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Lee Joon Gi 이준기 | [Drama 2023] "Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramoon"


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11 hours ago, zi4r said:

I am one of those fans who desperately wants JG back on IG. But it's not really for my enjoyment. (After all, I barely use my IG..... and when I do, it's only JG-related.) It's because of my desperate need for everything to go back to "normal". I just want to know that he's back to being happy and goofy again, you know.

The thing is..... unlike many other actors/artists, JG seems to genuinely enjoy fan-interaction. He seems to need his fans' love, almost as much as we crave his presence in our lives. And since he can't possibly interact with fans physically all the time, IG seems like one of his "outlets". (Obviously, I don't know JG personally, and I might just be projecting.) If he personally doesn't want to get back on IG/SNS, actually I am fine with it too. I just hope that he is not being forced to stay quiet by various stakeholders (aka Namoo, CM, Lotte) for fear of overshadowing the projects.

All in all, I just want him to be happy, and free to do as he wishes. (But since there is no way to know what he really wishes, I just constantly worry. Silly me.)

I was just thinking about that.

Isn't it kinda cool? A CEO and producer is now effectively working as JG's publicist. Our man is that important now. Hehehe...


agree with you :bawling:


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43 minutes ago, zi4r said:

The "Global Project" donation amount during "Scholars" (3030kg) was way way higher than the target amount listed for the "International FanClub" one (500kg) this year. Although it is not a true comparison, but it might be the indicator that the "Global Project" one will end up being a much larger and media-attracting stand.

I think that the "Global Project" will make also a banner like the one that were outside the FM. And now I understand why all this banner were all of the same misures and all the same, except for the photo that was different from "fun club" to "fun club": they use all the same site so,  other than rice donation, they make also a banner. This is the site that they use:


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10 hours ago, violina said:

A video of our profiler interacting with fans outside of Namoo and the website.I am guessing China to promote his movie "never said goodbye" coz I can spot the director of the movie in the vid.Indeed those grainy instagram shots of him at the filming of CM were not doing him justice..look at him doesn't he look much more handsome?

I think I'm beginning to love that blue-shirt too.He wears it well.But maybe it could be an old video since the hairstyle and colour looks different from the one he is wearing now, but then JG changes his hairstyles very often so you never know.But what makes me believe this is fairly recent is the shirt.

Producer Taewon upload a photo with that shirt when he was standing with Son Hyun Joo and the other cafe owner was it Japan or China also took a photo with him in that shirt recently with the black hair he is spotting now.

PS: He really is the King of hand hearts.I still marvel at how he does them so easily and quickly.Maybe because I'm so smol but my fingers hurt trying to do them like he does.:D


The video was taken in August 2016, during the premier of his movie "Never Said Goodbye".  He wore this shirt at one of the stops he made.

Here is a post of the shirt and hairstyle from his instagram.


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15 hours ago, zi4r said:

And guess what? I think I might have turned another man into a fan-boy. My house-guest-the-profiler.

I brought him home around 5, but I had to go back to office so I was about to leave him in hubby's hands....... But then, he was like: "That Korean Criminal Minds guy..... you have other stuff he acted in?" (My husband facepalms when he heard that. :lol:) He is no fan of the original Criminal Minds; he complains a lot about the misrepresentations of his line of work in the series..... but he was very curious how KR will adapt it.

Anyway, I left him with "Two Weeks" (because it's JG's most recent modern&action work) and of course, MLSHR. Six hours later, I got back...... to see Wang So riding away with Hae Soo on horseback (the escape-from-marriage scene). Apparently, the guy has powered through 5 and a half episodes. His verdict: "Man, that guy is intense!" And then, he just turned back to the screen, and now still merrily watching. ^_^ (Hubby whispered to me: "Did your boss task you to mind-f**k him so that he is distracted from whatever investigation he is here to do? If so, it's working.")

Who can resist Wang So? He mind-whammies everyone!



Has anyone ever told you how awesome you are? You are awesome. :)

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15 hours ago, joonloca3 JG said:

JG's official facebook website , uploading some photos :wub:

In moments like this I still miss the old version of the forum where there were "love" buttons. They'd be sooo usable!!!

