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Lee Min Ho ♥ 이민호 ♥ ィミンホ ♥ 李敏鎬 Upcoming Drama 2025: Ask the Stars; Upcoming movie 2025: Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint; Completed drama Pachinko Season 2 on Apple TV+


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1 hour ago, willenette said:


Hi gtLmh, thanks for sharing TODAY's pictures. Oh....I see that he's holding another paper bag & it's NIKE this time. :lol: BTW, I read an article yesterday that there will be "The Heirs" Part 2 coming up. Is it true? Is it happening once he will discharge from the military next year?  I'm not really into Part2s, sequels & remakes but, if LMH decides to do this project again I will always support him. Although, nothing could really surpass the original, just my opinion. Well, this might be a speculation for now, though. :o


Have not heard about "The Heirs" part 2, is it an article from K-news ? And the same writer as "The Heirs" ?   2018new_sikao_thumb.png


By the way, about the Bulgaria bag yesterday :



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It's a Bulgaria fan gave him :





cr owner via MinoJennyLin83





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2 hours ago, gtLmh0622 said:

Have not heard about "The Heirs" part 2, is it an article from K-news ? And the same writer as "The Heirs" ?   2018new_sikao_thumb.png


By the way, about the Bulgaria bag yesterday :


cr as tagged


It's a Bulgaria fan gave him :


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cr owner via MinoJennyLin83






gtLmh, actually, it's not a K-news but from koreaportal.com. And only LMH & PSH were mentioned. Thanks for sharing & the reply about the Bulgaria  paper bag. It maybe this fan took this with her from Bulgaria. :lol:

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Hello, I update 5 weeks


개인의 취미
Date 2018. 07. 11 17: 01: 00 Hit 198

일상의 활력소 취.미.생.활

민호를 알게 된 이후부터는 ‘취미가 이민호’가 되어버렸지만,
어릴 적부터 지금까지 변하지 않는 딱 한 가지!!
그건 바로 무언가를 모으는 일이야 ^^

한정판 우표나 친구들에게 받은 편지…
그리고 차곡차곡 쌓여가는 티켓 북을 보고 있으면
그때 그 장소로 순간이동 하는 기분이 들어
‘수집’이라는 건 물건뿐만 아니라
그 물건에 담긴 추억까지도 함께 보관하는 거니까^^

1년 전 이맘때!
DMZ, 더 와일드 사진전에 갔다가 GET한 티켓(응모권)에 담긴 추억은
#트리플7 #오픈당일 #연차 #비바람 #유리외벽_대형민호 #지름지뢰 #영재KIT #탐험가모자
#멋진민호 #후광민호 #잘생쁜민호 #큰민호 #작은민호 #민호민호민호민호민호민호 x ∞

오로지 민호로만 가득 찬 공간에서 얼마나 행복했는지 몰라!
DMZ시리즈는 다큐부터 화보집, 그리고 대미를 장식한 사진전까지 모두 완벽했어!




그러고 보니 민호 관련된 티켓은 작년 7월 사진전이 마지막이네ㅠㅠ
요즘 연극, 뮤지컬, 전시회를 자주 보러 다니긴 하지만 역시 민호 티켓만큼의 만족감은 없어…

동기들에게 만족감을 주는 취미는 어떤 거야??




Date 2018. 07. 18 17: 01: 00 Hit 168

무더웠던 작년 여름 한가운데서 동기들을 처음 만났으니,

동기들을 만난 지도 1년, 입사한지도 벌써 1년이야!!


직책에 따른 부담감은 여전하지만,

동료들이랑 많이 친해졌고 하는 일도 재미있다 보니

시간 가는 줄 모르고 회사 열심히 다니고 있는 중^^


물론 힘들 때도 있지만 동기들과의 수다로 마음의 평화를 되찾곤 했지

사소한 이야기들에도 고개 끄덕이면서 공감해주는

동기들 덕분에 지난 1년간 정말 행복했어!

