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[Drama 2023] Bora! Deborah/ True to Love, 보라! 데보라


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by Lily Alice, May 18, 2023


Meanwhile, the ENA rom-com Bo Ra! Deborah also maintained steady viewership. The 11th episode of the drama got an average nationwide viewership of 0.74%, a slight decline since its previous episode's rating of 1.008%. Nevertheless, Bo Ra! Deborah has performed fairly well in terms of domestic viewership over the course of five weeks. Hopefully, the finale will end the drama on a satisfactory note. 



When and where to watch the K-drama Bo Ra! Deborah?

Episode 12 of Bo Ra! Deborah will air on May 18 (Thursday). Stream it on Prime Video.



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Ok now that Su Hyuk settled things with Yu Ri it's now Ju Wan's turn ew. The cheek this man has! He now wants to get back together with Bo Ra ew.

    Meanwhile, Bo Mi is makin' quicker progress than her sis in her relationship aha. Wished Sang Jin reconciled with his ex but she's way too awesome for that. The way she smashed the wedding bouquet toss was so cool LoL.

    Yu Jung continues to annoy me as she butts in where she is not suppose to while makin' these remarks without checking the facts first. Her marriage is a joke tbh.

    I am still watching but tentatively though LoL. And I don't find U Ri & Sang Jin cute anymore.. rather she is way too fixated with the idea of a relationship(?) She's too warped in her mind of living the Disney princess fairytale a bit too much.


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“True To Love” Production Team Apologizes For Controversial Dialogue


“True To Love” Production Team Apologizes For Controversial Dialogue


The production team behind ENA’s “True to Love” has apologized for the controversial dialogue in a recent episode of the drama.


In Episode 9 of the romantic comedy, which aired last week, Yoo In Na‘s character Deborah brought up the Auschwitz concentration camp while talking about the importance of taking care of one’s physical appearance. In the drama, Deborah said, “At the Auschwitz concentration camp… there were prisoners who received one cup of water, drank half of it, and used the other half to wash their face. And they would use a shard of glass to shave their face while looking at [their reflection in] the back of a food tray. And they survived.”


The character continued, “Taking care of your appearance and dressing up is a matter of survival. As a single person, shouldn’t I try to survive?”


After the dialogue sparked outrage from viewers both within Korea and abroad, the production team released an official apology on May 18.


Their full statement is as follows:

This is the production team of ENA’s “True to Love.”

We apologize for causing discomfort through certain dialogue from Episode 9 of “True to Love,” which aired on May 9.

We should have spoken about it from a historically accurate perspective, but we did not think things through carefully.

It was absolutely not our intention to use a historic tragedy lightly, and we sincerely apologize once again. We will be even more careful during the production process in the future.


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Here are the ratings for Episode 12! :).


“The Good Bad Mother” Soars To Highest Ratings Yet As “Stealer: The Treasure Keeper” Ends On Rise

“The Good Bad Mother” Soars To Highest Ratings Yet As “Stealer: The Treasure Keeper” Ends On Rise

Finally, ENA’s “True to Love” rose slightly to a nationwide average of 0.9 percent ahead of the final week of its run.




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Episode 13 PREVIEW


Bora! Deborah / True To Love



         Next week we will see the final 2 episodes of Yoo Inna and Yoon Hyunmin's current romance comedy drama series Bora! Deborah / True To Love. I like how the relationship of Bora and Suhyuk grows in every episode. 






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 Bo Ra! Deborah - starring Yoo In NaYoon Hyun MinJoo Sang WookHwang Chan Sung, and Park So Jin - got a decent nationwide viewership of 0.88%. The average rating of the ENA drama for its penultimate week of airing is 0.81%. Bo Ra! Deborah will now enter its final week of airing. 




When and where to watch the K-drama Bo Ra! Deborah?

Episode 13 of Bo Ra! Deborah will air on May 24 (Wednesday). Stream it on Prime Video.



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I have been watching this drama for a few weeks now, and I have just a few thoughts.


I have seen through episode 10, and I did feel like they lingered on her broken heart too long. Poor Yoo In Ah, she spent like four episodes crying all the time. 

There are upsides to this drama. ML/FL have great chemistry.  I hope they both realize they like each other before it's too late.

I also find Sang Jin and his ex-wife interesting. I know they are divorced, but there is still something there. I think U Ri's character and her innocence is there to make him realize what is important and what isn't worth his time.

