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Posts posted by zenya22

  1. Mama Editor did an interview with Ryan and she asked Ryan if he plans to stay in Korea and get married to a Korean woman and Ryan answered, he is thinking about it. Mama Editor called her unni DM's mom to prepare for a dowry ...lol. They already planning for a wedding. I hope Mama Editor will know what his son is doing to sabotage DM and Ryan romance and stop her son from doing further damage. She is also very much on board with the DM/Ryan ship. 


    But Ryan and DM also need to take responsibility for themselves and their feelings. Ryan so far has been shown to be not the type to let others decide his actions including his pride. When he fired DM and found out that he made a mistake he did not hesitate to go apologize and wanted to re-hire her.  He was the one who made a decision to debunk the scandal created by Cindy by fake dating DM. He told Ms Eom to not interfere with the management of the museum and his projects and spearheads a cutting edge exhibit. So why can't he just confront DM to clear the air about their feelings and DM who had argued and talked candidly with Ryan before now starts pouting and sulking? Where did those 2 grown ups go?  

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  2. Yes girls like to look at toned abs, tight pecs and butt but it is only superficial admiration and does not last,  while character, sensitivity, kindness, tenderness, chivalry as in caring about how one's actions impact others are what moves a girl's heart.


    Sorry EG but your'e scoring flat on what really matters to a woman. You can flex em muscles all you want, it means  

    ...Image result for a illustration of diddly squat look like

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  3. The imaginary kiss....for me what she was thinking before DM imagined the kiss after she realized the significance of the secret room to Ryan and the pain he must be in "I am good, be confident, I will take care of you, I will give you a blessing" and the music playing were so much more potent and poignant. I cried. 


    Although I like her imaginary kiss too because it shows how she wants to be kissed which actually is very Ryan-esque. Slow and tender. First smoothing the hair on her forehead and running his hand on her hair, a kiss on the cheek then the lips. It is exactly how Ryan would have kissed her. 


    The ending scene of DM letting go of his hand.... wey DM, wey, wey, wey, you let us know your thoughts before you imagined the kiss that you will take care of him, that you will give him a blessing... wey, wey, you let go of the hand??? Now I need more hankies...


    After reading the recaps and posts (Thank you very much all) I agree that in the end, Da In will realize that what she wants for her friend, Ryan, is to be happy that she will help clear the misunderstanding between DM and Ryan that working as an artist with Ryan her mentor would be more satisfying than craving for a romantic relationship with him which he already clarified that he was just a mentor and a friend to Da in. Fingers and toes crossed

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  4. I love, love, love episode 7...There is so much meaning in their times of togetherness and even not togetherness

    First of all KUDOS to all those who got the kiss to the thumb right. Because of the sexy wall and bathroom scenes, I built high expectations to see a sensual kiss, so it was not on the actors nor the characters but was on me and my hopeless imagination... LOL.


    However, I am so, very glad that it was not a real  kiss. That pretend kiss was very apt of Ryan Gold and says a lot about his feelings more than a real kiss would have, that he genuinely cares for DM. He did it so gently and carefully that it affected DM movingly all she could do was look up at him as if in wonder as he explained the reason for doing what he did. How could DM remain angry at him? These two really get/understand each other despite their fractious beginnings, him firing her and she almost killing him. It is as if they had known each other from another life and are meant to meet again to finish what they had once began. After DM saw Ryan not wanting to shake hands, DM already knew without Ryan telling her that Ryan was averse to holding hands and later talked to Ryan about it, she is able to read his meaning just by his comments about children and she was not afraid to give him the drawing of the lion and tell him about herself of the failure of her goals to become a painter. Ryan on the other hand listens really listens to DM and he asks questions because he is really interested in her opinions. What DM said about how the Anyeong photograph impressed her, prompted Ryan to ask the question if she really liked to take photos. During that Anyeong conversation, he paid total attention and listened, really listened to DM's explanation. Now fast forward to her parents house and  I am loving this conversation when they were pushed by DM's mom to the room. Ryan was looking around at the award certificates and he asked why DM quit arts and he looked at her as he always does and listened to her explanation about how her father lost money in trying to build a business and therefore was unable to pursue her studies. He asked if DM was ok with not being able to live as a painter. Here we see Ryan start to open about himself about his own fears of not being able to paint. He is not talking about himself yet as he is still trying to gauge if he can trust himself to open his feelings about his own failure to paint again and I think he is asking the question in relation to himself. DM replied that at times when she feels regrets she drowns her sorrows with a drink and then cries and as she did that she finds a reason to smile and became happy. Relate this to their conversation at the end of the episode before DM fell on him. Ryan said that the room smells of paint and asked DM if she still paints. DM says sometimes. Ryan, still blindfolded, asked when DM was not able to draw because of her broken right arm, how could she stand it? (this the 2nd time he asks the same question). DM looks at the blindfolded Ryan and something dawns on her as she gets a flashback of herself walking into Ryan's secret room and sees the canvas with a blue dot as if someone tried to start painting then the a line going down as if a brush had just fallen. She realized then what is happening to Ryan as she had gone though the same thing. She then tells Ryan that when she got frustated because she was not able to use her right arm to paint she started using her left hand and realized that she was having more fun drawing with her left hand as it was like doodling when she was a kid. Ryan was looking at her through the blindfold nodding and smiling. When she tried to prevent him from taking the blindfold off and fell on him, there is a voice over of her thoughts, "I am really allright, you be confident, I like you, I will take care of you."  My heart cried and I can imagine DM's heart opening to embrace the hurt out of Ryan. (hankie please)

    She is the one to help Ryan heal. She gets him, really, really gets him. For the first time aside from his psychiatrist, DM maybe the only person he is trying to communicate about his struggle to paint again. He has not said it directly, but he knows that she is the only person who went into that room and saw everything. 


