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Posts posted by zenya22

  1. @violinabeautiful updates she really is a beautiful model and police officer. Am looking forward to her drama. Hopefully she will have one by next year. She really impressed in LL and I became a fan. Looking forward to seeing her and thank you for all your updates. I'll be back. 

    • Like 2
  2. @violina thank you for opening this thread on  Seo Ye Ji. I have been looking for news on her to see if she has new projects. I loved her in Lawless Lawyer. She mastered that role in Lawless and she and LGJ looked good together. I wish her the best and hope she gets blessed with a new project. In most of her dramas she played a gutsy woman role. She looked beautiful on her magazine shoot. Beautiful and elegant. 


    Thanks again. I think I am going to re watch LL again. I miss the pair of lawless lawyers 

    • Like 2
  3. On 10/31/2016 at 2:30 PM, africandramalover said:

    Guys, who's following the political developments in Korea? 


    I immediately thought of SLA when reading about the theatrics surrounding the President's aide.


    When I read that Park Geun-Hye's aide took off from Korea with her daughter who isn't qualified to be in Ehwa women's university, I immediately thought of the fake investment woman / shaman/ insider trading info dispenser and her daughter in SLA....

    I remember that, how she took off with her daughter, a thief fleeing in the midst of chaos. Came to re-watch and saw familiar soompi friends here. Going to re watch SLA to see the details you mentioned, and things I missed. Nice to seeing you here 


    I am in episode 3 in my re watch and I don't know how I missed this conversation but it was after the foot washing when they were saying their goodbyes. Seon Jae gave Hye Won her coat and called his teacher. She asked how is she his teacher. Seon Jae said it was decided by fate. He said he was a delivery/messenger person who meet many people during deliveries and they only meet him once or even more times but they have no interest in him and he does not have interest in them. However, you listened to me play, you told me you like my music, you asked how I was living, and played the piano with me too, and as if I was reborn. My music loving soul was born again that day. 


    Hye Won: That is excessive, when you said that, were you cringing?


    Seon Jae: No, I am being sincere. with the most sincerely innocent face


    How could HW not be touched by the kid's sincerity? Then Seon Jae emails the "online music teacher" he calls hyung, and talks about meeting a great music teacher whose name is Hye Won not knowing that he was writng to Hye Won herself. 


    He describes Hye Won as a woman scary, wild and fun, yet elegant, He is blown away, even her feet are very pretty, asks if falling for a woman with pretty feet is weird. 


    Hye Won pauses the email to look at her feet. LOL then asks what is it with the feet


    Seon Jae: no it is the woman, it is the scent of a woman and I am about to fall over. 


    Hye Won pauses to smell the back of her hands. OMG, and he confesses that he is a virgin, he played music with her and gave his all to the goddess but would the goddess know?


    Hye Won: now realizes how SJ feels about her and tells him to drink ice water and go to sleep but she was shaken, definitely shaken 


    Maybe it was quite awhile when I last re watched that these conversations seem new to me. But I am being blown away by from the whole conversation.



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  4. Episode 30: I am in awe of the actor playing Ning Yi, he is phenomenal. Not that the other actors are not, because they are all so utterly good. The interpretation of this actor of character of Ning Yi though, I can appreciate the nuances of the character's personality and definitely his mindset. And their, I think is the difference between Ning Yi and the Chang princes.



    The way NY laughs at Concubine Chang, mother of Ning Shen, when she confronts him at the Fuyen palace doors.  When she states how dare Ning Yi threaten her and opens her veil to show her face, NY starts laughing in her face and even the eunuch who came to announce that NY was wanted in the palace, starts snickering. Before he entered the palace doors, he then changed into this coldly sober and angry Prince Ning Yi who says to the concubine in a voice scarier in it's softness "I may not have a choice in my fate but I definitely will decide the way I die. Does Ning Shen, have a choice?" he then half unsheaths then sheaths the sword of the guard standing nearby and looks into the concubine's face with the expression "remember that" and turns around to go inside the palace. Ning Shen Prince of Yan, with his shenanigans made a donkey of himself and an embarassment of his family and all the royals. He meant to implicate NY but instead implicated himself. He is no match for NY and his special scholar ZW. 


    Life, they say is the best teacher, experience depending on how one interprets it, can alter destinies. The Changs view themselves as the priveleged and entitled ones. On the other hand they view people as objects of ownership to order/command according to their will to benefit themselves, and woe to those who disobey. Their greed for absolute power and fortune is unquenchable. They steal, they  kill, they lie and frame others to take the blame. Their mentality never grew from the base instincts of fight or flight, kill or be killed, eat or be eaten. And they seem not to know any other way to live or behave. 