맛있는 음식도 주위 소중한 사람들이랑 함께 먹으면 더 맛있게 느껴지잖아

재미있는 이야기들도 동기들과 나누니 배로 재미있게 느껴졌던 것 같아

퍽퍽한 일상에 많은 힘이 되어준 동기들, 정말 고마워^^


그 동안 민호 관련된 이야기도 나누고,

기념일도 챙기고 사소한 일상들도 공유하면서 많은 에피소드들을 나눴는데

동기들은 어떤 에피소드를 가장 재미있다고 느꼈는지 궁금해^^어떤 이야기에 가장 공감했는지!!


가끔 동기들의 생각이 궁금해질 때가 있는데,

오늘이 유독 그런 날이라고 할까^^






여행을 떠나요
Date 2018. 07. 25 17: 01: 00 Hit 204

조금만 걸어도 녹아 내릴 것만 같은 폭염의 연속인데 

동기들 잘 견뎌내고 있는 거지?


날씨도 더운데다 요즘엔 해도 해도 줄어들지 않는 업무량에 많이 지친 상태인데

오늘! 드디어 ‘하계휴가 계획표 작성’ 이라는 반가운 메일이 띵!동! 하고 도착했어!!


손꼽아 기다리고 기다리던 여름휴가라니!!!

작년엔 계획까지 다 짜놓고도 다녀오지 못했는데..

그 아쉬움을 만회하고자 어떻게든! 어디든! 다녀올 생각이야

(올해는 정기휴가 승인이 100% 날것 같은 느낌적은 느낌^.^)


야경이 아름다운 대도시도 다녀오고 싶고,

신선놀음에 최적인 휴양지 리조트에서 푹 쉬다 오고 싶기도 하고,

콸콸 쏟아지는 얼음장 같은 계곡물에 발도 담그고 싶고..

수많은 선택지가 떠오르지만 아직 어디 다녀올지 결정을 못 하고 있는 상태!


여행은 떠날 때도 좋지만 계획 짜는 순간이 가장 설레기도 하잖아

휴가지랑 날짜를 정하기도 전에

하나 둘 알아보면서 계획 짤 생각에 벌써부터 들뜨고 설렌다>_<


동기들은 여름휴가 어떻게 보낼 생각이야??

아직 결정하지 못한 나를 위해 좋은 곳 추천 좀 해줘!!




푹푹 찌는 무더운 날씨의 연속인데 더위 조심하고, 지치지 않게 건강 잘 챙기고!!

그럼 센스 있는 동기들의 많은 추천 기다리고 있을게^^




Date 2018. 08. 01 17: 01: 00 Hit 191

9기 동기들 안녕?

날 이미 알고 있는 동기들도 있겠지만 

모를 수도 있는 9기 동기들을 위해 간단하게 자기소개를 할게^^


내 이름은 초코, 회사에선 나를 초과장이라 부르지!

11년 다닌 직장을 그만두고, 미노즈 8기 시작과 함께 지금 회사로 이직!

취미는 여행, 수다 떨기, 그리고 민호를 보는 것!

가장 행복한 일은 미노즈들과 민호 관련된 이야기를 나누는 것!

그래서 앞으로도 동기들과 많은 이야기를 하면서 지낼 예정이야!




계속되는 폭염에 동기들 모두 컨디션이 많이 안 좋을 텐데,

Minoz 9기가 시작되는 8월이니깐 기분만은 새롭고 상쾌하게!


이렇게 만나게 돼서 정말 반갑고,

남은 시간 함께 민호를 기다리면서 좋은 추억들을 많이 만들어가자!

앞으로도 잘 부탁해!




마이 뮤직플레이리스트♬
Date 2018. 08. 08 17: 01: 00 Hit 37

나는 가끔 기분, 장소, 분위기에 따라 듣는 

나만의 플레이리스트를 만들곤 하는데

요즘은 여행 갈 때 들을 플레이리스트를 짜고 있어!ㅎㅎ


여름, 그리고 드라이브와 가장 잘 어울리는 노래는 아무래도

‘Extreme’이랑 ‘Travel’인 것 같아서 가장 먼저 플레이리스트에 넣었지!