6 hours ago, zi4r said:

I have to talk about THIS:

Gee... the things you wrote - so so so my thoughts! How come you can read my mind?

I hope you can't read any dirtyness though. :wink:


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23 hours ago, zi4r said:

I am one of those fans who desperately wants JG back on IG. But it's not really for my enjoyment. (After all, I barely use my IG..... and when I do, it's only JG-related.) It's because of my desperate need for everything to go back to "normal". I just want to know that he's back to being happy and goofy again, you know.

The thing is..... unlike many other actors/artists, JG seems to genuinely enjoy fan-interaction. He seems to need his fans' love, almost as much as we crave his presence in our lives. And since he can't possibly interact with fans physically all the time, IG seems like one of his "outlets". (Obviously, I don't know JG personally, and I might just be projecting.) If he personally doesn't want to get back on IG/SNS, actually I am fine with it too. I just hope that he is not being forced to stay quiet by various stakeholders (aka Namoo, CM, Lotte) for fear of overshadowing the projects.

All in all, I just want him to be happy, and free to do as he wishes. (But since there is no way to know what he really wishes, I just constantly worry. Silly me.)

I am with you on this one.Its ok if at any time he chose to quit too IG/SNS,im fine with it too, if that gives him piece of mind.Poor guy must be exhausted mentally, even though he says fan service gives him energy.Just reading the comment section of his latest IG upload exhausts me as if it were him.Some saying this, some saying that, others spamming and then the occasional troll throwing in some hate:(.My respect for him has only gone deeper because he is soldiering on. Releasing videos and photos albeit namoo controlled, even though he has the option of staying completely MIA(given the situation), till official CM promos starts say mid June.

But on the other hand, if he quit SNS, it gives naysayers the power to lord over him.I mean he has to show the public, fans, the delusioned and the haters. That when they criticise his choices, he will take responsibility and apologise if they bring chaos. But he stands by his choices with no regrets.I mean based on the choices he has made so far.You cant please the public 100%.

Also this is a man who has milla jovovich, James Fraser, Ali Larter, and many more hollywood artists from resident evil, following him and him following them.Why should he cut off those friendships and potential business connection over dating news and silly variety show "controversy"?its a situation where he is damned if he changes his persona and join what i often call the  "industry robots". He is damned if he goes back to his usual crazy out going self.I would rather he remains the way he has always been.

Bring your crazy self back to SNS joon gi-ya, let the ones who hate this side of you, take a chill pill and suck it. Or move along and ignore everything associated with your name. If they cant handle the fact that your career choices and personal life, are ultimately in your hands and no one else.

23 hours ago, zi4r said:

The beautiful thing about JG's versatility is that his acting talents cover almost everything.... and that means the fanbase also covers a wide array!

Hmmh so we shall call JG's fanbase, the unisex global fandom then!!!awesome! talking about acting talents and such!in the "100 things we love about JG list" we talked about how he is always doing repeat collabos with acting seniors.Someone pointed out just recently, his fate like connection with director Yang Yun-ho(or is it really or maybe director Yang Yun Ho has a good impression of him, that he signed on this latest project to work with him, seven years later after their failed meeting?I guess we will never know^_^).But I dont remember us highlighting that he also gets repeat collaborations with hoobaes. Female co-stars to be specific. Nam Sang Mi for TBDW and gunman in joseon. Kim So Eun for fly daddy fly and scholar who walks the night.

If you notice the pattern of these two collaborations, the former was a modern drama first, then a historical one.The later was a modern movie, then a historical drama.Would I be delusional to wish that if he and MCW work well together in this project.They would collaborate in the future and star in a historical drama?They are both veterans in this genre and they have the required gravitas to pull off even a pure historical not just a fusion sageuk.

@jade715 i stand corrected.I was wrong.I guess my stupid brain, didnt even want to process the image in front of me.I think this waiting is driving me crazy, to the point where anything that resembles JGs comeback, is getting me hyper:(.False alarm yeorobun!!post has been deleted promptly.

