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[Drama 2013] ★ Secret | Secret Love 비밀 ★

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Guest lettykay

Lmangla said: watched raw and it looks like DH was still lurking in TGIF and there is this almost kiss... who wants to bet that DH will stop this kiss somehow and we can add that to the ever growing list of his crimes....

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Here the live rating. I'm sorry if it already posted.  As we can see Secret mostly the strongest, esp. since about half mark. For the record, Secret almost always start air the last after the other 2 drama and end the first, that's why many netizen protest that they think Secret often too short (they says why some boring drama air for 1 hour 10-15 minutes while Secret often just have 59-60 minutes LOL), so the count start at 22.05. Secret DCInside said that the peak start happen when MH looking for YJ and the highest when he meet her in restaurant. The lowest point happen not bec. of Secret itself but b'coz Heirs have some interesting points 2 times in today episode.

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some this made my search for episode 11 recap easy... im totally out and was utterly frustrated when i realized that i over slept and missed the raw live stream... secret had me hooked the very first time i saw the preview pic from episode 10 posted somewhere in some kdrama website and it got me hooked right after i gave episode 1 a try..and now meh..cant sleep no more...this is baaaddd really really baaaddd... ur awesome @falloutjanefalloutjane said:

Wow! An episode that didn't quite make me all squealy and fangirly till the last 20 seconds! A lot of scenes with DH and while I understand the need for it, it leaves my fangirl heart totally wanting. 

So we opened with the last scene of last week's episode. YJ watches the cctv clip,  and we flashback to the scene of DH in car. Once she snapped out of it, there was a scene of her running to the crossroad. Kinda like the last point she saw her father alive. 

So my streaming was either choppy or I really think the editing for this one was bad because scenes cut into one another like whoa. In any case, depression sets in and somehow YJ found herself at the bread shop. I guess she still has the keys to the place. 

And anti-climatically (because it happened sooooo soon into the show!), MH went to the bread shop calling Daeri! Daeri! Then switching to Kang Yoo Jung! He heard thumping from somewhere, the kind of thumping that Juon the dead kid did as he hung from the wall in Juon the Prequel. But fortunately for him, it wasn't YJ's dead feet thumping against the wall. It was her head, still alive and well. So she was sobbing and wailing and he just stared for a while wondering what to do before he decided to spare her head and sacrifice his hand. She kept thumping against his palm until he couldn't take it anymore and pulled her in. She was struggling and pushing him away and sobbing her heart out and he just clamped his hand around her head all DONT RESIST MY MANLY HAND and shoved her head into his manly (and possibly nice-smelling) shoulder. She proceeded to wet it some more with her tears and snot. 

Cut to DH meeting SY. She's all why are you here? He's like LET ME CRY MY CROCODILE TEARS ON YOUR SHOULDERS JUSEYO. So he did, shamelessly crying and she just stood still, letting him stain her lovely lace top with his HOW THE HELL DO I GET OUT OF THIS SHITHOLE I CREATED tears. The tears dropped to her hand dramatically. -___- 

Cut back to bang jib, daeri and MH. (Seriously, the editing is so crap in this episode). YJ finally eased off on her wailing, and then apologised for crying like crazy. He lets her go and wanted to leave the room but turned back and sat with her. Talked a little about stuffs I don't understand but he asked what is it about this time? Or something. And she said possibly something about loving someone to death? Or she's sorry about killing his love? Well something sarang and something chukos! Hur. She apologised for being brazen all these time and ignoring his pain or something. He's all nah I'm cool now or something. 

Cut back again to DH and SY (see what I mean!??!!? Did they get a noob to do the editing or what for this episode??!?)  DH told Sy his sob I'M A VICTIM richard simmons story. Thanked her for being his friend or something and she's like WE ARE NOT FRIENDS. BURN. 

TGIF scene because now that's all MH does, work from his backroom TGIF office. SERIOUSLY, SHOW? AFTER SUCH BRILLIANT STORYTELLING, THIS IS THE KIND OF CRAP YOU'RE THROWING MY FANGIRL HEART!??! Anyway, MH was again watching YJ through the blinds. Then asked KS to do some stuffs. YJ and Hyeri in the locker area. I think YJ asked Hyeri to cover for her. YJ got out of her stripy sponsored uniform, we see the ugly scar, reminding us again, of how she's physically scarred and mentally scarred by the doucheface. 