‘Extreme’은 톡 쏘는 느낌에 청량감 넘치는 광고의 테마 곡이라 그런지

여름만 되면 유독 이 노래가 생각이 나는 것 같고

‘Travel’은 제목도 여행인 데다

곡 자체도 경쾌해서 드라이브에 최적화된 곡인 듯?

송포유 앨범에 수록된 곡들은 대부분 여름과 잘 어울리는 것 같아!

(당분간 이 몇 곡들을 반복 재생할 것 같은 느낌적인 느낌>_<)


민호 목소리를 들으며 달리는 탁 트인 해안도로!!

그곳은 그야말로 천국이겠지??


동기들은 민호가 불렀던 곡들 중에

‘이럴 때는 이 노래!’라고 추천하고 싶은 곡은 뭐야?





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is everyone ready for Faith rewatch?


City Hunter wasn't only my first Lee Minho drama but also my first kdrama ever, I fell for minho at the first sight :p I started marathoning all of his other dramas after finishing CH, and put Faith at the end of my to-watch list because I don't like watching historical series or movies and the posters of this drama weren't attractive at all and I didn't like his long hair and the fact that it had some CGI work done didn't help but.... I loved it when I finally decided to watch and kinda regretted why I kept on avoiding it. it's one of the loveliest dramas ever made and minho's acting was amazing in it. I've been wanting to rewatch it since last year and I'm happy to do it together with you guys so let's start ~





Episode 1


The episode starts with a legend of a great doctor named Hwata who performed surgeries and cured every disease, but a bad guy called Jojo wanted him to be his personal doctor to which Hwata refused. Jojo wanted to kill Hwata but the gate of heaven opened and swallowed Hwata. 


Present day, 1351 AD. 

that same gate of heaven seems to be opened now

at the border of Yuan dynasty we see a handsome guy riding a horse in the rain leading an entourage and a royal carriage.. 

The carriage’s wheel gets stuck and they don’t have a boat till tomorrow so the handsome guy suggests that they stay overnight and leave the next morning. Apparently that handsome guy is being called ‘daejang’ aka General and he’s our Choi Young ♥️


the whole entourage goes to an inn

One of the guys told Choi Young beforehand that they’re being followed, now tells him that those folks are the ones who made all boats unavailable and they’d know they will be staying at this inn since it’s the only one... Choi Young lazily replies that he’s aware of all of that and there’s nothing to be done and just sleeps :lol:


Now we’re introduced to the king of goryeo, and some annoying guy is lecturing him on how it’s wrong that woodalchis(royal bodyguards) are sent from goryeo to escort him back home secretly which the king has been away from for 10 years, and that he should arrest the General once they arrive at goryeo. Just then our Choi Young enters their room yawning and telling the king that he’d be escorting the princess to his room because it’s hard to protect them both separately.. just who’s the king here exactly? Haha I’m loving how he’s just giving away orders instead of receiving them

He gives a small sword to the annoying guy and tells him to defend the window 


At night, they get attacked by some intruders who outnumbered all woodalchis and managed to go all the way up to the King’s room where Choi Young was alone by himself protecting the king and queen, a royal physician was there too and fought back but no one could avoid the attack at the queen tho Choi Young killed her attacker eventually. The royal physician treats her wound with acupuncture and with the help of Choi Young’s inner energy (yes! There are some kind of super powers here) 

The queen is a princess from Yuan(China now) and if she dies, Goryeo dies. The royal physician says he stopped the bleeding temporarily but that isn’t the solution and saving her could be hard unless he was the divine doctor. “As soon as I became a king, I couldn’t even protect my country. What a great king I am” says the king

Speaking of the divine/great doctor

The annoying guy(I still don’t know what to call him by tbh) says there’s a way to reach the great doctor through that heaven gate, Choi Young immediately asks where that is. I think he feels guilty and a sense of responsibility at what happened to the queen and wants to try every possible way to make things right again. 

