told me about things that I didn’t know about before. Jung-eum is very honest and expressive of
her emotions. I get calm when I’m next to her. I’m developing a sense of trust as well.”


“Both of them are great guys. Personally speaking, because Ji Sung is so good-looking, I sort of lose my confidence sitting next to him, which is why I feel more comfortable being next to Soo-bin. (Laughs.) I have pretty distinctive facial features, so I like Soo-bin’s appearance in comparison. I was really glad to hear that I was going to act with him. With Ji Sung, I was in a TV commercial with him before, so I already knew him and felt that things would go well.”

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1st point:I have been sitting here thinking (who am I kidding, this drama is taking over my waking and my dreams lol) I think I mentioned before that I thought that SY liked MH way before she confessed to him. I think it is evident in the way she responds to him over his anger and grief about JH (telling him to get over her and forgive SY to being angry his missed her GRAND confession at a party (really ?? who does that when you have not sat down and even gave a hint to the person you like first) to having a fit afterwards when he came back  from the bakery later) Her bathroom scene in staking claim, come on if this was just a marriage between long time friends and for business reasons (he already told her that after a period of time he would divorce her and she would be free) (looking out for her in his own way) why would she care if JY was his woman on the side or a friend as long as he does not embarrass her. She gets the ring, the status, a place on the family register and she is in the bathroom acting jealous.??? I would not have put it past her to conspire with MH dad on getting rid of JH. I too agree that the secretary/bodyguard may have had a hand. I am not sure if he just carried out an order to put JH somewhere or if he liked her himself. But we saw in the beginning she was running from something or someone. I think SY is a master at hiding her real self. She seems caring and gentle and refine, but I think she can be very hateful and vindictive and a little spoiled herself. In a way she is a match for DH because he hides his true self as well. 
2nd point: I believe that MH may have bribed someone to possible have JY  son removed early, I don't believe he would have bribed to have someone harm to the child to show negligence on JY part. I am going to re-watch the episodes (YEAH!! marathon) to see. I really do think that DH mom has had San adopted under a different name. Perhaps another child did die of an illness and they switched names on the death certificate. Sure enough she would not want the tie of a child to her precious son. I look forward to her getting some of hers later on as well. We see how single handed MH can be when he goes after someone for revenge. I am sure he will be instrumental in teaching DH and his family a lesson. I look forward to SY getting a little bit as well. She has a hidden jealousy of JH and soon SY. 

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It's been a while since I last posted something on Soompi, I've been lurking around in chinese forums and tieba.I've posted my long review of this drama on a few chinese sites and decided to post here too.
Secret: Like an addictive drug

I finally have the courage to start watching this drama. I always have a faint heart for cruel stories and Makjang isn't really my cup of tea but this drama is a great Makjang. While I can't say that the plot is fresh, it's the way how the cast, screenwriters and director execute it that makes a difference. They made this a high quality Makjang, something I wish weekend/daily dramas should learn from.