    Prince of Chu led a difficult life from childhood and had to overcome many hardships to get to where he is and is perceived by others who don't know him, especially his entitled brothers as pitiful and useless, but it maybe that compared to his brothers who lived the life in royal luxury, that actually, Ning Yi Prince of Chu is the luckiest one. After he was told that his mother died, was made a scapegoat, his older brother and protector was killed, he was "imprisoned" under house arrest at the Zhong Zheng temple for 8 years. And their began his real education. He had to create a vision and a mission inorder to survive and living simply and unobserved in that temple gave him the life education that he needed to fulfill his destiny. He became a weaver and through the art of weaving he learned the creation and appreciation of beauty in the weaving of the silk brocade. He learned to make business out of it by selling the silk to make money to support himself and the others who lived with him, learned the groundwork in structuring and managing a business and networking with people whom could give him information about the outside world. He learned humility in dealing with people yet at the same time used his title and authority to remind others of who he is, a royal prince, when necessary. He learned to appreciate people for who they are and in return he earned their trust and loyalty. His 8 years of confinement at the temple was a time well spent. He grew up to be a man with a keen, deeply perceptive, secure and flexible mind. He has the uncanny ability to read people therefore chose wisely his associations and advisors. That gives him the edge. His brothers are the easiest for him to read because they have the same base mentality..... greed. 


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  5. 3 hours ago, moochiball said:

    I find it so interesting how different players of the court are driven by a different purposes, and NY uses this to his advantage to make it seem like his performing a task for the person (in this case the emperor) when it is actually aligning with his own personal motives.


    Ahhh, from how I understood the translation in Netflix on the vote for or against CH execution was the other way around, the vote for no execution 2 against the rest for yes execution. Thanks for the correction 


    I think the Emperor and NY/father and son are two of a kind. When NY told the emperor he wants to investigate the crown prince, the emperor asked him if he was doing it because he wanted to take over the position of the crown prince and NY answered that he was the useless prince and had no desire at all to rule but to help his father do whatever needs to be done for the sake of the emperor and the empire. I could not help laughing. They communicate indirectly but understand each other thoroughly like when ZW used the moves of MY to play chess with the emperor to tell the emperor what NY intended to do. Maybe one of the reasons NY wants action fast is he feels he needs to rid of the bad influence in the court and the kingdom which affects the lives of people and the view of the people of the rulers of the kingdom. He wants to start with a clean slate? It is not a good start to rule a kingdom fighting with bad guys at the start of his rule? 


    I love political dramas especially historical ones. There is so much jockeying and battling of wills going on.. 

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  6. Episode 23 is somehow epic for me how strategic and yet ruthless Ning Yi can be. When the emperor chickened out of judging the traitor Chang Hai and yet again gave the order to Ning Yi to find a way to prosecute Chang Hai and save him from execution even though as Ning Yi said, Chang Hai commited an unforgivable traitoruos sin against country/kingdom and ruler. The emperor wanted Ning Yi to find a reason to save CH and go against the vote for execution by the officials because of the strong political influence of the Changs in court. I knew, I knew NY was going to do what he did, provoke Chang Hai to pick up a sword and swing at him therefore Ning Yi had an excuse of defending himself with a sword and cutting Chang Hai's neck. I even think that he knew beforehand what his father would ask of him. That he was already prepared for it. 


    The father realized that this son can be as brilliantly devious and not as easy and dumb as his son the crown prince. 

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  7. Hello guys, glad I found this forum even though am very late but updating myself. I am only up to 21