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18 hours ago, joonloca3 JG said:

JG's official facebook website , uploading some photos :wub:





This JG is coming thing will be the dead of me... thank you so much for sharing :heart:

20 hours ago, zi4r said:

@glassnokamen Welcome to the very costly world of JG-craze.

I am usually not the type to buy merchandise, but SG FM put me in such a mood that everything JG-related I find online becomes irresistible..... My hands just itch to buy. A few tiny items here and there..... but it adds up!

That, plus first two MLSHR DVD-sets (which I now have to send away to my friend in NY, because Bermuda is asking for 35% import tax on them, WTF, and I am really not willing to pay that. I will get them when I head to NY next next weekend), and my Seoul FM ticket (which I didn't get to use because of schedule conflict, and my little cousin got to enjoy it), AND the Seoul FM ticket I paid for my KR friend who bought the tickets for me (because I knew there was no way I could compete with the KR crowd to get the ticket... and I was right... but then, the scandal happened and people returned the tickets. BOOOOOO!)...... My April spending was a total mess. The worse part is: I still haven't got to enjoy ANY of the stuff I spent on! Grrrrrrr!!!!

Good luck to you, chingu. Hope you have funds to get back home. :grimace:



My fuzzy memory is saying I have seen it and saved it. But I have scoured my 3 hard-disks and still cannot find. If I do, I will buzz ya. If you manage to find it, can you buzz me too? My compulsive downloading/screenshoting of JG has left my hard-disks in a mess, and I still haven't figured out how to keep them organized.

Wowwww you are awesome! Sigh....... I truly envy talented people like you. I have things buzzing in my head, but can never create anything, except in writing... It's kinda frustrating at times.

Well, anything that might help JG is worth a try, isn't it? I look forward to more of your work.

And thank you for doing something about the banner with my idea. (And @antoniaclamens... glad to know you like the idea too!) It would be cool to see the things I describe in words materialize in art.

Good luck with your paid projects too! And sorry to hear about computer crash.... I hope you had things backed up and didn't lose much. It's heartbreaking to lose hours of hard work because your device quits on you.



I am one of those fans who desperately wants JG back on IG. But it's not really for my enjoyment. (After all, I barely use my IG..... and when I do, it's only JG-related.) It's because of my desperate need for everything to go back to "normal". I just want to know that he's back to being happy and goofy again, you know.

The thing is..... unlike many other actors/artists, JG seems to genuinely enjoy fan-interaction. He seems to need his fans' love, almost as much as we crave his presence in our lives. And since he can't possibly interact with fans physically all the time, IG seems like one of his "outlets". (Obviously, I don't know JG personally, and I might just be projecting.) If he personally doesn't want to get back on IG/SNS, actually I am fine with it too. I just hope that he is not being forced to stay quiet by various stakeholders (aka Namoo, CM, Lotte) for fear of overshadowing the projects.

All in all, I just want him to be happy, and free to do as he wishes. (But since there is no way to know what he really wishes, I just constantly worry. Silly me.)

I was just thinking about that.

Isn't it kinda cool? A CEO and producer is now effectively working as JG's publicist. Our man is that important now. Hehehe...



@missmaudy The fanboy is adorable! :D

@violina You know, almost all the JG fans among my Thai friends are males. And those fanboys are crazzzzzzy about JG. Some love him because of his flower-boy looks, and others because of his action prowess. And I know a number of male JP fans...... to them, JG apparently looks like a very cool manga/anime character.

The beautiful thing about JG's versatility is that his acting talents cover almost everything.... and that means the fanbase also covers a wide array! I mean, even my husband and my colleagues (all males at office now, the last other female left 2 days ago)..... They make fun of me for my JG-craze, but even they have to admit that he is a gorgeous man and that his talent is undeniable.

JG Power!!!! yesss-crazy-rabbit-emoticon.gif?12927937


And guess what? I think I might have turned another man into a fan-boy. My house-guest-the-profiler.

I brought him home around 5, but I had to go back to office so I was about to leave him in hubby's hands....... But then, he was like: "That Korean Criminal Minds guy..... you have other stuff he acted in?" (My husband facepalms when he heard that. :lol:) He is no fan of the original Criminal Minds; he complains a lot about the misrepresentations of his line of work in the series..... but he was very curious how KR will adapt it.