Makjang and mother theresa-type of saint heroine is truly not my cup of tea but what have this drama done to me?
My impression of a Makjang drama have always been "over-exaggeration", everyone will act like a mad personbut not in this drama. The reasons behind every character' actions is reasonable and I can believe that someone would have done that in real life. Because of these reasons, it made all characters feel like a real person, and added many complex layers to their characters. The writing made this Makjang feel less like a Makjang (if that make sense...), the writing made every character and their actions natural, connected to how they were brought up and what kind of situation they were in.
Even though YJ's character is like a noble idiot but I just can't bring myself to hate this character or say "You deserve it" because of the way she is written. Her decision to take the blame for her boyfriend is indeed an idiot act but I feel, to a certain extent, she's doing it partly for herself. DH's got to where he is today because of YJ, she certainly don't want her years of "creation" to break because of an "accident/mistake" she believed in. She didn't know how serious the situation is when she decided to take the blame for DH, she was also blinded by love. She didn't know that her father will become ill because of it. She also believed that DH will take care of her father when she's in jail. 
The break up scene is also my favorite scene from this drama! She held her dignity by not wanting to receive help from DH, she didn't want to keep on relying onto someone who she believe to not love her anymore. DH may love her but those feelings are overcome with guilt. The more guilty he is, the more pressure YJ feels, these complex emotions will not bring their relationship far. In the future, DH may feel tired from this burden and they are bound to be unhappy in the future if they continue. She was very realistic and strong in making this decision which made me love YJ's character even more.
I feel like MH is also written realistically. A chaebol heir who are unable to break free from his family due to his selfish desires of not wanting to lose his wealth. He is not a perfect guy from the start and felt guilty for letting go of his ex-girlfriend. He vent his anger on YJ and this way, he feels alive because there's an "excuse" and motivation for him to keep living.
I also don't feel like he overdid his revenge except the choking part which is still reasonable because he just lost his loved one and he was overwhelmed with anger so he choked YJ, whom he believed to be the person who caused his misery at that moment. In my opinion, he didn't really do anything cruel to YJ. It is reasonable he wants revenge on YJ who he misunderstands as the culprit and he wasn't directly responsible for most of the sufferings of YJ as he gave most of the decision-making to DH. The only thing he's directly involved is when he made a few threats to YJ and bought YJ's father bread shop. 
MH and YJ's relationship became complex through the constant watch from MH, he felt other emotions for YJ besides hatred. The culprit who was supposed to be so cruel that left his pregnant ex-girlfriend bleed to death is not acting like how he expected her to be and this confused MH. I don't think MH necessarily felt love for YJ at this moment but she became a motivation, an excuse for him to live on. This becomes a habit for him and losing her makes him anxious because he lost his motivation. With so many different kind of feelings mixed in together, I believe at one point, he will love YJ unconsciously. 
DH was the one who made YJ suffer more, he was the one who made the decision to decline YJ's application for leave from the jail. If he loved YJ more than himself, he would not make those decisions. He may truly love YJ but he still loves himself and the greed for success the most. 
I thought that YJ and DH's first encounter was so romantic and he was a person that aspired to be an upright attorney, he was a geniunely good person. But I think as the door to success opens to him and the pressure his mother put on him made him took wrong decisions and he's fallen deeper and deeper that there's no way back. Once he done it, he will try to cover one mistake with another and it became an infinite loop. He really felt remorse and guilt towards YJ but with his career at stake, he still succumbs to pressure. He may be a horrible guy but the reasons behind his actions is realistic. How many guys would be able to sacrifice their future for their girlfriend in real life?
Even San's disappearance, I don't think it have anything to do with MH. It was hinted that DH's mother may be the one who made the decision to send San to orphanage. She always viewed YJ as an obstacle to her son's future so it make sense to me if she hide this truth from her son and husband (or maybe DH knows??)?

Now, many people have discussed about how they felt the current problem is HOW THE HECK will YJ fall in love with MH for all he had done to her??However, I feel that revenge will not be the biggest problem between them as I said earlier that MH didn't really do anything cruel directly in front of YJ. YJ will also feel it was right that MH is taking revenge on her as she (while may not be the one driving but was in the car) was still partly responsible for MH's ex-girlfriend death to a certain extent. She wouldn't feel hatred towards MH as that would be out of her character.  
The problem is GUILT!!!! MH will feel guilty towards YJ when he knows the truth and YJ's guilt towards MH will prevent her from accepting MH's love in future. How can she accept MH's love so easily while knowing that she caused the death of someone who is supposed to enjoy this "happiness" instead of her. I really don't know how the writer will make YJ accept MH's love in the future and I'm anticipating for it. I hope the writer don't disappoint me with unreasonable plot in the future
I know I shouldn't be comparing "Heirs" and Secret but because I'm also currently watching "Heirs" at the moment, I felt the vast difference in directing skills. I gotta say the storyline and the cast of Heirs are doing a fine job but the main downfall is their director!!!! Seriously!! So many scenes that can be elaborated and use appropriate angles to show the inner feelings of characters are wasted!
Besides a great cast and screenwriter, a good drama needs a good director too. The director should be able to capture and highlight the emotions/state of mind of the characters through angles and scene settings. Secret's director is really doing an exceptionally great job in this context. These are the examples that I took note of. 
This swirl-shape staircase is stunning visually and it also shows the inner struggle of DH and SY.DH had just made a mistake by running away from a car accident and he was upset and irritated by this. He was struggling with his conscience.SY had just heard from her friends about MH's flirting story and she is angry because she always love MH but he only treat her as a good friend.iBccxmWbCt22L.JPG

When the officers took off this ring from YJ's finger, it symbolizes that there will be no future for DH and YJ when she entered the jail.im7QFAStHNmfb.JPG

YJ's lost in thoughts when she was on her way to the jail. She was worried for her father and might also think whether her decision is really right.ibyX4xp1uq7yHj.JPG

When YJ's dad kneel in front of the deceased mom, his dignity and the love for his daughter fell along with those money.(Not meaning that he don't love YJ anymore, but his heart breaks for his daughter...)I love how the director made the money fall in slow motion, it makes this scene more moving and dramatic.iv0ZWUYUPXwJj.JPG

This scene when YJ is thinking of San is directed very well too! She silently stared to the empty space beside her and stroke the soil like an invisible person over there. It really emphasized on her loneliness and how much she misses her son.ibbvkxATIw17K0.JPG

I always have known that HJE's crying act is very good but this drama really highlights her acting skills. The silent scene in convenience store and when she was alone crying in her house while clutching to her father shoes and jacket, there are not much dialogues but it really emphasize on emotions of YJ. I gotta say great job to both the director and HJE, they made it really moving. 
Props to the cast, director and screenwriter for making this such an addictive and a high quality makjang drama!!

