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Lee Min Ho ♥ 이민호 ♥ ィミンホ ♥ 李敏鎬 Pachinko Season 2 Aug 23 on Apple TV+; Upcoming Drama 2025: Ask the Stars; Upcoming movie 2025: Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint


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On 6/11/2018 at 12:11 AM, gtLmh0622 said:





20180611 K-news about the movie "Believer".


" unique by name only " … " Believer", why Lee Min-ho? 


The contents are similar with the interview of the director of "Believer" several days ago. 


And the translation of comments :   :tongue:





cr. purple_heart87



I don't understand what this movie has to do with LMH and I could not open the links. Can you explain? Thanks








The link to the synopsis of Episode 13 for City Hunter

It starts with the supermarket garage where Father on a motorcycle threatens Nana. YS breaks the window to protect Nana from the bullet. Later they bicker because Nana does not want to be protected or saved from YS again, in fact she wants to be the protector LOL. Nana is so cute, she tells YS that he must be thinking that she is so amazing.

The next scene has Dad sits in his office, calmly cleaning his gun. Sang-gook asks what he’s going to do now. Dad says matter-of-factly that Yoon-sung is the kid who ran guns-a-blazin’ when his surrogate mother was killed. “I just have to make him like that.” This scene is ominous and is a prelude to something. Dad knows how to manipulate YS to get the reaction that he wants.


YS wants to bug Kim Young Shik's office to get video evidence. Nana sneaks in the car so that YS and to take her with him and she acts as his assistant and saves him from Young Ju when she sees him going to his dad's office. I must say this, Young Ju is very sharp and when he sees the silhouette of YS in the office he gets suspicious.

Young Ju talks to his dad, telling him that the prosecutor's office is investigating the stolen 200 million and asks dad to give himself up. Even though upright and honest, he still can't bring himself to go against his dad and he listens with horror as his dad admits his wrong doing but feels that he is special and different from others.

Later Young Ju suspects CH has bugged his father's room and sets a trap to catch him. YS almost falls for it at the church but I don't know what made him suspect and ask the nun a fake question which the nun answers wrongly so YS disappears.


Ajussi succeeds in tracking YS's mother at the temple but he drops his phone in the water and has no way to call YS. YS is worried and drives around with Nana to look for him after hearing that Ajussi had gone to the Blue house to give the Nana's partner Eun Ah some green tea. They then watch with horrow when a black car hits Ajussi and then drives away. At the hospital, Ajussi hearts stops and YS looks on with horror and anguish, entreating Ajussi to wake up. His eyes wide with tears and fear, relieved when Ajussi comes back to life. YS now feels cold fury and even Nana senses the change and entreats him not to do anything drastic. YS realizes that the car belongs to Young Shik.   You remember the time when he felt such pain and fear when his wet nurse was shot in Thailand.

The revenge plan begins, Young Ju wins an award. An invite went to his father even though he told his superior that he does not plan to invite his dad. His dad turns up at the award ceremony and so does Nana since her aunt informed her.

Young Ju realizes when he saw his dad that CH has something planned. My he is very sharp, he tries to warn his superior that CH is there but they do not believe him. He goes up to accept his award and gives his speech the movie screen opens up and the part showing the father telling Young Ju that even though he got away with the accident with Nana's parents, he got away because he is special . Young Ju closes his eyes in pain. Father walks away and Young Ju races after him. Nana stops him to ask if it was true that Young Shik was his dad.

In the car YS is waiting and directs Young Shik to drive away. While driving Young Shik swerves to escape YS when YS threatens to destroy Young Ju as well as the father. Young Shik stumbles up a pedestrian bridge and YS cools walks after him in measured steps. He looks so majestic doing that. Young Shik's file drops from his hands and flies all over, evidence against him that YS showed him. He desperately flings himself over the bridge to try to grab the papers. He grabs on the railing for dear life. YS looks dispassionately at him and then turns away without helping him. This is the YS who is so filled with rage that he wants revenge and no longer thinks logically, he said to Nana  previously that he understands how his dad must have felt. This is the reaction that his dad wants from YS, cold fury and willingness to let someone die or to even kill. His eyes, cold, hard and cruel, remembering the death of his adoptive mother.  Suddenly YS thinks of Nana and he wakes up from his madness and urge for revenge. He turns and runs to try to save Young Shik. Young Ju arrives and calls his dad. His dad finally feeling ashamed, lets go and falls on to a car. Young Ju and YS looks at him in horror and it ends.



