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Posts posted by zenya22

  1. 3 hours ago, fauna said:

    Definitely steamy. I also love the way he sounded breathless when asking her if her gf likes to see her have skinship with someone else, as if her nearness was affecting him. When DM flashes back to that scene later, he is actually nuzzling her face with his nose! He really went above and beyond.

    IKR, the BTS of that scene is probably one of the most explored and discussed from every different angle including his fingers trailing her neck down to her collarbone as he was nuzzling her nose. Also showed DM did actually touch his lips. Awwwwww


    Now re watching episode 5 and many things to love about this episode and I know, it is a repetion but I just want to reiterate my love for this episode by writing about it again. I like that Ryan went above and beyond to challenge EG to a judo contest to teach him about tolerance and acceptance of those minorities who are descriminated against especially in a conservative society of Korea and EG had no idea what he was talking about until SJ arrived and recognized him as the one who gave up his hotel room to SJ and DM. The following conversations between the 3 of them made him realize that he made the wrong conclusion and that  was funny too.


    The scenes at the writer's cabin are still my most favorite. First was the bathroom scene. The sexual tension punctuated by the silence except for the drip of water from the faucet as Ryan untangled her hair then smoothed it with his hand. His gulp at the end as if he was holding on to his self control. It is like when one is on a diet or fasting and sees one's favorite cake but can't eat it and the only thing one can do is swallow or gulp. That's my interpretation of the gulp. Then the anyeong scene. When she explained her interpretation of the photograph of the artist as different from the interpretations of the other critics showed how talented she was as a curator and got Ryan to truly see her as a beautiful, intelligent and sensitive woman. It utterly capitivated him that he concentrated his whole attention on her not wanting to interrupt as she finished her analysis. When she was done and looked at him, he only said one word "anyeong". It was as if he he really knew her for the first time. Before they went to sleep, DM thanked him for protecting her against the scandal and told him she knew he also was protecting her because he thought she was gay. Even though it was untrue and he made the wrong conclusions, she was grateful for his openmindedness and thoughtulness. Unknown to them, the writer was also listening to that conversation and it moved him to let them see the photographer's work and gave them permission to be exhibited. DM telling the writer that the photographs were his friend's love letters to the writer and Ryan assuring him that the photographer already knew what the writer felt even if the writer had never been honest about his own feelings reassured the writer, that his friend knew that he was also loved. The scenes the next morning when Ryan looked up at her while she was taking pictures of him and lingered there smiling contentedly, made me smile as well. On the way home, Ryan agreed to continue the fake dating because he did not want to end it at "hello". In the cabin when he woke up sleeping beside her he may have realized that there was something that attracted him and and maybe wanted to explore that fascination as not simply admiration for DM's talent, keenness and kindness but more. 


    One other thing I like about this episode was how the drama handled the subject of homesexuality and descrimination with sensitivity, acceptance and grace. How DM and Ryan reassured the writer and accepted him as he was unconditionally. That is one of the many things that propelled this drama to the top. My only regret is how the drama never let Ryan see the photos that DM took of him just like they showed the painting he made of her. She expressed everything she felt in those photos. 


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  2. I am just doing another re-watch and am up to episode 4. Their first fake date pictorial on the wall always takes my breath away. Yes and I rewatch the BTS of that too. At the same time that scene especially the ending made me laugh loudly especially when he asked why she puts up with the girlfriend and DM answers it is because gf is rich. Yet even while pretending, they were so naturally steamy and Ryan's misunderstanding of the relationship of the girlfriends was hilarious. And I laughed some more when SJ showed what she researched a dating couple should be doing.... I love SJ too. She is best best friend 


    And Gun Woo so cute with Mr soy sauce as he tumbled himself to the mat. The date at the amusement park ending with the holding hands. DM really was sensitive to Ryan's moods even then. Going back to another fave episode to watch..; anyeong...

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  3. 6 hours ago, fauna said:

    Yes, his abandonment issues and inability to draw are his weak points that he carefully tries to keep concealed from others. Suddenly finding her in that room must have been a huge shock, and a major source of hurt. Most people’s first instinct when hurt is to strike back against the person wounding them, with the regret coming later, after the head has cooled down.


