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On 7/18/2019 at 3:31 AM, Angie Naces said:

SHK -  Quotes to ponder:

- " Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else life. Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, '" - Steve Jobs

- "' You have just one life to live, it is yours. Own it, Claim it, Live it, do the best you can with it." - Hillary Clinton

- "  It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not." - Andre Hide

- "  I love those who can smile in trouble." - Leonardo da Vinci

-  "  Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened," - Ludwig Jacobowski

- "  I'm not crying because of you, you're not worth it. I'm crying because my delusion of who you were was shattered by the truth of who you are." - Dr Steve Maraboli

- "  People have to pretend you're a bad person so they don't feel guilty about the things they did to you. God forbid they are accountable for their B'S'." 

- " God will put you back together right Infront of the people that broke you."


On 7/18/2019 at 9:06 AM, Angie Naces said:

CHAUMET -  what a classy and elegant pieces of jewelries that bespeak of character... for the rich and famous beautiful people...thats where Ms. Song Hye Kyo is Now... Beyond the reach of cynic and egoistic people...

Thank you Chaumet for giving Ms. Song Hye Kyo that Distinction. Haters will continue to hate, but who cares, not me though...

Beautiful quotes and fightingKYO!!!!!

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Thank you so much @ahdrianaa for the translation and good news. Finally the truth prevailed. Without Kyo having to clear her name. She is really a classy lady, unaffected. She knows her truth but decided to be quiet like she normally is. Im so excited for whats next for her. Good karma always happens to her..She deserved to be applauded for everything she went through for staying strong despite all of the hate. Wow. Now for the other one, your karma started already look how low your rating is. Despite the promotion and the big production. HDL already on 8.2 rating which your drama hasnt achieved yet. Im relieved and happy for SHK. Im excited for her. She deserved a crown for her upcoming birthday. I heard all of her friends just unfollow his ex private IG just now including Kim Min Suk. He stands by his noona.. Classy lady with her classy friends..

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Thank you everyone for the positive encouragements to Kyo- the quotes, prayers and translations of Korean or Chinese news to English.WE need to continuously pray for KYO. I believe in praying warriors and that is all of us who prayed for her unceasingly in this trying event.She is a survivor.She is like David striking Goliath. Great strength, pure heart ,elegant, humble, sincere , beautiful and a great actress.The reporter seemed like he was saving face or being cautious. Maybe UAA is doing some legal actions now to those people who bashed Kyo with lies.He still bashed her by reporting that SJK affairs were not reported .What did he meant”,not officially recognized”?and Kyo was when they were all lies?He just trying to save himself and not clearing up Kyo’s name.LET’S MOVE ON.GOD and Karma will take care of them.✌️

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Hater will always be haters, whatever information you provide them they will continue to hate and true supporter always be supporter. I share a month of my pain with my sister. Luckily she heard my blabbering (all my family not a fan of korean entertainment). She said that if there is no haters it means the person Is not popular. Thus as our queen is very popular, so she have haters too. That's why I don't hate the other party. Just ignore his existance. He has his own supporter. 

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It's now officially over , thumbs up for SHK and UAA for handling the whole situation professionally ! UAA did the most appropriate way in releasing their statement , just purely facts , straight to the point and makes no room for unfair speculation to the other party:


Hello, this is UAA.

Today, July 22, 2019, Song Hye Kyo’s divorce was finalized at the Seoul Family Court. The mediation was conducted by both sides and the divorce was completed, without any alimony or division of assets and property.    — United Artists Agency


Ann Landers quote on divorce


They say that life after a divorce has never been easy for any woman and restarting life after divorce for women is difficult but I just hope this wont be totally the case for SHK though she will face more challenges especially in her own country wherein the life of a divorced woman is riddled with a lot of social stigma, for sure  she will handle it with ease and grace.  A lot of famous personalities who have success stories after their divorce are able to rise from ashes and carve a niche for themselves  and I do believe SHK can do better also , yeah there's a great hope for SHK too in finding her faith in life and second chances at happiness. Hope it will be beneficial to her to take a short hiatus till the rest of the year in preparation for her comeback project next year.


Sarah Ban Breathnach quote on divorce


As for SHKs IG photos , it is understandable  that she deletes any traces of him , she waited for the right time ., just hope she can still find time sharing her beautiful photos on her IG  !  Funny that even SHKs clean up of her IG photos became a news article 





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Hye Kyo-ssi it's officially over.  You are now free and single again. 



Your action deleting every trace of ex is just correct. New life, new photos, please grace us :kiss_wink:.