    When Ryan realized that DM was Sinagil, he became a member to her fansite and Ryan as Latte critiqued favorably DM's photos of Si An which prompted DM to say that Latte knows photography and she messaged back to thank Latte for his kind comments. She does not know that Latte is the one person that she did not want to disappoint, Ryan Gold. During the Si An fan meeting, DM's number was announced to be the winner she was too busy looking at the pictures she took and that was of Ryan Gold. Her conversation with EJ when she rejected the invitation to go to movies with EJ because she had to photoshop the photos. As she was home doing the photo shops she found herself staring at photos not of Si An but of Ryan Gold and she realized then she is falling in love with Ryan. So is Ryan but he is slower to admit it. Ryan threatened to fire Cindy for stalking DM and himself or sue her. He saved DM from being discovered by Cindy and he was worried about her because he saw her limping. So he calls her and as she was not answering her phone and goes into her fansite and sees messages of the other fans waiting for SNG to upload the Si An photos but it was very delayed.  He makes the excuse to visit DM at her house that he was there to return the food containers. I want to see his reaction when he sees, he really, really sees the contents of DM's camera were much of him... 


    As for Choi Da In, Ryan says in one second about her artwork in his car "you are in a slump". I think Choi Da In, like EJ might have been a childhood friend who had helped the young Ryan adjust to his new environs when he first moved to the US. He is very frank about his feelings, that he does not have any romantic interest in her and to me she is much more obsessed than EJ. She followed Ryan to Korea, appears in Ryan's workplace anytime she wants, eavesdrops on the staff conversation and pastes herself on him like he owns him. Ryan on the other hand is much more occupied with his "fake dating" which is slowly becoming real dating with DM. Please, EJ and CDI can get introduced and they may console each other and leave our lovebirds alone. SA and Ryan have to find the other 4 paintings and their relationship to the painter and to each other. I like that more than watching EJ and DI making a fool of themselves. 



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  5. episode 6 Secrets

    I rewatched episode 6 and it has its cute and angsty moments but what I think is significant in the episode are the secrets. LIke any other human being both Ryan and Deok Mi have secrets buried at the deepest and most tender corners of their hearts, hidden from the world around them, secrets that define their self view and what they think could ultimately hurt them.


    Deok MI hides the idol fangirl side of herself because she knows it could basically hurt her career and her relationship with significant people in her life such as her parents and rue her prospect of establishing a real life relationship with a real person as was advised by her friend Sun Joo, "don't fall for a real person." What she does not know is that Ryan whom she knows has her notebook already knows she is the owner of the notebook, Si Na Gil.


    Ryan never told anyone that he has two of the Lee Sol paintings and he lied to Si An saying that he obtained one painting for a client but now Deok Mi saw 2 in his secret room. 

    So it seems that ep 6 is the opening that leads to an ensuing revelation of the significance of the secrets which is dependent on the level of trust DM and Ryan have on each other but sometimes there are secrets that are never revealed when the secret loses its significance and it does not matter anymore.


    Ryan and DM are just beginning to have awareness of their feelings for the other. For DM's secret, Ryan already knows and accepts her fangirling and even amused by it but it might be a bit of a problem when he reveals that he already knows and accepts her fangirling and how DM will re-act to that revelation. On the other hand, it might be harder for Ryan to open his heart about the Lee Sol paintings and it's significance to himself and his inability to paint. However, Ryan might realize that DM is the one person who can help him recover his artistic talent when she helps him to get unstuck from his past and make peace with it through loving him.


    Si An owns 3 of the paintings and he thinks that Ryan's client also owns one and that they have to find five to complete the collection of 9 paintings as he does not know about the 2 that Ryan has. Ryan asked how Si An knows that there are 9 Lee Sol Collections and Si An says matter of factly that he "heard it from someone." It seems that both Ryan and Si An are also keeping secrets from each other and yet they have this level of friendliness and trust, especially Si An who calls Ryan hyung. I am so anticipating the revelation of the significance of the paintings to both Si An and Ryan and who the painter is and their relationship to the painter and the completion of the project and the final exhibit. 



    Then there is Cindy the psycho stalker whose ego depends on the popularity of her fansite. Every minute she is checking her phone to see how many followers she has in her site and if the numbers are down she goes into psycho mode and blames people who have nothing to do with her or her site as in blasting the photo of DM wearing Ryan's jacket that was alike to SA's and creating a non existent scandal. She really isn't a fan of the idol, rather she is a fan of herself and using the idol to create a fansite where she can boost her ego. Ryan helped DM with a fake dating relationship and Cindy being in their midst and still threatening DM made Ryan agree to continue the fake dating. Ryan could care less about Cindy. However, Ryan highly values his privacy and respects privacy of others. He has not realized yet the extent of craziness Cindy is in, that she stalks both Ryan and DM,  parks in his garage all night waiting for him to leave and see whom he goes out with, whom he picks up in his car or that she follows DM to his apartment and parks by his building to see when DM comes out of the building and whom she is with and if Ryan walks her out, all because she has lost followers in her fansite and blames DM for it. Her level of stalking is escalating to danger zone. I hope Cindy will be ousted from the plan already. Because I don't want her to be the reason or excuse for Ryan and DM dating. I want them to date because of their desire to date the other. 

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    16 hours ago, Guyangi_Dalpeongi said:

    I think I am really not understanding what’s going on :huh:because I don’t really see what’s wrong with that kiss ... it’s an impulsive kiss as in RG couldn’t help himself- so, if he couldn’t help his REAL feelings for DM, he’s expected to ask permission before kissing her??? I know they’re supposed to be doing the FAKE dating thing, BUT real feelings got in the way??

    As for complaints about the kiss not being passionate enough, of course it’s not - because it’s a spur-of-the-moment thing?? RG couldn’t help himself - he kissed DM because he’s too attracted to her and his heart is wanting this fake dating to be real but of course, his mind will tell him otherwise ... (for now, at least) - at first he misunderstood that DM is not attracted to him and will never be, because he thought she’s in love with a girl! :lol: Now, he probably thinks she’s utterly in love with SA ... 

    And DM of course, is understandably too shocked to respond to the kiss properly. Hence, it was a disappointing kiss from our ( the audience) perspective ...

    I opened the BTS where the conversation was translated  The Kdramaholic  and I think it explains what happened. The first kiss was real and  KJW had gone for the swoop and kiss and he was holding DM's head and cheeks tightly, then we see the actors reviewing the take in the small screen, and PMY says to KJW, "oppa, you have to take care of my face" and KJW responding "did I do that" and laughter because Ryan gripped DM's face hard and PMY telling KJW what to do "if you were to lift", but what she said got cut off,  so the next scene is where RG was supposed to do a "softer" kiss and KJW tells PMY, "I will be gentle" and KJW still holding PMY's head and neck more loosely and PMY looking at the screen and directing KJW's face where it should be. I guess it is harder to do or film a softer kiss when the actors' lips are really touching so they did the thumb trick? There is eveen a take of KJW kissing PMY wearing a coat. So, the kiss must have been re taken and rehearsed many times. 