    I just found this amazing drama in Netflix and am so happy to find it in Soompi forums. This reminds of Nirvana in Fire which is one of my favorite well written dramas in the Chinese historical drama genre. I binged watched up to episode 21 and in episode 20 I found the confrontation of Emperor and Prince/Father and Son so stirringly tender and yet sullen on the part of Prince of Chu especially when he asks the emperor "are you asking me as my emperor or as my father" regarding his mother. The emperor in this scene never really asked what did happen to the mother, not wanting to know possibly because of guilt or because he already knew. The emperor abandoned both mother and son but his older brother the Prince of Qiao took him in and cared for him. He was only 8 years old. But it was good that the emperor heard from the horses' mouth so to speak the atrocious acts commited by his first born son/the crown prince. I love how Prince of Chu fought for justice for his brother the Prince of Qiao who was framed then murdered by the Crown Prince Ning Chuan. The crown prince then set up Prince of Chu to be the scapegoat and put under house arrest and confined to the Zhong zeng temple for years.  Episode 21: The other scene that I love was the formal redress announcement at the palace court and the statement of the title as the Crown Prince to the Prince of Qiao honoring him in the afterlife. I had tears for the Prince of Chu's reactions. The cinematography was excellent too. Just like NIF 1, there are misunderstandings between the scholar/strategist and the prince he supports, but the difference here is the scholar was not a scholar in the beginning but later and the scholar Zhiwei is a woman whom the Prince of Chu/Ning Yi was attracted to. On to the next episodes. I am going back to read posts in the forum to keep me updated. Thank you all for the posts.  The actor playing Prince of Chu/Ning Yi is so good and am going to look up his other works. 

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  8. On 5/16/2018 at 1:05 PM, aisling said:

    LOL if the monk friend can go back to his ex-girlfriend after 20 years living in celibacy, why can’t DH be with JA?

    If the monk was wearing his monk robes to see Jung Hee then it is more likely he is going to apologize and thats it, for him to go back to ex,  monk has to formally disrobe first just like DH has to divorce first to be with JA, first things first. Things have to get resolved and it seems that JA will get all the help she needs. 

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  9. 35 minutes ago, justamom said:

    OMO OMO! Yeon Sang Won going to Jeong Hee with flowers!!!! What's this all about!!! @chickfactor you called it!!! Even if they don't end up together, even if he just apologises for being a jerk...wow! wow! And surely, that must move Dong Hoon as well. Hey! He's not such a dumbo, he knows how to buy flowers!

    @justamom Wait, wait, wait..... was Sang Won in his monk garb with the flowers? I think that will tell us what their ending will be maybe? 

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  10. 10 minutes ago, tiger457_stv said:

    My Ajusshi is filmed in such tasteful, understated way (almost like some of old European films from the 1960s...(like un homme et une dame..a man and a woman)… so what ever ending is fine with this reader (except the father-daughter adoption).  The music choice is fantastic. No matter what, this is the greatest koreandrama that I've ever seen!

    @tiger457_stv true, I am fine with whatever ending I anticipate the ending to be beautiful.... in whatever way the writer expresses it .... love of a man for a woman and vice versa

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  11. 53 minutes ago, akhenaten said:

    'm not sure if I'm making any sense.  Episode 14 left my mind in disarray.  It was just too full of...everything.  :crazy:   

    @akhenatenYou are making perfect sense, thank you. If it were anyone who did that to him, he will be very angry and maybe but not that hurt, but this was Ji An so the emotions he feels are in disarray which makes us viewers in disarray. The turmoil of emotions he must be feeling, how can he go back to work after that. He chose to go to a movie to process. I can't wait for Wednesday. 

    • Like 5
  12. Just a random observation.... the reverse of the phone booth users:). At the beginning of the drama, it was Yoon Hee and Joon Young who used the phone booth and now they don't need to, and at the ending it became our Ahjusshi and Ji An. But for different purposes, the first one was to keep secret an illicit affair and the last one is to keep secret JI An's whereabouts or for Ji An to be untraceable by the people searching for her


    I don't know why, but this using the phone booth for secrets and for being untraceable,  just reminded me of Clark Kent who used the phone booth to hide his identity when he turns into Superman .....

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  13. 19 hours ago, akhenaten said:

    About the scenes when Dong Hoon was holding on to his phone after he found out that he was being bugged through it, I don't know but I didn't see it as him holding that phone lovingly in any way.  What I felt was betrayal and a deep sadness.  He actually cried while he was thinking about all the times he thought Lee Ji An just seemed to read his thoughts and feelings, not realizing that she was listening to every word he said and reading every message he sent or received.  And then they showed him remembering what he said to Yoon Hee the night she admitted to the affair.  To me, it seemed like the scene was showing how hurt and confused Dong Hoon was when he realized that Ji An (who had become his pillar, much like what Yoon Hee was to him once) also betrayed him, and to Do Joon Young as well. Even at the movie theater when he was holding on to that phone, before he said her name into it, what I saw on his face was confusion and anger and sadness because he had given his trust to Ji An completely.  His eyes were still shining with tears then, which shows how deeply hurt he was by what she did.  (One can also say that the depth of his hurt is evidence of how deeply he feels for Ji An.  We are, after all, most hurt by those whom we love best.)


