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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest KristyS

Im so behind now, but there will be a wedding between JK and JP where JK brings JP and JD back together?

Im confuzzled @-@

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Guest attabey

Im so behind now, but there will be a wedding between JK and JP where JK brings JP and JD back together?

In one of the versions, JK and JP got "married" just to make JD jump on a boat to get JP (JK and JP were leaving for a honeymoon, and JP really thinks he is married to JK) and when she got on the boat, JK "gave" JP to JD and told her that the "wedding " was just to despite JP witch mom and get them together.... JK jump to the ocean and left the happy couple.... At the end all the wedding scenario it was false and a plan from JK to get JD and JP together...I don't like this ending I hope they do something else.....

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Guest KristyS

In one of the versions, JK and JP got "married" just to make JD jump on a boat to get JP (JK and JP were leaving for a honeymoon, and JP really thinks he is married to JK) and when she got on the boat, JK "gave" JP to JD and told her that the "wedding " was just to despite JP witch mom and get them together.... JK jump to the ocean and left the happy couple.... At the end all the wedding scenario it was false and a plan from JK to get JD and JP together...I don't like this ending I hope they do something else.....

oh i see ... i really hope that's not the ending too, seems a bit too soon.

awww, jd might not have been all that good of a girlfriend... but aren't we all like that xD ... the way we treat our bf... i don't feel the chemistry between jk and jp like i do when i see jp and jd together =/

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Guest sh_90

If anyone interested in this special videos. PM me for download links :)



hey~, can u give me the links? thanx a lot :) do they include subtitles

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^ :lol: Thank you for sharing the link dear! That was so dang cute... EEEeeee~ Joon Pyo. :rolleyes:

With all the speculations on the wedding scene we will be seeing in ep20, at the end, it's still a Joon Di story. I always say "Nothing is impossible."-- but not having Joon Di together at the end of BOF is impossible enough for me to say that i have always been wrong in that statement :P . It's not BOF if Joon Di is not together at the end. Simple as that. ;) And.. i know we've all got the idea that the PD and scriptwriter are very aware that they will create enemies and riots of protest if there was ever to be a BOF ending without Joon Di ending up together.. :sweatingbullets: It's just... not possible. >_< We know they're not that dumb, it's like writing their own death notes. -__- A wedding with Joon Pyo + Jae Kyung together will not happen~ unless this is all a big plan of Jae Kyung and (possibly) F4 to get Joon Di back together. :)

I'm glad the cast will all be together again..^^ Watch out for each others' health and stay healthy.*


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Guest EYN514

Hi everybody,

Question: where do you download episode 17 with English sub?? I usually download it from VEOH, but I couldn't find it there.

I really hope the ending won't be rushed...I want more JD and JP time together. I would really kill the producers if JK isn't out of the picture soon. I think she's cute, but UGH!! I don't want to see her with JP anymore!!

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Guest dunlop09

Production team stuck in the Middle, while netizens belatedly realize their intentions


I won't translate the whole article because it's pretty lengthy and repetitive.

Basically on one hand, as you saw in the article I translated yesterday, there are people who are complaining about Woo Bin's lack of screen time. New characters come in and out that have more screen time than Woo Bin ever had in an episode. What they want is a storyline for Woo Bin. However, according to this article, people want to cut the distraction and want more of JP/JD. They feel that the story line is "heading over the hill", meaning the story line could seems like it could separate from the manga at any moment. As you all have noticed, nothing is like how it was when the series first started.

많은 캐릭터가 등장해 내용이 산만해진데다 구금거플(구준표-금잔디), 지금커플(윤지후-금잔디) 역시 중심을 못잡고 있다는 평가가 많다.

Characters have come and gone with vague storylines. Because of this the JP/JD and JH/JD relationships have no time to take hold.

극 중심을 잡아주던 금잔디 역할 공백이 아쉽다는 이야기도 흘러나오고 있다. 당초 '오버스럽다'는 지적을 쏟아내던 일부 시청자들조차 "구혜선의 연기가 왜 중요했는지 이제야 알겠다"고 아쉬워할 정도다.

People are even saying that they miss the old JD who kept everything in balance. Back then, the viewers complained about the overreacting. But now viewers are saying "Now I understand why Goo Hye Sun's acting was so important."

자신의 오버 연기로 출연진의 부족한 연기력이나 캐릭터 간의 이미지 불협 화음을 흡수해주는 역할을 톡톡히 해냈다는 분석이다. 구혜선이 '오버스런 연기'를 선택한 이유 중 하나도 여기 있었다. 자신을 망가뜨리면서 남자 주인공의 이미지를 더욱 높이기도 했다.

만약 구혜선의 구심점 역할 없이 자신의 장점 알리기에만 치중했다면 지금의 '꽃남' 하모니는 불가능했다는 것이 대다수 드라마 전문가들의 설명이다.

