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Posts posted by zenya22

  1. @zenya22 Hello Assembler chingu. Good to see you here too :) 

    I agree with JJH and his being 'lost and wavering' in OWW and here in IHAL. In fact, as we will see, JJH has already undergone his first round of 'lost and wavering' with Hae Gang with the divorce he has filed and finalized in 2011. He then will marry Seol Ri. But later, he will undergo his second round of 'lost and wavering' when time jumped to 2015, where he will reunite with Hae Gang who would have assumed Yong Ki's ID, and they would fall in love with each other.

    What I'm curious about is what would Seol Ri have done wrong to cause Jin Eon to be 'lost and wavering' whereby he'll end up in Hae Gang's(Yong Ki) arms again? From the little that we know, Jin Eon doesn't sound like a stable/good lover/husband character if he gets 'lost and wavering' again and again. So I really look forward to writernim giving us a good development, to convince us in a plausible way the changes in Jin Eon.

    It would not have been just Seol Ri doing something wrong but it would have been the both of them. Generally it has been said and written that men who cheat rarely leave their wives. Many women waste their lives waiting for the man to leave his wife instead of giving themselves the chance to know a good and honest man. Putting that aside Jin Eon has already decided to file for a divorce. The problem is he blames his marriage or his wife for his misery. He does not see that the misery is his own and he needs to resolve that within himself by disowning it instead of looking for consolation and resolution in another. He does not know much about Seol Ri nor Seol Ri knows much about him. In the midst of the afterglow of their love affair, when reality begins to settle, they will both find out that their needs and their goals for the relationship are not in sync. She is young and she will have different expectations of being catered, wined and dined, romanced with chocolates and flowers. He on the other hand is still grieving and he has not healed. He did not say that he did not love his wife. It is obvious that there are very strong emotional entanglement between them. He is angry that Hae Gang seems to have drifted away and does not fulfill his need to be consoled at the moment. So he seeks for consolation in this younger woman a grad student. Sooner or later Jin Eon and Seol Ri will find out that they are separated so far from each other as the South Pole from the North Pole in what they want in the relationship. Seol Ri will find out that he probably never considered her as a suitable longtime partner as she expects him to be for her.

    • Like 9
  2. Ok... I watched ep 1 with c-subs and ep 2 partially with subs. I actually think cheating is absolutely the least of their problems. They have much bigger issues than infidelity. So that makes me think that infidelity will actually not really be the main issue here. That's really just scratching the surface - like battling the tip of an iceberg but most of it is what you can't see underwater. It will take A LOT to start working through any issues they have. I don't really like HK but as a woman around her age, I can understand her a little bit more. Someone here mentioned this, and multiple people in the drama bring up her age as a factor to ridicule her and the fact that she doesn't have children etc. In laws that disrespect the daughter in law is hardly anything new. Happens all the time. I can attest (as I mentioned in another thread) that constant treatment like that over the years does really take it's toll on ones self-esteem and general well-being. I can see it in HK's face when she has to deal with her inlaws. Currently at her job, it's probably the only place where she's getting "respected". It's not the proper place to channel her energies just at work... but it does seem like she hit a wall with her soon to be ex-husband anyways. 

    A young energetic new wife is great but everyone hits age 35 someday. The cycle is vicious. It'll be great for a few years and then what? JE has some personal issues of his own that he needs to work through. He can't blame everything on his ex-wife. While this is a kdrama so really anything could happen, I think both of them haven't properly dealt with the loss of their child. It's clear that they both are trying to deal with it in completely different ways and thus are really not understanding each other and for JE especially, he purposefully has driven a big riff and one that he thinks cannot be mended. HK is right... she is alive before him and he cannot even see her and try to understand her. He should be focusing on those who are alive and properly grieve the loss of his daughter so he can begin to move on, not forget but to move on. I honestly don't think HK has truly moved on. She just hasn't allowed herself to properly grieve and has held it all in because that's probably the only way she knows how to keep it all together and have somewhat of a semblance of a normal life. Both of them are very broken people. They need healing.

    Also, the two of them seem to have very different love languages. JE needs HK to "validate" (not really the right word but I will figure out a better word later) him... to either embrace fully the attention he showered on her or see his pain and the fact that he has been unable to move on from their child's death and show him that she's suffering the same as he is. She has shown that she's also very sensitive. She remembers and she does a lot of small things that show that she still loves and cares for him very much. He is completely blinded to all of it and other of that and even if he did, he probably still wouldn't see it the way she sees it. HK too is at fault clearly cause she does not tell him what she is actually thinking nor that what she actually wanted to hear from him was that he would still choose/love her.