Anyway, I left him with "Two Weeks" (because it's JG's most recent modern&action work) and of course, MLSHR. Six hours later, I got back...... to see Wang So riding away with Hae Soo on horseback (the escape-from-marriage scene). Apparently, the guy has powered through 5 and a half episodes. His verdict: "Man, that guy is intense!" And then, he just turned back to the screen, and now still merrily watching. ^_^ (Hubby whispered to me: "Did your boss task you to mind-f**k him so that he is distracted from whatever investigation he is here to do? If so, it's working.")

Who can resist Wang So? He mind-whammies everyone!

You always made me lol with your posts!!! please keep them coming. About the highlighted stuff... i never had the intention to buy anything of LJG but i never wished for other actors´merchandise (only bought a Best Love dvd set and a So Ji Sub CD and Magazine. with that i was fine)  but now that i bought something of LJG i found out it´s not enough. i need moarrrrrr. And I can´t help worrying about him too, if i could know he´s doing fine and he´s happy... but as i can´t i´m always thinking he´s having a hard time. Finally i Love Love Love your story about converting your house guest into a LJG fan. I keep hidden my kdrama/LJG addiction to all my friends only my close family knows about it, so i tried hard to convince my brother to watch MLSHR but to no avail. he just keep despising my addiction (so does my father)

I won´t talk about the mess that are my LJG pics and vids because surely they´re nothing compared to yours (though it's giving me headaches to identify and clasify them)

12 hours ago, zi4r said:

This is about the CM-rice-wreath project(s).

So this concerns me, @LadyOne, @missmaudy, @cwngf, @glassnokamen, @pixelsticks, @Lynn11 and whoever else interested in contributing for rice-stands to be sent to Criminal Minds press conference.

Clarification time....... because I was sooooooo confused when @pixelsticks mentioned a Google Drive page. Because I can't remember seeing one in the project I contributed. But then, I was so preoccupied, I didn't bother to figure out. Here is what's going on.

Apparently, we are talking about two different projects.


The one @pixelsticks mentioned is here: (After looking through my finances, I might pitch-in to this project too.)


The one I already contributed and the one @LadyOne mentioned is this one:


So take note of the deadlines and see which one fits you, I guess.

Hope this helps. Cheers!

Thank you so much for the info. now i have to think it well before doing anything. I think i will leave it for the weekend. but i want to contribute for sure!

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3 hours ago, ohgee said:

Oh my goodness, @ohgee. YES! That's the one! You're awesome.

Now, I have to save it again. Cuz I still can't find mine.



12 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

I love his smiley shots but I do find I gravitate to his moody broody shots as well. It is what is predominately in my JG file.

Tell me about it. My little cousin would comment on my collection.... "It's full of men frowning. You like them unhappy?" (Well, what does a 16yo know about moody-broody?)

I've only ever really fangirled over Cumberbatch and JG. (Okay, I had my boyband-crazy days... but what happened during preteen years don't count. :tongue:) When I first shifted my attention from Ben and towards JG, I was slightly lost... cuz JG's portfolio when it comes to photos is too "light" and cheery and young. Maybe it's Korea's fixation on their own take on perfection (pale, young, scruff-free, light & almost doll-like) or maybe he didn't have the age or gravitas to pull it off..... but I couldn't find many pictures that would satisfy me.

But then 2016 came along....... and goodness gracious! The man destroys me time and again with his intensity. I hope he keeps up this trend of work..... It is not good for my sanity, but gosh, it makes me wild. love-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862512


12 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

And did you see the new Taewon CEO photos?  So JG isn't Reid...is it Go-Yoon?  

I have given up speculating. What's the point? Even if JG turns out to be the serial killer, I'd still love it. (Actually, when I think about it, I would love it EVEN MORE.)