As dramabeans said, Yoon-sung chases him in that creepy serial killer slow walk, knife at his side and in no hurry whatsoever. Exactly, slowly stalking the terrified victim. YS gets pushed over the edge and he turns dark. I think LMH portrayed this scene and also the scene where tears and horror showed in his eyes when Ajussi almost died. He was going to lose another loved one like his Thai adoptive mother. LMH going to the dark side, eyes showing no empathy only hate, selling his soul to the devil before he suddenly awakes from his stupor to Nana's light. Great episode



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PMZ FB Update


[International Day of the African Child]

6월 16일은
아프리카 어린이들의 현실 개선과 권리 보호를 위해
아프리카 연합에서 제정한 날입니다.

프로미즈도 2014년 아프리카 말라위 지역에
7개의 우물을 선물한 적이 있지요?!

전세계 모든 아이들이 행복한 그 날이 오기를 바랍니다.


International Day of the African Child

It has been initiated by Organisation of African
Unity to raises awareness of African children’s rights
and educational needs.
Promiz has helped Africa to dig
7 wells in Malawi four years ago.

We wish all the children in the world are
well and happy.
#PROMIZ #PMZER #프로미즈 #피엠져





June 13 Update


더운 날씨에 지치기 쉽지만 오늘도 PMZER의 의미있는 하루가 되길 바래요
물건보다는 나 자신에 집중하고 간소하고 균형있는 시간을 위해 노력하는 것!

하루에 한가지씩 ZERO 쓰레기를 위한 착한 액션을 실천하면서 우리 삶의 불편함이 아닌 “성취감”을 느낄 수 있을 거에요.

일회용 플라스틱 컵 대신 텀블러를 사용하면 쓰레기뿐 아니라 내 몸에 쌓이는 환경호르몬도 줄일 수 있어요.

물건을 살 때는 비닐봉지 대신 장바구니에 담고 음식물을 담는 비닐백의 사용도 줄이도록 노력해요.

캔이나 플라스틱 병 음료보다는 시원한 물을 마셔요!

<이미지 출처: 그린피스, 네이버>

Promiz wish you have a meaningful day today, not being exhausted by hot weather. You can do it, focusing on yourself with simple and balanced time!

Let’s feel proud of yourself with Promiz’ Zero Garbage Good Action.

If you use tumbler not disposable plastic cups, it helps make our world better but also your body environment hormone free.

Please bring eco bag when you go shopping, try not to use plastic bags.

Promiz recommend you to drink cool mineral water instead of canned or bottled beverages!

#PMZ #PROMIZ #ZEROGARBAGE #GoodAction #NoPlastic












June 5 Update


[세계 환경의 날]

오늘은 세계 환경의 날로,
UN에서 환경 보호의 중요성을 알리기 위해
제정된 기념일이에요.

요즘 우리 주변에서도 플라스틱과 비닐의 사용을
자제하는 등 환경을 위한 움직임이
많이 보이고 있어요.
그 어느때보다도 환경을 위한
우리의 노력이 꼭 필요한 것 같네요!


World Environment Day is the UN's
most important day for encouraging
worldwide awareness and action
for the protection of our environment.

It is time to do something to take care of the Earth.

#PROMIZ #PMZER #세계환경의날 #WorldEnvironmentDay






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10 hours ago, CallieP said:

I don't understand what this movie has to do with LMH and I could not open the links. Can you explain? Thanks


Please find my post of May 26, 2018 on page 3238 or the following post on my twitter :





20180615 Bench Youtube updated :

B/TV: Behind The Scenes - Lee Min Ho in Manila & Cebu



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Does anyone here play soccer?  I neither play nor watch.  Is the way LMH kicks the ball the way you're supposed to kick it?  I guess I thought one's leg goes straight out.  Regardless, I still like watching his long leg kick the ball.  



Thanks @CalliePfor the fab recap! 


