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(OFFICIAL) Micheoseo Couple T♥G Taecyeon ♥ Gui Gui; Global Couple Thread !! TaecGui ♥ YeonJie Part 1


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bladerunner said:

bladerunner said:

angelangie said:

bladerunner said:

Finally .........Everyone..........

6/16Taec and Gui Gui's "I love you" Single will be out!!!!

I heard that it was actually compose by both TaecGui!!!!

Oh, really???Do you have link to the source?

Cough Cough~~~The song is out on Baidu...

Sooooooooo cute......I am dying here.................I think this is my first time listening to Taec sing (not just rap)...It's not ballad song like other OST...It's kinda like "I love you you love me".....And Gui Gui's voice is soooooooooooooo mega ultra cute and SWEET.

I can't stop smiling~~~~~

Her english is very good here and I think her voice is better then Taec.Heeehhehehehehehe

Seriously...it sounds 80 % like I love you you love me.They recorded this song before I love you you love me, so can we say: (j-fans don't hate)...yes...she inspired him, he wrote the song for her."??Did Taec compose this song as well?

OMG~~ GuiGui's voice is SOOOOOOO sweet :D

Oppa, Mur mur .... Genpei !!!!!!!!!!!

I need you around me xDD

I love you forever ^^

I need you forever ~~

I love you I love you ~~ hehe

I am going to explore NOW   8-> 8-> 8-> 8-> 8->


How do we listen to it? So excited about this song...cant wait for the album!

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Guest bladerunner

I don't wanna post link here.You can check weibo @鬼泽夫妇吧.If I recognize you ID, I will PM you. 

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thanks @bladerunner! :) the song has this whole upbeat, sugary buzz to it -- kind of the song that you would play while you are driving back after a long day! haven't listened to the "I love you, you love me" but it makes me wonder when the execs decided to come up with a song that incorporates the two of them. it is interesting from a marketing point of view; since @bladerunner says it sounds like a version of "I love you, you love me" -- it probably means that it wasn't like a planned song months in the making.. so execs also saw the fantastic chemistry between the two and decided to capitalize on it, it looks like..does this mean that we will see both of them together promoting stuff, appearing in concerts, or making videos together? it makes me seriously wonder if she is there for work now in Japan, not just play...
EDIT: listened to the "I love you, you love me" -- so TaecGui's song is definitely a tweaked version of that..

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minwooluv78 said:




bladerunner said:<br />

bladerunner said:<br />

<br />

angelangie said:<br />

<br />

bladerunner said:<br />

Finally .........Everyone..........<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

6/16Taec and Gui Gui's "I love you" Single will be out!!!!<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

I heard that it was actually compose by both TaecGui!!!!<br />

<br />

<br />

Oh, really???Do you have link to the source?<br />

<br />

<br />

Cough Cough~~~The song is out on Baidu...<br />

Sooooooooo cute......I am dying here.................I think this is my first time listening to Taec sing (not just rap)...It's not ballad song like other OST...It's kinda like "I love you you love me".....And Gui Gui's voice is soooooooooooooo mega ultra cute and SWEET.<br />

I can't stop smiling~~~~~<br />

<br />

Her english is very good here and I think her voice is better then Taec.Heeehhehehehehehe<br />

Seriously...it sounds 80 % like I love you you love me.They recorded this song before I love you you love me, so can we say: (j-fans don't hate)...yes...she inspired him, he wrote the song for her."??Did Taec compose this song as well?<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

OMG~~ GuiGui's voice is SOOOOOOO sweet


<br />

<br />

Oppa, Mur mur .... Genpei !!!!!!!!!!! <br />

I need you around me xDD<br />

I love you forever ^^ <br />

I need you forever ~~ <br />

I love you I love you ~~ hehe <br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

