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[Drama 2022] Love (ft. Marriage & Divorce) Season 3 결혼작사 이혼작곡


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Guys how can this thread move so freaking quickly lol


i remember back in season 1 it feels like dead thread with mostly just flaming the drama. 


glad you guys all here!! 


i am proud to be able to stay even with the slow pace on season 1!! 


the thing is that this season 2 is probably what everyone sign up for! 


for me if they just make 20 episode and packed the episode into more high quality with no boring scene then i can see this drama going double digit easily. 


the 8 episode flashback pretty much kill this drama hype back then. but now it is different game and i believe based on reaction here this is what people want to watch. 


the rating is picking up quickly and we are going to the double digit hopefully soon


One thing that i need to complain that still hadnt fix IS THE WEIRD editing for the timing of some scene. there is like a random cut to some scene but it is either to quick or just useless or killing the momentum. Hire a better editor please

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1 hour ago, Gudetamama said:

Then, we will not have this drama to watch. ^_^

Yes, so true. We may have different opinion, but it's a just a drama after all. Just like I mentioned before, let us pray hard not be included into the cheater team & being cheated team. I can't imagine ... *shooo shoooo mishap, I don't like you to catch up!"


1 hour ago, Gudetamama said:

All the mistress in this drama are single. Actually, the writer should have put the 30s mistress not a divorcee, can you imagine she could not get pregnant with her husband that married for 5yrs but got pregnant with a one night stand. 

That's the beauty of modern makjang. 5 years of marriage, no child conceived. But being knocked up with young man in his 30s, in just that one time, there there....  Miracle Baby Bada is on the way..... I guess this happened IRL too, only not happening around us.


And yes @Gudetamama, that celebrity married a single man, who is 6 years YOUNGER than her. And actually a lot of celebrity in my country, single woman &  some of them divorcee too, married single and young man. The most recent one, have difference age of 17 years old. The female celebrity is 38 and her husband, also a celebrity (since kid) is 21, both single. :lol:



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15 hours ago, hsmz said:

Not surprising tho, Ms Jeon Soo-kyeong starts her acting career from musical theater and acted a lot in the movies and dramas too.


I've watched the actors in other projects.they don't normally sound like this. I have a hunch the dialogue is deliberate. Either that Or, the awkwardness of the dialogue just makes it prone to be delivered as they are doing. Their conversations are not everyday convos. They're hard sentences to deliver naturally (silent apple chewing and all).


12 hours ago, hsmz said:

And yes @Gudetamama, that celebrity married a single man, who is 6 years YOUNGER than her. And actually a lot of celebrity in my country, single woman &  some of them divorcee too, married single and young man. The most recent one, have difference age of 17 years old. The female celebrity is 38 and her husband, also a celebrity (since kid) is 21, both single. :lol:


Also please tell us which country this is, because if there's a lot of Noona Romance there, I think it's time for me to change my citizenship!! I'm on my way!!


Best Friends Pilot GIF by Marvel Studios

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22 minutes ago, africandramalover said:

Either that Or, the awkwardness of the dialogue just makes it prone to be delivered as they are doing.

I guess, it's the way of the writer wrote the script and the way of the director directed the drama. They need to follow the script the way the writer wrote. The writer-nim is quite popular in the makjang world, so yeahhh maybe the actors & actresses are being told to deliver words by words without adlibs. 


Ekskiyuizmeee, what country? :lol:




14 minutes ago, Ameera Ali said:

She busy in radio , she didn’t know lawyer is worse kind in  kdrama lol :mrgreen:

Owh, she forgets about Prof Park or what? And she haven't meet Dr Shin yet yaaaaaaaa... Lawyer or doctor or president, even jobless man,  if the want to cheat, they will cheat. 

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42 minutes ago, Ameera Ali said:


She busy in radio , she didn’t know lawyer is worse kind in  kdrama lol :mrgreen:


Me: He's a lawyer, not a judge. There's a BIG difference. Also kind of like doctors are the worst patients themselves. :D 


40 minutes ago, hsmz said:

I guess, it's the way of the writer wrote the script and the way of the director directed the drama. They need to follow the script the way the writer wrote. The writer-nim is quite popular in the makjang world, so yeahhh maybe the actors & actresses are being told to deliver words by words without adlibs. 


It's funny because even the dialogue of the kids is like that. Or how they finish each other sentences 100% flawlessly. Maybe it's got to do with TV Chosun format. Their dramas are sort of strange to me :D 





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14 hours ago, hsmz said:

yeah, a lot of her fans really feel relieved when she said she getting a divorce from her ex husband who always bully her mentally and physically. I'm not sure what kind of husband he was during their marriage, but after their marriage crisis broke and media covered it, then we know the husband was so so bad temper.