    I also like the BTS of the drunken Ryan asking for a song before he gave his secret code Ryan and DM falling in bed scene. Seems they did that scene many times too and looks like they had a good time shooting that scene too. :yum:

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  7. 17 hours ago, haelan said:

    This was my favorite scene of Ep. 5. I just love the fact that we as the viewer can see a glimpse of Ryan falling for DM's mental attractiveness as well. Maybe I just haven't seen enough dramas, but being able to watch Ryan falling for DM's brains is the best I've seen in a while.

    @haelanAHA a fellow die hard RG/DM shipper LOL. I agree, it is so much more romantic watching the exquisite progression of their feelings and appreciation of the other as an artist and potential lover. And it was Ryan who was first stirred when he heard DM say that the picture of the photographer left a deep impression on her. What she said moved Ryan's artistic curiosity to ask DM if she liked to take pictures. At this time he had no idea that DM is the fangirl SNG. DM knew exactly what he was asking about, she did not answer "yes or no I like to take pictures", but instead referred to that particular picture, that Ryan was thinking about that made him ask the question. Here, it shows how their minds are both in sync. DM's detailed explanation of why she disagreed with the analysis of the picture's title "Anyeong" and her answers to Ryan's questions, her energy and sparkle made Ryan acknowledge and marvel at her talent as an artist but also sparked his interest in DM as a woman, (my pov). So, I agree that Ryan's "Anyeong" was sort of a confession and admission of his feelings, but that he was also impressed by her talent. DM however was flustered and confused by it. She looks up to him as a talented artist and so she was unsure if his anyeong was an approval of her explanation. She had no idea that the whole time she was explaining the expert artist was listening and looking intently at her for much, much longer than 3 seconds and that his anyeong was both appreciation of her talent as a fellow artist and as a woman. But when she looked at him when he said anyeong, his gaze must have tickled butterflies in her stomach because she shyly looked away. 


    Episode 6: the lion chose his lioness and the chase and courtship begins


    We see more of Ryan's consideration of his feelings for DM when he agrees to have dinner with the staff which he never does as we were never shown that he ever ate with them. The staff took advantage of the dinner to sate their curiosity about the "dating" details of the boss with the head curator and got him drunk. I love that scene where they made up stories about the other which relates to real happenings. That was very cute. The fact that the very private, "cold(SA's description") self disciplined, Ryan dined with the staff and permitted himself to get drunk and all his inhibitions thrown to the wind, says a lot about how much he trusts DM and how much he has fallen for her as well. Instead of pressing the secret code to open his door, he made her sing for him and then gave her the code. He could have just pressed the code but he gave it to her. Even when drunk, he trusted her. That made the disappointment with her when she used the secret code to enter his apartment without permission more punchy, even if it was an emergency and to top it all enter his sacred room. But for me it also explains his actions, to go for the kiss. He is more of a touch feel person and his sensitivity made him realize that what he said about the dating and wanting to show that DM was meeting her lover was too hurtful and uncalled for. He wanted to negate his words especially when DM said I am sorry for entering your home without permission with those hurt eyes and with conviction,  and he wanted to tell DM that what he said about her was actually how he felt that he wanted to be her lover and he wanted to truly date her. I just wish that they did the kiss more gently, slowly and beautifully, a kiss of apology and acknowledgement of his feelings. 

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  8. Going back to Ryan and his art. According to how he was described by one of the artists in episode 1 where Ryan arrived to view and critique artists' work, Ryan has become a famous artist because he created and developed a unique style of painting which made him stand out from other artists. However, I think that he did not create it but he learned the style of painting from Lee Sol whom he could be related to when he was younger and developed an approach to painting befitting his own style. In episode 6 when he was in his private room looking at the Lee Sol paintings, he closed his eyes and recalled himself painting a woman as the subject but using his hand and not a brush and going the direction of a circle and using the colors that were in the Lee Sol paintings. They did not show the finished painting but the fact that he recalled that, makes me think that he adapted and refined his style from what he learned from Lee Sol. And they also showed him remembering or recalling himself in a musuem when he first found the Lee Sol painting that he owns. 


    4 hours ago, Artheusa said:

    5.In line with all this, I think the next step will be fooling the poor parents. If I'm right, the lie is snowballing into an avalanche at this point. DM's mum will witness the "fake" kiss intended for Cindy, and she'll believe they're dead serious, maybe even getting married (EG's mom saying you should get a hanbok to DM's mum in the preview)


    you know since at the beginning of the episodes they showed a boy and a girl and that girl painting could have been DM and one of the little boys was Ryan... would DM's parents have known Ryan and his mom or adoptive mom? Yeah, they are buying a hanbok already for the wedding....

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    1 hour ago, s00ki said:

    Bear in mind, he doesn't know DM already has feelings for him, all he knows is that she is smitten with SA.  Thus, he should not have known how much it affected DM. DM herself is shocked by how much she is affected by RG's words.  By right, to DM, a mere scolding is nothing compared to a slap in the face.  (I am not saying DM deserve any of this.) 


    When he saw the sticky note on the gift, it reminded him of her kindness before- the tonic, the 'sweet dreams' wish, DM offering her hand to hold. 

    I agree that he does not know or is not sure yet about how she feels but it is about how he feels. How he does not want to lose whatever closeness/friendship or trust DM has in him. She is one person that he trust in that he holds her hand and lets her hold his hand. He knows that what he said is not just scolding her about invasion of his privacy that she should have left the house when the leak was repaired or called him and got permission to open his apt, however he went too far when he said that DM was assuming or thinking that they were really dating and she wanted to show badly that she was meeting her lover in his house. That was not scolding that was making it personal which has nothing to do with invasion of his privacy but an assumption and accusation on his part that she was hustling. In other words he was telling DM back off. So yes a proper apology is needed and a hug for me is good. He already more than hugged her even though he was drunk. I do think that he developed feelings for DM. Yes, we all love him for his kindness and his liberal stance, his respect and protection of individual rights and inclusive mindset but when it comes to DM, I think it is more than kindness. There is a sexual attraction developing already and he really is afraid to lose her or the closeness that he already has with her. Just my thoughts. But what was that kiss about then if he was going to agree to continue fake dating?   but ahhhhhh that kiss and what it means and why was it done? it is making me and everyone else dizzy, I think...:dizzy:

    Anyhow, we shall see what develops in the next episodes. 