I am going to explore NOW  


<br />

<br />


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Guest Zila Elina

bully14 said: The 2pm boys were curious about guigui during the house visit. And junho's comments that taec has been talking to them about guigui. What did taec said? Hopefully positive things... Those first few episodes where he was still adjusting to guigui 's personality, his ever constant sighs, sometimes I really felt like taking a sock to his head in those black room interviews of his!!!! Well luckily he has improved tremendously since jeju island so the sock is just redundant now. But nickhun's comment was curious, he said, "guigui was prettier than I expected." and who gave him these expectations? Must have been taec when he was telling the 2pm members about guigui. Oh... Taec it would be nice if you could spontaneously express appreciation of your wife more often... Lol. For now, I will have to grudgingly accept your praise of ,she's cute. When GO commented on the good skin of guigui, all taec did was woodenly translate it to guigui like an automaton. Granted, maybe it is not in his nature to do so but it would be nice for him to acknowledge the praise of guigui instead of just relaying the message. Like something like, "yes my wife is pretty, is she not." lol

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rewatching ep 11 -- its hysterical that Taec warns the guys that they better dance it smile or it will never end! I love the look the Gui Gui turns back and gives them this  look when they didn't do the dance enthusiastically -- like an elementary teacher encouraging her kids to dance...

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Guest yukiyama

I saw the weibo post of the OST whilst queuing to buy lunch... and was a complete lunatic glueing my phone's speakers to my ear on my way back... I love their voices in the song, it's so bubbly and sweet!!  :x
Ok I'm going to re-watch ep 11 for the nth time... 

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@bladerunner and @Bubble-AF really thanks a lot for sharing the song ....kyaaaaaa!!!! this song really gives us the sweet feeling ... it really feels like they are singing their real feelings for each other ... so they really composed and wrote the lyrics for this song together ?? huhuhuh .. love love love love it . now , I pray hard there would be an official MV for this song .... kyaaaa!!!  THEY LOVE EACH OTHER !! huhuh. 

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Guest teacyeonguiguiadddict

@zila elina @angleangie @mcleen Hi gals, nice to meet you...  Yes I am Malaysian But i think in this forum we became one sisters... we are like a family because of these two (teacgui).

Anyway today i want to share some highlights of my favourite parts of ep 11

 1) when G put attentively serve the energy drink to all of T members, Well I am not chinese, but I think as i abserve in chinese film, serving the drinks is like showing your respect to the person you serve right? Am i right? I can see T is appreciating her gestures of serving them drinks.

2) when the members trying the food, and they really enjoy it, T is honoured by it, as he implying that "hey! my wife is a good wife right?" I love the way T concern of how the food taste - he really want to preserve the dignity of his house :)

3) and the whole time from when the 2pm members coming and communicating with the two of them (T&G) they are all actually observing their closeness, Gui gui appearance, her cuteness... their eyes were just like saying 'oh this is G that hyung brag all this time'... junho and woo young looks very obvious in observing Gui Gui. I like their support on his hyung life. It shows that they will support their relationship all the way through. I notice this a lot ... in all the shows they were in... Woo yong is very protective and more careful in any interview, always change the topic into something else when reporters try to dig on Teacyeon relationship.

4) when gui gui asked them to dance with her... they are all disagree to how G has made major changes in theri choreography... but still abiding her ( although I think some major secene was cut there). When G asked the to dance with a happy expressions... they were like... yeah happy!!! it is like they were saying " hyung now we know what you were talking about your cute wife".

5) when they were interviewed regarding their impression on G... (eventhogh I don't really understand their words but throgh gestures and their expressions) they were like yes we approve their relationship. All of them acknowledge G cuteness, both in looks and personality. In my opinion, maybe they have done some research on G, or maybe T has desribe how G looks to them. I think they were surprise that G actually pretty... in real life... maybe T didn't really brag about her beusty but more on her personality ( it's like T were saying " oh guys... this girl has drive me crazy with her cuteness") remeber back in ep 2 he said... G is defenitely a winner and she has her ways of getting what she wants.

6) when the kiss scene is shown... the looks from T jealous face was priceless... it something that really not in the script... he is actually really trying hard to cover those emotion BUT it too obvious that he couldn't take it... even he himself has done a kiss scene before... But because he has this protective/a little bit possesive lover kind of personality... he couldn't help BUt being very jealous. I like it becouse this kind of emotion beyond your control... it is naturally comes when you really attracted to someone special. (try to put your self in his shoes). in my opinion, he wants G to know this. he wants G to consider his feeling. he wants G to show her jealousy as well... he was testing G on how she actually feels towards him.