I'm not even sure whether they are keeping the characters/personalities intact. "Adaptation" can mean anything, as long as it stays true to the essence of the franchise. Even though Criminal Minds does explore more about the "family" spirit of the team and the character's backgrounds more than most other procedurals, it can be argued that the essence of the show is in the methodology in which the crimes are solved, and the way that methodology is communicated to the audience (I am more apprehensive about this part, because even in the original version, the one-line-per-character way of explaining the behavioral analysis is sometimes clunky and unrealistic. I really really hope they handle that part well).

So I am not sure whether JG will get to be any of the existing characters in the original version. And when I looked at the CM thread, the speculations are becoming quite contentious among a few forumers (well, 2 of them, and I actually find myself agreeing with BOTH of them) so I'd rather not butt-in and add fuel to the fire. I shall stay on this thread and happily ogle JG till June. :lol:


Now lemme switch off my brains again and write with my hormones. As much as I love brainiacs, I'd rather JG be Hotch or Derek to be honest.... Hotch because JG in suits is mouth-watering. Derek because we will probably get to see awesome action scenes and JG might even show off his abs and well-defined arms (I know, I know, I've said that already. But such fantasies are worth reiterating.) serenade-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862



5 hours ago, cedarwood said:

Gee... the things you wrote - so so so my thoughts! How come you can read my mind?

I hope you can't read any dirtyness though. :wink:

Oh chingu. I don't think I need mind-reading abilities to know the dirtiness. Cuz it probably mirrors my own. Ha ha HA!


5 hours ago, violina said:

Would I be delusional to wish that if he and MCW work well together in this project.They would collaborate in the future and star in a historical drama?They are both veterans in this genre and they have the required gravitas to pull off even a pure historical not just a fusion sageuk.

Hey you! Another one with mind-reading ability. I was just thinking about that.

When it was announced that MCW would be joining CM, I was happy because JG is gonna have a reliable co-star this time (Not Yoobi or IU bashing, but there were so many missed opportunities on their parts in Scholars & MLSHR, I am still sore about it). Having said that, I was really disappointed. Because on one hand, I am happy that JG is not doing sageuk because he does need to diversify his portfolio. On the other hand, both MCW and JG are so so good in sageuk, that having them together in a saguek drama would have been explosive! Sigh.... I guess you can't have everything you want.

I sure hope your wish comes true, and they get to star together in a proper historical drama so very soon. *fingers crossed again*



2 hours ago, antoniaclamens said:

Finally i Love Love Love your story about converting your house guest into a LJG fan. I keep hidden my kdrama/LJG addiction to all my friends only my close family knows about it, so i tried hard to convince my brother to watch MLSHR but to no avail. he just keep despising my addiction (so does my father)

Haha. I keep hearing K-drama/K-pop/LJG fans having to hide their addiction from everyone.

I guess, I am lucky in that department. I'm such a loud & proud crazy woman, and my entire family and everyone at work just have to deal with my quirks. And those quirks include being a JG-Angel so they just have to live with it. evil-smile-onion-head-emoticon.gif?12928

But then, it's not so shabby being JG fan, isn't it? I mean, haters gonna hate, but his acting talent and gorgeous looks are undeniable.


@bluelilac1214 Welcome to the forums!!! And thanks for such kind compliments. shy-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862519


Okay, everyone. Gonna head to bed. There was another shouting match at office, and I'm so knackered.

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13 K-Drama Moments Every Fan Will Remember As Their Favorite


Although these dramas may have come to an end, these moments will live on in hearts of viewers forever as some of the greatest scenes in K-Drama history.


Some scenes are funny, others bring back the tears full force, and some are a heart-warming reminder of the love-stories K-Drama’s tell best.


Check out the 13 moments that every K-Drama viewer will never be able to forget.

10. Moon Lovers Scarlet Heart: Ryeo


This scene has even been rec-recreated by the cast after the show due to its intense impact, it’s moment of solidarity, and IU‘s brilliant acting.


(skipped unrelated.....)


source : koreaboo

LINK to read FULL article : http://www.koreaboo.com/buzz/13-k-drama-moments-every-fan-will-remember-as-their-favorite/

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Hmmm..It's getting too obvious. Does anyone here can read my mind? If none, then I may sound weird. But let me be weird until someone understands what I's trying to say. :) 

Btw, is that an example of passive-aggressive?