    I don't think he's at the stage yet where he can forgive Ji An for what she did because he's not yet cognizant of the full picture behind it.  He's only been made aware of the truth by Joon Young because slimy, manipulating bastard that he is, Joon Young wouldn't have any qualms about ruining Ji An in Dong Hoon's eyes.  Anyway, regardless of her change of heart, Ji An in the beginning did have every intention of using him to get the money that she needed from Joon Young.  He was just a means to an end for her then and if she hadn't fallen for him, she would have gone through with the blackmail because she didn't really care one way or the other.  She just needed Joon Young's money.  But as Seo Choon Dae the garbage man said to him previously, "what's so important about the truth?...our hearts aren't ruled by reason after all".  Dong Hoon will process the facts rationally, but ultimately he must decide with his heart on this one.  

    @akhenatenAfter a rewatch,  I have a better view of those scenes you described and LSK embodies Dong Hoon perfectly, I felt his hurt just even standing still but the tension in his body and the hurt in his face was perfect Dong Hoon how does he do that?  and I have this question about this scene
    at Joon Young's beat down, Doong Hoon cried. I remember once that he told Ji An he was very uncomfortable being with people who know what he is most vulnerable about. Joon Yoon was yelling it at him saying that Ji An ran as if her life depended on it because if she gets caught she will have to confess from the very beginning and Dong Hoon will likely be very humiliated and that Ji An knew that was what Dong Hoon was most scared about. Here is Joon Young screaming something a vulnerability, something he was most scared about. He was crying then. I thought at first he cried because Ji An ran to protect him, but then I am thinking that he was most hurt because Ji An had shared with his enemy what he was most vulnerable about, that  he was scared it will be known that his life was imperfect?  What is your take about the whole beat down? 

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  14. About dying as an ending and interpretations of rebirth


    Reborn, rebirth, what does that mean.... let us put into context how viewers have been interpreting the drama differently according to their views of marriage, age gap, romance etc. and here I am going to include the view of rebirth. Rebirth could mean different things to different people that rebirth does not necessarily mean dying physically and being reborn physically, but it could mean psychological, mental, experiential, mindset death to a new way of seeing and therefore leading to new experiences and a new way of life, renewal. For example, the bar scene celebration of DH promotion. Here occurred some rebirths. When sister in law shocked Jung Hee into moving on. When Jung Hee finally sung the thick lipstick song is a kind of rebirth for her.  A new beginning, new possibilities. The death of an old clinging. YH realizing that DH has moved on emotionally, that he loved JA and time for her to move on, the tears she shed as she was driving away from the old neighborhood to somewhere new were the tears of farewell and letting go of a dead marriage, a dead alliance. DH has his dose of rebirths from the time he found out of his wife's marital cheating, the time he had encountered Ji An, to his talk with his monk friend in the mountain, Ji An had many such moments with DH as she is slowly realizing her self-worth. The movie train tracks where the main character commits suicide and says he wants to go back but he can't go back but that moment he realizes that is a moment of rebirth like being struck by lightning.... an epiphany. It is also said that the movie depicts the many changes in the history of Korea which to me represent change and renewal such as changes in the mores, beliefs and attitudes of a neighborhood. DH once said to the monk, everybody lives that way, and whatever "that way" is defined, will also be changing. So it could be that the writer is clueing to a change, renewal and new way of thinking and living an inspired life for all the characters without physically dying. I might be very wrong, but I just hope death will not be and is not the ending resolution. Because.....


    At the bar, DH sings the song expressing his longing for a love that seemed so unreachable it breaks the heart but at the ending of episode 14 at the movie theater and at the ending of the movie he is holding on to his phone for dear life, he speaks to Ji An directly and calls her name and there we go... THAT IS TRAIN MOWING, THE LIGHTNING STRIKING, THE BIG REBIRTH....he  had made a decision and is going all the way for his love and there is your ALL or NOTHING...(my interpretation). Yet the ending is still unsure... if it ends with Ji An and Dong Hoon togetherness 

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  15. 10 hours ago, africandramalover said:

    That analysis on Tumblr forced me to sign up to that site. Brilliant insights!!


    Thank you for this @sadiesmith  and  @africandramalover  I read and re-read the whole thing. It makes so much sense. 

    10 hours ago, africandramalover said:
    12 hours ago, chickfactor said:

    And I realize this is probably not realistic, but now, I really want the monk to throw off his monk robes and climb down the mountain and run into Jung-Hee's arms.


