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Guest lily-chan

Do girls tease and call guys "mother f-ckers" or tell them to "go to h-ll"? Do you know anyone that does this? I don't know how to take this. Girls are confusing. :sweatingbullets:

rofl. Okay, I don't call them mofos, but I do sometimes tell them to go to hell (if they insult/tease me).

Is being called a dork a lot a good thing??

haha, when I say a guy's a dork, it means I find his personality cute =)!

To iEatPowder (didn't want too many quotes): You say you're nonchalant... okay fine. But a little bit of change wouldn't hurt, would it? Try saying 'no' this time. Resist your nonchalant ways.

As for the awkward silences, there isn't much you can do. Usually, I, myself don't know what to do. You can come back on something she said early on, and turn it into a new conversation topic. We aren't very inquisitive because we don't like to be asked too many questions either, so we'd guess it's the same for guys. I'm afraid I'll ask a question that will make the other person feel uncomfortable, so I'd rather not ask too much.

To aironeousB:

So that's why you were asking those weird questions...

12) White guys that try to impress me with korean (or any other asian language) makes me feel like they are trying way too hard. Plus, I'd laugh interiorely at him.

14) I did not know that... thanks for the odd information.

15) I never tried haha.

16) I'd find it funny.. but that stops there. It might get annoying after a while too.

17) I don't mind when people don't drink. Some of my friends don't want to drink, and I'm okay with it. It's their choice.

18) rofl. You're kidding me... guys don't know that xD. We should put it up on a flag or something...

19) Yes it's fine. As long as you don't get frightened by butterflies and flowers, its okay.

20) Haha, trying to impress girls with muscles? naaah... doesn't really work on us. It's not like in those old movies.

21) I have no idea.

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Guest The Fey
Do girls tease and call guys "mother f-ckers" or tell them to "go to h-ll"? Do you know anyone that does this? I don't know how to take this. Girls are confusing. :sweatingbullets:

completely depends on how they say it. If you can sense hostility in their voice, then uh... you're john teshed haha. Especially if that's all she says to you. I call people john teshers teasingly though but you can tell by my tone and body language that I'm kidding around.

also for aironeousB:

12) HAHAHAH if someone told me that in korean, I'd roll my eyes at them. We're conversing in english aren't we? Nothing turns me off more than a guy who will randomly spurt out some korean line as a pickup.

13) We're allergic to 7/11s. Sorry

14) How many girls do you know who can lactate at will?

15) Sure why not.

16) Do it more often. Girls absolutely love it when you sound like a retard.

17) Don't drink and drive. Don't drink and then walk around the city drunk.

18) Put it all over the shirt.

19) No. You are not a man unless you can deal with all that without whining like a pinkberry. Obviously. :phew:

20) Yes. Walk around the mall and pick up EVERY SINGLE girl you see. We'll fall head over heels for you when you do that.

21) john tesh no.

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Guest aironeousB

To aironeousB:

So that's why you were asking those weird questions...

12) White guys that try to impress me with korean (or any other asian language) makes me feel like they are trying way too hard. Plus, I'd laugh interiorly at him.

Thanks for answering. So far the korean girls that i have talked to on skype that are actually in Korea have no problem with me learning the language and they try to help me in fact.

But I understand what you mean about laughing at me cuz there is one that i talk to all the time that says she likes me and she is always giggling when I try to pronounce her hangul when she types in it. She tries to cover the mic and turn away from it but i can hear her giggling for like 30 seconds. Actually we laugh at each other a lot for mis-pronounciation. Same situation with the chinese girls that i talk to also. It's funny.

My personal feeling is that if you have the right to speak english then i have the right to speak hangul. Fair is fair. If you are going to put up stores with signs in other languages then I have the right to enter and use them and the language. Korea is becoming more racially diverse so more people will be talking it that are not racially Korean.

To Michelle

I've never been called gay or had my questions called gay. Does that mean you find them useless? Or does that mean what i think it means "they suck."

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Guest xreminisce
I was just wonder what was the sweetest thing a guy could do for a girl? :rolleyes:

just being there for her ^^

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Guest Takeru

this question kinda had me stumped for a while, thanks to those advance who can answer this! =D ok so my question is how do you if a girl is interested in you, if she is nice to pracitcally everyone?

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Guest lily-chan

^ oh dear god... that list can go on and on if I have to go into specifics. He has to respect me, show he cares for me, and also be someone I'm physically + emotionally attracted to.

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Guest furiousx3

give me some tips regarding a new chick I'm trying to go after she's one of those bad girl cool type and yeah I think she's a nice person and we often chat till 6 am in the morning but man nothing ever happens haha ..

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Guest touche`

I was just wonder what was the sweetest thing a guy could do for a girl? :rolleyes:
I would say to sacrifice their time to be with her. o_O;;

girls, what exactly do you think is boyfriend material :)
For some reason, this question reminds me of barbie dolls. You want the barbie to be wearing this or that, look like this or that. Somehing that you expect the barbie to be wearing, you know? Neh, I suck a explaining but I hope you get what I mean.
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Guest lily-chan

give me some tips regarding a new chick I'm trying to go after she's one of those bad girl cool type and yeah I think she's a nice person and we often chat till 6 am in the morning but man nothing ever happens haha ..

Exactly, nothing happens because you let nothing happen. Take control. Ask her out. Hang out, one on one. If you don't do a move, she'll soon think you're not interested and move on.