하지만 최근들어 이야기 구도가 변화되며 금잔디의 공백이 커져가고 있다. 특히 금잔디와 비슷한 성격의 하재경이 등장하면서 금잔디의 캐릭터성도 애매모호해졌다.

Towards the beginning of the drama, there were complaints of Goo Hye Sun's overreacting. Especially in Japan, fans' criticisms soared after seeing such a change in the female lead's personality. But on the other hand, Goo Hye Sun was praised for emphasizing the best qualities of the male leads. That was another reason why Goo Hye Sun chose that path. If she puts herself down, the male leads' images will look better.

구혜선의 오버스럽거나 망가지는 연기가 적어지자 구준표나와 윤지후의 매력 마저 오히려 반감되고 있다. 구준표, 윤지후의 F4다운 '포스'가 예전만 못하다는 평이 괜히 나오는 것이 아니다. 구준표 윤지후의 색깔있던 매력 창출은 구혜선의 '망가지는' 연기가 있었기에 가능했다는 설명이다.

As Goo Hye Sun's overreacting started to tone down, Goo Jun Pyo and Yoon Ji Hoo's charm was reducing as well. There was a reasons why viewers were complaining that they weren't the same as usual. It turns out that GJP and YJH's colorful charm was possible because of Goo Hye Sun's "wrecked" acting. "wrecked" meaning that she put JD's personality down.

특히 구준표와 하재경의 결혼 에피소드가 담긴다는 소식이 전해지자 시청자들의 불만은 더욱 커져가고 있다.

시청자들은 "내용이 갈수록 산으로 가고 있다" "초반 느낌과 비교하면 2막 내용은 '꽃보다 남자'와는 전혀 어울리지 않는다" "구혜선의 비중이 줄어들다보니 오히려 구혜선의 연기가 얼마나 중요했는지 실감하고 있다"고 안타까움을 전하고 있다.

The complaints are increasing as rumors of a JP/JK wedding has been revealed.

Viewers express their frustration, "As the series keeps going, the plot keeps straying." "If we compare it to the beginning, the second season plot doesn't suit BOF at all." "As GHS's importance is decreasing, we realize how significant her acting really was."

I guess this was another problem that occurs when netizens are given so much importance. It seems like the plot was following a certain path as the series started, but due to all the complaints from the netizens, they decided to take a different route to please them. But now, the netizens are complaining after they get exactly what they have asked for in the beginning of the series. They asked for GHS to tone down, they asked for more of the Soeul couple and different story lines. But now that GHS has toned down and more characters are getting storylines... people are complaining that the story has now digressed too much. They realize that too much has been changed... and then again, the producers are blamed. Hopefully they will be able to sort this out soon... I think it's pretty frustrating for all of us to watch this happen, but I think the lesson here is to remember that the cast and crew are the professionals. They studied these kind of things, and most of them I would say, know better than us. They have spent more time and put more thought into this series than any of us. And when our pride gets to us, and we think that we know so much better, this is what could happen.

Sorry for that depressing news :sweatingbullets: Next one will be happy! :)

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Guest KristyS

haha, i would definately fly all the way to korea just to complain about this if jp and jd don't end up together ... but take the logic as this way, if jp and jd were not meant to end up together, then why did they prolong this series and bring jk at the end ? ... sao yea =D -aja aja fighting!-

ooh, thank you for the commercial xD ... so jun pyo-lized more than lee min ho haha

aww, thank you for the article.. i really do hope they put jp and jd back together... though more of woo bin would be great too because he hasn't appeared that much through the series.

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Guest MissJeannie

do you know where to get all the moving pictures of boys over flowers cast? something like GIFs.

i've wanted to find it so badly. :tears:

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Guest eternitygoddess

I thought the 2nd season was SUPPOSE to be different from the manga and the other two versions.

Netizens need to find something else to fill their lives. I'm addicted to BOF, but not to THIS degree.

Their criticism is due to their own biased opinions, and in some cases, I feel that professionals should stop being swayed by highly charged emotional opinions (except for Seoul. Seoul is always good.)

If I was the PD, I'd tell them all to go take a flying leap.

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Well the problem the producers have with these Korean remakes of Japanese manga/drama's is that the Korean audience is not the same as the Japanese audience. Some "localization" has to occur but i find that more often than not they diverge TOO much from what makes the originals charming and popular. I felt in this way "Beethoven Virus" was a let down, and the original JDrama "Nodame Cantabile" was done a lot better. I think the producers need to stick to the points and characters that makes the series popular and endearing, much like the originals. Ultimately what i think makes a good story in ANY medium is not necessarily the story itself, but the characters. And i think the producers have sacrificed some of the character development (GJD seems less of the "Wondergirl JanDi" and more of a whiny victim now that just get's bounced around here and there with this incredulous expression stamped on her face) for plot, which is a mistake IMO. You can't please everyone no matter what you do.