    He does have his human moments though, like the way he fired her and just yanked the employee ID necklace off her neck after that artist sued him. Or how he ignored Shi An and shut the door in his face after he found out they were brothers. He was also upset and humiliated after first finding out Deok Mi was straight, refusing to play along as the fake bf in front of others for a bit. He’s also quite competitive, getting revenge and showing no mercy to his gf in Hwatu (with real hits, no kisses on the arm), and likes to tease her mercilessly at times (exaggerated story of how they met, sending her to the post office at the same time Shi An is visiting, taking off the blindfold, etc.).


    He’s mischievous, and not a person who takes losing gracefully. He likes to win. Also, he can be short tempered, but I like how he makes up for it right away by realizing it and apologizing. He’s someone who learns from his mistakes. I just love his character. :heart:


    Agree with the above. Ryan Gold is very much human, even if he is perfect and sexy specimen of a human being. Deokmi as an artist also had some inkling about what she saw (something that she and the world was not supposed to know). What she saw in there despite being in awe of the beauty of the art she saw in the apartment. In that room were Ryan's studio and she saw the 2 paintings of Lee Sol which Ryan had said he obtained for a client. She knew that Si An had asked to meet the client. But when she saw the painting in his Ryan's studio and she also saw the empty canvas with the falling blue line as if someone attempted to draw or paint on the canvas and then gave up. Instinctively, she knew that she stepped into a very private place that she should not have been in. Maybe if she had not been caught inside that studio, Ryan's anger would not have been that explosive. Also, after the apology while they were at DM's parents' house and in her room, Ryan had asked how she felt being unable to paint. Those may have given a very perceptive DM a clue to what led to Ryan's explosive anger. She also knows the reason they were fake dating was because Ryan was helping her diffuse the "scandal". Forgiveness was already in the cards and no reason to hold on to anger. 


    He is competitive and likes to win. He challenged EG the judo silver medalist to a judo match just to prove a point and it was funny because EG had no clue what Ryan was talking about that the competition was to teach EG social justice and tolerance and his chagrin at himself when he realized he had made wrong assumptions. 

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  4. 42 minutes ago, lighthearted said:

    So I choose to believe in "emotional and physical stimuli."   :joy: . I saw his red ears in the scene he cried after telling Lee Sol he was HYJ and he was totally in his character's emotion. He was very touched and also make audience to be moved to tear.

    So, yes, I guess "Emotion" is the key to solve the "red skin" problem. Your answer is just perfect for my delulu mind :wub:

    True, now that I think about it, has nothing to do with shyness because he knows he is just too sexy and irrisistible when he said "do you want me" and no blushing there. So yeah it has to be the emotion and the physical nearness hehehe :blush:

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  5. 10 hours ago, lighthearted said:

    So can some expert tell us why he was red each time he had skinship with PMY? Shy or what? 

    @lighthearted I looked up blushing and I got this excerpt from an article written about blushing. It is not something that we can control. KJW is a superb actor and very believable in his character portrayal but he can't control his autonomic nervous system like everyone else. But it is cute since it gives a clue of what is really going on with him??  poor baby.... he is shy or excited or both? 


    "Physical Causes of Blushing

    According to Britain's National Health Service, blushing is caused by muscles in the blood vessels in the face that are controlled by the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system is not something that people consciously control. When the autonomic nervous system is overtaxed, it causes a slight swelling in these muscles and a slight reddening of the skin. There are many possible triggers for the autonomic nervous system, including emotional and physical stimuli. Some diseases, such as rosacea, can cause the long-term appearance of blushing. There is even a condition called erythrophobia, or the fear of blushing, which causes some individuals to blush even more in situations where they might blush.

