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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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While I may agree with some of you that YD is a damaged character who needs someone like ES to be healed, I don't agree that's a good enough reason for him to get her. It's hard to picture Eun Sang falling for this guy, he comes off as a bit selfish, only aware of his own feelings. While I can excuse him on that because I understand he's greedy for the love he never received, it doesn't make him appear very sincere in front of ES. Let alone, he is also not very good at expressing his feelings. Because she won't accept his heart, he wants to make everyone around her suffer. It doesn't seem like he wants to be loved, it seems more like he craves attention. If he truly likes her, he will not put her in such an awkward situation. Just the presence of him makes her uneasy, now he is threatening her with the people she loves, ask me but that is definitely not the way to win her heart. Will it satisfy him if in the end, she chooses to be with him to protect the people she loves but not because her heart chooses to? Exactly what I mean, he is only aware of his own feelings, he doesn't care about whether she agrees, as long as he gets her that's all that matters.

If ever ES "loves" YD, I'd say it is compassion and not real love.

@prosperity I agree, it's two different situations when you have feelings for him and when you don't. ES has obvious feelings for KT but none for YD, the two are a world apart.

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Guest pinkytooth

woke up in the middle of the night only to catch up non sub epi 13.
I'm so delighted by all TanSang moments, sweet bickering convos, and how Tan keep his smile tho he was kicked out of the house.Kim bro moment is precious :x
Eunsang.... I can't be more proud of her. Despite she was homeless, she finally found and embraced little part of her which is loving Tan sincerely..She initiated the hug to comfort him :x She smiled sweetly and took Tan's hand infront of whole school.And cared of him even took gut to comeback to his house for him.Once again, I LOVE all convos even the smacks, especially doughnut kiss from Tan Sang :x :x
Applaud to Tan for his braveness shielding KYS from the bullying; for his loving expressions toward Eunsang, Won and his mom; for his jokes and funny expressions. All cutesy joke about his relationship with Eunsang. Buin, mom pls take care of my yeoja chin. This guy is cute~And how he's trying to be cool when he left the house (I'm sure it's actually hard for him) and asked help from his friends (he should pay attention to his friends more than Eunsang. Nobody wanted give him place. LOL)His madness expression at last scene was stunning!! 
I can't believe my heart when it was bleeding for Rachel and Youngdo. Both of them thirst of love and recognition but both of them seeking it in wrong way.Especially Youngdo. I know there is so much kindness inside him. He originally wanted to keep Tan's secret until his heart broken into pieces when Eunsang gave straight rejection. Poor Young do :(( I was sobbing for Hyosin too. Oh man, Kang Haneul was sooo gooddd.. His pain, his devastated emotions. I feel choked for him :(( :((
Bona and Chanyoung.. Finally they got conflict.. Tho I dont think it is 'conflict' compared to TanSang conflictS. LOL
And for the adults :Rachel's mom. When I began liking her, she turned me off  L-) Why on earth she paid attention more to stocks and money than her own daughter's engagement?! Now I understand why Rachel acted like a mean heartless girl.Tan's mom. Aww.. What a moment there when she worried about Eunsang. And how Tan backhugged her just sweet. She also was trying to be a supportive mom, not bugging Tan nor forcing him to comeback nor scolding him for being with Eunsang. Yoon's appa.. Just gorgeous and kind as always...Hyosin's mom truly selfish and arrogant mom. I hate her.Kim dad and his second wife. Sigh. They just an awful devil old couple. No wonder they can get along tgt without any feeling nor kid.
The ending is cliffhanger as always... :-?But the good news is I just have to wait less than one day to cure my craving for the new episode :D

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I can't stand that Rachel girl. She is just plain nasty with no depth whatsoever. She is nothing like Blair from Gossip Girl. Blair is a snob but she is true to her friends and love. She would go to hell for her loved ones and that is why her friends still want to be with her even though she can be very bitchy and mean at times. Rachel just doesn't have a good side period. If she continues down this path, she will be lonely forever. I like YD so therefore I don't think that he deserves this kind of ill fate.

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I watched the Ep 13 tonight I am waiting the Subtitles .I love KT & ES Moments 
I love KT & KW
I love KT & His friends  moments 

I loved  KT showing his feeling  toward  his family members & I think he doesn't afraid any more to be the son of mistress.

I will talk about Hyoshin who killed me seriously  this handsome man lives in his painful reality as a prisoner being punished bcz he want to be free to choose his path without this stressful pressure , I hope he won't do something bad for himself , poor baby .
For Rachel ; I hoped she wakes up ; R as a character seemed to have the same past history as YD & KT with Bona the popular rich students.

 I am angry from her to what she done to YS yes YS mouth needed to be shut but I wished Rachel above these actions make me love kim Tan when he showing the bullying thing was mistake done by him & needed to be corrected  .

I know Bona is gentle but I want her to stand with YS  the girl needs a friend .

YD : 

The broken, angry and sad heart make the soul hurt & burn destroying every thing around it.

ES doesn't see him as we saw him as the traumatized young boy , she reject him to not to give him hope I love the honesty in this show everything in your mind on your tongue so I don't need to wait until I reach the last episode to see that  she doesn't love him .