    I think long separation is going to be good for them. JE clearly is self absorbed and doesn't fully appreciate his (ex-)wife and HK, in her quest to hold it all together, has neglected to tend to her (ex-)husband and comfort him when he needed it mosT. 

    As of right now, I can see same similarities btw this and Warm Words and also PCAP. While JJH's characters in all 3 are not the same in terms of personality or do things the same way, they all have this detached, coolness in which the character deals with the significant other/spouse. And can be very cruel with just words. JJH rocks most of his roles :) So I'm not worried. 

    We need more BS and less SR. LGH is great. I remember him most from MNIKSS - I loved that fight scene LOL. If he took on the ex-- JE, I wouldn't mind seeing that either. I like PHB but her character is quite immature too. But she is young. But really gag me with her interactions with HK. She will be in HK's shoes one day too. I wonder how she'd deal with the young floozy then.

    I had a thought - so I wonder if HK will end up taking care of her twin sister's baby. That sounds like something that could happen right? HK lost her own daughter but here's another chance at being a mommy if somehow she doesn't end up having any more of her own. 

    Excellent observations, you said everything that I was thinking, Thank You 

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  3. Ji jin hee is acting in an almost similar character as in "one warm word", I think he really fits in this 'lost and wavering' husband roles. 

    @Katrina Abdul Talib

    I agree. When I watched this, it so reminded me of his character in Warm Word. I hope he does not typecast himself even though he does it well.

    Yoo Jae-hak ('One Warm Word') was pretty rational and reserved.

    In terms of personality, he rather reminded of our heroine Hae-gang (Kim Hyun-joo), whose coldness annoyed his spouse.

    Here Jin-eon is quite emotional and sensitive, thus his wife's impassivity infuriates him.

    And unlike Jae-hak, who wanted to save marriage no matter what, Jin-eon already filled out divorce papers.

    Personally, I don't see much similarity between the characters, so I don't think Ji Jin-hee will typecast himself (which has not been the case with him so far) :)

    I am talking about lost and wavering in general, waiting for subs before commenting

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  4. Ji jin hee is acting in an almost similar character as in "one warm word", I think he really fits in this 'lost and wavering' husband roles. 

    @Katrina Abdul Talib

    I agree. When I watched this, it so reminded me of his character in Warm Word. I hope he does not typecast himself even though he does it well.

    @Katrina Abdul Talib,   @zenya22 - I think the character on the face of it, look similar, in terms of a husband having an affair. But the writers are so different from each other, I expect the character development will be different.

    The wife role, seems pretty different too.

    @irilight,  I was just agreeing to the "lost and wavering" husband roles. and of course I expect that the story in this drama would be different since this is a different drama different everything. I am just saying that even if he does the lost and wavering husband roles in different dramas different story different everything very well he also can do other roles such as villain, nice guy, funny guy etc well. 

    • Like 7
  5. No doubt this thread would turn into a freaking warzone, drama hasn't even aired yet but people already started having heated conservations of what might be, I believe we should all just relax and watch the drama with no prejudice as it will just affect our viewership,I have seen writernim's previous work(scandal) and she wrote it well despite her touching on things that should be controversial by nature.  

    @ororomunroe, I agree and thank you. 

    • Like 6
  6. Hey guys~ Just drop by to share this funny article~ interview with director Ryu Seung Wan who helmed 2015 movie "Veteran", starring Yoo Ah In. He mentioned SLA:

    “There was one funny moment at the filming location when local folks thought that Yoo Ah In was arrested because of adultery. We did a lot of shooting in actual places, and we had the last scene by the court. We shot in Seocho-dong Court which issued a real arrest warrant and the Mapo Police Station.

    “There was a funny thing happened at the time. It was Sunday and there was a civil wedding, and many people came to the place. At first I thought the locals may have heard about this filming. When Yoo Ah In entered the scene handcuffed, some ahjummas said, ‘Aigoo~ Seon Jae, you’re finally arrested.’ Then it dawned on me that they mistook Veteran with Secret Love Affair. I told Yoo Ah In, ‘so you’re gonna go to jail now, not for the assault or murder charge, but for getting caught committing adultery (laughs).”


    @lisafransisca.... LOLOLOL......aigooo, ... ahjummas.... tunny ahjummas......... aigoooo. But it is good though that he says he can separate the two very different characters while filming both the drama and movie at the same time. That says something about his talent as an actor. The director Ryu Seung must have had so much fun with this. Aigooo..... Seon Jae......

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  7. @africandramalover, after reading your post of the mousetrap incident i had to re-watch episode 3 and then went back which made me go back to watch all the episodes. Thank you so much. It is true once Kang ran out of the apartment and left HW in the hands of SJ the marriage is over. He left his wife with another man to care for. SJ did great caring cleaning her feet ahhhhhh, no wonder HW could not resist.

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