Take a good rest. We'll pray and wait for you and your next projects when all the stars aligned as you always say:wub:.





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14 hours ago, sunflower91_ said:

It's now officially over , thumbs up for SHK and UAA for handling the whole situation professionally ! UAA did the most appropriate way in releasing their statement , just purely facts , straight to the point and makes no room for unfair speculation to the other party:


Hello, this is UAA.

Today, July 22, 2019, Song Hye Kyo’s divorce was finalized at the Seoul Family Court. The mediation was conducted by both sides and the divorce was completed, without any alimony or division of assets and property.    — United Artists Agency




They say that life after a divorce has never been easy for any woman and restarting life after divorce for women is difficult but I just hope this wont be totally the case for SHK though she will face more challenges especially in her own country wherein the life of a divorced woman is riddled with a lot of social stigma, for sure  she will handle it with ease and grace.  A lot of famous personalities who have success stories after their divorce are able to rise from ashes and carve a niche for themselves  and I do believe SHK can do better also , yeah there's a great hope for SHK too in finding her faith in life and second chances at happiness. Hope it will be beneficial to her to take a short hiatus till the rest of the year in preparation for her comeback project next year.




As for SHKs IG photos , it is understandable  that she deletes any traces of him , she waited for the right time ., just hope she can still find time sharing her beautiful photos on her IG  !  Funny that even SHKs clean up of her IG photos became a news article 





Well said..in every society women were always seen as a victim when it comes to divorce and whatever  done by men  covertly(secretly) were never seen or expressed explicitly which led to pointing fingers on women.. especially the double standards of a male dominated society..no effort was seen to identify the character of a double standards men..but bravo to shk being from a society who we all know a male dominated society, stood up strong for herself..overcome all the brutish and nasty comments... nevertheless being in her 35+she knows what is best for her..she is not a people pleasers..I'm convinced that one day she will find that true love she had always yearned.yes, it will take some time but it will be worth the wait..

Edited by ebullient
No quoting images!
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Song Hye Kyo Deletes All Pictures With Song Joong Ki From Instagram

She deleted all traces of him. 20 hours ago                                                   Following the news of Song Hye Kyoand Song Joong Ki officially finalizing their divorce, Song Hye Kyo has cleaned up her Instagram account, removing the pictures that contained the two of them together, including their wedding photo. 

While she does not post very often on her Instagram, when she does, she graces her fans with her radiant beauty. 


Song Hye Kyo and Song Joong Ki are wrapping up their 20 month marriage with their divorce. While both sides have stated that they want to end the marriage on a good note, and not cause any harm or damage to the other, some fans can’t help but wonder what really happened between the two.

Currently, both Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo are returning to activities, with Song Joong Ki filming his new movie and Song Hye Kyo promoting her endorsements in China.

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22 hours ago, ahdrianaa said:

First of all I would just like to clarify, this “reporter” is not a good guy and he isn’t doing this for Kyo, to clear her name. He is still doing damage control for the other side.... I am sure by now all of you know that this reporter is SJK’s senior from the same university. It’s just that he is taking precautions to clear his name and stance as much as possible. 


A brief summary of the YT video, as always please note that the italicized text is either my additional opinion or an even briefer summary of a larger text. It’s difficult to type all this in first person without the text flying all over the place.


“Hello everyone,


This is entertainment reporter _________ . SS couple has finalized their divorce, the proceedings have reached their final conclusion. Even though this is a just a YouTube channel, I am breaking this news for all of you < I believe he was the first person to break this news, even before the major News channels>.


<the reporter starts to read a pre-prepared statement from his screen which gives a brief background about how the two started their romantic relationship while shooting the drama- marriage in 2017 to the eventual divorce in 2019>.


The two are well known and loved korean stars therefore I think this was unfortunate news. I would like to clarify some of the earlier reported facts/news.


That SJK party was the first party to file divorce proceedings in a sudden manner that took her side by surprise, but from what I have found out this is not the case - SHK was the person who suggested divorce. However SJK was the first party to announce his decision to divorce to the press and inform them about the proceedings of the divorce mediation. This led to a lot of negative speculation about SHK < what a hypocrite... this journalist was the one informing and feeding the people all the speculation>

To conclude, SHK was the party that wanted divorce so SJK did not surprise her. Also, I would like to add that no party was at fault in this divorce which is why they have been able to achieve divorce. The SS couple divorce is different from the cases of Hong Sang Soo and the SK Chairman’s case because in those cases one party was guilty of adultery so the cases are still lingering with no divorce finalized. <I wonder why he is emphasizing no fault now? Now that everyone will once again wonder what is the real reason for the divorce and why it was Kyo who wanted the divorce , this journalist tries to clear SJK’s name both as the party who initiated sudden divorce and also conclude that no party was at fault in this divorce.. where was all this a month ago??>