I like that NaNa is willing to better herself to help LYS.  I can see how LYS is  attracted to NaNa; not the typical femme fatale.   The prosecutor's father isn't much better than LYS's.  Why don't they simply buy NaNa a new cell phone instead of having it turned off?  Yeah, Jong Shik is just as bad as Jin Pyo.  Pretty ironic that Jong Shik tells his son to be the type of prosecutor that protects the justice in SK.  Not sure how I feel about ahjussi's crush on Eun Ah.  I guess it's just filler to give PMY and LMH some rest.  Isn't it kinda dumb for Jong Shik not to conceal his license plate if he intended on killing ahjussi?  Or at least flee the crime scene faster?  I thought LMH said that he doesn't cry easily, but he actually does a good job when it's necessary.  Hmm, i think it may have gone a little too far broadcasting the convo between the prosecutor and his father in front of all the prosecutors.  City Hunter's beef is with the father, not the son.  It's actually pretty scary watching LYS stalking Jong Shik up the stairs.  I was mesmerized watching him stalk his victim.  I didn't notice it as much watching CH previously.  LMH's eyes are so beautiful in the final scene.  Now LYS has blood on his hands--how does this change his relationship with NaNa?  We'll find out next week!


I really enjoy reading the comments in dramabeans.  Last week, the comments were about the wink (and of course the moan was brought up again lol)  I hope LMH has an opportunity to work with the PD again.  He really brings out the best in LMH's acting.  Here's a question for everyone:  would you be opposed to LMH portraying a serial killer or something sinister?  You wouldn't suspect someone who looks like him, especially with the bangs down, to be a killer.  



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I Update 5 weeks ^^


다시 돌아온 초과장’s PICK 주인공 공개!
Date 2018. 05. 16 17: 01: 00

안녕 동기들! 한 주간 잘 지냈어?


지난주 동기들에게 민호와의 추억을 공유해달라고 했는데,

소중한 추억들, 정성스럽게 남겨줘서 모두들 너무 고마워!


동기들이 쓴 글들을 보니 그때 느꼈던 감정이나

민호와 미노즈를 사랑하는 마음이 전해져서 너무 좋더라!

다만 고르기 너무 힘들었다는 거ㅠㅠ

모두 예쁘고 소중한 추억이라 5개만 고르기 정말 힘들었어!

(2018년에 가장 힘들었던 일이 아닐까 싶어) 


그럼 다시 돌아온 초과장’s PICK ‘2번째 에피소드’ 주인공 공개!


당첨자: 정수진, 최현경, 정서윤, 이명화, 윤향란

베스트 오브 베스트: 최현경




추카 추카!! 박수!!!!


좋은 생각이 행복을 부른다고 하잖아

그래서 민호에 대한 좋았던 기억들을 떠올리며

모두가 행복해지는 시간을 만들어보고 싶어 시작한 이벤트였는데, 어땠어?


이 이벤트가 또 하나의 좋은 추억이 되길 바라며,

앞으로도 이렇게 함께 행복한 시간 만들어 갔으면 좋겠어!!


+) 다시 한번 이벤트에 참여해준 동기들, 모두 정말 정말 고마워~

당첨된 동기들은 비밀 댓글로 이름, 선물 받을 주소, 연락처를 적어주면 선물을 보내줄게^^!

그리고 초과장’s PICK은 다시 또 돌아 올거야^^! 기회는 아직 남아있어 +_+




참 잘했어요♥
Date 2018. 05. 23 17: 01: 00

동기들, 프로미즈 ‘착한 브랜드 대상 수상’ 소식 들었어?
무려 ‘기부 플랫폼’ 부문 3년 연속 수상이래!

동기들이 없었다면 이뤄내기 힘든 일이었는데 
오랫동안 함께 해준 덕분에 이렇게 3년 동안 수상도 하고!
정말 뿌듯하고 자랑스럽다^.^

프로미즈 수상 소식 들으니 얼마 전 데뷔12주년 기념으로
각국 많은 팬들의 다양한 기부 활동을 보고 놀랐던 기억이 나
쉬운 일이 아닌데 한 마음으로 뜻깊은 날에 뜻깊은 일을 하고,
도움이 필요한 곳에 먼저 손길을 내미는 미노즈라니!!

