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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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chrissydiva said: I'm starting to think people are posting fake versions of the novel to fit whatever agenda they have. I wouldn't trust anything coming from Baidu, DC , or wherever at this point. I think I've seen 5 different versions of the same thing. Which is which? :)) For those who asked about the temples, the temple where ED is, is different from the one Tana is. They had different names when Tana mentioned going to deliver her non existing baby. I really hate her now ugh! I hope her death will be painful and since she thinks WY is in love with her, he should kill her.

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said: .................................................

As a sidenote I have come to the conclusion that ET was trained by master yoda, and he is the anscestor of darth vader. He has to be because he was able to not only sense the assassins coming he killed a good chunk of them, and left us a hint saying "average assassins  can't kill me"

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I think that the writers know what they are doing with their script, I mean,
- i was all complaining how, they showed every time TN putting this paper-lipstick thing, you don't know how much  i was surprised that it has in fact, some infertility herbal on it,
- and how we were all laughing at ET when we thought that how he couldn't find the blood letter if it was just near him, in the book... It was Jockho who took it before him.

But there are also some big WTF moments like :
- SN killing two soldats with one arrow loooooool 8-}
- or the Doctor telling TN that she's infertile just by checking her pulse??? 8-} 8-}

The PD is at fault also, there are a lot of scenes which were awkwardly shooted like : the kiss between SN-WY, many battles scenes, but he did well with the Bathtub Kiss scene and Bridge Scene.

Therefore, i'm just starting to think, if they've speed up SN's pregnancy, it's maybe, because they don't want to linger on that, so we'll see how it all be played out.

I don't know if i'm the only one, but i loved the last episode, it was SN oriented, so we could see more of her interactions with Lady Noh, Lady Pak and Hong Dan. I swear, i was tearing up when she saw all her new friends killed before her eyes, that was the best scene for me.

On a personal note, the writers force is how they know how to portray Amazing/Fierce/Intelligent/Strong Women : i was kind of sick of that awfull Weak/Candy girl Stereotype, so it's refreshing to see how daebak was ED when she was dethroned even WY seemed to acknowledge her bravery.

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Guest hunterdd

shaym said: I agree. With the background song of "Too Much Love Will Kill You". Lol. Haha. On a serious note, I thought of pardoning her death sentence, but seeing how she grabbed the opportunity, I wanted her dead now. As in now. Lol. Kkk~ 
Oh, sorry for this very late reply, so soon enough in February it will be HJH (FS), HJW (EK), and LBY (GG) against among each other. I think this will be a healthy competition on Mondays-Tuesdays. :-w #:-S

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WHEW!!!!! 1.1k new posts since I last logged into here....you all have been super busy!!!!  Not hard to be considering what all has gone on these past two episodes.  You all are better than I am, I cannot bring myself to watch, but have just read your reviews/comments/synopsis of them.  It's really hard to deal with all the "drama" in this drama and my head is already hurting from helping 3 kids get ready for finals this week!!  
I just want to thank all of you on this thread for the wonderful posts that have really enlightened me.  I am anxious, like all of you, to see how this is gonna turn out.  I began this drama totally shipping TH/SN, but now I just want it to have a good story line, no matter how it turns out.  The "love triangle" aspect does not seem that important or significant to me as it did in the beginning.  Now I'm just hoping that so many of the unanswered questions, get answered, and make us all feel satisfied with how it turns out.
Hang in there my chingus!!!  Thanks again for all the great posts!!!  :x

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shaym said: chrissydiva said: I'm starting to think people are posting fake versions of the novel to fit whatever agenda they have. I wouldn't trust anything coming from Baidu, DC , or wherever at this point. I think I've seen 5 different versions of the same thing. Which is which? :)) For those who asked about the temples, the temple where ED is, is different from the one Tana is. They had different names when Tana mentioned going to deliver her non existing baby. I really hate her now ugh! I hope her death will be painful and since she thinks WY is in love with her, he should kill her.

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@carmens : After the drama presentation on MBC Drama Awards, Seung-Gi told to Han Ji Hye, who she will choose in her place, she said that JJM gaze is no joke and then Seung-Gi joked : yes, it seems that his gaze is ready to fight with someone hahahahahah
=)) =)) =))

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Guest kiyokotsubasa

Omo You are all bringing up speculations and delusional scenarios !! :P which I quite like. That's the best way to wait for Monday ^^"Now that you're bringing up Baek Ahn  and TalTal's subject. These are the two most mysterious characters since we don't really know a lot about their background story (except that Bayan grew up in battlefields), and yet there isn't an episode where they are not shown. That means indeed that their importance in the plot will grow from now on.
Let me post one of my craziest scenarios (but i clearly don't see how it could happen) :Maybe Tal Tal will somehow find out that SN has the blood letter but he won't tell Baek Ahn about it (and that will be his betrayal). At the begining he will be helping both sides, but then his betrayal will be revealed when the blood letter reaches TH, without BA knowing.
Aigo I need an episode NOW !!  8-> i had promised myself that i won't watch any dramas until all episodes air (in order to avoid frustration and all those weird feeling when you realize the writers and PD are playing with the viewers lol) but I just couldn't as soon as i watched the first episode of Empress Ki.

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I have questions:
-What type of ancient adhesive Mr Clean used to hold his moustache?
-What happened to Mr Clean? Did Bang and PB just left him unconscious?
-What happened to the two kids holding each other while Le Plague was capturing and hurting the remaining villagers?
-How did they get rid of the rat infestation in the palace?
-Why has El Tumor always worn the same purple robe for like the past 30 years? -Maybe he's like Batman and has his closet full of the same purple robes-
-Does TapJae have a personal hair stylist brading person or does he braids his hair himself? -If so I want some crash course-
-How did TalTal and Lady Noh get their hair colored? -Are they getting some smuggled henna from India?-
Sooo many questions... I hope I get some answers on episode 23...  :-B

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Actually, has anyone said to anyone else that he/she 'love' him/her?  :-?

I don't recall any subtitle using the word, 'love'.  Or, hearing the word, saranghe.  My recollection is that TH has repeatedly just said he needed her (SY).  WY has never put his feelings in words and just took action.  And, Sniffy just hissed about wanting her.

So far, SY has never said it to anyone either.  She just looks at WY with moony, encouraging and shy eyes.  At TH, with sympathetic, understanding and shy eyes.  At Sniffy, with hatred and a glare.  :-??

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Auntie Mame said: Actually, has anyone said to anyone else that he/she 'love' him/her?  :-?

I don't recall any subtitle using the word, 'love'.  Or, hearing the word, saranghe.  My recollection is that TH has repeatedly just said he needed her (SY).  WY has never put his feelings in words and just took action.  And, Sniffy just hissed about wanting her.

So far, SY has never said it to anyone either.  She just looks at WY with moony, encouraging and shy eyes.  At TH, with sympathetic, understanding and shy eyes.  At Sniffy, with hatred and a glare.  :-??

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Guest missred123


I know Golta is not directly at fault, but his suggestion was a spark. Why? Because TN was planning to run the palace like ED, but when she saw TH heading to LP room made her angry, because she feels TH might have some feelings for LP and he is going over to pacify LP and her baby, so her jealousy flared. However, the coupe de grace was when she realized that she was not pregnant and that brought on a totally darker side of TN.

Was Golta indirectly responsible. I think his suggestion was a spark, a reminder that she does exist.

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