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@YouwinJH We all need a friend like JH! The kind of friend that makes you feel like anything is possible. Sometimes they can be annoying if we are in a negative mood haha  but in the end they give you hope. We all need this these days. I noticed CTH quieter than usual. I felt they didn’t tease as much as usual but also JH was not letting them get a word in anyway :lol: whoever did the captions was too amused by him too. 

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4 hours ago, dramafan33 said:

@YouwinJH We all need a friend like JH! The kind of friend that makes you feel like anything is possible. Sometimes they can be annoying if we are in a negative mood haha  but in the end they give you hope. We all need this these days. I noticed CTH quieter than usual. I felt they didn’t tease as much as usual but also JH was not letting them get a word in anyway :lol: whoever did the captions was too amused by him too. 

Hats off to the person who did the subs! I had to rewatch certain parts because the subs were moving too quickly. And it doesn't help that Hyuk is speaking so fast! Hahaha!

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1 hour ago, azureblue7 said:

Hats off to the person who did the subs! I had to rewatch certain parts because the subs were moving too quickly. And it doesn't help that Hyuk is speaking so fast! Hahaha!

I had to watch the episode at X0.75 speed as the subs were moving so fast! :D



8 hours ago, YouwinJH said:

@dramafan33 you're right, his outlook and general positivity (and excitement over his work) is really inspiring. Especially when you contrast it to someone like CTH who seems rather blaise and cynical. I hope more doors will be opened to JH so he can do what he enjoys until he's old and grey and ready to retire / slow down


The Mongolia show showed that CTH has a melancholic side to him, as well that he suffers from anxiety. so much anxiety that he needs to be medicated. He is what I call "a sad clown", and I'm glad that JH is there for him with his unending optimism and careless courage. I think he showed to him that even though life is hard, it's easier to face it with a cheerful outlook. On the other hand, the show also showed that CTH is very aware of the feelings of people around him, something that JH can be a bit obtuse about. I think he kinda checks JH when he's going off on his random lectures, making him be aware of the people around him. They are good for each other :)


8 hours ago, YouwinJH said:

It's great that despite so many years in the industry, he's not worn out bt it all - I do think he needs to be mindful of his body which is also a reason why I'm not too interested in him doing more action. Wear and tear to the body can really show in old age


Not worn out?! :D At times it seems like the guy is like an innocent child! He's so fresh and optimistic! Even more than KH! I don't understand how he got to his age and is still like that


8 hours ago, YouwinJH said:

I also think JH is probs the one who gave HKH a pep talk during the Mongolia trip - he sounded so down beaten over his career back then. And now he's doing the music he always wanted to do - heavy metal. Him and JH look really close these days and I suspect his positivity is rubbing off on his friend

You are right! It was clear he wasn't pleased with his career and by the fact that his successful songs are songs that he never even wanted to sing! I'm so glad for him that he decided to risk it and finally do something that he really wants, and I think you are right- JH's optimistic nature and his willingness to risk it all on his new plans probably helped him make this decision... And it was so sweet of him to want to sleep over at JH's just so he won't be alone... 

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Video call with Hyuk





3 hours ago, Biology Lesson said:

The Mongolia show showed that CTH has a melancholic side to him, as well that he suffers from anxiety. so much anxiety that he needs to be medicated. He is what I call "a sad clown", and I'm glad that JH is there for him with his unending optimism and careless courage. I think he showed to him that even though life is hard, it's easier to face it with a cheerful outlook. On the other hand, the show also showed that CTH is very aware of the feelings of people around him, something that JH can be a bit obtuse about. I think he kinda checks JH when he's going off on his random lectures, making him be aware of the people around him. They are good for each other :)

Yes! You're right. He is very considerate of how others are feeling, even telling the camera man to rest because they kept repeating the same topic over and over again..hahaha

I like how he subtly gets JH back on track too. And he laughs at everything JH says too. No wonder Hyuk gave him a goodnight kiss LOL!


3 hours ago, Biology Lesson said:
4 hours ago, azureblue7 said:

Hats off to the person who did the subs! I had to rewatch certain parts because the subs were moving too quickly. And it doesn't help that Hyuk is speaking so fast! Hahaha!

