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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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About a possible extension, the MBC schedule for the rest of the year is in flux right now. MBC is hellbent on airing Dae Jang Geum 2 later this year. That already messed up the sageuk that was to air after Empress Ki. MBC needs to fill about 16-20 episodes between the end of Empress Ki and the start of DJG. So they either put a standard drama in or extend EK.

Furthermore, EK is doing better ratings wise, in that time-slot than any drama in the last 4 years. I would think MBC would want an extension, if the actors schedules allows it.

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tieuyeunu said: I actually thought EK was very similar to WHIB for the guys as oppose to the girls. TH is your Jung Jae Min and WY is Kang In Wook. Only the characters in WHIB are way more flawed and shows the radical sides of human instincts then EK characters that shows the more heroic side.

Like in WHIB, I was never waiting for any of the characters to grow up or change, knowing they are who they are and just stayed for the ride. While EK's characters, besides WY, I've been waiting for SN and TH to grow into the characters they are to become.

off topic @minnie0103

I actually really like Lee Soo Jung, she's a very grey character with such a complex mindset that it would take pages of analysis to understand her actions and emotions. Some of her decisions are not popular but given her circumstances, I thought it was understandable, even if its not agreeable.

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Okay, as I wait for several of my drama to be air with sub titles, I have been watching the earlier episodes of several of them. Is it me or did the white dress of SN/KI look very similar to the one she wore as a woman for the first time on the way to Yuan. The one that DK had her dressed in after he found out she was a woman....

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@sarah.lina - That's the only thing bugging me right now - the fact that ET & clan are still around. Other than that, I have zero complaints about this drama, I love it. The shipping nonsense I try to ignore (but don't always manage *sigh*) Please don't stop posting things you find about Empress Ki!  [-O<
Someone better be able to give me a good explanation for Tana being at the hunt.  :-w

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tessieroo said: @sarah.lina - That's the only thing bugging me right now - the fact that ET & clan are still around. Other than that, I have zero complaints about this drama, I love it. The shipping nonsense I try to ignore (but don't always manage *sigh*) Please don't stop posting things you find about Empress Ki!  [-O<
Someone better be able to give me a good explanation for Tana being at the hunt.  :-w

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I recently I'm getting up to date with the EK forum, so...

tieuyeunu said: I believe it is a form of cheating if SN still carries a torch for WY while married to TH.

I know a lot of us still back the WY & SN ship but if she's married to TH I don't think it right and hope the writers will make her fall for TH. For me, regardless of why she came back and for what reason. She has made her bed and now she has to lie in it.

I believe one should be faithful to their spouse, both physically and emotionally. TH is a king so of course it's Different for him, but it shouldn't be for SN. If by the end of the series and SN still carries a torch for WY I would be really pissed off. I rather she harden her heart then leave a man in there while living with another. Cheating is cheating, regardless of the circumstances or who they are.

I'm a TT fan myself but I would not want SN to harbour any feelings for TT because that would also be cheating. I simply cannot accept or feel any empathy for a cheating woman as a central character.

I feel bad for WY but there is nothing left to do. Unless SN left TH else they would never have a happy ending. But wishing for a married woman to leave her good husband for another man is a bad thought and makes SN a bad character so I hope this never happens.

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@sj15elf0hjw1023 I don't know why you consider that macho? I hold both male and female to the same pedigree. The difference is in the times and culture. One can't enforce their belief on a culture that holds a different viewpoint to themselves. I accept that as a King, TH is expected to marry many women and sire more children, same as why WY still harbours feelings for SN and still wants to be with her even though he is married. Regardless of why he choose to marry, he is still a married man, but since they live in their timeline and as kings, having many wives is a norm.

Socially, this 'norm' will eventually change but for now, in their time, its something that is acceptable so I see nothing wrong with it, but if in todays setting, I will consider this cheating.

SN is different, she is a woman, and like it or not woman had always been held to a stricter moral code than men. "A woman cannot have two husbands" this old saying has been applied to many cultures and is still an acceptable today as it was back then. So yes, I consider it cheating.

I guess what I'm trying to say, is given the context of the timeline, I would apply the appropriate culture acceptance to their scenario as oppose to using the 21st century teachings.

Off topic

@jeenee If it makes you feel better. The stereotype in WHIB in comparison to EK is very distant. The leads in EK are more stereotypical of countless other Korean shows. TH is your rich guy with a temper and a golden heart while WY is your gifted macho man who loves the girl and suffers everything in silence.

You should try watching WHIB when you are older, it's a great drama showing all the vulnerabilities and darker sides of the human emotions. It works much like a social commentary on the South Korean society. After watching this show recently I went and did some research on the 'real' Korean society as oppose to those on TV shows, and it is unbelievable just how sugar coated the dramas are. I re-watched WHIB again after this and could really feel the oppression and desolation of Lee Soo Jung and the circumstances she finds herself in.

Her best friend in the show, Min-ah, is another sad character. I don't think most people realise this but Min-ah due to financial strain actually did an adult film, she was quiet broken when she returned and it although they never voiced it, SJ knew what had transpired. That scene, I had never really noticed before but when I re-watched it I cried for their predicament.

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Guest critics

Is it right to assume that TN being in the "Hunting Competition" despite of her being under disciplinary action is a sort of special treatment as an "invited guest"? Someone said that her presence in the drama brings EK's rating higher than expected.  Just an opinion -  no offense please. 

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missred123 said: @DJG I would be also upset if they have WY as a fetch it for SN love. That would make no sense, because they have portrayed WY as a strong king and for him to be fetching for SN behind the scenes is humiliating. Like you have said they need to make a decision and stick to it. If it's WY's to go let him go and continue with the story. @sj15elf0hjw1023 I feel your pain, but it's way beyond TH/WY ship. It's people that's shipping their country. Yuan/Goryeo I know patriotism is good, but damn!!

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petria said: @tessieroo

I think that Tanashiri is at hunt because her father decided to take her breathe some fresh air after her dreadful penalty weekend  ~X(
Or she is abolished due to a flue...
Or they can`t leave her alone in the palace since everybody`s out, obviously. :-w
Or, maybe, the hunt is someone`s dream.  *-:)
Or previous episode were someone`s dream....
Or, maybe, that`s only her ghost, there`s a hope. ;;)

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ok quick post. I thought TN was at the hunting event because she was entitled to be there as the Empress. Although TN has lost her power, the tradition of the hunt has it that the empress would be there too, and since TN is technically still the empress, I guess she is still allowed to go. 
what will be more weird is if she is let back into her old palace quarter, with the excuse of protecting her son, she can't even protect herself. What is she going to do with a potential assassin, call them tramps and try to feed them poison...give me a break  =))

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sj15elf0hjw1023 said:@sarah.lina Ah.. already I see, but the true I was not talking about you, I speak in general, and yes, to my I resent such comments... and I was not talking only character TalTal, he was talking about all the secondary characters.. and too the true I find it very silly those comments.. because.. yes, it´s fine, okay if you like a secondary character, the true too I like TalTal with SN and those stuff, but you can not say those kinds of comments.. for my, those comments despises to the main characters.

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