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[OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married


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Guest lennycsn

@witeku twitter account and msg are normally intended for elf. But yeah...I did feel that his enlistment date is coming soon.

i hate to spam but can't help but comment.LeeTeuk is so smart - he gets to hit two birds in one stone - if you know what I mean!  And he has done it several times!!

I understand what do you mean. he might do that. i think it is me who no longer be able to delusionise like before. LT's last statement in press conf. and SH must have shocked me to the point i become a rational thinker now. Perhaps i want to be certain so i pick up some other indication other than twittered messages. Its like you are overjoyed with something you really like but will come to a certain point you become anxious and want certainty if it is true.

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Guest lennycsn

Soompi eat my paragraph. im sure i did write it before the above paragraph. this is so frustratng. i couldnt recall what i wrote now. X-(

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Guest k_craze


Thanks for sharing his tweet. I think he is killing 2 birds with one stone. The ELF think it is for them and the special someone knows it was meant for her. Wow!  Suddenly I want to know what song he composed.

I can only say I believe they are in love now.  If these are acting, I will give them Oscars and I will protest by not watching any MBC programmes anymore.  And I will stop being a fan of Sora, cause I love her because of her pureness and genuinity, so it is hard on me to believe all these interaction with LT can be fake.


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Guest lukalee

hey guys just saw the WGM preview - think its only screening next week 4 August saw it here http://www.vingle.net/posts/40138-We-Got-Married-Ep-131-04-08-2012

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Guest Moielle

I enjoyed the twitter project.  Many more have participated this time around.  That was an accomplishment!  Congratulations!  =D>
Almost forgot the 10:00am twitter trending though but thankfully I was able to realize that it was the agreed time (whew).
The Double-V sign was also a success!  Kudos to the organizers!
@Lazyme2day: Take your time in doing the video.  You've already done a lot.  Take a lot of rest afterwards.  Am looking forward to watching the video :)
Let's enjoy the Olympics in the meantime that we won't be able to see the beloved Leeteuk and Sora.
Leeteuk and Sora are like running in a marathon event.  Their story is paced.  Seems slow but has a determined goal.  The way to the finish line is very, very long so we can witness and also feel the excitements, struggles, willpower to go on, focused determination...and we'll all rejoice when the runners reach the finish line. Hurray!  A huge triumph for the winners.  Hopefully, we could see a wondrous moment when Leeteuk's and Sora's time on WGM ends.  
To my mind, we could all feel that the show may end but their story would continue.  Let's just pray that they would become true friends...then the journey to love could go on and hopefully reach its destined goal.
Delusional or rational, we are all together in this, running together with the beloved pair.  O:-)

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here I should be happy about the tweet but all i can do is wonder if there is a episode on tomorrow..

It would make sense there is since they showed a preview of it last week. Usually with my wgm experience they usually don't give

previews if the show is the week after....makes sense right? usually they show the preview of what is being shown the following week wether it be the new episode of the olympic

coverage. The imbc site is hard to navigate if you don't know the language....

regarding his enlistment...Leeteuk when discussing if they could see Sungmin in Japan(Jack The Ripper in September in Japan)..he said he has a conflict...

so he is not off yet....but the day will come in a few months...Unless he received a letter from the military ..which can happen I think...I'm guessing the SUper junio fans will let us know

when he is enlisting..it will not be a secret..

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@sqd66, seems that tomorrow will be no WGM. As per @hanyi said in twitter, iMBC and MBCPlus is two different channel so i'm not sure either about why MBCplus airing ep131 but in iMBC site, they're already put up a notice that the WGM will not be airing tomorrow. Here's some information on it. Credit to @Sup3rjunior.
No worries FDs, we still be seeing them next week on the 4th. In the mean time, lets discover both of their news. SJ will be shooting for their MV tomorrow. Hoping for Sora to appear there :P

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I fely giddy when I read LT twitter I found out that words are part of their song and next tweet he said that he is with the MARRY YOU composer so I tried to check the english lyrics and notice the word baby and princess on that song. Honestly I don't want to be super delusional but I have this feeling that LT is becoming sentimental not only because of his enlistment but he already is in love. He deliver real feelings by making it as a joke and I remember when he said that I've fell for her during the wedding photoshoot with Sora. We know that twitter is for the elf but somehow his some tweets refers with KS as well though we all tried to ignore it but I just observed these few instances..

1. LT tweets ... to be honest(,) my..legs are really long…^^ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ because I wore my pants lower thats why ㅋㅋㅋ after KS was praised because of her long legs.

2. LT tweets a picture of himself in Nami Island

3.]@special1004: In my heart, only you... In your heart, only me.. Under the same sky, in two different places. We will separate for a short time. Remember this moment forever.. When cold wind blows, that feelings is always by your side ..

so basically LT twitter is sometimes can be for the one he loves whoever it is. I just hope things will turn out well for them BEST OF LUCK


 (Rap) Love~ Oh baby my girl~
You're my everything, your beauty blinds me

My bride, my present from the heavens above
Are you happy? There's tears flowing from your eyes

Until the day your black hair turns grey
I promise to love you forever

I want to tell you every single day that "I love you"
Would you marry me?
I want to live loving you and cherishing you

I want to put you to sleep in my arms every night
Would you marry me?
Will you give my heart this permission?