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Guest krazie4adream
this question kinda had me stumped for a while, thanks to those advance who can answer this! =D ok so my question is how do you if a girl is interested in you, if she is nice to pracitcally everyone?

We give many hints, but different types of girls reveal their feelings in different ways

we general tend to tease you more often, even if u're mean to us, we'll smile and laugh it away with a slight push. things like that, just like how guys start to flirt and girls don't really know if its being friendly or they have something for us. if you feel like she is treating you nicer than others then we'll love it if you make a move. [ask her out on a date w/o actually calling it a "date"]EVEN IF the girl doesn't like you, she will be flattered and still love to be friends w/you.

in addition, if this is someone u recently met, if she even ask you about your relationships or things in that category it maybe a big sign.

why do girls suck so much??

same reason why we think guys are jerks.

cuz you don't understand us.

and we don't fully understand guys.

thus there is curiousity and interest.

give me some tips regarding a new chick I'm trying to go after she's one of those bad girl cool type and yeah I think she's a nice person and we often chat till 6 am in the morning but man nothing ever happens haha ..

then make something happen, altho she may be a "bad" girl, she's still a girl, all girls want a guy to lean on. Plus, no girl talks to a "guy" friend til 6am in the morning. MY CONCLUSION= she likes you.


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Guest tropical_star91
I was just wonder what was the sweetest thing a guy could do for a girl? :rolleyes:

dedicate a song to her

girls, what exactly do you think is boyfriend material :)

a guy that is caring, understanding, knows how to cheer you up, and will be there for you

give me some tips regarding a new chick I'm trying to go after she's one of those bad girl cool type and yeah I think she's a nice person and we often chat till 6 am in the morning but man nothing ever happens haha ..

make a move, show her that you're interested

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Guest what~the~vu

say im one of your good guy friends. what can i do for you to look at me differently as in more than just friends.

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Guest meringue

Okay, ladies, how do you get a guy to talk more on the phone? I ask him about himself sometimes, but he usually gives very short answers. Like what kind of questions can I ask him? He doesn't have a lot to say when we're on the phone, but when we talk online, he usually talks more.

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Guest kimseo
this question kinda had me stumped for a while, thanks to those advance who can answer this! =D ok so my question is how do you if a girl is interested in you, if she is nice to pracitcally everyone?

Uhm, well...does she do anything special to you? Like, differently then the "other people."

Does she IM you first? Talk to you first? Etc.

girls, what exactly do you think is boyfriend material :)

Who's there when I need him, nice hair/style/face (look at my shallowness : D - don't count this for you because uhm...I'm shallow. :mellow:), I can talk to about [almost] everything, knows that I'm his and treats me nicely, has respect toward elderly (parents, friends), has my interests -0-, can beat up any other guy who tries to talk to me haha ;;, knows how to have fun, uhm...

Overall, just a nice guy. : D I'm picky, don't listen to me.

why do girls suck so much??

Why do guys suck so much? : D

Okay, well, in all seriousness, we cause a lot of drama, gossip, and uhm...yeah. Hi.

give me some tips regarding a new chick I'm trying to go after she's one of those bad girl cool type and yeah I think she's a nice person and we often chat till 6 am in the morning but man nothing ever happens haha ..

Just try to make friends with her first; don't do anything yet. (:

say im one of your good guy friends. what can i do for you to look at me differently as in more than just friends.

Treat me differently, in a good way, and leave little hints. Surely, if I'm not interested...you'll know. o_o Just take her hints as you drop yours. If all goes well, ask her out : D But try not to ruin your friendship...as hard as it is..

Okay, ladies, how do you get a guy to talk more on the phone? I ask him about himself sometimes, but he usually gives very short answers. Like what kind of questions can I ask him? He doesn't have a lot to say when we're on the phone, but when we talk online, he usually talks more.

How was his day, what are his interests (if I'm barely getting to know him), what is he doing, how are his friends, blahblah. Just..don't get too personal : D

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Guest furiousx3
We give many hints, but different types of girls reveal their feelings in different ways

we general tend to tease you more often, even if u're mean to us, we'll smile and laugh it away with a slight push. things like that, just like how guys start to flirt and girls don't really know if its being friendly or they have something for us. if you feel like she is treating you nicer than others then we'll love it if you make a move. [ask her out on a date w/o actually calling it a "date"]EVEN IF the girl doesn't like you, she will be flattered and still love to be friends w/you.

in addition, if this is someone u recently met, if she even ask you about your relationships or things in that category it maybe a big sign.

same reason why we think guys are jerks.

cuz you don't understand us.

and we don't fully understand guys.

thus there is curiousity and interest.

then make something happen, altho she may be a "bad" girl, she's still a girl, all girls want a guy to lean on. Plus, no girl talks to a "guy" friend til 6am in the morning. MY CONCLUSION= she likes you.


Well things are a little strange here I don't know how to put this but we chat till 6 am but she's obviously not talking to me alone she's also talking to her other friends so it's not like she stays up FOR ME! and I don't know she rarely messages me or anything I usually start the conversation kinda feel one sided but I'm a bit smart now tho I don't fall hard for anyone anymore just take it easy so if she decides I'm not the right one I can move on in 1 hour.

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Guest beinspired
say im one of your good guy friends. what can i do for you to look at me differently as in more than just friends.

Good guy friends? You have to be careful with this....

Flirt? ... Be extra sweet...

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