At first, Bo Ra's sister got on my nerves. She seemed selfish and mean, but she really stepped up when her sister was heartbroken. She also appears to be softening with Jin Ho, who adores her.

I do not like Yu Jung or her husband. I'm sorry. She isn't a real friend. When Bo Ra stepped on that stage at the event and said all of those things about men in her drunken state, and Yu Jung just stood there and watched without so much as even trying to stop the train wreck, I knew she wasn't her friend. She is always giving out terrible advice. She is embarrassingly needy and she still doesn't realize her husband doesn't like her. And Jin Woo, what a poor representation of a man. He goes to ridiculous lengths to not spend time or be intimate in any way with his wife. It's like just split up already. Put yourselves out of your misery already.

Finally, the exes, both are despicable, and masters of emotional manipulation.

When Ju Hwan tried to gaslight her with the whole, it's not what it looks like when she caught him making out with the cousin, I could've thrown my iPad. And Yuri, is sneaky with her manipulation. Giving Su Hyuek the wedding invite was a low blow, and then she tried to corner him into telling her he loved her, but he didn't fall for the bait. I loved when he confessed that he didn't give her the ring because he didn't want to. I truly hope that the exes' storylines end soon. 


What do you all think?

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Bora! Deborah: Episodes 11-12

by Unit

For our penultimate week, it’s time to resolve things with the exes (for good, I hope). And as for our OTP, well, it’s another week of teasing us with a romance which the show has refused to commit to.



Weddings and a spillover of last week’s return of the exes are interwoven this week. But at least, we are now at the resolution side of things starting with Soo-hyuk and Yu-ri. Yu-ri has mixed feelings about her upcoming wedding, and she tells Soo-hyuk that she regrets their breakup. *Rolls eyes* She suggests that she wants to get back together, but Soo-hyuk shuts down the idea. He admits that loved Yu-ri a lot and explains that he didn’t officially ask her to be his girlfriend because he believed she already was. *Rolls eyes again*

Yu-ri is shocked to learn that Soo-hyuk was going to propose on the day they broke up. And perhaps the shock gets to her head because rather than take responsibility for bringing up the breakup, she blames it all on Deborah’s advice (like Soo-hyuk once did). Tsk. But Soo-hyuk clears the air again. Breakup or not, he would have gone ahead and proposed if he wanted to, but he didn’t because that was how far his feelings for her went. Okay, sir. I believe you.


The good news is that for the first time in forever, Soo-hyuk is being honest with his feelings, and as he tells Yu-ri, he plans to keep doing that going forward. After getting their closure, Soo-hyuk’s final act of goodwill towards Yu-ri is to attend her wedding with Bora as his “girlfriend,” having previously introduced himself to Yu-ri’s fiancé as a sunbae from her school. And with this, the groom can sleep well at night without worrying about the relationship between Soo-hyuk and his bride. Heh.

Sang-jin and Soo-jin are also guests at Yu-ri’s wedding, and this gives them the much needed opportunity to reflect on the death of their marriage. Sang-jin admits that he was in over his head when setting up his publishing company, and he was ashamed to share the burden of his failures and many debts with his wife, so he thought letting her go was the best solution. But marriage should be for better, for worse and a spouse isn’t just there to share the good times. In hindsight, Sang-jin apologizes for being a coward, and Soo-jin also apologizes for not understanding him.


Things might not have worked out well between Sang-jin and Soo-jin, but as Soo-jin hopes, it might be different when they meet other people. That being said, it’s finally closure for another set of exes like Soo-hyuk with Yu-ri earlier on, and Bora with Ju-wan two weeks ago — or so I thought, because Ju-wan is the roach that just won’t die.

A relentless Ju-wan blows up Bora’s phone with a million texts, and I wonder why she can’t just block him already. Why is she still entertaining him? Heck, why does the show waste precious screen time on this guy when we could have used those minutes to dive into the OTP’s romance instead? And then that jealous gaslighting chicken has the nerve to be “worried” about Bora’s reputation among their friends because she’s hanging out with a new guy (Soo-hyuk) so soon after their breakup. Tsk. If you’re so worried and you don’t want her to get hurt, then delete her freaking number!!