*I'll stay next to you for the rest of my life (I do)
I love you (I do)

Through rain and snow I'll cherish you (I do)
I'll take care of you (My love)

(Rap) You in a white dress, me in a tuxedo
We walk step in step underneath the moon

I swear, I hate lies, I hate distrust
My princess, my love, stay with me
Even though we'll age, I want to live each day smiling
Would you marry me?
Will you be my everything?

**Through hardships and troubles (I do)
I'll always be there (I do)

All the many days we'll spend together (I do)
I'm going to be thankful each and every day (My Love)

I prepared this for you since long ago
Please take this shiny ring in my hand

I'll remember this promise we shared with the same heart
Would you marry me?

*I'll stay next to you for the rest of my life (I do)
I love you (I do)

Through rain and snow I'll cherish you (I do)
I'll take care of you (My love)

**Through hardships and troubles (I do)
I'll always be there (I do)

All the many days we'll spend together (I do)

(Rap) All I have to give you is my love
That's all I've got to offer

I know I lack many things but not my love
I'll look out and take care of you

Will you promise me just one thing?
No matter what happens

We'll always love each other... That's all

Will you marry me?
I do

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@shymaldita28, i agree with you. Some of his tweet sometimes directly or indirectly related to Sora. He is one person that loves to use ambiguous words. And even though he's not following Sora (as he's only follow SJ members), Sora still following him remember? So she will be able to see every LT's status update :P
I'm waiting for his new composed song to come out. I hope there'll be an encrypted message and again we FDs will enjoyed spazzing about it all day and night :P

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A little gift for TeukSora 300th Day. I should have finish this yesterday but I couldn't get the time to finish it. But still hope you'll enjoy it. This whole month is TeukSora month right? :D

[edit] - it got blocked as soon as its uploaded so i need to upload a new one. working on DM soon :)
DM Link - [FanVid] Leeteuk & Sora 300th Days - http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xsg7vd_fanvid-leeteuk-sora-300th-days_lifestyle
p/s: I miss them. Happy dimple's day FDs! :(
@xianlie90, its a great work! Thank you so much! :D

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Guest xianlie90

Hello FD fellas~

Firstly, thank you all for joining trending #TeukSora300day Part1 (10AM KST) and Part2 (10PM KST) yesterday!
Although we can't reach TT but really had so much fun party with you all ^^
Indeed that's the main purpose of this project (beside reaching TT) is to have fun with Dimple Couple & all Fighting Dimples ^^ I believe our love and support for TeukSora from yesterday celebration already reached them..

Also my biggest thank you to everyone who've supporting and joining all TeukSora 300th Day Anniversary Projects (especially our project team members! you've done great!)  *applause* *bow* *shakehands* *hugs* *kisses*


*looking at the clock* Whoa.. Saturday already..
Happy Dimples Day~!
Although there is no WGM today, at least I hope you would like the new face of this thread, because..

The first page of [OFFICIAL] Leeteuk (Suju) & Sora Couple We Got Married Soompi Thread has been updated!!
lalalalalalaaa~~ Kindly take a look to page 1 please~

There you can find many stuff & memories of Dimple Couple, so that every time you miss them, you don't have to search it all over the internet. Instead, you just need come to this thread (like you always do xD haha) and when you open the first page, viola~ all (mostly?) that you need to know about Dimple Couple are there.... ^^
And since TeukSora WGM is still ongoing show, we'll update it frequently.

Well, although still need to fix here and there, I hope all effort from the First-Page-Revamp team members ( @ary1004, @dzudzu, @Hanyi, @Lallinachan, @lazyme2day, @Lil_V, @monmon16, @sqd66 and @33ru_mieru) would be helpful to all FD, especially new members of FD Family..

One more thing, please don't quote 1st POST.  lets avoid soompi from loading too much data~

Have nice weekend everyone! ^^

[EDIT] @hyunbinlover
@witeku thank you so much for the video~ so beautiful~!
anyway witeku..gonna read your FF http://teuksocouplefanfic.blogspot.com/ soon.. goshh... chapter20 already!!! I really missed alot chap~

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Guest kissx

Oh! 2-3 songs is really good! Can't wait for the repackage album. Is it normal for SJ to coming out with 2 album within short period of time? SFS just released less than a month n now they're talking about repackage.

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Here's another translation of his tweet
There is only you in my heart.. There is only me in your heart.. In different places under the same sky.. Don’t ever forget this moment and remember.. That the touch you feel from the cold wind blowing is my presence by you… -Poet Teuk- haha please anticipate the repackaged album haha 
Source @special1004Translated by Jee (@jeee54)TAKE OUT WITH FULL AND PROPER CREDITS

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Guest k_craze

@xianlie90 and the team Thank you for all the 'heart' work. It is just amazing how much effort you lovelies put in. @shymaldita28 thanks for sharing the lyrics of marry me, the lyrics seem like their song, I wonder who compose it. Ah... I would also love to have Sora in the MV and then it will put reality into @witeku fanfic. best is just like how she wrote a passionate kiss on the lips to make us or swoon. Sometimes I am wondering if LT is going to drop bombshell on us anytime soon, as much as I wouldn't want their relationship to be announced now to be fair to Sora, I wonder if they r going to announce before he enlisted, like he is tagging her first. Sigh no DC today...thank God I had old episodes to tide through. Was watching 1st episode again, to think that LT had a 'unhappy' face when he first saw Sora's face on the projection n later discover how beautiful she looks in real person that he kept staring at her and smiling at his own good fortune. Men! Always get attracted first by looks. Hmpppf.

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