7) when the 15& came and sing, the lyrics mentioned about be patience... he has emphasized that part... implying that he has to be patience... has the eye contact with the boys (woo yongreactions is like "yes hyung be patience")

8) when they were asked about what are the most attractive characteristics of their partner, G said "oppa like the big boy and sometimes the man" - nikhun got that the most... it like she was trying to say that he is my little boy and my man - that decription tell a lot... it means - she is loving him... in marriage we are like that, we have to pamper our hubby as if he is our baby  (most man like it) at the same time respect him as the man of the house. G if read this - hope she will (wishful thinking) i want to applaud you for that statement - that is spot on T heart - T need those king of treatment from his woman.

9) when T describe G attractiveness - is when she is smiling and being fun most of the time... I think that charm actually panetrated in his deepest corner of his heart... that warm charming smile on her face drive him crazy... if you happen to listen to most of his rap lyrics that he himself wrote ... he never fail to mentioned about smile, cute voice, cuteness... it is like all the time when he close his eyes the memories with G came effortlessly... and naturally translated in the rap lyrics... on suitable songs (there's also some song that require him to describe hatred... eg. go back... that is like he has to suit the lyric to the song title.) ok my suggestion: try to listen to ADTOY 2pm title song - most part of the song i think close to the description of how T actually feel and experience with G (call me lunatic - delusional nuna fan :)))

9) when they were playing piano together to his friends - he is so proud of G when Junho made the statement that "you both like a real couple now" ... I like those statement too...

10) when they were left alone, they massage each other, obviously both don't have the skill of being a masseur - but they still have this cute skinship moments - they were sitting very close to one another, glued together- oh that chemistry is so natural...

11) when kwanghee came - it was epic when kwanghee asked whether he has kiss her - T was really like... NOT yet - he frozed for a sec there - his expression is like - got i want to kiss her badly - then there bragging about hugging each other - omg that was so natural - (btw in most of the rap lyrics also mention about the warness of being next to each other (oh god I am really crazy) :)))

12) last but not least! when kwanghee told G that she was only pretty on screen, G was not happy but still can content herself with those negative remarks  from an artifically handsome kwanghee (or i may say kwanghee who think he is handsome) - but she was exploded when kwanghee said T is not handsome - "she was like you said my oppa is not handsome?" at that point T who bacame the translator was very proud _ proudly translating that his wife was agry to this man because he said i am not handsome. oh god - at that point I keep rewatching -again and again :) it like the prize for T after all of this housewarming preparation is my wife acknowledgement - even it is just about his looks that natural instinct of a woman in love - my man is the best of all. and it is in front of his friend... not only the two of them... I was also satisfied with the punishment to kwanghee - with the baloon poped right in his ears - although oppa also affected by it, But G really - sincerely sorry for that to T. She was like "I am sorry dear - i didn't meant to hurt you - I want to punish him".


So I concluded my ep highlight with the statement from T saying that he is feeling love more than just liking - oh thats is so true ... huhuhu he is falling in love ...!!!!!


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Guest nicolemae24

@bladerunner @BUBBLE-AF thank you so much!! Ahaha, that was really cute, jjandori jump!! Haha. Cant help but smile during the entire song. Jjandori jump!

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mcleen said: @bladerunner and @Bubble-AF really thanks a lot for sharing the song ....kyaaaaaa!!!! this song really gives us the sweet feeling ... it really feels like they are singing their real feelings for each other ... so they really composed and wrote the lyrics for this song together ?? huhuhuh .. love love love love it . now , I pray hard there would be an official MV for this song .... kyaaaa!!!  THEY LOVE EACH OTHER !! huhuh. 

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Guest bladerunner

bladerunner said: Finally .........Everyone..........((((((((Drum roll))))))))373511.jpg

6/16Taec and Gui Gui's "I love you" Single will be out!!!!

I will purchase this from iTune tomorrow.
Hope all the TaceGui fan will support them.

Maybe they will have their 1st #1 song on the charts.

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Guest menicorn


and the "jjandori jump" =))

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