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14 hours ago, pixelsticks said:


And did you see the new Taewon CEO photos?  So JG isn't Reid...is it Go-Yoon?  

2 hours ago, zi4r said:


I have given up speculating. What's the point? Even if JG turns out to be the serial killer, I'd still love it. (Actually, when I think about it, I would love it EVEN MORE.)

I'm not even sure whether they are keeping the characters/personalities intact. "Adaptation" can mean anything, as long as it stays true to the essence of the franchise. Even though Criminal Minds does explore more about the "family" spirit of the team and the character's backgrounds more than most other procedurals, it can be argued that the essence of the show is in the methodology in which the crimes are solved, and the way that methodology is communicated to the audience (I am more apprehensive about this part, because even in the original version, the one-line-per-character way of explaining the behavioral analysis is sometimes clunky and unrealistic. I really really hope they handle that part well).

So I am not sure whether JG will get to be any of the existing characters in the original version. And when I looked at the CM thread, the speculations are becoming quite contentious among a few forumers (well, 2 of them, and I actually find myself agreeing with BOTH of them) so I'd rather not butt-in and add fuel to the fire. I shall stay on this thread and happily ogle JG till June. :lol:


Now lemme switch off my brains again and write with my hormones. As much as I love brainiacs, I'd rather JG be Hotch or Derek to be honest.... Hotch because JG in suits is mouth-watering. Derek because we will probably get to see awesome action scenes and JG might even show off his abs and well-defined arms (I know, I know, I've said that already. But such fantasies are worth reiterating.) serenade-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862


@bluelilac1214Welcome to the forums!!! And thanks for such kind compliments. shy-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862519



I was supporting LJG to be either Hotch or Derek because I thought  it's like a drama with fixed stories and characters but after reading info & opinions, I don't know anymore and have also stopped speculating. 

I just hope that LJG has the opportunity to shine here. I'll watched whatever it is anyway as long as he is in it. 

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Everything's going belly-up at work. So I won't be sleeping tonight. Monitoring the situation now.... so I guess I will hang out on Soompi in the mean time.


@willenette Your post doesn't link to the "13 K-Drama Moments" and doesn't show which MLSHR moment you're talking about. (EDIT: I see you've edited that. Thanks.) And it highlights the word "IU". And... it comes right after my post, which makes just ONE small note about IU's acting............ so I have a sneaky suspicion that it is directed at me.

Since this is JG thread and we're gonna be talking about IU & MLSHR, I'm putting it in spoiler tag.


I have always been an IU-defencer, and have written many posts to allay bashing of her acting. Just one example:

That's just one example. I've written many similar posts, because I believe in giving credit where credit is due. But what I do not believe in... is having an aversion to criticism. Fair criticism is not bashing, and by taking part in a big-budget and high-publicity drama such as MLSHR, one has to be superb or one will attract criticism; it's just the way it is.

IU's acting is excellent in Ep11. It is noteworthy in a fair number of scenes in Ep12, 18 & 20. That doesn't negate the fact that she is just okay in many scenes and even awkward in a few of them. For the not-so-good or awkward scenes, I mostly blame the script (The writer was so focused on WangSo that IU/HaeSoo is not given much meat to work with; actually, the script did a disservice to all the female characters) (Eg#1 Eg#2),  and the camera work & editing (Too many close-up full-on face shots... Even experienced actors have trouble with such shots... so, of course, you can't blame IU for struggling) (I can't find the specific post to show as example, too many posts to sort through).

But that doesn't mean IU can avoid all criticism (After all, many other actors handled the too-close camera-work & choppy editing just fine; and Kang Hana did a marvelous job even though the script's treatment of her was atrocious).