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there are so many things that we want to see that I personally don't think we will be seeing within the last 6 episode..the JD and JP love story..JH ending..and Soeul (Yi Jung and Ga Eul)...omo...

can't they just continue the series..

hate that its going to end soon..

sigh... :tears: :tears:

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I guess this was another problem that occurs when netizens are given so much importance. It seems like the plot was following a certain path as the series started, but due to all the complaints from the netizens, they decided to take a different route to please them. But now, the netizens are complaining after they get exactly what they have asked for in the beginning of the series. They asked for GHS to tone down, they asked for more of the Soeul couple and different story lines. But now that GHS has toned down and more characters are getting storylines... people are complaining that the story has now digressed too much. They realize that too much has been changed... and then again, the producers are blamed. Hopefully they will be able to sort this out soon... I think it's pretty frustrating for all of us to watch this happen, but I think the lesson here is to remember that the cast and crew are the professionals. They studied these kind of things, and most of them I would say, know better than us. They have spent more time and put more thought into this series than any of us. And when our pride gets to us, and we think that we know so much better, this is what could happen.

^ LOL... this is exactly what i was talking about a few posts back.. The irony. It's totally funny that fans ask for this and that, and then they get it~~ yet now they complain about it. I think the PD and scriptwriter should have more faith in themselves and not have netizens' inputs be the total make up of each episode. Like you say, they're the professionals. I know it's all based on ratings, but no matter what~ there's going to be people watching BOF. :sweatingbullets:

I wonder how they'll adjust to this ordeal.. :rolleyes: I have faith in them.. **character development and consistency**

I would really like to enjoy the series on a fan level and not complain so much. :lol:

Thank you for the brief translations and news update, dunlop09!^_____^ *cheers*

rinapang, puahahah..~ that's adorable. But.. where is Yi Jung and Prince Song Kim Bum and Kim Joon ? :P

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Guest she-smiles

Production team stuck in the Middle, while netizens belatedly realize their intentions


i gotta agree with the netizens on this one.

don't get me wrong, i love BOF.

i love F4 & just about everything else.

but these past few episodes have been....

if not dragging, then useless? that's the nicest way to put it.

i mean, there are some scenes and moments that are useless.

but i can't wait for JD & JP reunion. *sigh*

buttttt that's just my two cents.

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Guest xiahh

This show has totally brainwashed me. My new cellphone will definitely be a Samsung Haptic. :blink:

Commercial: http://tieba.baidu.com/%BD%F0%CF%CD%D6%D8/...8ba2d3d9b1d0b6/

I just love these guys!! It's good to see them all SMILE!!!

hahaha i can't agree with you anymore!! i really want the haptic one now!

although..at first i thought that jp's phone skin was realllly weird. haha now i want it!

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hahaha i can't agree with you anymore!! i really want the haptic one now!

although..at first i thought that jp's phone skin was realllly weird. haha now i want it!

I have it! I got it before this show aired though. And it's the Haptic 2. :)

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Guest vthinkg

Umm...something I got from KPculture...

spoilers for upcoming episodes..?

Hankook Ilbo is reporting that BOF creators are planning to film next week in Jeju-do. According to the article, a wedding for Jun Pyo and Jae Gyeong will be filmed for episode 20. (KP’s note: This has not been confirmed by a drama representative yet.)

Unconfirmed spoiler: Jan Di will not get accepted to medical school.

But NONE of this has been confirmed yet so...it's really just for fun I guess?

Sorry to cut your post, but I think my heart literally dropped when I read your spoilers.... :o:(:unsure::blink::tears: WHY OH WHY will there be a wedding for JunPyo and the fiance...?????????? And in ep 20???? I thought we were gonna be done seeing her face by end of ep 18 of next week!!! I honestly don't think I can handle anymore moments between JunPyo & the fiance. I mean c'mon we've been deprived of JunPyo & Jandi moments for the past 5 episodes (granted, there were the time when they were the worst spies ever on the SoEul couple and last episode when JunPyo saved her from the pool) BUT STILL!!! Can't we have our couple reconcile already? I really miss seeing their bickering with each other...*sigh* the PD is gonna send me straight to having a heart attack if we get a wedding scene from JunPyo & the fiance. Also, I can't believe that Jandi won't get into medical school...she is trying so hard. Poor thing, and if the wedding is true, she's seriously not getting a break. No JunPyo, no swimming, no med school...ahhhhh I'm crying for her!!! I really really hope that these spoilers are inaccurate because I definitely don't like seeing where the drama is heading if these were true....

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