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[Drama 2013/2014] ♚ Empress Ki (기황후) ♚


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And from my understanding ET still has no idea that SN the Jackal is TH's female servant Nyang. that its better to have her identity kept hidden from ET or else he wud burn her alive & there's nothing Th can do abt it.

I wonder about this? So ET does not recognize the SN as the soldier from Goryo from last night? So nobody informed ET how one Goryo soldier managed to outwit them all and save TH?

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Empress Ki is 2nd in the Top Search on Naver youhou <:-P

And Wang Yoo is in the Top 10 most searched characters <:-P <:-P (Who said that our king wasn't popular :-w :D)


In the Top 30, there are :

13th : Tanasili (+7)
15th : Tae Hwan (+13)
16th : El Temur (+19) >:) >:)
24th : Seung Nyang (+19)

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larabn said: I keep thinking about the last scene
and SN's cries URGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! while I'm here sad for her and tearing up remembering it
he is there watching so comfortably like watching his mom bake a cake
what an as............ole seriously creepy loser that will be Frankenstein himself in the next eps
I'm sure it will get worse with him and that we haven't seen the last of his creepy obsession

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Hancinema.net is conducting an unscientific poll on the upcoming MBC Drama Awards.  None of these votes are being submitted to MBC for counting, but it's kinda fun regardless.  Go here and start spamming the site for our Empress Ki, people! :))

And with that note, I'm outta here for the next few days unless something newsworthy rears its ugly head.  Yeorobun, Meri Keuriseumaseu!!! ~

MBC Drama Awards Nominees


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@rinchan .... I think she was enduring all the pain when she is still a jackal 'cause her men are looking at her but now he wants to scream all her frustration (being drag by your most unwanted suitor) and pain 'cause now she is free from being responsible for others.

and I feel like during interrogation she scream silently for wang yoo to save her.... how sweet..


happy holidays....

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muffyn said: Hi guys, so I've just been following this thread since it first started and after watching ep 18 (w/o subs), I've decided to just make an account and post my thoughts.I am a TH/SN shipper, but recently I have become increasingly annoyed at the focus of the love triangle. 
Seriously, it took 18 episodes for WY/SN to confess their love for each other? What is more, is that it has taken more than 10 episodes since TH has become emperor (which translates to probably years) to actually start doing something abut ET. And even that is partly because he wants SN to look up to him, I mean come on, before you try and prove yourself to your love interest, shouldn't your main motivation be to prove to YOURSELF you can do something right first? Urgh. Another thing, with exception to ep 16 ending which was amazing, I am getting tired of having the last scene be of the three leads staring at each competitively/out of jealousy/whatever/etc. Especially ep 17 ending which was just childish and ep 18 was better, but I would have preferred it ending on ET about to kill TH or whatever just for a bit of variety in the ending other than the romance.I know people are saying the Empress Ki is a fast-paced drama, and while I do agree time does fly by quickly and there is a lot of action when watching, but if you actually analyse the basic development, it is slow. Ep 18 made me reminisce the times when SN and TH were hanging out together all carefree in the first few episodes but it also reminded me that the characters TH,SN,WY have not changed that much despite time passing.  Okay, so now TH is emperor, SN is a maid, and WY is a deposed king, but character-wise I haven't seen much improvement; SN and WY are very much the bad-richard simmons people they were, if not slightly more mature and TH well..... I am most disappointed with TH, yes okay, he has made a TEENY WEENY change but not much - this was proven when he was screaming for Golta to find SN in ep 18 but was eventually dragged away. In that scene, I was literally like, "TH, this is your time to prove to me that you have changed and that you will stand your ground and save SN  for the DKS" but nope he got dragged away and I was just left face-palming. In the last scene I was hoping for TH to redeem himself by finding SN first but unfortunately WY got there first, sigh.On the upside though, I think this next arc will be about how SN becomes empress - although I didn't watch ep 18 w/subs, I gather from this thread that WY made a deal with ET to do his bidding? In that case, perhaps ET will tell WY to do something bad and somehow through all this SN begins her ascent to empress because remember - in the first ep, we saw TH saying something about how SN spared WY's life, so I am guessing WY did something wrong but SN managed to persuade TH to let WY go. Just a thought.
Have a happy christmas eve everyone!

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Guest kenneth123

@djg I think you are right .. the plot is moving forward at a very slow pace but I think ep 18 was actually a good ep.. hopefully they will start investing more time in sn ...I like the palace drama with el temur hahaahah...I just wish she gets kicked out of the palace already so the main story will unfold... merry christmas :) to you and your families...

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@rinchan76 very good point you made about ED! I do look forward to ED and SN battle of wills as they are both powerful women in their own right and both are esteemed by the emperor. He'll probably have a hard time deciding who to listen to when this time comes.

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Guest kaeruchan

Updated with episode 18 recap :)


I love the second half of episode 18 because it made me nervous while watching it. Hehe. Both Yoo and Ta-hwan were decent in this episode and I think I have made a wise decision not to jump on any ship...because I love them equally. Heee

Happy Holidays everyone! This upcoming two weeks will surely feel long without Empress Ki...

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Guest minnie0103

'Just happy to report that Episode 17 (WITH English subtitle) is now out! I thought it would be a little late because it's Christmas time. Enjoy watching, but we must prioritize Christmas! :)

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Guest foreverstar75

I don't like writer to make TH a completely powerless, useless, timid and brainless king. How many more eps you want TH to remain in this???? Till ep 25? By then, I will be so sick of TH...sorry.
Please do something abt our poor TH.......he is a great actor. No fault of his. ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^

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Guest orionbynes2010

How the Wy & Sn ship is sailing right now irks me because I feel like there weren't any scene shown to display their developing love. It jumped from Wy homosexual attraction of Sn when she was disguised as a boy to full blown up heavy love. There weren't any scenes featured in between to indicate why Wy like/love her...especially why Sn like/love WY. I am open to the idea of Wy with Sn because he is a good character but their romance doesn't make sense. The writers fail in that department.

I like Th and Sn because the drama laid out a meaningful foundation of Th growing affection for Sn and I feel that Sn is slowly at a turtle pace growing some kind of affection for Th in return, it may just be friendship affection for the time being but at least it is showing her change in attitude towards Th. Wy and Sn went from awkward friendship stage to so called lover stage in a whirlwind. I just can't logically and emotionally accept that as a viewer.

Also I think Sn and Wy are too much alike, they need a partner who is different but can complement them well. I seriously get bored when Wy and Sn are together, 99 percent of their conversations are not related to their relationship. They care more about their country and getting vengeance than their love for each other.

Tbh I feel like this show is more about Emperor Th rather than Empress Ki or WY. Th is stealing this show.

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