IU's acting portfolio is very much limited. And some MLSHR scenes required her to portray complex mix of emotions. It's not even really fair to ask that of her. You might notice that there are quite a few IU scenes re-edited for SBS version to include a voiceover. The most notable one is the rejection scene in Ep12. Without the voiceover (DF version), the audience misunderstood HaeSoo's emotions and started bashing her for her treatment of WangSo. She portrayed "grief" well in that scene (just like she did in Ep11) but that's about it. The scene needed a very complex show of emotion.... "grief" + "longing" + "guilt" + "fear", maybe even "joy" at seeing him there. Her eyes need to be communicating all those emotions, one after another, each appearing fleetingly and disappearing as if suppressed. That asks for A LOT out of her..... and she couldn't do it. So a voiceover was added in SBS version to "explain" what she is supposed to be feeling.

So, if you want me to say good things about IU, I have done it before. And I will do it again here. "She acted her butt out." "She did fairly well with what she was given." Her work ethics was not in question; her ability was. I give her A+ for her effort; but I will give her a B for her ability.

Do I want IU to act with JG again? Heck yeah!!! They worked well together, so why not?

Do I look forward to seeing that as much as I want to see JG & MCW together? Sorry, no. And that doesn't mean I hate IU, or that I love MCW. It just means that I like MCW's acting a heck lot more in sageuk.

Sageuk acting is not everyone's cup of tea. Many actors struggle with it because they don't know how to modulate their voice to create gravitas or they don't have the correct carriage in their body language to exude the right amount of stature necessary for their station. Many actresses struggle with it because of the complexity required in portraying the right mix of courtly poise and traditionally-demure female gait. All in all, it's a niche; you either do well or you don't. What I meant to say in my previous post is simply: LJG and MCW are superb in sageuk; they fit the requirements in a saguek to a T.

So, no need to get yourself all worked-up. No IU-hater here. Just a very verbose and out-spoken drama critic.



I am glad to see JG's Wikipedia page finally seems to be nicely fixed. Editing that page was a tug-of-war that I tried twice, and failed, and gave up on. For months, during MLSHR & SBS Drama Awards, the main categories included words like "Domestic flops" and then switched to a slightly milder but no less cruel "Low-rated dramas". I tried changing.... and it would get switched back in a matter of hours. Whoever was editing that page was truly dedicated, even if they didn't like JG very much. :grimace:

Anyway, @LyraYoo, about the first page, I know you're working on the banner right now, but maybe you can just update the top paragraph first? Given that MLSHR is possibly JG's most influential work to date, it should definitely be included, IMO. And maybe Resident Evil because it's Hollywood debut?



One more thing that came to mind...... and this is gonna be controversial... JG-related but touchy subject in film arena for South Korea, so I'm putting it in spoiler too. (Yes, I'm a trouble-maker and I am fascinated by controversies. :tongue:)


It was reported that JG was against KR halving the screen-quotas for domestic films. That was, of course, 10 years ago and back in his "King & Clown" days. His career was very young, and he was more recklessly outspoken. And he was very much a domestic heartthrob back then.

But now that he is heading to the direction of more Hallyu and Hollywood than domestic, I wonder whether his position has changed. I wouldn't blame him if it has. 10 years is a long time in acting career.



6 hours ago, ohgee said:

Joongi was getting on my nerves with all the i don't flaunt my sexiness talk haha. Don't deny it joongi :tongue:

Oh yes, dear JG. I shall believe your words, and not my own lying eyes. :lol:

Thanks @ohgee for sharing.

Really, I want him to flaunt more. Why not? A feast to the eyes! Argh!!!!

Edited by zi4r
"EDIT" part
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Hi everybody!

I saw someone asking about food truck/ coffee truck support?

My experience helping a friend from another fandom is in the spoiler below


They can be really expensive and organising this support might require us to ask for assistance from our fellow Korean fans (Hajunse or DC gall members) because they will know which companies or catering/ restaurant services to contact. I helped a friend of mine who's a Jang Keun Suk's international fanclub president to organise sending a coffee truck for his 'Jackpot' Drama support last year and it cost them around 1500-2000 USD for one coffee truck with snacks. I heard buffet or food truck for lunch/ dinner is even more expensive. So if the fandom isn't too big, I don't think food truck is a good option. Coffee truck should be possible, though. The common service used by fanclubs and celebrities will be Coffee Mr Kim https://www.instagram.com/coffee_mrkim/?hl=en

Normally the Korean fanclub will help the international fanclub to have a contact with the agency of the actor and the coffee truck/ food truck service. The international fanclub just needs to raise the money and send it together with their banners. The last time for JKS, my friend's fanclub was asked as well to provide some pictures to be put on nice frames on the truck and as well videos for a small LED TV on the truck. It was actually very nice!