KS driving MH in the kdrama fancy car that has no head rest. Like ever! And then made a dramatic uturn after MH commanded him hur and looked for Daeri at TGIF. Manager said I have no idea where she is but Hyeri would know. Hyeri said something like I don't know too, yo. 

Daeri apparently went to some office checking for id tag thing and the office person explained how the id thing can't be easily opened. And then confirmed that Ahn Do Hoon was the one who made the tag. 

YJ went to look for DH at his fancy office lobby. He walked in with a bunch of people in the V-formation like a flock of geese. She grabbed him to tell him she got something to say. Struggled here and there. She screamed OPPA! OPPA! OPPA! while I go noooooooooooo!!!!!! HE IS DOUCHEFACE! NOT OPPARRRRRRRRR!!!!!! He got security to take her out. 

Meanshile MH went to gangster unnie asking for Kang Yoo Jung. She was all OMG GET OUT OF MY FACE AND STOP LOOKING FOR HER. She totally lost her s.hit and snapped something brilliant at him because he looked stunned. 

Cut back to the office scene. ERGH. REALLY. EDITOR. WHY SUCH A S.HITTY JOB??!? DH left his fancy office and got into his fancy car. YJ stood in the rain stopping his car. Because of people honking behind him and thus eyewitnesses, he didn't run her over. She got in and they drove off. He was yelling yelling and yelling some more. Asking what the hell is she doing? YJ said something about dad. He denied at first but she kept calling him out on his lies. KOJITMAL KOJITMALLLLL! He lost his richard simmons and said yes, I lied and yelled at her about her dad. Possibly Yes I ditched his a.ss somewhere but so what?!? He looked really freaking creepy here man. Such brilliant acting. 

She said something like stop the car. He refused. She grabbed the wheel like a booss and get him to get off the road. DH was all ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL US?!?! 

YJ was WHAT THE HELL?!?! HOW COULD YOU??!?! TO MY FATHER?!?! She tried to hit him but being an a.ss he tried to save his pretty face. She yelled something some more and he's like WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SAYING?!? She got out and pulled him out of the car. He went apeshit crazy then and yelled SO MANY THINGS I CANNOT UNDERSTAND. She was all apologise for everything I've done for you in the past, my dad, our San! Or something akin to that. He said something douchebag-worthy and SLAP! But he continued on, not shutting his douchey trap and said something else. SLAP! AGAIN! This time, it was more satisfying cos her arm flew in a bigger arc! 

She said something some more and seemed incredulous that she loved this rat in the first place. For soooooo long! And went to jail for his undeserving worthless a.ss. Crazy dude still acting like a freaking victim. She told him not to be deluded or something and that she'll be out to destroy him. Or maybe not and that's just my wishful boss dialogue. 

He drove off while she stared at him unblinking in the rain like the freaking boss she is. So brilliiantly done, this part. 

Meanwhile, in another part of town which is not raining, MH is in his batmobile with his Alfred/Robin driving. MH looking all rightfully worried! Because! Wow! It's been hours since he was able to stalk her! They went home. He came out of the car a little wobbly, not sure why, possibly from drinking or KS' terrible driving, and there YJ stood,still wet from the rain, looking pathetic and bedraggled. 

MH saw her but walked past her and she grabbed onto him. Coffee and blanket, juseyo! So he brought him to his fancy mansion and gave her coffee in fancy china. But she ignored the coffee and MH asked why she's here. Basically she asked him to help her to bring down that sorry piece of snake. 

MH was all why should I help you? For ahn do hoon? Or possibly, for that shitface? You were protecting him so suddenly why now? Or something like that. She explained possibly the degree of his doucheness and I didn't understand but he seemed pleased. Cos he thinks while he's a creeper with the stalking he's possibly not as douchey. 

Ahn Do Hoon went back to his office touches his precious acrylic name plate, possibly crazily going YES I'M PROSECUTOR AHN HEAR ME ROAR! on the inside. While I"m all meh! He flashbacked again to the scene of YJ's dad BECAUSE OF COURSE AS AUDIENCE WE HAD FORGOTTEN IT SO FAST. Basically he looked like he realised the s.hit he's in. While I'm all NO S.HIT SHERLOCK. Cue crazy eyes DH style. 