There have been various speculations; SHK affair with PBG, Chinese sponsors etc. In my past live streams I have always maintained that these were untrue and not the reasons for divorce <you’re trying to act like you were professional and spoke the truth? Then when you knew all this why did you spend 45 minutes gossiping about her co-stars, where you met them and other rubbish stories about China and North Korea. >

I believe this was a fall out of them being famous and popular stars, in addition SHK’s past scandals may have attributed to the spread of such speculations < so...you made videos on YT doing the exact same thing!> .

This might lead people to ask why was there only focus on her past relationship scandals, why was their no reporting about his scandals.. does he have none? After my discussion with other entertainment reporters, I believe he too has had such friendships in the past but the difference is that his were never officially recognized < so this is Kyo’s problem how?>


< then he goes off on this tangent about how their private grief has become public consumption, how the two must be the most affected by all this news and tries to act like he wants everyone to give them some space.

Then he ends the video with saying Kyo has already been seen attending professional events and is considering Anna; SJK and his movies>


Thank you for the amazing translation. Seems that SJK and his camp have shut their mouth a few days from the finalization of the divorce. In addition, Blossom, even up to now has not made any statement about the issue. I'm thinking maybe the Seoul Family Court or UAA and SHK's lawyers have finally given them legal warnings.


On a lighter note, I like that most headlines clarified that neither of them would be getting no more than the original amount of property they own. Seems that somehow, writers are concerned if Song Hye Kyo would lose money out of this since it was one of the major issues pinned on the guy's name (lol). Whether he really asked for the 50% share of CFs SHK made from 2017 or not, we will never be able to find out. Court handled it fair and just. 

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Hi! Hope someone can have a better translation of the naver article posted by rosschienta17 coz i tried thru google translate i got this :


Newsen [Solo] 'Controversial controversy' Song Hye-kyo Overseas interview



[Newsen Hmnnyeong reporter] "It is inflated like this .. It is too scary." 
Song Hye-kyo interviews with foreign media in the domestic contents are conveyed to the controversy such as 'prison disease', 'divorce is destiny' The female interpreter J was accompanied by Song Hye-gyo in Monaco, a luxury brand 'Chaumet', which is active as an Asia Pacific (APEC) ambassador. It said. the controversy sparked July's Jan. 23 J is were you are staying abroad, contact contact to arrange Chaumet officials Newsen a long time and responded to international calls. the Mr. J is the first "conversation context, not holding interviews "I am so embarrassed that it is my first experience, and now I am afraid to leave my anger." . 

Mr. J first raised the issue from the controversy surrounding the tiaras. In consideration of the nature of the interviews arranged by Chaumet, the media will pay attention to the tiara, a small crown-shaped ornamental item that was mainly displayed at the event, and if it is given the chance to wear a (tiara) They were allowed to wear one of the tiaras, when would that be). J said, "The essence of the question is 'TPO' (time, place,

Song Hye-kyo's reply was as follows. 'If you have a chance, it would be nice to write a tiara on my birthday on November 22nd. The Princess Tiara Write a mood do you de. '(If I were allowed, I would love to be able to wear a tiara on my birthday, on November 22. When I put on a tiara, I feel like a princess) 

this Regarding J, "There was a slight difference in nuances in the interviews of the media." Specifically, Song Hye-kyo said, "As tiara is often associated with" princess ", if anyone writes it, "He said. 

Interpreter J also corrected the content of the interview, which has been strangely altered in connection with the recent disruption as well as the controversy of the tiara. Part of the media focuses on the word 'Fate' mentioned in the interview, and links it to recent divorce issues. 

The official said, "The question of the media was 'How do you decide what works?'" In response, Song Hye-kyo said, "The work does not come from trying, It's all said, "he said." The answer to this question is 'Fate does not work any big effort, it just happens'. 

On some reports that Song Hye-gyo said in an interview that "I need my own time," Mr. J pointed out, "There is a part that is somewhat inflated." J said, "Song Hye-kyo's response to the plan for the second half of this year was actually short." Song Hye-kyo said, "Maybe I'll have a personal time. I think I'll take a break. I'm not sure it's going to be a new work next year, "he said simply. 

J also said, "In the interview, Song Hye-kyo said," Why do I tell the public that I like to dress and dress simply as a natural person? "He expressed regret that he was" very upset ". 

