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[Drama 2012] The Moon that Embraces the Sun 해를 품은 달

Guest yeohweping

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Guest ginny_potter

Hah! Managed to view the live stream but woe is me since I can't understand Korean. Oh well, those were pretty intense scenes we had for tonight. Looks like YW developed claustrophobia, eh? Tomorrow's episode should be quite interesting as well.

HGI is holding her own as YW. I have no problems with her acting at all. That scene alone at the first part of the episode (the King's procession) won me over. Again, I'll give them an episode or two as their honeymoon period for the grown-up characters. Let's not expect the same kind of chemistry that instant compared to the young ones since those kids had been co-stars before in various projects (they move in one pretty, tight circle eh? ^___^) while with the grown-ups, majority of them have worked for the first time together in this series... so it takes quite a bit of adjustment on their part too. :)

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KSH in bath! And sneaking out of residence. It was not how I imagined when reAD the book, but cute.

Also Ga In is quite good but why always so big eyes? It's bugs me...

KSH just owned the screen when he in full engine...

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thx for the opinions guys!despite the criticism i really was eager to see how HGI was going to engage with young yeon woo,i suppose after tomorrow's episode we'll be seeing some more evaluations.what more I'm desperate to see the chemistry! :wub:

they just had to kill us with the no preview thing tongue2.gif hope the ratings went up!!

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I only have 1 complaint. Why it has to end like that ? Ya! And no preview some more! Haish...

Owh, HGI did well. Clap clap clap biggrin.gif ! She's beautiful and cute at the same time. 

KSH & JIW in hanboks at the same time!! Kyaaa!!! Hotness overload!! w00t.gif

I wish Hwon + Wol will meet again tomorrow, and this time, ALONE!!!! wub.gifwub.gif

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KSH in bath! And sneaking out of residence. It was not how I imagined when reAD the book, but cute.

Also Ga In is quite good but why always so big eyes? It's bugs me...

KSH just owned the screen when he in full engine...

- Haha that's exactly what I wondered. Why did she always open her eyes so widely? She looks perpetually dazed and a little idiotic. :sweatingbullets:

Otherwise, yes, her performance sold me her  version of YW.

- Liked that they pulled the same trick than in episode 1 whith the butterfly, and that a fantasy Wol led Hwon to the right place. It's like fate is pulling them together.

- The king in a bath...wah, wanted to see more skin blush.gif

Love, adore, amazed by Hwon (I'm definitely a lost girl)

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Han Ga In is good! I was really waiting how she will fare with the others and she did well just fine. :) Although that episode with KSH when they were sitting down, KSH just had that scene. It;s just all KSH there. Superb acting!

Finally, JIW is so connected with Yang Myung again. I feel last episode that i was seeing Il-woo but now, it's just all Yang Myung.

Ah, KSH, I can't count the ways I love thee. You just made this drama so perfect. How can one be so good in acting?

On a side note, I hope KSH and JIW will sing one of the songs in the soundtrack.

MoonSun is just perfect!

Thanks semi-fly for the fast torrents. Waiting for Hanrel. ~~

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Guest ginny_potter

I am pretty miffed everytime BK is in a scene with H. Nothing good ever comes out whenever those two are in a conversation. But I'm also really, really amazed at how brilliantly H switches emotions from serious to playful to sarcastic.

That scene after he and YM reconciled... awww! :wub: Made me wish Yeom was there to join the moment so that our MoonSun F4 would've been complete. Hehe!

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Guest jaejoongstolemyheart

Next part.

The next day comes, and Hwon is in a meeting with his ministers again.

(No idea whats going on but he scolds them sternly in the end)

Some woman(Is she Bokyeong's servant? i think) was sneaking around in the palace and she meets with Minister Yoon.

Minister Yoon speaks to her...

Hwon is in his quaters.

He recaps to meeting Wol just now...

HS comes in to say the queen(bokyeong) wants to meet him.

He tells HS that he told them that he does not want to meet anyone.

The palace maid and HS begs him, and he lets her in.

Hwon welcomes her warmly... and they smile at each other.

HS leaves the room.

Hwon asked what did she just said?

She says something looking pityful.

He says now he knows, how much pain she must have been in.

Then he says you think i would say that(i think?)

He starts to smile sarcastically at her..

And says sth about what she is to him.

He says if you are done with want you want to say to me, please leave.

She takes her leave... walking to the door.

As she leaves, she says for how long is he going to be like that.

However as she speaks, his chest starts to hurt and he faints.

She finally turns back to realise he fainted...

And calls the palace maids in to help.

The royal doctor rushes in.

Queen dowager and the queen(as in hwon's mother i don't know how else to address them now), is talking...

Hwon is lying down in his quarters with Woon by his side.