    Triggers for Blushing

    In addition to medical conditions and physical attraction, blushing can be triggered by a variety of strong emotions including guilt, anger or embarrassment. It can also be caused by excitement of a non-sexual in nature. Beyond emotional triggers, heat, rapid changes in temperature, exercise and exertion can cause blushing. Certain foods can also trigger blushing. The list includes spicy foods, alcohol, hot drinks and anything that contains monosodium glutamate, or MSG, a common flavor enhancer in food."

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  6. 13 hours ago, niharika111 said:

    A very honest and apt review of HPL. :)

    @niharika111 Thank you so much. A very comprehensive and beautifully written review. I was trying to underline what I liked best but after reading the whole I loved everything she said including the stuff that the writer did not like which was intended to be funny but not so funny and the easy forgiveness of the vicious behavior of the fans. 


    But her description of KJW is one of my fave:

    "Kim Jae Wook is pitch perfect as Ryan Gold, who is a strong contender for possibly the most perfect boyfriend that Dramaland has ever served up.

    The deeper we get into our story, the more Kim Jae Wook’s personal charm comes into play, and his brand of tender smolder is so sensuous, and the way he handles all the skinship is just so deft yet gentle, that it’s really quite mesmerizing to behold." 

    me faints...:lol:

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  7. 19 hours ago, sillygal said:

    While Antique is great for any kinds of mood. I have to stop myself from watching it too many times. Since 2009 until now I have watched it 7 times, it doesn't include the one I only watched for particular scene.

    Was this the "demonic charm" scene? I watched that scene many times and it always makes me laugh hysterically. 

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  8. 21 hours ago, JJChastity said:

    For me, it's not easy to like an actor as much as I love the character because after the drama ends and I begin searching I realize it's not the actor that I like but the character he plays. Unless the actor have this charm as a person in real life that could beat the character he's playing in the dramaland. And I see that in Kim Jae Wook. So I don't see him as Ryan Gold after the drama ends.

    I don't know if these whole things I said is silly or am I ridiculous to having said this. But that's how I feel.

    I don't think it is silly and many people feel that way about KJW. He is good as an actor and from his interviews and from the way he carries himself in person, one can not help but like him. 

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  9. 2 hours ago, Jt922 said:

    My random rants:

    Thank you for sharing these links! I enjoyed reading the interviews even if it was almost 10 years ago. Is it strange if I can picture him in my head, hear his voice, and even imagine his posture and facial expressions? Lol


    If in 2010, all he does is sleep for a month after a drama, I wonder how long it’ll take for him to choose another project. (~~~Heartbroken and dying on the inside.... but please get all the rest you need JaeWookie)


    Yes, he’s freaking gorgeous but his no-judgement and carefree persona is so attractive! I love that he has a strong sense of self, who isn’t swayed by others and simply wants to do things that’ll make him happy. Thank you for being you, for your honesty and uniqueness! I just wish the best for him ❤️❤️

    Well, I recommend to see Antique...the movie is all about the characters who get together and work together and their stories but KJW takes the cake. Even the low rated dramas such as Who Are You. Then there is Voice and The Guest he again steals the show even if he was the 2nd lead. Enjoy KJW's work and come back to tell us your take 

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  10. 17 hours ago, Aziraphale said:

    Given that we're here in this thread because of this drama about fandom and fangirling, I find the resultant shipping a bit ironical.

    16 hours ago, luvcrabbieshinhwa said:

    Shipping is inevitable in dramas...and fangirling in general... Can't help it when the pair has such a sizzling chemistry... XD

    But there's always boundary...


    True, there is a boundary. Because what we all ship after all are the characters especially since the actors created through their performance such chemistry. But as ABH said, both actors, PMY/KJW are professionals that they also tried to create chemistry with the other characters such as PMY telling ABH that the characters of EG and DM knew each other since they were babies therefore they should drop the formalities even when the cameras are not rolling to get used to the characters' relationship and act accordinly when the cameras roll.  ABH said also that he learned a lot from KJW as they discussed the scenes before the take. So, we are really shipping  the characters in the drama and admiring the professional abilities (acting) of the actors. PMY is in LA for a reason to have a fun vacation and a much needed rest. It has been hard work and she deserves it. She said she will be back. Maybe she will give an interview then whatever she chooses to do it does not matter because we fangirl her for her acting and professionalism and for KJW for himself.... whew.... but his/her private life is his/her private life