By this rate of obsession, I'm gonna be making graphics for this drama soon. That means a lot to a lazy bum like me, the last drama that made me hooked like this is Can you hear my heart, which also happened to be a HJE's drama, she really got a good eye on drama scripts.
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c_gunawan541 said:
Secret: Like an addictive drug

Even though YJ's character is like a noble idiot but I just can't bring myself to hate this character or say "You deserve it" because of the way she is written. Her decision to take the blame for her boyfriend is indeed an idiot act but I feel, to a certain extent, she's doing it partly for herself. DH's got to where he is today because of YJ, she certainly don't want her years of "creation" to break because of an "accident/mistake" she believed in. She didn't know how serious the situation is when she decided to take the blame for DH, she was also blinded by love. She didn't know that her father will become ill because of it. She also believed that DH will take care of her father when she's in jail. 

The break up scene is also my favorite scene from this drama! She held her dignity by not wanting to receive help from DH, she didn't want to keep on relying onto someone who she believe to not love her anymore. DH may love her but those feelings are overcome with guilt. The more guilty he is, the more pressure YJ feels, these complex emotions will not bring their relationship far. In the future, DH may feel tired from this burden and they are bound to be unhappy in the future if they continue. She was very realistic and strong in making this decision which made me love YJ's character even more.
I feel like MH is also written realistically. A chaebol heir who are unable to break free from his family due to his selfish desires of not wanting to lose his wealth. He is not a perfect guy from the start and felt guilty for letting go of his ex-girlfriend. He vent his anger on YJ and this way, he feels alive because there's an "excuse" and motivation for him to keep living.
I also don't feel like he overdid his revenge except the choking part which is still reasonable because he just lost his loved one and he was overwhelmed with anger so he choked YJ, whom he believed to be the person who caused his misery at that moment. In my opinion, he didn't really do anything cruel to YJ. It is reasonable he wants revenge on YJ who he misunderstands as the culprit and he wasn't directly responsible for most of the sufferings of YJ as he gave most of the decision-making to DH. The only thing he's directly involved is when he made a few threats to YJ and bought YJ's father bread shop. 
MH and YJ's relationship became complex through the constant watch from MH, he felt other emotions for YJ besides hatred. The culprit who was supposed to be so cruel that left his pregnant ex-girlfriend bleed to death is not acting like how he expected her to be and this confused MH. I don't think MH necessarily felt love for YJ at this moment but she became a motivation, an excuse for him to live on. This becomes a habit for him and losing her makes him anxious because he lost his motivation. With so many different kind of feelings mixed in together, I believe at one point, he will love YJ unconsciously. 
DH was the one who made YJ suffer more, he was the one who made the decision to decline YJ's application for leave from the jail. If he loved YJ more than himself, he would not make those decisions. He may truly love YJ but he still loves himself and the greed for success the most. 
I thought that YJ and DH's first encounter was so romantic and he was a person that aspired to be an upright attorney, he was a geniunely good person. But I think as the door to success opens to him and the pressure his mother put on him made him took wrong decisions and he's fallen deeper and deeper that there's no way back. Once he done it, he will try to cover one mistake with another and it became an infinite loop. He really felt remorse and guilt towards YJ but with his career at stake, he still succumbs to pressure. He may be a horrible guy but the reasons behind his actions is realistic. How many guys would be able to sacrifice their future for their girlfriend in real life?
Even San's disappearance, I don't think it have anything to do with MH. It was hinted that DH's mother may be the one who made the decision to send San to orphanage. She always viewed YJ as an obstacle to her son's future so it make sense to me if she hide this truth from her son and husband (or maybe DH knows??)?