팬과 배우가 서로 닮아간다는 게 이런 건가 봐!

‘나눔’의 행복이 얼마나 크고 귀중한지 알게 해주고,
‘나눔의 실천’을 이어갈 수 있게 해준 민호에게 정말 고마워
늘 함께해주는 동기들에게도 고맙고^^
우리 앞으로도 오래오래 함께해요.

프로미즈, 민호, 미노즈! 다시 한번 축하해♥






이름만 들어도
Date 2018. 05. 30 17: 01: 00

지난 주 어느 평일 날, 칼퇴를 하고

오랜만에 문화생활을 만끽하려고 영화관을 찾았어

예매해둔 영화에 대한 기대감을 안고 팝콘이랑 생수를 들고 착석!ㅎㅎ


영화에 빠져들어 보고 있었는데 갑자기 민호사진이 나오는 거야!!

생각지도 못한 장면에 얼마나 놀랐는지ㅜㅜ

놀란 마음을 겨우 가라앉혔는데 다음번엔 대사로 민호소환!

두번에 걸친 민호의 언급이 나를 정말 놀랍고 행복하게 만들었어!ㅎㅎ


전혀 예상치 못한 순간에 민호의 사진을 보게 되거나,

이름을 듣게 되는 건 언제나 가슴 벅찬 일인 것 같아.


우연히 본 방송 프로그램에서 민호를 만나거나,

상점에 붙어있는 민호 광고 포스터를 보거나,

그날처럼 영화 속에서 민호 이름을 듣게 되거나!

이런 순간이 평범한 하루를 더욱 특별하게 만들어주는 것 같아!


이름만 들어도 행복해지게 만드는 사람,

피곤하고 지친 하루였지만

집으로 돌아가는 발걸음만은 유난히 가벼웠던 것 같아^__^vV






너만 보인단 말이야~♬
Date 2018. 06. 06 17: 01: 00

시원한 아이스커피 한 잔으로 시작하는 아침!

인터넷으로 빠르게 소식을 접하는 요즘이지만

난 출근하자마자 신문을 꼭 챙겨보는 습관이 있어


지난주 월요일에도 여느 때와 같이

모닝커피를 마시며 신문 페이지를 넘기고 있는데,

한쪽 면에 실린 민호의 지면 광고 발견!!!


웃고 있는 모닝 민호라니…! (럭키)


너무 놀라서 나도 모르게 소리를 질렀나 봐

옆자리 동료가 날 이상하게 쳐다보더라고...


혹시 동기들도 봤어?!


그 페이지를 본 이후로 싱글벙글..

다른 내용은 눈에 하나도 안 들어오더라! ㅎㅎ

(너만 보인단 말이야~~♪ #BGM)




좋은 건 동기들과 함께.jpg


뜨겁게 내리쬐는 햇빛에

날씨도 부쩍 더워진 것 같아.


동기들 항상 건강 조심하고,

남은 한 주도 파이팅 하자!!




We are the one♬
Date 2018. 06. 13 17: 01: 00

드디어 ‘2018 러시아 월드컵’ 개막일이 D-1로 다가왔어!

축구꿈나무 시절 꼬꼬마 민호부터 공찬이, 준표 도령까지
‘Min-Ho Effect’로 어느새 나의 애착 스포츠 종목이 되어버린 축구^^
그래서 이번 월드컵 시즌이 오기만을 얼마나 손꼽아 기다렸는지 몰라:D

대부분의 경기 일정이 한국시간으로는 늦은 저녁이나 새벽이라
벌써부터 다크서클에… 이튿날 출근까지 걱정이 한 가득 이지만
역시 스포츠 경기는 “생중계”라는 묘미를 포기할 수 없잖아?!

또 한번 맞이하는 전 세계인의 축제인 만큼
동기들만의 방식으로 이번 월드컵을 즐기길 바랄게!

+) 나중에 기회가 된다면 민호가 축구 시합하는 모습을 한 번쯤 보고 싶다!
(민호와 축구의 조합 is ♥)

2018 러시아 월드컵 파이팅!^__^vV



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On 6/14/2018 at 11:32 AM, CarolynH said:

@syntyche:  I'm looking for to seeing the cute little hairy legs too!