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  11. This is a snippet of the first episode in the drama "Who Are You?" which features KJW as the police officer who dies in the first episode killed by someone he knows and witnessed by his gf who is also a police officer. This scene though short is the first and only time I watched KJW in an action drama. Too bad he dies and comes back as a ghost in the 4th episode. But this part of the drama shows how good he is and can be in an action drama too. Watch... and see what I mean.....I would like to see him in one like a thriller heist alla "Cold Eyes" (where my other bias Jung Woo Sung starred in) or "Ocean Eleven" made into a drama and he the lead. I love heist thrillers...don't mind me, just fantasizing 



    He also wears a uniform in one of the episodes... he looks so good in uniform too but then he looks good in anything....



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  12. Kim Jae Wook Is A Sharp And Handsome Gallery Director In âHer Private Lifeâ

    Kim Jae Wook Is A Sharp And Handsome Gallery Director In “Her Private Life”





    Guys remember this way back when?

    Looks at a painting for one second BAAAAAD, two seconds, ehhh bad but not so bad, 3 seconds okay, 5 seconds good 

    Smiles.... the devil's smile .... forgetdaboutit.... very, very bad, deserves to be stepped on the floor not on the gallery wall....

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  13. On 6/4/2019 at 9:37 AM, liltash85 said:

    I am hooked with KJW too. Now, I am watching his drama Who Are You where he played a ghost. 

    OMG his eye acting is impressive. He has so less lines but he channeled all his emotions through his eyes. 

    Chincha daebak....

    Yeah, I watched that drama too. He was the 2nd lead and started appearing in episode 4 and did not speak as he was a ghost so he expressed himself with his eyes. The way he looked at her he used his eyes to communicate with her .... yes daebak


    There is also a big difference on how he romanced the lead girl as was expressed in the girlfriends memories. The kisses and hugs and flirting with the lead girl were so sensual and gentle it makes one cry because it was her memories of their past


    while the lead guy's one kiss was forced where she was grabbed by the wrist turned around and kissed, which is standard in many dramas.

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  14. On 6/1/2019 at 10:33 AM, Kristin Lee said:

    I wouldn't call him "macho" either but he has so many topless photos. As far as I can tell, he hates shirts. Ju Ji Hoon used to live with him and said that he walked around in his underwear all the time and did not care who was there. 

    And he is the only one who can swag in a shirtless suit a black suit at that

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    2 hours ago, luvcrabbieshinhwa said:

    For Hedwig, KJW took the role at the same time with Kim Dongwan (as suggested by my username, I'm a Shinhwa fan)...I remember during that time, KDW also said that Hedwig was particularly difficult role to play so he did a lot of research on how to play the role properly.

    I found this interview in KJW's soompi page and maybe this has been posted already but in this interview he played both Hedwig and Tommy, Hedwig's lover. A very thought provoking interview. To play both characters .... whew !! He said he loved singing and doing Tommy's part... his interpretation of Tommy is quite interesting


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  16. On 6/5/2019 at 8:15 PM, JJChastity said:

    Yeah, we have to be patient. I hope someone will sub it someday. Japanese movie like Butterfly Sleep is more likely to have subs since Jae Wook's fanbase in Japan is strong.

    Yes, Butterfly Sleep is subtitled already. When he cried at the end, I cried too but I was like why did you wait that long to visit her 

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  17. 1 hour ago, JJChastity said:

    Have you guys watch Kim Jae Wook's movie Another Way (2017)?

    You can check it out here.

    I found it the other day.


    It's a sad movie but Butterfly Sleep (2019) is sadder. I have a weakness for a sad love story.

    i have seen Butterfly Sleep but been trying to find where to Watch Another way with subtitles but no luck. Thank you though for this. 

  18. We all love Ryan the Rom Com perfect lead guy .... he is the woke hero of romance

    but I want to give credit to the unsung hero the silent friend/brother the 2nd lead who later gave up the idea of romancing Deokmi to remain the best of friends and brother= Eun Gi. 