    I don't think so. He said your happiness is what you keep in your heart, in other words, one is responsible for one's happiness. Sure he did JH wrong by running off with no explanation. That hurt JH so much and it would have been understandable for her to be sad, angry etc.... but it was up to her to move on or hold on to the sadness and the anger. It was her choice to make herself happy or miserable. Sadly some of us human beings like to hold on to our suffering for many, many years, it is hard for us to let go while some have learned and used the lessons learned to propel them into better living. She is much like DH in holding on to suffering. Eldest sister in law gave the push, opened her eyes with a kick in the butt. Sometimes we need that. DH is getting his eye openers from many sources. 


    I don't think the monk will be running to Jung Hee's arms. He had made his choice long ago. It is not uncommon for monks to go on solitary retreats. In fact, many people who are not monks go to solitary retreats to "refresh" is a very common practice. I think what disturbed the monk most is seeing the woman he cares about suffer so much for all these years. Monks hold retreats in their monastery and I think that was what Jung Hee attended. It would have done her good if she stayed for the whole retreat. Monks do come down from the mountain to give lectures and to minister to their followers. If he comes out of this solitary retreat, he may come down from the mountain to see Jung Hee and give his blessings for her moving on. It would make him happy to see her happily moving on. Just my two cents.

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  16. well, well, well, big, big trouble ahead for all unless they find Ji An....Joon Young is panicking because he did not want the recordings of Ki Bum gotten by the police so he wants to catch Ki Bum first, however, those recordings were stolen by Kwang Il and now Ki Bum was caught by the police. Ki Bum is not talking, but the wire-tapping has been found out by the police. Kwang Il listened to the whole recording of the wire taps so now he knows about the 2 men Joon Young and Dong Hoon and their connections to Ji An. He will probably understand the connection with Joon Young as he understands about greed and taking advantage of weaker people because he is a loan shark. Like his loan shark friend said, maybe they can make millions out of Joon Young. But then he heard very different conversations between Dong Hoon and Ji An, from you are a good person to can I have a hug. It seems KI is more affected by the JA/DH conversations. What will he do? 


    But DH is in trouble too. PDW said, he has a lot of explaining to do. He could lose his Directorship. So, Ji An is wanted by many people. Will she come out to face all and to save the day again for Dong Hoon? 


    I am so glad and thankful to eldest sister in law. She told Sang Hoon to stop poking her and she confronted Jung Hee to snap out of it. It has been 20 years. Good for her. 


    Yoon Hee, opening the window won't do it anymore. Open the door and go find your own path to happiness 

    • Like 12
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  17. 3 hours ago, tiger457_stv said:

    you said "all characters are so engage & their personal stories mesh with each other lives.  the story of the main characters also tells the story of a whole community. No one character is wasted".....and no character is perfect!

    @tiger457_stv  I thank the stars that none of the characters are perfect cause that is what makes this drama a perfect watch.... thank you  

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  18. 9 hours ago, tiger457_stv said:

    @zenya22   You are right about the need for Engineer Dong Hoon to step in and steer the company ship in the right direction.  As is, this reader doubts that the company will survive the death of the Chairman, with the poisonous infighting at the top level of the company.  If working there, this reader would freshen up his resume and vote with his feet, given the opportunity.  Infighting destroys relations and push the good people to leave... then the company folds.


    For Engineer Dong Hoon to take on the big task of cleaning up the company, he will need his undivided attention and help from the rank and file (they almost all seem to like him... Director Yoon could not find one person who worked with him would speak badly about him). 


    Oddly enough, the one woman who would support him unconditionally is... Ji-an.  She would not complain if he works late, come home tired and go to bed, has no time to converse even by phone.  She would not demand, only support theman in his task.


    Unfortunately she is also his biggest liability with the harm she has done to the company (the Director Park drugging incidence with the lost of the Chinese Contract).


    How will this be reconcile so that they can be together, is not clear... it probably will require a significant time jump with her leaving the company.

    @tiger457_stvthat is true. If he accepted the Directorship he faces a big task of cleaning up and he needs really to have that meal with the Chairman. That would do the Chairman and himself some good. It will make the days of dying more peaceful for the old man, and maybe for DH to clarify his choices and reasons for taking on the job. I don't know how they will resolve the legal problems of Ji An. Unless she finds a way together with her friend to find the origins of the gift certificates used for intention to bribe which started the whole thing and snowballed into a mess. Afterall, it is what Director Dong Woon really wanted. Ji An's friend seems to be an IT expert and maybe can trace the original email even if it was deleted? If she and her friend can do that, PDW will forgive and forget, that will be a reparation for the damage she did. I am only guessing of course. But we shall see.....