Unfortunately, having mutual friends means that Bora and Ju-wan can’t always avoid face-to-face interactions, which is why they run into each other at their friends’ pre-wedding photoshoot. Proving that drama is in a love triangle with every couple on this show, the bride and groom throw a tantrum mid-shoot, and the bride storms off. Like Jin-woo and Yoo-jung, this couple is getting married because the bride insisted, and I think the entire friendship squad needs to burn sage or something because they’re giving bad energy vibes.

Luckily (or not, because I still think they need therapy), the groom apologizes to his bride and promises to try to be better because he loves her. And in that moment, all Bora can think about is Ju-wan’s words that “trying is not love.” But Ju-wan is wrong. Because, well, he’s always wrong. Period! And it gave me immense pleasure to see how jealous he was of Soo-hyuk’s presence at the shoot.

Soo-hyuk is a natural, and he really went all out to sell his and Bora’s “love story” to her friends — from his swoony entrance, to saying and doing all the right things. He even comes up with a backstory of how he and Bora met at a wedding and fell in love. And whoa! The Oscar for method acting of the year goes to Lee Soo-hyuk! Let’s hear the acceptance speech, shall we? Heh.

Method acting or not, it’s clear that Soo-hyuk and Bora are smitten with each other. They’re having more heartfelt conversations with each other, and I liked their almost kiss at the cinema more than the actual karaoke kiss. Now if they could just be officially paired together so we can all move on. But seriously, what is the show still waiting for? Bora already had an impromptu meet and greet with Soo-hyuk’s parents — who are such a lovely and affectionate couple — and it made me wonder where Soo-hyuk learned his closed-off ways from.

But within minutes, we learn that his parents got divorced when he was six, and the lovely couple Bora met are his mom and stepdad. Soo-hyuk learned about the ugly side of romance first after witnessing his parent’s divorce at such a tender age, and that’s why he grew up to be so guarded and finds it difficult to express his feelings. This explains a lot, and I wish this reveal could have been done much earlier because I would have been able to empathize with him better.



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Bora Deborah / True To Love starring Yoo Inna, Yoon Hyunmin, Joo Sangwook and Hwang Changsung..



Look! Only 2 episodes left until Bora Deborah ends, right?
I'm not ready to let it go. What will happen to Bora, Suhyuk and Juwan? How can I wait until tonight?



ENA Original < Bora Deborah >
Broadcast every Wednesday and Thursday at 9PM.
Guide to ENA Channel number
Genie TV number 1 / skylife number 1 / Btv number 40 / U + tv 72 / LG Hello vision 45 / Helllive number 58 / CMB 37 / Btv Alton number 57 / HCN 996 number


Don't forget to watch Bora Deborah / True To Love broadcast every Wed-Thurs 9pm KST on ENA Channel  and for International fans please subscribed to Amazon Prime Video!!
























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Tonight!!!  Bora Deborah / True To Love Episode 13 Preview:


Wednesday May 24








Don't forget to watch the final 2 episodes of ENA Drama Bora!Deborah / True To Love starring Yoo Inna, Yoon Hyunmin, Joo Sangwook and Hwang Chansung.

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I like these two last comment, and now when Bora Deborah it's near the End i feel like <if I comment and should do this short> I would say that the actors perfomance were OK.

And Yoo In Na did it brilliant, she was amazing again-again, an Actress that manege to find that "special, unique amazing TONE"  fo her characters, as she did in Goblin-Touch Your Heart, and her co-actors so good expresed and congrats her for. 


Yoo In Na holds the common thread with her enormous talent, creativity and acting skills that have been indispensable for the Drama's (script-direction) breathing, (my humble opinion)


I love the main plot, the heart of the drama, (rom-com? don't think so) because it's very real, it happens all the time to different kinds of people and makes the audience reflect on our own or our friends experience  and learn something important, self-esteem, empathy, self-respect. 


What I didn't like is the lack of proper timing, thinking that the drama only has 14 eps.,some scenes are too long, others too short and others  were more relevant in another context/time of the drama.  Script / Direction ? maybe. 

Perhaps there was not a very good adaptation / coordination of the script to make it converge in only 14 episodes, a Drama that easy could have been longer, more fluid and outstanding.

Still and all because of the theme and acting, I enjoy this drama


Ready to enjoy the next Yoo In NAs  Project soon. I hope.  :blush:   

"True To Love"


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15 minutes ago, Lunitaaa said:


I like these two last comment, and now when Bora Deborah near the end if I comment and should do it short I would say that the actors perfomance were OK, but Yoo In Na did it brilliant, she was amazing again-again, an Actress that manege to find that "special, unique amazing TONE"  fo her character, as the Goblin's co-actors so good expresed and congrats. her for. 