I had to watch the episode at X0.75 speed as the subs were moving so fast! :D



12 hours ago, YouwinJH said:

@dramafan33 you're right, his outlook and general positivity (and excitement over his work) is really inspiring. Especially when you contrast it to someone like CTH who seems rather blaise and cynical. I hope more doors will be opened to JH so he can do what he enjoys until he's old and grey and ready to retire / slow down



The Mongolia show showed that CTH has a melancholic side to him, as well that he suffers from anxiety. so much anxiety that he needs to be medicated. He is what I call "a sad clown", and I'm glad that JH is there for him with his unending optimism and careless courage. I think he showed to him that even though life is hard, it's easier to face it with a cheerful outlook. On the other hand, the show also showed that CTH is very aware of the feelings of people around him, something that JH can be a bit obtuse about. I think he kinda checks JH when he's going off on his random lectures, making him be aware of the people around him. They are good for each other :)


12 hours ago, YouwinJH said:

It's great that despite so many years in the industry, he's not worn out bt it all - I do think he needs to be mindful of his body which is also a reason why I'm not too interested in him doing more action. Wear and tear to the body can really show in old age


Not worn out?! :D At times it seems like the guy is like an innocent child! He's so fresh and optimistic! Even more than KH! I don't understand how he got to his age and is still like that

I need to learn that from him. He's so earnest about everything. Martial arts, boxing and now English.:joy:

3 hours ago, Biology Lesson said:

And it was so sweet of him to want to sleep over at JH's just so he won't be alone... 

His friends are really very sweet to him. He's their maknae in the group. 

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It occurs to me that the similarities between this new show idea and his previous shows is deliberate...I think JH is trying to fix what went wrong with Family and to some extent The Killer


I do appreciate that about him in that he evaluates his roles / shows and where there is room for improvement, he would work at it until he gets it right. Just like he did with Bangwon. I have this same dogged / obsessive streak. And once it's been satisfied in the way he's happy with, he will move on


For this reason, I'm quite intrigued now about what he would bring to the table with this new project. Though I'm still very concerned about the story. Bangwon in MYTNA was epic, the story not so much. I'm craving something that delivers both content and performance. It's about time


And I agree with both @azureblue7 and @Biology Lesson on CTH. To me, he has the best people's skills (and probably the most intelligent imo) among the group. He's super observant, which makes his humour so dry and biting (something I enjoy from him even though it might come across as mean towards his friends). I really appreciated him on the Mongolia show, especially how he adopted KH and probably was the one he felt most comfortable with

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And to think CTH annoyed me so much before! :yum: Judging from the dynamic @Biology Lesson describes, I’d actually relate to him more than I would with someone like JH (referring more to the anxiety and sad clown side, not so much the empathy or intelligence as I may be dense and obtuse myself and wouldnt dare praise myself in that regard) which is why I said that “positive” friends are needed but they can also be obnoxious. There might be a correlation with being optimistic AND being stubborn/persistent? There might also be a correlation with being so positive and strong but also coming off as a “know it all” (maybe?) Hyuk comes off as a “know it all” to me sometimes. He seems to like to preach lol. He reminds me of a very good friend of mine who I love and need in my life but sometimes I feel like smacking her. Other times she inspires me and her positive energy helps me get out of my funk. Its just that she has a hard time showing vulnerability and sometimes this makes her seem less empathic to those who struggle with deppression or anxiety for example. Its almost like some people are capable of lifting their own spirits with sheer willpower and discipline (which is wonderful) but that same quality may close them off to understanding or putting themselves in others shoes


Anyway, Im projecting to much lol! I suppose JH is probably less obtuse when he is not busy on his preaching monologue mode . He plays complex characters well so Im sure he is observant and all but maybe processes things and situations differently. The mode he adopts may as well be social anxiety too. He probably detaches a bit. Despite being among friends he is still so “odd”. I just wonder how self aware of this he is. In this respect (being and feeling like a weirdo even among friends ) I do relate to him :hwaiting2:

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@dramafan33 like you I also didn't come out liking CTH after I saw him in the first dragon club show and what I saw of him in the Busan show and the cooking show. But the Mongolia show, having such long stretches of driving allowed them to just talk, so he didn't need to be "on" all the time, with his variaty persona, and that allowed us to see the real him- the doting father, the loving and concerned husband (on the show it was revealed that CTH's wife has been ill for a while), and also the good friend.  As @YouwinJH said, we also saw how he took care of the new guy, KH, and made him feel welcomed, while KJK and JH kinda intimidated him in the begining. KJK was his usual kind bully, but JH mostly ignored him. Or seemed to ignore him- I think that is where his intense shyness came into play, and made him seem almost aloof with KH. But he wasn't really, just uncomfortable, I think. Also, I think he was too busy being happy and bubbly for just being in Mongolia with his friends :hwaiting2:


4 hours ago, azureblue7 said:

I need to learn that from him. He's so earnest about everything. Martial arts, boxing and now English.:joy:


Oh, for sure, @azureblue7! I also wish I had his tenacity and resolve, especially when I'm wasting my time on something silly, I have the thought in the back on my mind "In this time JH would have started and finished a workout..."