While Choi Young was leaving, the king stops and asks Choi Young about how he felt to travel from goryeo to yuan to bring him to goryeo. Choi Young says his people would be lucky to have a kind and good king like his majesty, but the king asks why does Choi Young dislike him.. uhh how did he sense that? Choi Young tried to avoid answering honestly and eventually said because he was a king who’s been living in Yuan since he was 10yrs old, he’s 21yrs old now and would  think the same way as Yuans do and that’s really unlucky for the Goryeo people. The king seemed disheartened asking if that’s too how all the goryeo people think of him, but Choi Young says he’s the 5th king in 11 years so the people wouldn’t care really, the king thanks Choi Young and Choi Young replies “that’s why I don’t particularly dislike you” I’m loving their relationship already.

The character names are finally introduced now as subtitles, King Gongmin the king of Goryeo and Choi Young the general of woodalchis. 



Let’s skip through Choi Young going through the heaven gate and time travels to the future, 2012! in search for the great doctor he roams around with his sword and looking so serious lol he’s shocked by how different everything looks, confused, he sits down for a bit at a temple and goes to a monk who happened to pass by wearing headphones.. why did I find this particular scene very funny? Anyway, so Choi Young says some weird stuff which confused the monk, asking where he could find a divine doctor and showing with his hands that the problematic area is a neck haha the monk took that as he wants a plastic surgeon claiming that there’re a lot of them here since they’re in Gangnam! XD


Choi Young again says he doesn’t want just any doctor but a ‘divine’ one, so the monk took that as he wants someone famous and remembers that he saw a banner of a convention being held now where many famous plastic surgeons would participate in. Choi Young asks how could he go there, and the monk says he needs to ‘just go there’ perplexed Choi Young thinks that this is a test he needs to pass lmao the monk then talks to someone on the phone asking if they’re doing some hidden-camera show because if it was a drama he would’ve known about it XDD 

Choi Young gets ready to ‘just go there’ and crosses a busy street like a lunatic and everyone snaps pictures of him with that weird outfit he’s wearing lol I’m loving this!! 

Our Choi Young enters the convention center which luckily has Chinese writings too all over it, he reads on the screen(in Chinese) about a seminar(?) being held about the history of incision, suture and rejuvenation so he goes there and sees a woman giving a presentation. He couldn’t stay there for long as he was taken outside by the security guards and to a room full of cctv screens, he sees that woman on one of the screens walking from booth to booth and asks the security guy to let him go there- yes, right into the screen XD


The security guy calls the police and runs away. 

Meanwhile, our Choi Young goes to the lady doctor and asks her for help briefly explaining his situation, of course she wouldn’t give him much attention and thought he was weird. The security guy comes at him with a backup and Choi Young again asks the doctor if she can help him, scared she now says she has to see the patient and see how much is he hurt. Choi Young gets the most terrible idea of how he should show her the wound.. he cuts that security guy at the same place as the queen, with the same depth. The lady doctor stitches his wound up and Choi Young decides he met the right person and she needs to go with him to treat the queen so he takes her all the way to the heaven gate fighting the police and everyone who came in his way with his super inner energy, all while our doctor was crying for help and trying to run away but to no avail.. I found it funny how she was calling him ajussi when she’s way older than him irl. 

In front of the gate, she cries and believes she’d be killed since she saw his face thinking of him as a kidnapper who can’t let his identity be revealed but our Choi Young introduces himself as the goryeo warrior and promises her on his life that he’d bring her back no matter what.... I truuuuuly love this scene, I can feel their love already ^^ 



The moment is paused for a while and we’re taken back to the lady doctor’s recent memories of her meeting a fortune teller who predicted that she’d meet a man from heavens and leave for a year to somewhere very far away. 

And now back in memories of the world of goryeo, 7 years ago woodalchis has received the news that a new captain is appointed and he’s very young at age 22 only, and was the head of red crescent moon army. There’re rumors about him of killing 3 enemies with 1 swing of his sword, shooting lightning from his hands, and beats anyone who wakes him up when he’s soundly asleep. That’s our daejang who’s 29yrs old now :) I see that woodalchis didn’t like him at first but it has all changed once they got to know about him. 