Now, many people have discussed about how they felt the current problem is HOW THE HECK will YJ fall in love with MH for all he had done to her??However, I feel that revenge will not be the biggest problem between them as I said earlier that MH didn't really do anything cruel directly in front of YJ. YJ will also feel it was right that MH is taking revenge on her as she (while may not be the one driving but was in the car) was still partly responsible for MH's ex-girlfriend death to a certain extent. She wouldn't feel hatred towards MH as that would be out of her character.  
The problem is GUILT!!!! MH will feel guilty towards YJ when he knows the truth and YJ's guilt towards MH will prevent her from accepting MH's love in future. How can she accept MH's love so easily while knowing that she caused the death of someone who is supposed to enjoy this "happiness" instead of her. I really don't know how the writer will make YJ accept MH's love in the future and I'm anticipating for it. I hope the writer don't disappoint me with unreasonable plot in the future

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@cahya - love the BTS stills. Am I being greedy to ask for a  BTS video (just like the adorable BTS clips from 49 Days?)
@LdyGmerm, good post - it's been such a pleasure watching Secret and this enjoyment is enhanced by reading what people write about it.
@c_gunawan541, thank you for posting your superb review  (especially your thoughts about the directing). More please as the drama progresses :)
@Thalia, I agree with you  about YJ's looks. HJE has totally immersed herself in the role - it's a privilege to see such great acting.

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Thank you for all the lovey update and photos also those wonderful artworks. 
Wow a 30 year contract. It seem like MH is really not going to let YJ go.  ;)) He really falling in love with her without knowing it. One more day to go. I can't wait to know will YJ said yes to the contract or no. 

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I am thankful for finding this drama.  Though I rarely want to watch melo (I really prefer rom-coms), I am finding solace in watching this series while still having my withdrawal symptoms from The Master's Sun :) :) :).  Great acting by all the cast, great directing and good scriptwriting (so far, keeping my fingers crossed)! I also rarely post comments, I am usually a silent lurker, but with this drama, I decided to add in my two cents of thoughts, mainly because I think "Secret" is being underrated (which it should not be) compared with its other competitor in another network. 

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Wow! This thread is moving so fast unexpectedly. You guys are awesome. It's really interesting to read everyone's POV. I can't believe that I read all post made in this thread hehehe
omg the preview is out! and 30 years contract? lol that's a long time y'know! By this week, I'm sure we can see MH going crazy for YJ. I'm hoping that they will at least give us details about YJ's son. I'm really sure MH is behind this, but I still believe that the son is still alive. Ah, I can't wait for tomorrow.

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Hmmm.. well I don't think YJ necessarily went back to being a substitute driver for a company, but if it's true that she signed a contract to work for MH, then maybe she's his personal assistant? This is one of those instances where he calls her and orders her to come drive for him. But sort of ironic that MH would want YJ of all people to drive for him, especially since he still thinks that she's the reason for JH's death.

Regarding San, I really do think MH was the mastermind behind getting him away from YJ. Because watching that scene, it was obvious that the same guard who later protected the evil friend from getting beaten up by the other lady prisoner was the same guard who didn't open the door when YJ wanted to get out of the room after finding out that MH was the visitor. So those 2 are in cahoots with each other. But I honestly don't think MH knew that the evil friend would beat up the baby.. like wtheck... maybe he just ordered her to think of a way to get San away from YJ but he didn't know that the evil friend was a psycho that would beat up a baby... Once he finds out that she did that, then he'll punish her as well.. That's the only way I could think of that YJ would sort of forgive him for what he did.

Also yes, I do think that DH's mom wouldn't have killed her own grandson. That's way too cruel. Perhaps she did send him away and just wanted to remove any link between her son and YJ. Or if San really did die of sepsis, then maybe she just really feels guilty because when she did visit him in the orphanage, maybe she saw the living conditions and could have taken him away from that place but chose not to.


dont think YJ is a legal worker

cause before the accident happened

the work-finder suddenly calls on YJ to be one

YJ is the type that do random part time jobs everywhere

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anvesha said: @cynkdf Aw, I'm guessing you are a BSB fan (profile pic)? Don't worry, I'm pretty sure she'll turn evil. I just like that she is no non sense when talking to MH that he is being obsessive over YJ when it's his fault.. And I felt sorry for her when MH just left when she was about to confess. AND the person I'll feel most sorry for is MH whose only 'friend' would become evil..

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merlnpau said: I am thankful for finding this drama.  Though I rarely want to watch melo (I really prefer rom-coms), I am finding solace in watching this series while still having my withdrawal symptoms from The Master's Sun :) :) :).  Great acting by all the cast, great directing and good scriptwriting (so far, keeping my fingers crossed)! I also rarely post comments, I am usually a silent lurker, but with this drama, I decided to add in my two cents of thoughts, mainly because I think "Secret" is being underrated (which it should not be) compared with its other competitor in another network. 

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