I'm actually new to JG's fandom even though I've been following his works intensively since 'Arang and the Magistrate' and none of my close friends are his fans *shrugging* so I don't know how the collaboration for support works out between his Korean fanclub and his international fanclubs. Maybe others can fill in some more information about this.



About JG and IG thingy... I am also among the ones who would like him to return to his 'old' self by personally posting stuffs. In addition to his talents, I actually admire him more than any other K-actors because of his unique way of presenting himself and interacting with fans especially via SNS. Maybe because I am the same age as him, I sometimes consider him like a 'friend' lol... so when he's gone like this, I feel like being 'ghosted' by that good friend who has entertained me so far with his goofy posts and antics *sobbing quietly in the corner*. However, I do respect his decision to stay away for a while. I think that by doing this, he also wants to reduce more problematic situations. We all know that whatever he posted would end up as an article by the K-media. And we all know that since the relationship was made public, every little thing he (and also the current gf) does will be linked ... just because. He sure knows it very well that his current gf is no 'woman of the year' for his fans (quoting @zi4r) and a lot of the fans are still upset, if he posts something and it becomes an article containing his gf's name... errr here comes another trouble with raging fans lol. Hence, the understandable 'silence is golden' SNS hiatus. I still keep the faith, though, that he'll return one day with a post related to his current project... maybe once it airs already. After all, like it or not, he's the one who created his own fandom culture~ this 'we are family' culture~ he can't simply 'abandon' it although some fans can also be soooo petty and paternalistic (mother hens are everywhere alright!). I hope he'll find a good, win-win solution soon. I've missed him. Truly, madly, deeply... lol.

OK... I'll get back to my hiatus cave until the next chance to lurk here again soon hopefully there'll be good news, nice updates coming our way til JG decides to present himself personally again in the coming days and weeks.

Have a great week, y'all!






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EDIT: Deleted pic

Latest one from CM. With child actors. This pic keeps popping up and disappearing all over IG. They're actively taking it down. So I dunno how long it will last.

Gosh, he looks so tired. The eyebags :bawling: Hope he rests more.


@NoonaE Thanks for info.

@missmaudy & @pixelsticks Since you express interest in CM cast & crew support (food truck & such), and I only have unconfirmed info regarding this (not appropriate to share as confirmed development), I have PM-ed you. If there is any official announcement from anywhere, I will share here.

If anyone else here is aware of any fanclub organizing support projects, please share.


P.S. I've been made aware by @joonloca3 JG (Thanks for letting me know) that the owner of the pic wants it not to be shared. I've decided to delete it. For those of you who didn't get to see, just imagine JG with massive eye-bags & 2 child-actors. That man needs rest.

Edited by zi4r
Deleted pic
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12 minutes ago, zi4r said:
Gosh, he looks so tired. The eyebags :bawling: Hope he rests more

Right ^^ the first thing I noticed. The all-nighters and the eyebags effect ^^
And I wish his hairstylist would let his hair alone. I like it more when it's naturally straight than wavy-curled like that. (Yeah I know it's a tiny detail but I have nothing else to talk about right now ah ah).
And that blue shirt again xD

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On 2017-5-2 at 1:12 PM, joonloca3 JG said:

JG's official facebook website , uploading some photos :wub:





:o my first thought when I saw these was - it's Kay all grown-up! He does badboy/rebel so well <3. 

Ahah and JG in SW, if that ever happens, he might wind up rekindling my love for that franchise. It's my oldest and longest fandom but Disney's kind of taken the magic out of it :P.

As for rice wreaths, I've been out of touch with korean fandoms for a couple of years (until JG dragged me back in), but won't the media usually just report the total volume of rice received in a celeb's name from all the different fan sites/fan projects? I don't think it should matter if there are a ton of projects in that case.

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