He tells woon to look for the kid(wol)

And that he must meet that kid again.

Woon travels out of the palace to find Wol.

Ok my stream died suddenly.

Missed some parts.

Now, Yeom is talking to Heo mother.

Yeonwoo says she didnt see seol sine this morning and wants to look for her..

Nokyoung sends Janshil to go with her.

Nokyoung meets with with some lords and talks to them.

Nokyoung talks to them(no idea whats going on)

And then sends them away.

One of the lords were talking to the other 2 outside saying theyve come all the way they should do sth.

Scene goes to wol..

She starts to think of the night where she met Hwon, and he grabbed her hand.

She stops herself from thinking and walks away.

Some guy stops in front of her...

And she asks who he is?

Suddenly more guys appears and kidnaps her.

Shes locked up in a paladin, and started feeling that it was hard to breathe.

She starts to remember of the time she was trapped in the coffin.

Episode ends, no preview.

So yay, tomorrow will be the continuation of Chapter one in the book i guess.

Wol will be brought into the palace as a shaman.

Wonder if Hwon will realise her presence quickly.

And call me mean, i can't wait for Woon to start liking her a lot as well, even though he can never be with her.. I'm such a sadist. HAHAHA.

His gonna be so sad...

And, I'm glad Han Ga In is doing fine as Yeonwoo, better than i expected.

Kim soo hyun is obviously awesome, and JIW too, though JIW hasnt had much time to show is skills.

Can't wait to see more of the 3.

The scene today where Yeonwoo cried seeing Hwon, was so darn touching. Yangmyung too, at that scene.

And gosh, anyone here dying to have someone like KSH, looking at you with those eyes, yearning Wol badly?

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ughhhhh NO PREVIEWSSSSSS @#$@%@$@ %@#$@#

it was just getting interesting too. :[

IMO Han Ga In's doing well.

I can see parts of young Yeonwoo in her acting.

Yes, very much like the young YW...even the timber of their voices are almost appropriate...and the natural beauty in them are almost alike too. The drama and the actor are very good,and also a well directed drama...a very heart-stomping scene, you can't deny that between her and Hwon, they have this very strong connection...they really are destined...not like when YM arrived in the port, there were no sign of that emotional recognition.

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Anybody still has a problem with Il Woo's portray of Yang Myung? Because he was just superb in this episode. He did a great job. I even saw Lee Min Ho's playful grimaces during some scenes. He was truly prince Yang Myung in this episode.

I really loved the scene when he looked at Hwon sitting in a paladin. He was kneeling before the King, but all he could see was his beloved little brother. And his sad smile just added to the beauty of that scene.

LOL, I'm really going to be Hwon-Myung shipper after all :D I just love bromance!!


OMG, over 600 people reading this thread right now! Wow, this show's so popular :D

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Guest yeohweping

Warning : Soompi rule no.1 : No swearing is allowed as we have minors visiting our thread.

Pls read the soompi rules below before our thread gets closed by the mods for breaking too much rules.


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Guest jebabe19

I badly need to see the raw vid now!

With Jung Il Woo acting as Yang Myung.. I dunno, I last saw him on Flower Boy Ramyun Shop with a totally diff role that's why I'm quite confused if this role suits him.. but then again, I remember him acting in 49 days (which is the most tragic drama ever) so I believe he'll do well in this role too... It's just... he doesnt really look good in Hanbok hehehe... while Kim Soo Hyun is flaming hot on it :)

I love Han Ga In.. for me she'll always be the prettiest (and most natural) of all the Korean queens.

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Guest *lyrynne*

I have two complaints so far..no preview and Kim soohyun's makeup was pretty uneven XD I dunno if you guys noticed that maybe it's just me because I was watching it on tv and it was pretty obvious hehe.

Wol thought she was having a premonition or sth about someone but she also thinks that maybe it was someone's memory not realizinf it was her own memory.

Wol was trying to find Seol so she tried to foresee where she is thinking that she has powers but she only had Hwon's image in her mind.

Nokyung didn't agree on going to the palace and even sending her daughter Wol there so what happened was Wol got abducted and forced to go to the palace to heal Hwon.

I can't wait for tomorrow! I kinda like HanGaIn's portrayal of Yeonwoo/Wol and how she cutely begs Seol. She looks young actually!

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Guest ginny_potter

Soulsrebel epi 7 recap

i need to watch the bath scene now..i see people are loving and are optimistic with the casts's acting!i can't wait to watch it myself,including tomorrows epi..phew.

That bath scene was hilarious! H was pretty conservative though bathing there in his robes. But LOLs at HS trying to shake off malicious thoughts when it was only H and W who were left inside. Haha! Little did he know the loyal bodyguard was sneaking the king out of the palace. :lol:

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