    Long ago when they were 6 or 7 years old, Deokmi had a younger brother Deoksu and Eungi the adopted child who is of the same age as Deokmi. The family picked up a little boy Heo Yeon Jae who was waiting for his mother at the playground but mom never arrived and the Sung family took Yeon Jae in. DM and Deoksu were being driven to the kindergarten when car accident occurred involving the car they were in and Deoksu died but DM lived. Deokmi and the whole family were traumatized especially Deok Mi whose mind chose to forget about the incidents. Devastated with the loss and also financially strapped DM's mom decided to leave Yeon Jae at the orphanage. After a month DM's mom went to back to take Yeon Jae but he was already adopted by American parents and brought to the US where his name was changed to Ryan Gold. Deokmi's mind protected herself by forgetting about the loss of Deoksu and Yeonjae but Eungi remembered. Eun Gi must have had a very hard time too. A 7 year old learning about death the loss of a younger brother and another young kid who lived temporarily with them who suddenly disappeared. On top of that Eun Gi was asked to keep  the death of Deoksu and loss of Yeon Jae a secret from the traumatized Deokmi because she had forgotten and Eungi took that responsibility seriously. It must have been hard for Eun Gi to understand that he can't share his pain and loss with the sister and he must have asked the adults. I have no idea what the adults told him including his mom but he must have understood that it was to protect DM so he kept the secret to himself all this time. We also learned later from their talks that EG once ran away from home because he did not want to go to school and gave up on being an athlete and told DM he was not family anyway. It was DM who looked for him and brought him back home and beat him for saying he was not family but he may have really felt that way at times.


    Fast forward to the confrontation with Ryan when he said that there are things he as the closest friend of DM only knows about, he was not talking of only knowing DM's fangirling but something more personal and that he thinks could be more devastating or hurtful to DM and her love relationship if she suddenly remembers what she had forgotten. So, yes EG's behavior was not so likable and territorial but now we know why. He has held this secret to himself since he was 7 years old because he did not want to hurt his friend/sister. He said that he just realized how he felt about DM when DM started being attracted to another man. I now wonder if he mistook his concern for DM as liking her as a woman. Maybe his feelings were real but whatever unlikable behavior he did at the time trying to undermine DM's feelings for Ryan, he more than made up for it later. It was him who realized who Ryan was when he heard his Korean name is Heo Yeon Jae. He got his bio mom for support when they both told DM's parents who Ryan was. He was the one who talked and confirmed to Ryan who he was. When DM's parents finally talked to DM about Ryan and DM was upset he was the one who followed DM silently to her house and waited at the steps until the dad arrived to talk to DM and revealed and clarified evrything of what she had forgotten. DM and her mom reconciled and later she and EG had a long talk at the swing and put their relationship to where it had always been as best friends and  step siblings. I think that when he moved into DM's room when DM moved out he was trying to fulfill the obligation of the eldest son to remain in the house and take care of both bio and adoptive parents as they grow older. However, at a later talk with his mom, EG said that he was going to take out his savingsand live with mom, probably buy a place of his own? Hyeon Jae is now the elder son in law who will take the responsibility of taking care of the parents and EG concentrates of taking care of his mom. There are times when silver is more useful than gold. Here is to EG. Cheers and much of luck with Cindy.


    Credits to the other characters:

    As for Director EOM chaebol re: EG and Cindy, I won't be too worried about her. First of all, Cindy's second parents is also EG's adoptive parents and DM the VC Director of Cheum Museum and is Ryan the golden boy of art's fiancee who is the brother of Si An whom Director EOM is now fangirling on. I think they will all support EG and will EOM win against her daughter? DM and Seon Jo will be so surprised to learn who EG's girlfriend is. Yeah and SJ is the chaebol best friend and will support EG too and together with husband and Gun Woo. 

    Curator Kyunga and Yeosup the best coworkers and subordinates and loyalty to Ryan and DM. Best ending for all.



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