    OR, I'm reading way too much into casual scenes and it was just a just kiss hahaha 

    @Artheusa LOL aren't we all? Ryan and Deok Mi will have to give the next kiss the best kiss they could muster next time around.... 

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  10. On 4/26/2019 at 12:56 PM, jadore1 said:


    On 4/26/2019 at 12:56 PM, jadore1 said:

    WOW @zenya22 what a great take on this episode ... i am going to read all your posts from now on LOL ...just beautiful , thank you.:star: 

    @jadore1Thank you. I was actually tearing up while I was writing this so my grammar was not very good. But, I do think that at that moment while she was speaking and he was listening and looking at her and the way he waited for her to look at him and then said "anyeong" and the way he said it, no other word needed to be said. I also tend to watch and re-watch to see what I missed. 


    16 hours ago, haelan said:

    I also think it was too sudden, no matter how many times I’ve rewatching this episode. And yes while I do love their moments together, it wasn’t clicking right in my head as I was watching. I think they tried to make it seem that way so that the viewers wouldn’t be so confused, with the beginning of the episode with Ryan secretly watching her, the zoom-ins especially to her lips, his now magnified interest in anything and everything about her, how he gazes with the utmost curiosity and tenderness, his comfortable state when he’s with her, or the flashbacks he experienced before he ran to apologize to her. Even with all that set up for the viewer, like saying “HERE HE LIKES HER,” I’m going to patiently wait until we see a more thorough exploration of his feelings for her. And how can we forget his “Hello” for her in the previous episode? I think that spoke more to me about him than some of the moments shown in episode 6. There’s a YT comment on the kiss scene from the TvN clip, and to paraphrase maybe what prompted to kiss her then and there was how DM apologized for entering his room without his permission, and interpreting her apology for basically saying sorry for entering his heart without permission. Which is super true because his art room holds his deepest and most true self. The previews can be misleading, but I think that they will clear the air between their feelings. Maybe they’ll take their feelings slowly and won’t be dating for real yet, but then again this IS supposed to be a mature romance -_- (that blindfold though...heh) 

    I agree somewhat with the TVN interpretation. After he said what he said, "did you seriously really think we are dating? Did you come here to show that you are going to your lover's house that badly? and then her apology, "I am sorry for going to your house without permission". Which meant she was putting up a wall and saying, I understand we will start treating each other formally, I understand that what you did was to help me for the sake of the exhibit and because of SG and nothing more. I think that is how Ryan might have interpreted her apology and he was afraid to lose the hands that was offered and the only hands he trusted to hold. That shows that Ryan is a touchy-feely person especially with people he trusts. When he was drunk he held her hands all the way through and he was all over her not wanting to let her go. On the other hand DM is more of a lingual, poet, prose communicator. The way she was so animated in explaining to Ryan about the "Anyeong" photograph, the way she gets Ryan when he remarked about many children in the park and if DM had been at the park as a child and she invited him to go for the rides. Ryan on the other hand just blurts out what is in his mind, even SA says that he is a "cold" person, and he is not called Lion in Korea for nothing. I think at this time he just went with his "touchy-feely" guts to express how he feels. Maybe it should have been a hug rather than a kiss. Just like the wall scene where he just holds her nape and waste and while holding her, whispers "biyanada" many times as she cries and later when she calms down, looks into her eyes and say the word "anyeong". In the BTS, they did re shoot the kiss many times to maybe get the effect they want but they missed. Anyway, like you, I am biased and hopefully, they show a better kiss a real one next time around. 


    13 hours ago, s00ki said:

    After watching the ep6 bts, I m quite certain it’s a fake kiss. KJW was kissing his left thumb! Maybe, he saw Sunday lurking around. My guess is, they must have agreed to continue with the fake relationship. In other words they have not confessed their true feelings. RG coughed when he replied ‘yes’ to DM’s mom

    @s00ki but he is supposed to be apologizing and giving her a fake kiss is not it, you don't apologize with a fake kiss. I think the production missed on this one. If he went for the kiss, it is because he sincerely did not want to lose her, lose the burgeoning closeness so maybe a hug with I am sorry, I am really sorry followed with a talk would have been better. They do have burgeoning feelings for each other. The production shattered the viewers anticipation of the first kiss with that disappointing kiss. Now, if they do kiss again, viewers would be skeptical. So, Ryan and DM need to do a real hot kiss the next time around. 

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  11. Reviewed 5 and 6 episodes again and I must say that even though Ryan gave his all to that first KISS we all have been waiting for, but that kiss scene seemed unsatisfactory and incomplete. However, I am hoping that kiss scene was only the beginning of the kiss to be continued??? ...which brings me to a very significant scene in Ep 5 more than the bathroom scene looking at it from Ryan's perspective.



    When they visited the writer there was one picture of the writer's photographer friend that caught DM's attention and she remarked that she liked the picture made a deep impression on her. Ryan asked her about what she thought about the picture as it was titled "Anyeong" and the interpretation of the picture from those who looked at it was, the photographer was saying goodbye before he went to the hospital because he knew he was going to die. DM came alive and took a copy of the picture and disagreed with the goodbye interpretation. Ryan then sat up and scooted towards DM and asked DM to explain. She explained to Ryan why she disagreed with other expert's interpretation of the photo and her opinion was that the photograper was looking at someone behind the camera and said "anyeong". She explained that in English the word anyeong can mean goodbye or hello. That the photographer's gaze and smile was directed at someone special behind the camera and saying to that someone "anyeong, I am here and I am always looking at you like this." Her face was animated as she was explaining and did not notice Ryan looking intently at her as if he was looking at someone precious. He did not interrupt or say anything and he waited until she was finished then shyly looked at him. Ryan, looking directly at her eyes, says "anyeong". Her response was a bit confused and as she quickly put down the picture she was holding, shyly said, "that is my explanation" and looked away. Ryan said nothing, went to his corner to sleep. Next morning we see him sleeping beside her peacefully. When he was outside discussing the project with the writer he looked up at DM taking pictures of him and he saw a laughing and beautiful face that said "anyeong, I am here". On the way back home, he happily agreed to "fake dating". He already knew how he feels about this woman when he said anyeong the night before but he had secrets about himself he still was not ready to share. 