The ending ost is amazing!!

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@lmh122:  Hi!  That's fantastic that you've been following LMH since 2009.  I hope that you'll join us either rewatching his dramas, throw back Thursdays, translating etc.  

I think almost 6 years ago Faith aired on SBS.  I wish I knew what they were saying. 

cr:  SBS Entertainment





Lee_min_ho_333 _Yuki

Thank you Latifah_ for starting the recap of Faith!  The first episode is usually the most difficult because many characters are introduced.


I think I mentioned that Faith is not my favorite drama. I like LMH's performance in Faith, but as a drama, I rank it near the bottom.  I do love Kim Hee Sun and LMh together; they are my favorite couple.  I just love watching the BTS of the two; they seemed to have fun together.   I know many loved the first scene with LMH in the rain with his cape so thanks for posting it Latifah.  I like LMH's hair even though it is a variation of LYS's hair when he was in Thailand.  Dang, he's so good looking.  But, I remember thinking that energy from CY was pretty dumb.  I wonder why they added it.  I do find it interesting that the King asks CY his opinion.  I also remember thinking LMH isn't bad looking but wasn't really into him--yet.  I also didn't like the energy burst when CY took Eun Soo(ES).  I guess that I don't like fantasy.  One thing that I like and now appreciate is when Dr  visited the fortune teller and asked about her man.  She will meet a heaven sent man, a man from the past.  I had forgotten about this scene.  I also liked the scene when CY became the leader of the Wu Dal Chi.  Some of the subbing is funny,.  I doubt the Wu Dal Chi used the word "Dude" lol..

I was surprised that DB liked this first episode.  I think overall they rated it a Bor B- --still better than Heirs.  


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4 hours ago, Latifah_ said:

is everyone ready for Faith rewatch?


City Hunter wasn't only my first Lee Minho drama but also my first kdrama ever, I fell for minho at the first sight :p I started marathoning all of his other dramas after finishing CH, and put Faith at the end of my to-watch list because I don't like watching historical series or movies and the posters of this drama weren't attractive at all and I didn't like his long hair and the fact that it had some CGI work done didn't help but.... I loved it when I finally decided to watch and kinda regretted why I kept on avoiding it. it's one of the loveliest dramas ever made and minho's acting was amazing in it. I've been wanting to rewatch it since last year and I'm happy to do it together with you guys so let's start ~




cr. to owners




Thanks for doing a great recap. Yes, he looks dreamy in the rain and hood.


I like how serious he is in Seoul, everything is strange but it is heaven anyway so anything goes. It is hilarious that he is not fazed out. Completely fixated on completing his duty to the king. Must find doctor, cannot be distracted by anything else. Since he has superpowers, it is not impossible to go throw the TV screen just has to figure out how, LOL. Even though he is completely loyal to the king since that is his duty and his role, he does not enjoy what he has to do. It is such a contrast. He does it because he has to. He rather be sleeping though. He is also as Dramabeans say, Mr Literal. Nothing devious about him, completely straightforward and uncaring about status,  not a sycophant. Even though he is lazy and sleepy, nothing gets past him. He knows what is going on. That is the great thing about the general. 

I enjoyed his first meeting with the great doctor and how materialistic she is, wanting a rich boyfriend LOL. How she reacted to him being a psycho and weird. On to the next episode


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LMH in Faith episode 1:


Thanks for the recap Latifah!  It was hard for me to appreciate Faith at first, too.  It was my first sageuk drama--and fusion-fantasy-time travel at that.  :crazy:  I had to stop and start again, and then get past the first few episodes before I accepted what was going on.  I've been looking forward to re-watching, hoping that a few Faithlings will be here to share their insights.  It's easier to watch now because I already know what heroic and lovely moments are coming.


My favorite part of this episode is honorable Choi Young's promise:







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