    For me, that is what makes this drama so good. All the characters are so engaged and their own personal stories mesh with the lives of everyone. The story of the main characters also tells the story of a whole community. No one character is wasted, every character is important no matter how little or how much they are featured in the scenes of the drama.

    • Like 11
  19. On 5/8/2018 at 10:24 AM, tiger457_stv said:

    In reality, this reader thinks that Lawyer is a more normal person in this relationship than Engineer Dong Hoon.  H has a martyr personality which is quite rare, since most human is innately some what selfish (i.e. we need to think of our self first).  Lawyer wife is such a person.  With her husband who shares everything with everyone, her piece of affection is too little!   So we should not judge her too harshly...everyone make mistakes (this reader included)!
    Once they separate (which is almost certain) she should post a wanted add:  Looking for single 40something man...
    without a suitcase!!@@@

    @tiger457_stv That is too ironic since she attached herself to a man who liked dating her because she was carrying a too  heavy suitcase (married with child and husband's extended family) because "married women will keep the affair secret but as long as she had passion for me then I will keep seeing her" ....jerk that he was....she should have put down the suitcase first......then look for suitcase less man 

    • Like 6
  20. 2 hours ago, justamom said:

    It's not clear either if Dong Hoon has found out about the wiretapping. I also thought the interview was over in Episode 12 -- unless there's a second round? So is this a flashback? 

    The interview in 12 was an interview of the underlings to gather their opinions of their managers and the interview JA refers to is the main interview of Dong Hoon himself by the upper management, the interview he was being prepped for. 

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  21. On 5/6/2018 at 8:15 AM, tiger457_stv said:

    I also doubt Ajusshi engineer thinks his work is dreary either, just the baggage from office politics.  He will be miserable as director, unless he can get the other directors to tone down their infighting, and protect his people.

    @tiger457_stvyou have a point there. This is a man who once felt so heavy because he sacrificed (his words) who thinks he knows what everyone else wanted and tried to give it to them, who tried to be everyone's pillar and who once fell in the train tracks and laid there until he remembered it was not time for him to die because he was not wearing expensive underwear. He never asked himself of what he wants. But because of knowing and loving Ji An, the caring of his friend the monk,  and all the circumstances happening around him, his awareness of himself and what he wants is growing (ie.. .his feelings for Ji An) and now is making a stand for it. He might just realize that being a Director is just his thing. The Chairman who was from humble beginnings built the company from scratch and helped many people giving them jobs and a chance to be of service to others with their work. I think he sees himself in Dong Hoon. Maybe Dong Hoon will realize that by being an administrator he can be of service to more people and like you said, change the culture in the office and maybe that is what the Chairman is hoping for. I think once he decides that being a Director is his forte, he will be great at it. 

    • Like 9
  22. 8 hours ago, shae said:

    Chairman seems awfully familiar with DH. Having been with the company as long as he has it's not unlikely that DH has been on a camping trip or two early in his career at the company.

    And since Chairman is a habitual creature I'm sure that actual site/plot is owned by the chairman as well


    People have fishing camps in Louisiana, which elsewhere would be something like saying we're going to visit the family cabin. So perhaps it's the same thing.

    There was a conversation between  DH and DW in the roof and DW said that before JY came to the company and before he became the CEO, that there were employee outings and gatherings included family but when JY became CEO, that all stopped, I guess JY wanted it all for himself. That was when they discussed about how to find the source of the gift certificates for bribing. So the camping site must have been known to the employees if they had been there before for employee outings. 

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  23. 10 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

    I don't think he does either. :wink: Like most of us, he would love to be left alone to do his job and stay out of the demands of bureaucracy and office politics altogether but sadly... he can't. The light bulb came on in Episode 5 for him. He's been trying to do the right thing, staying out of all the behind the scenes bickering but that hasn't worked. I suppose now he knows that to survive in that job, he has to play the game... and good for him. He is good at his job, he's ethical and his subordinates respect him. Even his superiors know this because they haven't tried to get rid of him until now. And that's because of personal issues. I love that shot of him walking past the construction team room as he reminisces of better days. 

    @40somethingahjumma I am happy to see you here. and read your posts. Well, for sure the Chairman has been trying to invite him to dinner and foot volleyball game and now another meal invitation in front of everyone who consider those invitations as political and all the personal issues he can't avoid. There is Yoon, who is so jealous and afraid of him. 



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