    No one knows that he owns 2 of Lee Sol's paintings. He lied to Si An when he said that he obtained the painting at the bidding in Shang Hai for a client and DM was listening. This one room in his apartment  is a room that bears witness to his most hidden secrets, his deepest hurts and wounds and weakness, it is a room where he is most vulnerable and a room no one else but him can enter. In a scene of episode 6, Ryan enters the room where the 2 Lee Sol paintings are displayed side by side, there is an empty canvass, brushes, paints and art paraphernalia in the room. He stands in the middle of the room looking at the LS paintings and memories of a boy playing with bubbles then a boy drawing on paper and calling "omma" floods his mind. He shakes himself out of those memories and he approaches the empty canvass, picks up a brush attempting to paint and he is paralyzed. He grips the brush and took a few attempts before he could manage to put a dot on the canvas and his arms falls to his side and he put the brush back to the bush holder. Without looking back he leaves the room frustration written in his face. 


    When Kyunga messaged Ryan that DM was on her way to his apartment because of a leak, he ran over. The leak was already repaired and DM got curious because of all the art displayed in Ryan's apartment and she started exploring and unfortunately the secret room's door was half opened and she went in. Her face was in wonder, this was the master's working room and suddenly an arm grabbed her and pulled and pushed her into the living room. As human beings, we are equipped with fight or flight impulses and in times of danger or stress we use this responses automatically. Ryan's most fear of being exposed of his most vulnerable and weakest self moved him to a fight or flight impulse and unfortunately, Ryan the lion, chose to fight and lions when in a fight will choose to go for the jugular and without even pausing to think, he hurt DM so badly. But after he chilled himself, his body and brain with a cold drink, he glanced at a bag on his table with a note from DM leaving him a gift and he thought back of the woman who was the one person who understood him, the one person he could be honest with, the one person who offered her hand if he ever needed one to hold on to and the one woman whom he said "Anyeong" to. Instant regret and self recrimination overwhelmed him and he knew he had to make amends before it was too late. 


    The KISS... when he was running all over the place looking for DM Ryan had all the time to self reflect on his feelings about DM and his harsh actions. When he apologized and asked DM if she was very angry, and DM said she was but she also said she should not have been at his home, Ryan did not want her to blame herself because it was not her fault but his. He wanted to comfort her and tell her that he did not mean what he said and he wanted to say it not with words but with his body so he walked towards her, cradled her head with his hands and kissed her fully. That was the first part of the kiss. The 2nd part DM takes a half step towards him, her hand starting to go up then dropped and her eyes wide open as if surprised shows Ryan kissing the upper lip as if gentling the kiss but still with full lip contact and his hands still cradling her head, his eyes closed. He might have sensed DM's surprise and reluctance so he gentled the kiss... and then the end of the episode....


    So for the coming episode, I am hoping to see how the artist Ryan will coax his love into kissing him back, from gentle to deepening kiss....and getting DM to respond as passionately  Anyeong...


    RYAN and SHI AN....

    Ryan and Shi An connected through the Lee Sol paintings. Shi An says that there are a total of 9 paintings and he has 3 of them. He thinks that Ryan obtained a Lee Sol painting for a client which makes it 4 paintings by Lee Sol were found and they need to find 5 more. What he does not know is that Ryan has 2 of the Lee Sol paintings and Ryan was his own client and they only have to find 4 more. When we first meet SA he seemed to have some trust issues with his agency and manager. Aside from Ryan being interested in the Lee Sol paintings SA got to know Ryan as a protective and trustworthy person when Ryan went to meet with him and his agent to make them correct the false scandal involving the curator working with him and her false involvement in a scandal with SA. He also wanted to cooperate with Ryan re his collections exhibit. SA seemed to be looking for someone he could trust. The conversation between the two when SA ordered chicken and brought it to Ryan's apartment and made Ryan charge it to his card was cheeky but shows how he considered Ryan as someone he could trust. He told Ryan that he did not want to order with his name and charge it to his card because his agency will know about it, will make him exercise to lose weight as if he was not skinny already and then demand that he make music. That is one of the reasons why he wants to be his own agent so he can concentrate on his music creativity. He also made a deal with Ryan without his agency knowing that he would lend his collections for the exhibit but he will be incognito as the collector. He trusts Ryan and in return Ryan treats him not as a celebrity but as a buddy and a neighbor would. My fear is, someone with evil intentions to harm Ryan and DM will intentionally leak that the identity of the incognito celebrity collector to the public. I hope that would not happen because both SA and Ryan need to trust the other if they were to work cooperatively to find the Lee Sol paintings and the painter. Besides SA seems to be a shipper of hyung Ryan and DM love affair. 





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  12. I love everything about this drama aside from the sizzling chemistry between the leads and the quiet intensity of passionate romance developing between them, the drama is tackling social issues and bringing them to light with the leads spearheading the effort with Ryan's take art to the public and every artists from all cultures and social classes given the chance to show their art. Here the drama touches on the issue of homosexuality on different occasions. DM with her sensitive and keen interpretation of the artists photograph swayed and inspired the writer to care about show casing his dead friend's photography artwork. Ryan also saying that through the photographs, the person whom the artist was photographing with so much care already is aware of how the person being photographed feels that the writer who regretted not being able to tell the photographer how he felt did not have to say it. The writer then gave Ryan permission to exhibit his friends photographs.  That is what makes me fall in love with Ryan Gold aside from his oozing sexiness and perfect cheekbones. I also think that one of Ryan's reasons for the project is to flush out Lee Sol the painter. The drama is also bringing to light the issues connected with idol worship and DM with her sensitive, perceptive mind,  kind and tender heart,  with her merry and musical laughter will realize and will show the difference between being a fan and a celebrity worshiper. "yes, ain't nothing like the real thing baby". But the diary "Si An is my way/road or path" is actually true because Si An was the path that led DM to the real thing "Ryan" baby.