4 hours ago, azureblue7 said:

His friends are really very sweet to him. He's their maknae in the group. 

I love how they accept him just the way he is!


I also am trying to understand JH's personality and how him being so 'odd" and seemingly obtuse, gels with everything else we know about him. I have referred to him often as a "unicorn", and really he reminds me of a magical creature from a different dimension or time, trying to live a normal human life (maybe he should do a show about that next :)). So, in some respects, he's odd and outlandish, but in others, that are closer to his "true" self, he's amazing and very accomplished. Think Thor after a few years on earth, or the mermaid from "Splash" :D. So he constantly uses the wrong words, but the ideas he's trying to convey are often very profound. He seems oblivious of people's emotions or reactions, but he will go out of his way to help someone when he's in trouble or in need. Do we really know of another actor that has recomended as many actors and crew members for jobs as he has?! Also, lets not forget him investing money in Ongals just to help his friend. Also- he will go to every wedding he's invited to, will attend funerals of relatives of his friends, even not from their immediate family, and he insists on calling each crew member during the holidays instead of just sending a group message. Not wiling to join any group chat is another thing... He just goes by his own rules :)  In addition- one of the directors that worked with him said that in another time, JH would have been a general! I do wonder what he saw while working with JH that made him say that...


And then, there is his work- as you said @dramafan33, there is no way he could have created the characters that he has without being very observant! I think you are right, he just does it differently...


3 hours ago, YouwinJH said:

It occurs to me that the similarities between this new show idea and his previous shows is deliberate...I think JH is trying to fix what went wrong with Family and to some extent The Killer


I do appreciate that about him in that he evaluates his roles / shows and where there is room for improvement, he would work at it until he gets it right. Just like he did with Bangwon. I have this same dogged / obsessive streak. And once it's been satisfied in the way he's happy with, he will move on


For this reason, I'm quite intrigued now about what he would bring to the table with this new project. Though I'm still very concerned about the story. Bangwon in MYTNA was epic, the story not so much. I'm craving something that delivers both content and performance. It's about time


You know, you might be right! JH  has a tendency of doing that, and in both cases that I know of, we ended up getting a masterpiece! The first example that I can think of is how he used his character in Robbers to create FTLY, and the second example is how he used Midas to create MF. If you are right, and it is indeed what he's doing in his new project, than we may be getting another masterpiece, especialy since I actually liked The Killer, so if he's going to improve on that... :gangnamstyle:





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So I was watching "steel magnolias", and I was really enjoying the dynamics between the different actresses, and all the amazing side characters, not to mention the amazing script, and that made me think about JH's new project (of course :) ). I was thinking- what if JH expanded the original idea of doing something based on his real life, into a group thing? What if he'd do a project with the entire group?!  I would even have KH join them, similar to Daryl Hannah's character :D Not necesarily based on their current real lives, but something like "Steel magnolias"- a group of great friends, going throught the highs and lows of life, and their changing friendship? but even having it be based on their real lives could be interesting, seeing how the two brothers and JH are going into new stages in their careers, CTH being the great husband and father, but still having his fears and difficulties, and KJK- the perpetual bachelor- looking for love :) But doing something closer to Steel magnolias would be amazing!!

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3 hours ago, Biology Lesson said:

Someone just posted a pic of Kang Kwon-joo from Voice filming something, and they claim to see JH next to her. I really hope this is not true, or that it's just a cameo, even though I really miss JH... 

A pity the smaller pics below the main pic are too small. I'm actually a little excited if it's really him. I must be missing him too much...:bawling:

But don't think it's him. If so, he would mention it during their dragon club gathering.

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3 hours ago, azureblue7 said:

A pity the smaller pics below the main pic are too small. I'm actually a little excited if it's really him. I must be missing him too much...:bawling:

But don't think it's him. If so, he would mention it during their dragon club gathering.

Yep, you are right. Someone posted a correction- 


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Hey Jang Hyuk chingus! :waves:Hope everyone is well ! :fullofhearts:

Any fun news on Jang Hyuk? Like a new drama with Jang Nara but with a good script?

You Know Eyes GIF by Bounce


Peeps are voting/discussing whether Jang Nara's newest drama, My Happy Marriage, or her drama, Family, with Jang Hyuk is worse.... :grimace:

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15 minutes ago, partyon said:

Hey Jang Hyuk chingus! :waves:Hope everyone is well ! :fullofhearts:

Any fun news on Jang Hyuk? Like a new drama with Jang Nara but with a good script?