Update:  LMH must have read your post @syntyche with the cutie little legs again!  

I like when he says "Bye"; it's so cute.


  Reveal hidden contents


thanks again @syntychefor subbing for me!:heart:.  A little late to the party, but my comments....

One can tell from the opening scene how much NaNa and LYS feel about each other.  Thank god for the vet!  Do vets have blood transfusion machines?  So sad when LYS finally finds out that his mother didn't abandon him.  Ok, for a split second I felt sorry for Father when LYS told him that he would never forgive him.  I like the scene where the IT director, Ki Joon and Eun Ah came over and told ahjussi not to sweat lol.  And LYS cute wink at NaNa as he ushered the nosy Eun Ah to check his bathroom.  I like the shampoo scene primarily because it's rare that we see LYS having a good time.  And, his fleeting moments of happiness is gone when he can't find his omma :(.  I still think it's crazy that Kim Jong Shik keeps all the money in his house.  I feel bad when the prosecutor sees his father packing the money.  I like the showdowns between father and son; but I don't like that Father hits LYS with his cane.  Egad!  The pink pants again lol.  Father has to be proud that LYS fooled him; it shows that he taught his son well.  I wonder if it was humid when this episode was filmed--ahjussi needs a flat iron!  And another cliffhanger! 

cr:  SBScityhunter


Haha @CarolynH, I'm going to keep on wishing that he'll read my post and wear those shorts! :D







It's all about LMH's eyes...


In this episode, I can't help but admire the expressiveness of LMH's eyes. I can practically just watch his eyes and would instantly feel the range of emotions depicted in the scenes....his protectiveness of Nana when his dad attempted to shoot her, his longingness for his mother when he visited her shop, his shock when Ajhussi got hit by a car, his horror of Ajhussi having no pulse, his relief when Ajhussi was revived, his rage when he shattered the mirror with his fist, and his realization when jolted back to his senses. 




I like that Nana is not the typical damsel-in-distress character. She even wants to be the one to protect Yoon Sung. Yoon Sung, you have to agree, she is a one cool woman. And aren't you glad she insisted on tagging along with you, that she was able to give you an exit from that sticky almost-encounter with Young Ju?

Yes, Young Ju really is sharp. He is so sharp that I hate him now. Haha. I don't want Yoon Sung to get caught! Good thing Yoon Sung is quick and got strong senses, hence, did not fall for Young Ju's trap.

Uhm, if Kim Jong Shik is so rich with all that money, can't he buy or rent another car, or perhaps hire somebody else, to run over Ajhussi? Well, thanks to your carelessness, our Yoon Sung caught you red-handed (but hmmm... a theory is brewing up my head...).






I was kind of relieved that City Hunter now has that new type of mask that is covering even the back of his head - that old mask with the strings is easy to pull off and reveal his face. But then, come to think of it, maybe this new mask signifies the dark transformation of the City Hunter - that new mask gave him that serial killer vibes. But good thing that he snapped out of it, and came back to save Jong Shik. Or is it? Young Ju seeing him at that exact moment doesn't spell good news.




Oh..City Hunter is so good at keeping me at the edge of my seat.


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On 6/15/2018 at 8:11 PM, CarolynH said:

I hope LMH has an opportunity to work with the PD again.  He really brings out the best in LMH's acting.  Here's a question for everyone:  would you be opposed to LMH portraying a serial killer or something sinister?  You wouldn't suspect someone who looks like him, especially with the bangs down, to be a killer.  

The PD worked with him again in Legend of Blue Sea :D

He could be good in such a role or being schizophrenic but I don't know if his other fans would like it. They did not receive Gangnam Blues that well even though he was excellent there. He was creepy stalking Young Ju's dad.

2 hours ago, syntyche said:

In this episode, I can't help but admire the expressiveness of LMH's eyes. I can practically just watch his eyes and would instantly feel the range of emotions depicted in the scenes....his protectiveness of Nana when his dad attempted to shoot her, his longingness for his mother when he visited her shop, his shock when Ajhussi got hit by a car, his horror of Ajhussi having no pulse, his relief when Ajhussi was revived, his rage when he shattered the mirror with his fist, and his realization when jolted back to his senses. 