    So Ryan already has suspicions that DM is SNG the fangirl, but Ryan will also realize how DM feels about him when he will later see the photographs taken of him by DM. One of the reasons I think why Ryan kept the diary of the fangirl was the care and effort SNG/DM had put into the diary. The diary also is a work of art as DM had some drawings and photographs with matching poetry which showed her potential talent as an artist. I think Ryan would have thrown away that diary if it was just about dumb idol jabber. 


    The first part of ep 5 was so funny with Ryan wanting to practice judo and teach EG social acceptance and tolerance which got EG so confused about what Ryan was talking about. And Ryan's face when he asked SG, "so, you're just friends?" hahaha 


    But the 2nd part was done with so much delicacy and tender subtlety with the interactions of the main leads between themselves and with the artist. I just loved that part of the episode. Especially the bathroom scene where there were no words exchanged it was so quiet but only for the  sound of dripping water from the faucet, yet their was so much controlled tension between them as Ryan took his time untangling the button from her hair and later lightly brushed her untangled hair with his hands. And twice you see him visibly swallow. The physiological tendency when in a tense situation is to take deep breaths but Ryan controlled himself and swallowed instead because he did not want to disturb the ambience. And Ryan who has had some trust issues from his childhood and possibly affected his desire to paint again, instinctively trusts DM in his sleep.  This very private person, crawled over to DM's sleeping space and fell peacefully asleep. Aside from Ryan and DM fast becoming friends, I think that there is something in DM that intuitively makes Ryan trust and like DM and that maybe a past childhood connection. 


    I am thinking that they will help each other later, with Ryan encouraging and guiding DM with her photography and DM helping Ryan recover his desire and will to paint again.

    • Like 14
  13. 6 hours ago, Eeveeta said:

    @Eeveetathank you for posting the thread. Everytime I re-watch the wall scene I see something new. As Ryan pulled DM's waste into full body contact he backed them into the wall his hands at first reached out as he leaned DM unto the wall and protected her head but then I noticed something that was not shown in the episode,  Ryan turned his hand so that his palm was cradling her neck  and waaaaahhh his fingers were caressing her nape through her collar down to the upper midback while his forehead was touching hers and as he moved his head his nose touched her cheek and forehead. For a guy who was pretending and thinking that DM had a "girlfriend", Ryan was working it. I had to watch it again.. I can't wait when they get real for the kiss scene. 

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  14. OK guys, having a little breather here from the pulse raising sexy GIFs sooo.... I just thought of a fitting pair for the 2nd lead Eun Ki and with no further ado presenting = Curator Yoo Kyung the cute and perky co-worker of DM. Don't think she is attached and she is a loyal supporter and friend of DM and will probably support her relationship with the boss. She will be able to sass Eun KI when he tries to get in the way of the RG/DM and get him to pay attention to her instead. Just a thought. 

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  15. On 4/20/2019 at 10:10 AM, haelan said:

    Ahhhh maybe I'm looking at this too deeply, but I have a feeling that Deok Mi and Ryan knew each other in the past. I wouldn't be surprised for a reveal later on, whether it be that Deok Mi had a friend she knew but lost touch with in, or they were childhood friends, or they just knew of each other since they happened to be there at the same time. It's rare to have someone that you've known for only a short time but have an instant connection with where you can be open and vulnerable. We're really hitting all the cliches now aren't we :D (not that I'm complaining)!


    @haelan I actually think you are on to something.... maybe they were just there at the same time or knew of each other or even played with each other. We also know that EG from babyhood was taken cared of by DM's mom. It could also be that one of the boys is EG. It seems that the women from 30 something years ago had few choices and were not given much help or consideration regarding their choices as much as the men. DM's mom married to a mama's boy who did nothing but collect rocks yet DM's mom had no choice but stay with the man. Divorce was not very acceptable then I surmise. EG's mom is a single mother and single motherhood from what I have read in drama commentaries, was seen unfavorably and worse from 30 years ago. EG's mom and Dm's mom were lucky to find each other and  become friends and each other's support. We don't know the history of Ryan's mom yet, what happened to her husband or other source of support like extended family. She also may not have had a choice but put her son for adoption and if she had 2 sons she may have chosen to give up the older child thinking that the older son would adapt better to his new parents. In Ryan's case he did not end too bad although the mother's leaving him at a door of some building was traumatic for the child and that mindset stayed with Ryan. That is why for people who don't know Ryan personally, he is seen as unapproachable. But when Ryan meets his mother and learns about the circumstances his mom was in, from 30 something years ago, he might come to understand and forgive his mother and might even be thankful that his life turned out well, in fact because of his adoption he became whom he is at the moment. Ryan's character is presented so far as openminded and generous. 


    I also think that his first project as soon as he landed his first job in Korea, to fervently launch a campaign to showcase works of skilled artists and get the interests of the public by showing collections of celebrities and use the profits to promote artists from all social classes and cultures, had a connection to his beginnings and to his mother. I bet his mother was a poor artist trying to survive selling her art or it could have been his dad. He wanted to support and give talented artists from all social backgrounds without descrimination, the chance to present their art. Maybe  in the US, he worked his butt off to help support himself through art school. And the reason why Si An was selected to display his collection is because Si An owns a painting of Lee Sol. However, it seems Ryan did not think the Lee Sol paintaing was really that good. That convo with DM after the bidding when DM tried to ask for the Lee Sol painting, Ryan said "have you known hands that are shaking a lot due to alcoholism, I bought a painting with a lousy brushwork for that price, you only cared for the reputation". With that statement I am wondering how familiar is Ryan with Lee Sol, does he know the artist? Is Lee Sol the dad or the mom? 


    Now, am thinking too deeply into this lol

    • Like 9
  16. 8 hours ago, larus said:

    tvN’s “Her Private Life” has shared a new making video!

    The romantic comedy tells the story of Sung Duk Mi (played by Park Min Young), a professional curator at an art gallery, and her prickly boss Ryan Gold (played by Kim Jae Wook).

    The video first follows Park Min Young and Kim Jae Wook on their date to the amusement park. They immerse into their characters and film the scene where they take pictures with a lion statue. Park Min Young commands Kim Jae Wook to smile instead of frown, and Kim Jae Wook smiles awkwardly as he poses with a “V” sign. Then he takes photos for her and dryly comments, “You look pretty. Yes, you’re pretty.”

    Then, the two lead actors share cotton candy together and can’t stop fooling around with the sweet pink treat. Park Min Young scolds Kim Jae Wook for eating the cotton candy directly with his mouth, and he suggests they split it in half. Despite their quarreling, they enjoy the cotton candy even during their break.