Nope, no such news... JH is actually building something brand new... A bit mysterious. But he will be filming a show in April, the idea of the show can go either way. We're kinda uncertain...


15 minutes ago, partyon said:


Peeps are voting/discussing whether Jang Nara's newest drama, My Happy Marriage, or her drama, Family, with Jang Hyuk is worse.... :grimace:

Really?! Her last show was also bad? Yikes! What went wrong there?

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17 minutes ago, Biology Lesson said:

Nope, no such news... JH is actually building something brand new... A bit mysterious. But he will be filming a show in April, the idea of the show can go either way. We're kinda uncertain...


Ooh, sounds exciting! Wonder what kind of news we'll get? Do we know if the show is a variety show of some sorts? :kiss_wink:


17 minutes ago, Biology Lesson said:

Really?! Her last show was also bad? Yikes! What went wrong there?


It's a disaster, chingu. :grimace: You know, it was her comeback drama and reunion with her beloved Go Back Couple co-star, Son Ho Jun? Everyone was real excited! In the same way like when we heard Jang Hyuk and Jang Nara would star in Family together! :love: I think we were all super disappointed how Family turned out.


So we thought, maybe her next drama where she reunites with another of her male co-stars will be an improvement!

Tichina Arnold Hope GIF by Martin


You know what they did?


Killed off Son Ho Jun's character in ep 8. He was the ML.:unamused:

Mixed Martial Arts Seriously GIF by UFC


The drama's been a dumpster fire ever since.

Dumpster Fire GIF by MOODMAN

I think even @gm4queen chingu dropped it. I know I did. :grimace:


What can we learn from this? As much as I love our Snail Couple, I seriously hope they choose a better script next time they reunite.... Or just refrain from reuniting, so that we at least can have their first 2 dramas left as great memories...


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@dramafan33 chingu, she's one of my favorite actresses, but her latest drama choices have been questionable to say the least. I've come to the conclusion that almost all of her dramas that have been misses, have been penned by "rookie" writers who don't have any dramas under their belts. What makes me nervous is that her upcoming drama later this year, Good Partner, is also the scriptwriter's first drama.


Btw, I was gonna ask you about the variety show Jang Hyuk was starring in last year, Express Delivery: Mongolia Edition. I saw a clip from it (IG or YT, can't remember). It looked fun. Is it worth the watch?

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1 hour ago, partyon said:

@dramafan33 chingu, she's one of my favorite actresses, but her latest drama choices have been questionable to say the least. I've come to the conclusion that almost all of her dramas that have been misses, have been penned by "rookie" writers who don't have any dramas under their belts. What makes me nervous is that her upcoming drama later this year, Good Partner, is also the scriptwriter's first drama.


I didn't know that... interesting... I hope her next show will turn out well. Either way- it looks like good writers are hard to come by in the Kdrama world...

1 hour ago, partyon said:

Btw, I was gonna ask you about the variety show Jang Hyuk was starring in last year, Express Delivery: Mongolia Edition. I saw a clip from it (IG or YT, can't remember). It looked fun. Is it worth the watch?

The delivery show was a lot of fun, very revealing, but mostly of the other guys. It really made me come to like them :) Including young KH. 

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@partyon it's a shame about My Happy Ending but I had a hunch about it and dropped it after two episodes (it's also not streaming on Netflix UK so wasn't a hard decision to make). I could smell the melodrama (without emotional depth) and circular narrative a mile away


It threw a lot at the audience in the first two episodes but I wasn't emotionally invested in the characters yet to care too deeply


These guys on this thread know how I feel about overacting and, for me, JNR was a bit too much for my taste. She's grown tremendously as an actress but I would have preferred a performance that is a bit more subdued / moody with a lot of quieter, spacing out moments. For instance, I saw the film Yoko last night - and though the character frustrated me with her silence/ meekness, you could literally picture the dark clouds hanging over her head. However, I don't blame JNR too much, the plot is too thin that every dramatic moment comes across as overblown.


The reason why she spiralled in the first two episodes was too thin even though there is a huge trauma and a lot of nasty stuff that unravel later on. A person like that who had been able to hide her mental state for years and gotten so high on the corporate ladder should have been played as more emotionally numb rather than being so brittle - thus pissing off her detractors to the point that they do more and more to torment her and she gets just as nasty and unstable. Maybe I expected too much. I just think it would have been a lot darker but less melodramatic


I say this as someone who used to be into drama (acting) when I was younger (studied it but not at degree level) and currently thinking about joining an amateur theatre group

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