In response, the overseas media asked, "What sort of jewelery do you prefer?" And Song Hye-kyo replied, "Of course, when I work, I wear high-quality jewelery, but I usually like to decorate and wear, (Photo = Newsen DB) 

Are they saying that there is a controversy on the interview of SHK with Hongkong Tatler as to the correct translation/interpretation of her answers ? 

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2 hours ago, rosschienta17 said:


Go Jenie!! 


The mysterious “J” in the article is Jenie and I’m glad that she decided to set the record straight. I love how that now that the divorce proceedings are out of the way that UAA is taking charge; first with the statement and now with Jenie hitting back at the blatant manipulation by Korean journalists vis a vis the interview given to the Tatler HK. 


translating the top comments. 


1. There are a lot of problems with the Korean press. Making things up and making a fool of people. This is really bad. Hye-gyo, I'm worried that you might get hurt again.


2. Oh, I was so dumbstruck yesterday that I had to actually read the original article in English. People only read the Korean articles and cursed at her....she was asked the question for a Chaumet event but people attacked for having a Princess disease because of her tiara comment..it’s unfair and too much. 


3. Our country’s press is extremely cruel. 


4. I thank you for this article. I was so upset yesterday when I saw the articles distorting the questions answered during the Chaumet jewelry event.


5. Reporters, let’s please report news based on real facts. 


6. She really answered about “fate and work” which was then distorted/misreported into an answer about “fate and divorce”, this is really scary....this is how rumors spread and becomes bigger. Song Hye Kyo, I am hurting for you.





@sunflower91_ yesterday a bunch of Korean journalists right after the divorce announcement was finalized distorted her entire Tatler interview and presented in to Korean audience as one where she was giving a sit down tell all interview after her divorce when in fact she was giving an interview as the Chaumet Ambassador. It used her answers about fate and made it seem like she was flippant about marriage, the journalists said her one big wish this year was to wear a tiara on her birthday which made the netizens think she was really shallow to want to celebrate her birthday like some little princess with a tiara given how she just had a divorce. So a lot of netizens left loads of negative comments, today Jenie has hit back at those journalists , clarified everything that actually happened which is what is stated in this interview.

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1 hour ago, ahdrianaa said:


@sunflower91_ yesterday a bunch of Korean journalists right after the divorce announcement was finalized distorted her entire Tatler interview and presented in to Korean audience as one where she was giving a sit down tell all interview after her divorce when in fact she was giving an interview as the Chaumet Ambassador. It used her answers about fate and made it seem like she was flippant about marriage, the journalists said her one big wish this year was to wear a tiara on her birthday which made the netizens think she was really shallow to want to celebrate her birthday like some little princess with a tiara given how she just had a divorce. So a lot of netizens left loads of negative comments, today Jenie has hit back at those journalists , clarified everything that actually happened which is what is stated in this interview.


thanks so much ahdriaanaa for the translation and the info! wow i really dont know how to describe such korean journalists , instead of showing pride that their fellow korean , a top hallyu star that is being invited in such prestigious and luxurious event and showed their professionalism , there they are giving their own distorted interpretation of SHKs interview, bad karma will struck them too! or they simply must need to attend proper english to korean translation classes for them to report accurately  . This is why knets and SHK haters are on the lose again bashing her with the way those nasty K press presented her interview.  Thumbs up to Jenie , thanks so much for ever being loyal and supporting SHK and defending her too!  Hope SHKs UAA squad will continue to show their love and support to her and always ready to defend her . I really pity SHK when bashers attacked her with those nasty comments , i have the feeling that she is well aware of those comments also . But then there''s always sunshine after the rain , SHK can overcome these trials and emerged as more successful as ever, they always try to pull her down.  Wish all koreans show their love and support to their fellow koreans , SHK does have her share of giving her country pride around the world and even actively sponsors Korean culture and history awareness , and yet this is what she gets from her follow koreans ????  I bet those koreans attacking her doesnt even have any contribution to the betterment of their country .


STAY STRONG SHK  , your fans will always support you ! Thanks so much Ms J

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1 hour ago, dukesa1122 said:

I cant even begin to explain how most of their mentality is working backwards. They cant catch up with the advancement of their technology. :thumbsdown:


Way to go Jenie! Thank you for never leaving Kyo’s side.


As the world is becoming more advanced in terms of technology and education...societies is becoming narrow minded in terms of thought and ideas..and also sorry to say Korean society is only politically,educationally,economically,technologically advanced but mentally backward

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