    When they go on the merry-go-round, Park Min Young starts making up lines that weren’t in the script. She takes pictures of Kim Jae Wook and asks, “Can’t you ride [the horse] more coolly? Haven’t you watched historical dramas before? Do you not watch them in America?” Once cameras stop rolling, Kim Jae Wook praises her for her clever comments.

    more https://www.soompi.com/article/1318933wpp/watch-park-min-young-and-kim-jae-wook-make-hearts-flutters-in-her-private-life-making-video

    @larusThank you for sharing, I must say even the BTS are hot and show sizzle chemistry. I love how KJW takes care of PMY putting the coat on her. Even though I said the priming of DM by RG at the wall before the kiss scenes were hotter than the kiss itself, the holding of DM's waste and pulling her for a whole body contact, putting his hand on the wall to protect her head, nuzzling of her forehead with his nose, after watching the private life making video and their chemistry on and off cameras, now I can't wait to see both the priming and the kiss scene. Guess have to have my fan ready

    ohhhh la la la :blush:

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  17. I love that despite the misunderstandings Ryan and Deok Mi are becoming friends as they start to get to know each other. Inspite of Ryan thinking that DM and Sun Joo are having an affair, and that he totally misunderstands their friendship, he suggests a solution for the problem of DM's supposed relationship to SA created by Si An's agency. He wanted to help DM not just for her sake but for his museum project that has been already announced through the press and for Si An's sake. However, their fake prepping before the kiss at the wall was hotter than if they had kissed. Even Sun Joo was getting exited. Their conversation though was funny since Ryan misunderstood when he asked if DM's  friend does not mind being the fake paparazzo and DM says SJ is ok with it, and SJ likes everything she does but she does not want her to get married then Ryan asks how she can tolerate it and DM says because SJ has money and Ryan pushes her away disgusted and leaves. He then goes into the bathroom and talks to his mirror image saying that he really does not care about what goes on with DM's love affair. But since he is bothered, makes me think that he is beginning to care much more than a boss concerned for his underling.  


    They started misjudging the other at the start but they are beginning to warm up as they get to know each other. In the park, I love how DM instinctively gets Ryan or how she intuitively understands Ryan's feelings and tries to calm or allay those feelings. When they were walking at the park, Ryan comments that there are many children in the park, then asks if DM had spent time playing at the amusement park. She said she did and every child in Seoul had probably had come to the park. Even though she knows little of his history, that he was adopted and gone abroad, DM understood his childhood longing that prompted his observation about children playing and his question if DM ever spent time at the park. DM looked at Ryan's wistful look and suggests for them to go to the rides. Even when he complained in the beginning, he still went along and by the end of rides he started laughing and responding. I love her candidness and trust in Ryan when she opened up about her goal to be a painter but could not when she broke her arm. She went to art school and got a career as a curator but what she really wanted to do was paint. Then she gave Ryan her drawing of him as the lion saying it might not be up to his high standard but it was her gift to him anyway. Well he looked at it for more than 3 minutes in fact he was looking at it when he got home to his apartment. I think that drawing will be displayed at his desk or his home. 


    When they found the lost boy and Ryan held the little boy's hand while walking him to find his father, DM silently observed Ryan holding the boys hand. While they were walking at the park, DM told Ryan that he did not mind holding hands with the boy. I love that Ryan was so open about telling DM that it was not the holding hands that he did not like, but it was the letting go of the hand. That revealed a lot about himself and that he told DM says a lot about his trust in DM. I love DM's reply more when she said that her hand was always available if Ryan ever needed a hand to hold. I can't wait for Ryan to know the relationship of the girls that they are friends and not lovers because then he will let his feelings for DM fly. 


    As for DM's fangirling, I hope that DM gets to know SA through the project with Ryan. She will realize that SA is human who is just like any other, has problems, has inadequacies and needs support from fans and not idolization. When she realizes that, I am hoping that she will be one who will speak out against idol worshipping and spell the difference between idolization and being a fan. For example the fan of RG who asked for his autograph and asked when RG will work again as an artist because she admires his work. That is being a fan. Admiring a writer or an actor for their work and wishing them well in their projects, Admiring someone for their excellence is being a fan. Idol worship is fantasizing about the idol, delving into the private lives and stalking them and their friends or girlfriends and stoning their love interest. Hopefully DM will take down that cardboard image of SA without feeling guilt and encourage SA for his good work as a fan. 


    I might get a lot of flak for this but am posting a part of an article about Idol or Celebrity Worship Syndrome. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3960781/


    Celebrity worship—is it more than just being a casual fan? To explore this question, a number of scales have been developed to assess celebrity adulation. The most prevalent scale of this type in the literature is the Celebrity Attitudes Scale. Using these types of scales, investigators findings reveal that individuals with high scores on celebrity-worship scales tend to display a number of psychosocial characteristics. For example, these individuals may harbor concerns about body image (particularly young adolescents), be more prone to cosmetic surgery, and have a personality style characterized by sensation-seeking, cognitive rigidity, identity diffusion, and poor interpersonal boundaries. Likewise, celebrity worshippers may exhibit narcissistic features, dissociation, addictive tendencies, stalking behavior, and compulsive buying. Studies also indicate that individuals with high levels of celebrity worship are more likely to have poorer mental health as well as clinical symptoms of depression, anxiety, and social dysfunction. Of note, no study to date has examined celebrity worshippers for bona fide Axis I and II psychiatric disorders. However, given that celebrity worship exists along a continuum, it appears that being on the high end of this continuum is likely to be associated with a number of potential psychological maladies.


    Examples of these psychological maladies have been shown in the drama already. The stalking, fans thinking that their "idol" owes them undying love, the stoning of DM at the wall, the girl who almost caused an accident because she was depressed and angry that her "idol" has a love interest and even DM saying that SA should make them feel that he loves only them... that is madness. They really need to stop using the word idol...

    • Like 7
  18. 3 hours ago, rocat said:

    I am not sure if my expectations are set too high for this after her Secretary Kim role - I can’t help but feel that the first 2 eps are a little superficial, particularly on the subject of art. (Don’t kill me)


    I can clearly see fangirling traits in Deok Mi but not much of those of a head curator other than diligence; the duality isn’t too distinct. So, hmmm...