A scene of MH and YJ. MH drove the car, talk about kgroup and DH. And I think that's another issue with this episode. Always together, but no skinship or swoon worthy moments. WHY! WHY ARE THEY NOT FEEDING MY FANGIRL HEART! Argh. With no skinship or anything of that importance, they reached her place. MH watched her go in. Called someone to do something  

YJ saw gangster unnie, asked her for rice. She was all WHAT THE HECK MAN. YOU COME IN LOOKING PATHETIC AND JUST ASK FOR RICE? SPILL THE CRAZY BEANS. But Yj was all, I'm hungry, feed me! (And that's my line right there, like always. I HUNGER! FEED ME! NOW!!!) 

MH called DH for an uncomfortable lunch. DH talked. MH held his fork to ask him to shut his trap because all he wants to talk about was YJ. DH was all if there's nothing else I'll leave. MH was all SIT YOUR A.SS BACK DOWN then he said something revealing about YJ noe being his restaurant sidekick. DH looked appropriately stunned. 

So now YJ is the important restaurant person so she came in for a board meeting. DH and SY was OH SNAP. BUt i'm not impressed because WHY ARE YOU DRESSED LIKE AN AUNTIE!?! YOU LOOK LIKE AUNT MAY, SPIDEY'S AUNT! ERGHHHHHH! Ugly rustic brown turtleneck and beige blazer and grandma's hairstyle. WHAT!!!!!!!  TOTAL FAIL IN THE FASHION/FIRST IMPRESSION TO THE BOARD PEOPLE area. 

After meeting, SY said something nasty, as usual, and asked the real reason MH brought her in. DH tries to ignore YJ. Then said something nasty as well. YJ upped him though and he and SY looked stunned. MH came by said something awesome and was all KAJA DAERI! To the BATMOBILE! YJ wanted to sit next to KS in the front passenger seat. But MH was all OH HELL NO, GIRL! THERE"S NO HEAD REST! YOUR NECK WILL SNAP IN CASES OF ACCIDENT! and pulled and shoved her into the backseat with him. Heh. DH and SY saw the exchange and were shooting invisible daggers into the tyres of his fancy batmobile. 


So scene of MH looking at the stocks, unhappyface, then came across papers about Kgroup and his father or something. Came tearing into his mansion to find secretary ahjussi and was all WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON! And how unbelievable that he doesn't even know his father's having surgery. Also something about hotel etc etc restaurant somehting something. 

DH and SY scene again, ergh talking about YJ and MH. DH confessed he had a love relationship, SY got pissed. DH told her MH also knows. SY is like am I the only idiot here? (YES, YES YOU ARE SNOWFLAKE).

DH apologised, talked bad about YJ and MH. SY was like there you go again, guys are the same, etc. DH was all grabbing her, SY told him to get out of her face. BURN.

YJ helping gagster unnie. Now she’s selling plush toys and no more of imitation bags. They talked, seemed like reminiscing about their jail time. Hur. Hyeri cooked crappy deokbokki. While eating they were asking YJ to just marry Sajangnim while gangster unnie was all DON"T YOU DARE.  Hyeri was all but SAJANGNIM MAKES SWOONY EYES AT HER. Gangster unnie was all DON"T TALK RUBBISH AND COOK ME BETTER DEOKBOKKI. 

MH meanwhile found out more about hyejin and how she’s involved with the Ssan issue. He asked for the cctv or something. In another fancy mansion, SY sits contemplating her rich but miserable life in front of a fancy mirror. Then put on earrings slowly and deliberately. Seriously, I don't get the purpose of the scene. It's like in kdramaland, when a girl dolls up in that deliberate manner, SOMETHING BIG IS GOING DOWN YO. 

SY came to MH house, was climbing the stairs saw YJ coming in. This time AUNT MAY is in mourning cos SPIDEY killed his uncle and she was in black turtleneck and blazer and her lame bun of hair. SY confronted her and YJ apologised about sajangnim. SHE REALLY NEEDS TO STOP BEING APOLOGETIC ALL THE FREAKING TIME. 

Some scene of MH getting mad at DH and it's a lot of long dialogue I cannot understand. Yelling and stuffs. 

YJ meanwhile yawning as she cleaned up at work. Hyerin and YJ talked about something. A LOT OF TALKINGGGG AND NO SKINSHIP. So in a boardroom meeting, MH went crazy and called out Dh on something. Got his a.ss thrown out by DH. ERGH. 