Yoo In Na holds the common thread with her enormous talent, creativity and acting skills that have been indispensable for the Drama's (script-direction) breathing, (my humble opinion)


I love the main plot, the heart of the drama, (rom-com? don't think so) because it's very real, it happens all the time to different kinds of people and makes the audience reflect on our own or our friends experiences. This can make the audience to reflect about our own or friends experience and learn something important, self-esteem, empathy, self-respect. Good!





    Yeah! Now that Bora! Deborah is now on it's final 2 episodes, many viewers wanted more of Bora and Suhyuk moments so maybe I'm thinking of a season 2? Because 14 episodes was not enough for them and the other supporting characters like Bora's sister and the CEO of the publishing and how Bora went back to fame as the best dating coach in Korea after all that happened to them. 

But I really enjoyed watching it and enjoyed the onscreen chemistry of Yoo Inna and Yoon Hyunmin in the drama. Yoo Inna looks beautiful in the drama and she really proved us that she's one of the romantic comedy queen of her generation.




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So, tonight is the finale episode of the romance comedy drama series Bora!Deborah also known as True To Love starring Yoo Inna, Yoon Hyunmin, Joo Sangwook and Hwang Chansung.

    Episode 14 will be showing tonight and everyone are curious who will Bora chose, Suhyuk or Juwan.




Episode 14 Preview



What will going to happen to Bora and Suhyuk?


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Here are the ratings for Episode 13! :).


“The Good Bad Mother” Approaches Double Digits In Ratings With New Personal Best

“The Good Bad Mother” Approaches Double Digits In Ratings With New Personal Best

Meanwhile, the second to final episode of ENA’s “True to Love” achieved an average nationwide rating of 0.9 percent, maintaining the same score to its previous episode’s rating.




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by Hazel Jung, May 25, 2023
1 0



Joo Sang Wook, who played the role of Han Sang Jin in the ENA Thursday drama Bo Ra! Deborah (directed by Lee Tae Gon, Seo Min Jung / written by Ah Kyung) shared his closing remarks and a script certification photo as the final broadcast approaches.

Joo Sang Wook said, "It is fortunate to meet charismatic characters as I continue to work on different projects. I enjoyed portraying the character throughout, and I think Han Sang Jin remains memorable because many people found him amusing," revealing his affection for the character.

He continued, "It's already time for the drama to end, and rather than feeling relieved, I feel a sense of regret. I will cherish the good memories of working with the directors, writers, cast, and staff members" and added, "I sincerely thank the viewers who have shown love and support for the drama up until now."

Joo Sang Wook took on the role of Han Sang Jin, the representative of the publishing company Jinri and the close friend of Soo Hyuk (Yoon Hyun Min) in the drama. Joo Sang Wook created a harmonious blend in the drama, forming unique chemistry with various characters.

Meanwhile, Bo Ra! Deborah is a romantic drama that begins with Deborah, a love coach who believes the strategy is essential in relationships. Soo Hyuk, a publishing planner, believes sincerity is the key to love. The final episode will air on the 25th at 9 PM on ENA.



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This episode was hard to watch. So many things they said yet things still left unsaid by Bora and SH. I think they should just be honest about their feelings for one another instead of hurling insults at each other.


Hoping this is just another bump on the road and that they’ll figure out a way towards each other eventually. 


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Meanwhile, Bo Ra! Deborah observed a slight decline in domestic ratings. After getting a nationwide viewership of 0.88%, the ENA rom-com dropped to a rating of 0.87% for its penultimate episode. Hopefully, the finale will conclude the drama with a decent rating.


When and where to watch the K-drama Bo Ra! Deborah?

Episode 14 of Bo Ra! Deborah will air on May 25 (Thursday). Stream it on Prime Video.




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  • larus changed the title to [Drama 2023] Bora! Deborah/ True to Love, 보라! 데보라

Tonight! Last Episode of Bora! Deborah / True To Love 9pm on ENA Channel and Amazon Prime Video.












Lee Suhyeok don't lose another woman because you can't express your feelings, right. You can do this please. I need Bora and Suhyeok couple moments for the finale episode tonight!




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