The rejection & refusal to listen  him bcz YD in her mind is like waves sometimes she find him wow then he becomes the opposite he is confusing to  her with a lot of questions being asked by him  about her family , home & the social status. In her mind the YD who   will do something to her any time  , the worst image in her mind is YD the bully boy even if he assures that he will keep her secret she won't trust him his actions is the cause of this distrusting  .
Even YD ' actions hurt him more than anyone but he is good inside for me he is keeping Tan's secret for all these years  and threat Rachel to shut her mouth .
For that person I won't worry about him he is just like iron being rusted by bad environment so he will remove this rust by himself with help of ES & KT  step by step to make us  seeing  this shiny YD as powerful & gentle man  .

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OMG just finished ep 13 and my Heart bleeds for YD :(

Let me give you an analysis of his character.

YD is a jerk with a good heart but doesnt know how to use it because his heart has been trampled over many times, every time by the person he loves. His mother left him which is something that can scar a child very bad. His father is a fckn playboy with thousand mistresses and who abuses his son at every opportunity. His best friend is now at bad terms with him. After all these things, he didnt believe in love but he found it in Eun Sang. And now even she doesnt return his feelings and took his feelings for granted and didnt believe in his sincerity (OK kinda understand her).

But I think YD's feelings are very sincere and deep for ES. And boy the sparks!! OMG, his scenes are always the best.

Cant wait for tomorrows episode!

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OMG YD lips kinda seemed bruised. Did ES do that? Maybe he kisses her?! OMG LETS hope so!!!

BTW, when YD told ES he will be also destroying himself, I think he meant because he will be causing ES pain, but also his father will discover this and he will get beated again. I really hope ES and YD will kiss!!!

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OMG YD lips kinda seemed bruised. Did ES do that? Maybe he kisses her?! OMG LETS hope so!!!

BTW, when YD told ES he will be also destroying himself, I think he meant because he will be causing ES pain, but also his father will discover this and he will get beated again. I really hope ES and YD will kiss!!!

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I am very worried how did that !(*&#!#!@#@ of Rachel found ES works? oooh I hope KA didn't tell her or that Rachel didn't trick he since she is not the smartest bulb in the house  :((  but this just proves that she is just plain wenchy I am hoping that KA Tannys mom did not do it  [-X

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OMG just finished ep 13 and my Heart bleeds for YD :(

Let me give you an analysis of his character.

YD is a jerk with a good heart but doesnt know how to use it because his heart has been trampled over many times, every time by the person he loves. His mother left him which is something that can scar a child very bad. His father is a fckn playboy with thousand mistresses and who abuses his son at every opportunity. His best friend is now at bad terms with him. After all these things, he didnt believe in love but he found it in Eun Sang. And now even she doesnt return his feelings and took his feelings for granted and didnt believe in his sincerity (OK kinda understand her).

But I think YD's feelings are very sincere and deep for ES. And boy the sparks!! OMG, his scenes are always the best.

Cant wait for tomorrows episode!

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OMG YD lips kinda seemed bruised. Did ES do that? Maybe he kisses her?! OMG LETS hope so!!!

BTW, when YD told ES he will be also destroying himself, I think he meant because he will be causing ES pain, but also his father will discover this and he will get beated again. I really hope ES and YD will kiss!!!

I hope he doesn't go that far for his own benefit. I don't think I would ever find his character redeemable after forceing a girl that clearly doesn't like him to kiss him. force kisses dramatically only really work when you know the two people involved like each other but other circumstances are forcing them apart. generally that type of force kiss comes from the pent up tention between the two parties and most of the time both parties end up giving into the kiss. this would never be the case for ES and YD so I really hope he doesn't cross the line between a jerk and a women violating jerk. those two types of jerks are very different and far apart. I hope YD and ES shippers can tell the difference. I understand that as a YD and ES shipper they would want to see a kiss but I would hope that if you ship them romantically that you want something that resembalce some semblance of romance. if he does go there ES would probably hate him if she doesn't already.

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Miky88 said: i'm more than sure that there won't be any kiss there but Tan will give him a beating taking her to the rooftop and propose to escape to US and after that she will see YD that waits fr her and hand him that  bandage...it is also intresting when MS asks YD if both fell in the lake who will save first and he says he'll save ES if i heard corectly

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Oh my! YD's love is so destructive. The way he express his love to ES is so painful.I think he has his way of expressing his love but the way of it is so ....so....painful. He wanted ES but ES can't seems to except a little from him. It looks like he is trying to say that he likes ES so much that he could die for her. That why he is torturing KT and also himself. Maybe by making KT beats him up then only he will get some relief out of it. That is how his father raised him by beating him on not doing well, not listening well and also losing a fight from KT. I really felt pity for him. He really did show the pain that he has been enduring all this time.

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I loved the way LMH portrayed the craziness KT was feeling when he saw YD lock ES in and how desperate he was to get inside and help her!!! ^:)
It was amazing! truly amazing I could feel his desperation and it got me stressed and a nervous wreck.. in my mind I knew that YD would not rape her or anything of the sort but KT was truly freaking out and it was so emotional....  ^:)^

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