MH went to meet SY and said something something. She made him mad and he yelled and she's like DON"T YELL YOU CRAZY. SY said something about YJ as usual. MH basically got cornered and resorted to calling his douchey friend to apologise and possibly get his position back or something. richard simmons friend turned up with DH. ERGH. So anyway, richard simmons friend poured himself a drink and asked MH to serve him. MH picked up the balls that DH dropped in episode 1, picked up the drink and swallowed it whole. Walked out like the original sajangnim he is. 

Went to YJ's place. Gangster unnie was sleeping. Lost her temper and in all her crazy hair started telling MH off, askin ghim if YJ is his dog. But he was all calm and asked where is YJ? Can't understand what she said but she gave him soju. So I think she kinda gave her blessings to have them wed now. Hur. 

YJ meanwhile is at TGIF, TGIF milking all the show's worth in advertising itself. She was making new recipe or something. Somehow doucheface DH was there but walked away when MH came in, going Daeri! Daeri! 

So she came out and was like TASTE MY SAUCE! Hur. But he's all NO SAUCE. What are you doing here bla bla bla. She smiled at him and he melted. So he was all gruff, going DON"T SMILE. She just kept blinking and somehow had the sense of mind to put down her pot of sauce. BECAUSE HELLO THERE STARE. WE MEET AGAIN. SWOOOOOOOOON. 


Music changed to the start of Ailee's new song. And my FANGIRL HEART FINALLY, FINALLY CAME ALIVE and I was waiting for it. He said something to her in all his bass voice, I MELTED. LIKE SLUISH KINDA MELTED. He leaned in closer, moving inch by inch closer, closer still, pushing her into TGIF counter, STARED AT HER LIPS and WE ALL KNOW IT"S COMING AND THEN BAM! MY HEART! MY HEART!


And then cue Ailee's chorus! 



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kngdrama said: I am thinking about DH's continuous request to YJ to disappear. That is scary. He "disappeared" YJ's dad, he "disappeared" San, and now he wants her to disappear. DH is totally capable of intended murder. It's great that MH habitually stalks YJ and ensures her physical safety. That is creepy that DH starts to stalk YJ at her place of work… 
I am fuming and seriously hating DH today. He admitted that he did all the awful, inhuman things to a demented old man and an innocent baby and has NO REMORSE whatsoever. 
Agree that he used YJ throughout 7 years of their relationship when she supported him. 
What makes my blood boil is that DH watched YJ crying for San and he even comforted her when in reality he was the one who took San (his own flesh and blood) from Yj. He too was crying his usual crocodile tears and making sad, sensitive eyes, but what a performance! He knew the truth and still he pretended to mourn San with YJ. Despicable. 

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As much as my heart leap at the kiss scene, I'm starting to be very worry for YJ. Its as though she trying all her might to be happy... What would her talking about life and death with her unnie friend, throwing a party for MH, acting as if nothing tragic had ever happen, and helping him all she can think up new recipes for his restaurant(I think that what shes doing in the preview writing a book of recipes), like she have only little time left of her life. She keep saying theres something she must do by staying beside MH, but it doesnt seem like all she wanted to do was haunt DH with his secret sins, but its to confirm a few more things before doing something dangerous... It feels so strange...Is she thinking of commiting suicide along with DH so they can join San and her dad in heaven?? T_T I hope I'm just thinking too much and that YJ only wanted revenge... :-SS

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Guest sara1117

That scene when MH came to SY house was a great shock!

Were they ever friends?! I don't think so.. It was only MH who thinks they were friends but hell no she is no near friendship meaning!I hate DH and SY! I can't stand them! he keeps drowning to the lowest level of humanity and she's just a stupid rich doll!

btw I have a great respect to the cast.. All of them are great, SBS for letting me hate him that much he is a great actor and LDH is giving justice to her character.

My favorite scenes.. The almost kiss of course ( this drama should be named Stare, the way he stares at her is like I don't give a sh!t about anyone else but her.....And the arguing under the rain between YJ and DH, that was great acting..

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I miss you guys this week I was so busy because I had exam today .about today episode I watch it raw and I like that YJ didn't tell MH anythings she want to dependent to herself for taking revenge from DH , because I like girls who dependent to them self and didn't wait for guys to help them .and about DH I really want to kill him how he do this to the woman who sacrifice by herself for him and also how can father do that to his son , he is not human anymore in my eyes and I think if he had to sacrifice  SY for his ambition he will do it  cause a man who  abandon his son then he can sacrifice for anythings but I am confused the look at his eyes when he saw YJ at the restaurant it was look of guilt or something else  ?

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