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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Guest ice308

@xianlie90, wow, the 1st page totally rocks! *two thumbs up!*
I just have a question.. the holding hands picture in the bottom, between the Fortune Teller episode and the Peppero Kiss, where was that taken again? I can't seem to remember.. *racks brain... need to watch the episodes again*.. it's a very telling picture because LT was holding Sora's hand in his two hands.. :D

@kissx, thanks for explaining.. I too was confused about the re-packaged album. :)
@witeku, thank you for the fan vid.. very nice! 
Sadness.. there's no WGM today.. :( 

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Guest Rosy Mima

concerning the tweet of teukie, I think he did this on purpose to confusion us (as usual), it is true

that when you
read his tweet we think right away of SORA, because the text speaks of her and

situation, but TEUKIE will never reveal it to the public, instead he will say that's for his

. if we remember his concert and his song for SORA "she", everyone knows that he sang

dedicated it to her, but just after his proposal; fans went crazy then he tweeted that "she

it's his fans for
calmed down them.

just my opinion

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Guest xianlie90




I just have a question.. the holding hands picture in the bottom, between the Fortune Teller episode and the Peppero Kiss, where was that taken again? I can't seem to remember.. *racks brain... need to watch the episodes again*.. it's a very telling picture because LT was holding Sora's hand in his two hands..

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@xienlie90 thanks for letting us know about the first page. You did such a wonderful job together with the rest of the team @ary1004@dzudzu@Hanyi,@Lallinachan@lazyme2day@Lil_V@monmon16@sqd66 and @33ru_mieru Hope i did not miss anyone i just copied their names from your post. Some of the videos i have been searching for is there and you all are  right, it made our life easier reminiscing about the past from when this journey began and as we look forward to a beautiful future with them. @witeku, thank you for the video. somehow it helped ease up some of the sadness knowing i have to wait another week for them.to all the new FD's welcome to the Dimple Home. Hope you join us,  as we celebrate the love between these two on screen and hopefully off screen when the time is right.FD's FIGHTING!

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here's Sora fanvid at Muzak fansigning:




here's a story regading leeteuk and the birthday cakes



Regarding the two cakes in the video...I bet it was a cake from Sora...the one that wasn't demolished by Leeteuks face...

It was a cake with a person's face made by the  fruit etc...and who have we seen do this before but Sora....delusional a bit but hey why not





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Guest helloangel

Omg, whoever notified Lady Epheu and akane to open their blog for me, thank you so much. I've waited for days but finally today, it was opened.. i could read their recap of episode 25. ^^Loved it. Their references like vampire diaries were hilarious too. ^^ epheupark.blogspot.com 
[Edit:]Whoever helped me notify them, could you also help me tell that it's okay to close the blog now? I've finished reading and saving. &&& For some reason, they don't seem to reply to my messages.

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@xienlie90 thanks for letting us know about the first page. You did such a wonderful job together with the rest of the team

 @ary1004@dzudzu@Hanyi,@Lallinachan@lazyme2day@Lil_V@monmon16@sqd66 and @33ru_mieru

 Hope i did not miss anyone i just copied their names from your post. Some of the videos i have been searching for is there and you all are  right, it made our life easier reminiscing about the past from when this journey began and as we look forward to a beautiful future with them. @witeku, thank you for the video. somehow it helped ease up some of the sadness knowing i have to wait another week for them.to all the new FD's welcome to the Dimple Home. Hope you join us,  as we celebrate the love between these two on screen and hopefully off screen when the time is right.FD's FIGHTING!