    Ryan is a sick (pun intended) artist and is troubled by his inability/reluctance to paint again. He has travelled to Korea to see what seems to be the painting that took away his ability. I assume it evokes some sad memory. Also, why is he allergic to my favorite beverage? 


    Of all the characters, I like Director Eom best cos I can’t stand her. Lolz. She is the epitome of the powerful rich doing without thinking. She’s quite funny though.



    I do think the eccentric, moody artist personality fits RG though.

    And I agree that Deok Mi's useful attribute as a curator is her deligence but she seems to be a skilled negotiator and problem solver too and she knows the business culture in SK. However, she also seems to be swayed by her emotions and makes poor judgement that could affect her business decisions. As in her giving or spiking a customer's (RG) drink with coffee when he specifically asked for no coffee in his drink because she was angry that he fired her despite RG admitting his mistake and apologizing. She did it for revenge and almost killed him. 

    I love/hate Director Eom too. She is funny and shallow. She thinks that she can ax Ryan when her husband's problems are taken cared of by the lawyers. A confrontation between the two will be funny since Ryan is the type who freely states his opinions.

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  19. 4 hours ago, youngatheart said:

    I agree with your assessment of RG’s character, he is sensitive and conscientious. He fired DM because he felt that she broke confidence because he wasn’t just going to fire the artist they have been using, but was going to discuss another opportunity even if he’s going to let him go out of exhibitions. His aloof appearance and ignoring questions from a strange fan is because he couldn’t tell the world of his personal problems

    True and DM's first experiences with RG colors her impressions and so does he. He wants to be more innovative by doing something different and using the celebrities collections to get the attention of the general public to the exceptional works of various skilled artists and use the profits to promote artists of different cultures and social classes. Those are worthy causes and I would have thought that DM would have supported that wholeheartedly because Ryan's goals were inclusive, (different cultures and social classes), that the appreciation of beauty and art are not only for the exclusive elite. He is bucking the system .... he said a couple of times... "will Korea and I get along" .... hmmmmmm interesting.

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  20. I love the character of Ryan Gold. He is different from the other usual romance leads who tend to be imperious, vain and spoiled chaebols. From the little history provided, Ryan seems to have immigrated to the US very young and was supported by an adoptive mother but he also may have been self sufficient and self supporting. (at least I hope he was). He is a self made man, talented, famed and a critically acclaimed artist. However, he stopped working as an artist 3 years before and became an art director instead whose critique and perspective of artists' work are respected and anticipated with bated breath by the art world. While he was leaving one such event, a girl approached him for his autograph and after he signed, the girl asked him if he will work again as an artist as she would want to see more of his work. Ryan silently gave back the book he signed and walked away without a word. He seemed to have ignored the girl staring at his back but what she did not know is Ryan had no answer and that her innocent question pained Ryan deeply. Ryan's first appearance show him as an aloof, unapproachable and arrogant man. However, his visit to his psychiatrist shows a different side of him. He is sensitive, intensely passionate about his artistry, and expects mastery from himself, yet it is that passion and sensitivity that choked his creativity. His psychiatrist told him that since the time Ryan layed eyes on the Lee Sol painting, it affected Ryan profoundly that he stopped being an artist. It is also that painting that brings him back to Korea when his doctor advised him to look for the painting and the painter which is now owned by a member of K Pop group Si An in Korea and see the connection of the painting to his inability to paint.  


    Another thing that I love about Ryan is his liberal stance, open mindedness and compassion. Deok Mi a crazed avid fan of Si An and her girlfriend Sun Joo decided to go the hotel in the suite where Si An had been, and do some "fan girling", whatever that means. When they arrived at the hotel, they were told that Ryan who was just walking away from the concierge, already checked in to that suite. Sun Joo ran after Ryan and pleaded that she needed that room because she was in a "pilgrimage and the person she liked stayed in that room but they had a relationship where they could not really meet that easily". (Eye roll)... Ryan walked away ignoring her. However, while he was in his suite, Sun Joo's pleading, nipped at his conscience and lead Ryan to look for and find the girlfriends at the bar holding hands and speaking very closely. When Sun Joo went to the bathroom, Ryan called her attention and agreed to switch rooms so the girls can have the suite he was in. It was not his fault that he misunderstood, but his empathy for Sun Joo's plight, reveals Ryan's tender heart contrasting his snobbish facade. 


    And lastly, I like Ryan's honesty and humility. He was recruited by the former director and owner of the art gallery where Deok MI worked to become the Art Director of the art Museum/gallery. He is somewhat a perfectionist who expects flawless performance of his work from himself. Because of who he is, he can be intolerant of mistakes. He fires Deok Mi for making an error in judgment. However, when Deok Mi's coworker explained to Ryan that she was the one who made a mistake and Deok Mi is really conscientious and efficient in doing her work, that she is needed in the gallery, Ryan unhesitatingly went to see Deok Mi to apologize. He admitted he was wrong, that he was sorry and offered DM her job back. Ryan is a sweetheart. He is perfect in his imperfections. 


    As for DM.... SMH...she needs a reality check as in a relationship with real people and not with a cardboard copy of a man with taped up neck...who in reality won't probably give a hoot about her. 

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  21. 18 hours ago, Adwina Oltariani said:

    I just realized Ryan said "Do you want it?" To Duk Mi repeatedly in the previews.. And next, we'll see him saying "I want to have you" in later eps??? Omgomgomg I hate cheesy things, but damn this makes me swooned already

    Actually if said by KJW as Ryan I think it is not cheesy but damn ohhh la lah sexy,,,, pardon me 

  22. 1 hour ago, bebebisous33 said:

    I have the impression that Na Yi Je is not alone in his fight. To me, it looks like Lee Jae In could have been working with NYJ all this time, while on the surface she supports her mother. Notice that LJI has never been included in the will of her father and Mo Yi Ra is just determined that her son LJH inherits the hospital. LJI is totally overlooked by her parents. She is just treated like a tool for their own interest. Besides, LJI is different from her brothers LJH and LJJ. I can imagine that LJI must have felt remorse for NYJ's fate. Notice that she has become a real lawyer... therefore I suspect that she might play a bigger part in the future.

    Yeah, I got that impression too and I am thinking that the psychiatrist may even become an ally to Na Yi Je. 

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