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LMH's birthday week!


cr:  minozThailand


@gtLmh0622:  Thanks for the Bench screen caps.  The ones where he is not posing are my favorites.  


@Calliep:  I do hope he choses different roles for the sake of his career.  I'd hate for him to be typecast into certain roles.  Another role I'd like to see him portray is a single father.  He's a tiny bit young for it, although with the bangs up, he can look older.  Look at the possibilities in the video below (at the end).  



cr:森马官方 via Monika Setiono

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On 6/15/2018 at 9:47 AM, CallieP said:

Young Shik stumbles up a pedestrian bridge and YS cooly walks after him in measured steps. He looks so majestic doing that. Young Shik's file drops from his hands and flies all over, evidence against him that YS showed him. He desperately flings himself over the bridge to try to grab the papers. He grabs on the railing for dear life. YS looks dispassionately at him and then turns away without helping him. This is the YS who is so filled with rage that he wants revenge and no longer thinks logically, he said to Nana  previously that he understands how his dad must have felt. This is the reaction that his dad wants from YS, cold fury and willingness to let someone die or to even kill. His eyes, cold, hard and cruel, remembering the death of his adoptive mother.  Suddenly YS thinks of Nana and he wakes up from his madness and urge for revenge. He turns and runs to try to save Young Shik. Young Ju arrives and calls his dad. His dad finally feeling ashamed, lets go and falls on to a car. Young Ju and YS looks at him in horror and it ends.

This is my favorite part of this episode ... the whole range of thoughts and emotions ... YS's sudden awareness ... and looking mighty fine!




On 6/15/2018 at 9:11 PM, CarolynH said:

It's actually pretty scary watching LYS stalking Jong Shik up the stairs.  I was mesmerized watching him stalk his victim.  I didn't notice it as much watching CH previously.  LMH's eyes are so beautiful in the final scene.  Now LYS has blood on his hands--how does this change his relationship with NaNa?  We'll find out next week!

It looks like YS had every intention of killing him, until he snapped back to his senses and then turned to save him; however, Jong-shik let go before YS could reach him.




9 hours ago, syntyche said:

It's all about LMH's eyes...

Soooo expressive and beautiful!!!


9 hours ago, syntyche said:

I was kind of relieved that City Hunter now has that new type of mask that is covering even the back of his head - that old mask with the strings is easy to pull off and reveal his face. But then, come to think of it, maybe this new mask signifies the dark transformation of the City Hunter - that new mask gave him that serial killer vibes. But good thing that he snapped out of it, and came back to save Jong Shik. Or is it? Young Ju seeing him at that exact moment doesn't spell good news.

I have to suspend my disbelief to think that masks make him unrecognizable, but they sure are great for showing off LMH's acting with his eyes!




8 hours ago, gtLmh0622 said:

Almost all the comments said that his acting by eyes were soooooo great to get goose bumps in this episode.

LMH's eyes are killer here! :wink:





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31 minutes ago, gtLmh0622 said:

20180618 on duty :






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Hi gtLmh, thanks for sharing TODAY's pictures. :lol:



4 hours ago, CarolynH said:

LMH's birthday week!


cr:  minozThailand




Hi CarolynH, ye, it's nearing..................:lol: Thanks for sharing the video.



On 6/15/2018 at 9:36 AM, gtLmh0622 said:

20180615, 12th innisfree store will be opened in Thailand.


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gtLmh, sigh..............that here in my side, there's still no Innisfree Store yet, maybe there's a little outlet but haven't seen it. :(

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52 minutes ago, gtLmh0622 said:

20180620 on duty :



cr Logo



Hi gtLmh, thanks for sharing TODAY's pictures + the clip.  LMH is so casual here...........wearing pink walking shorts. Whatever point of view about pink being “unmanly” – it’s dying away.  People need to change their thinking. I adore pink. That's why, when he wears this kind of color it catches my attention. Pink, yellow and purple (even bright red) were once avoided by men as they were considered to be feminine colors. LMH is so secured & confident about wearing pink color. He pulls it off really well. :lol:


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