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Guest ice308

^^ Another great detective work! It could probably be from Sora since she has shown many times that she's really a thoughtful person (imagine, all of her gifts have little notes stuck to it.. even I don't do that to my husband :D) and I don't think she'll let LT's birthday pass by even if they already celebrated it in Nami Island. The cakes looking similar is a little bit too coincidental.. but hey, we could, of course, be just delusional. :D
@xianlie90, thanks for answering.. I now remember the scene.. good call in including it in the banner. :) Cheers to all the contributors! :D
Wow, if there's no WGM next week, I might just hate the Olympics. :D

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Guest xianlie90

KSN just tweeted this few minutes ago ^^
@RealKshownow [All members] Teukso Episode 27 download links are now available~ http://goo.gl/fWTWM
Happy watching last week ep in HD with subtitles~


My thoughts about LT's Bdae Cake (before you read: sorry if my observe kinda disappoint you): HERE

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Guest k_craze

Bwahahaa... This is daebak! Great detective work, actually they even discover the polaroid photos that LT took of Sora with her pajamas on the last episode. I never even notice if they did not mention it. LT cake sure has Sora signature on it, cause remember how her first bento for LT looks like? If its from her, it sure looks handmade. And I m joining them in delusional. I am curing my craving of DC by rewatching episodes!!!

@xianlie90 just read yr post after writing this and I go like this :( but agree they had a wonderful session at Nami, but I still wish that cake is from Sora though.

here's Sora fanvid at Muzak fansigning:




here's a story regading leeteuk and the birthday cakes



Regarding the two cakes in the video...I bet it was a cake from Sora...the one that wasn't demolished by Leeteuks face...

It was a cake with a person's face made by the  fruit etc...and who have we seen do this before but Sora....delusional a bit but hey why not





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wow!  what a boring saturday!  that means I have to spend this weekend with my study materials so I can submit my second exam - then take care of unfinished knitting and clean my house - and my car!!  This weekend will only be enjoyable once I complete an hour of tennis tomorrow morning!!

@ice308 - good to see another Filipina in this forum!  We have quite a few here - some are here in the US and the others in Pinas.  Welcome again and enjoy the trip to lalaland!  I've been in lalaland since their reunion and has chosen to stay in that land until whenever!  There is nothing wrong about being delusional or imaginary - it's good for my daily activities - stress-reliever, I call it!


BTW - a big round of applause and many thanks to all responsible for the first page revamp!  awesome!  good job!!  how I wish I could have participated in the revamp but my busy life is just too much sometimes!  to the revamp crew - here's for you -  :-bd :-bd ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^

oppss!! shouldn't we thank @campuscouple also for assisting in the revamp project?  thank you!  :-bd

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Guest raeya

120712 fancam DC filming WGM .. :)
cr : DCLovers10045


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Since I have been missing our DC this week, I started watching the wedding photo shoot and during the altar scene they include the MARRY YOU song of Super Junior wow..a song that was mentioned by LT in his tweet a few days ago.

In regards to the birthday cake of LT I have a 50/50 doubt if it was Sora's cake since we saw SJ cutting those fruits while making the cake but when I saw Sungmin's cake the candle colors are almost the same with LT from the H- A-P-P-Y B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y how this colors can be the same unless the person purchase the same package if it is SJ cake therefore Sungmin's cake shown belongs also to the SJ before.. How can the cake be almost the same with candle and fruit design. With these olympics happening I really felt that FATE is not on DC couple since time of LT enlistment coming this kind of programs also delay their meeting. Last wednesday supposed to be their filming but since there program will not be shown in 2 weeks they were not able to shoot some episodes hayyyyyysssss...I wonder how I can be able to cure my DC sickness..Obviously this thread is also getting slow..

   DC Lovers, Fighting Dimples, Teusksora Lovers....FIGHTING!!!



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Guest alga215

Its really quiet in here, I think FD too are busy watching the Olympics.  :)) Too bad, there's not WGM for 2 weeks, but I hope Teuk and Sora will continue to film additional episodes. More episodes to come, more sweet moments to capture, more quality time together.
Good morning to all FD! :)

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Guest ASerEt

Credits to Vinnie WGM Leeteuk and Sora [iNSIGHT] Dimple Couple, Dimple House and Sora become Leeteuk’s manager http://wgmleeteukandkangsora.wordpress.com/2012/07/29/insight-dimple-couple-dimple-house-and-sora-become-leeteuks-manager/

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