And her fans praised her by marrying her boyfriend, who she had an affair during her almost-broken marriage. The son with his older sister stayed with their mother & we never see them having a good time with their father. Not a single photo we can see in the magazine or in the papers (during that time) showing that the kids having a blast time with the father (when they were younger). Remember, the father also a celebrity right and all media shown about the father was about his new family without mentioning about the kids with his ex wife. Ohhh, I remembered now, the female celebrity had a full custody and didn't let her kids to meet their father and he once mentioned this in that show too. (just like SPY's mom right?)


Now the father-kids relationship seems getting better as the kids now grown up already. The daughter became a rookie singer by now. The son got engaged end of last year and media covered the story and I saw the father too (not sure the son has married or not due to Covid19 compliance)


They are all now happily living with their new family. Even it started with a cheating, but she found her true love now. The female celebrity is so famous in my country, if I say her name, her ex husband name & her current husband name, everyone in my country know them. (except generation Z who born after year  2000) hahaha... 


Bad lesson to teach kids , endure abuse and then cheat and then get divorce when coughs.


she should have gone to police for

abuse and get rid of the husband .


yes it is a tough choice but it is the right choice .



9 hours ago, Ameera Ali said:

they said when relationship breakdown is 

What he said .. 

what she said .. 

And the true ,  oops mean the writer true :D

She said :  I just realise strong bond was important than passion 


But THE TRUE  is  :smirk: 

** building their strong bonding, by embarrassing him :sweatingbullets:



**building a strong bond by switching off what he like  :w00t:



** building a strong bond by kicking him out from bed while he need her :tounge_xd:

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** building a strong bonding by throwing away his mom food :phew:

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** building a strong bonding by refusing to do any activity with him :lol:

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** building a strong bonding by let him eat alone while sick :mrgreen:

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** building a strong bonding by not wanting to visit his family with him :wink:

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**** building a strong bonding by forgetting his parent birthday <_<

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** building a strong bonding by being rude to his parent :smiley:


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**building a strong bonding by refusing to do minimum wife duty’s :sweat:

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** ** building a strong bonding by being unreasonable   :unsure:


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they were also scenes that show she cares , she spoke to him and worried about his work load when he shifted companies.


there was a scene when she told him to work with lights on .


she cares about his health /physique and him eating healthy food . Which is what majority of family members do for their loved ones , it definetly falls into nagging but not controlling nor uncaring attitude


she treated her mother in law properly when she came home suddenly after she fought with FIL, she also asked FIL if he wants to eat when he cane later.

yes she is very western in her upbringing so expecting a phone call before is not a big sin.


husband can make himself breakfast.

Husband should have been thoughtful when he came down with cold it was because he was too thoughtful for the mistress , so stayed out of car in cold. Her job is voice job , she cannot afford cold , he should have shown 1/10 of consideration which he showed mistress and he himself should have slept outside.


Food , mother gave the food for the son , it is sons responsibility to eat the food not go out and have dinners with mistress because of which the food went bad.


toe nail problem , not sure if it is an insult ,the salon lady will take care of toe nail problem , he is more shy than embarrassed there.


she prioritizes  her stuff than in law stuff and maintaining relationships with having husband cover for her, that is called managing relationships , if she says she won’t come if would have offended them . A clean and easy way to maintain tricky situations .


the way she communicates is blunt but does not mean harm .


the husband is too wimpy , does not stand up to what he believes and gives in every time , then he should not complain later on.

6 hours ago, lebeaucouple said:

To summarise in short what we learnt from this drama :

  • A mistake is something that happens accidentally. Cheating and Lying are not accidents, not a mistake, they are choices.
  • Infidelity does not come from lack of love, it comes from lack of respect.
  • If you leave someone for another person, don't be surprised if that person leaves you for someone else one day (karma??)
  • Never settle for being someone's others when you know you have the full potential to be someone's only. 


Pls feel free to add in the list....


Let's toast for all the wives have a happy ending for them. Cheers!


well said .


cheating is  a choice which morally lacking people make . It is not a disease where you do not have control.



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20 hours ago, Green Chilli said:

she treated her mother in law properly when she came home suddenly after she fought with FIL, she also asked FIL if he wants to eat when he cane later.

but you didn't mentioned, she didn't welcome her with sincere heart (not to mention she lied to her MIL). 

MIL : I'm staying few nights here. Am I making you uncomfortable?

BHR & her fake smile  : Anniayooooooooo


Then she have the nerves to call that woman's son who that woman's husband bought the house for them as their wedding present and informed him with unsatisfied tone that his mother came. As a woman, she must be considerate and tolerates as her mother in law is not a type who likes to barge her own son's crib and stay the nights unless she have a a problem with her husband. (as you know, PSH's mom is a very devoted wife towards her husband). The scene was a 10 months flashback, meaning she still not "liking" her MIL or have the sincerity to welcome her with open hands to their house. She's not her step MIL like Dongmi, that's her own MIL, her husband's mother.

If she can't hold it inside, she can always text or call her friend and complain about it but she have the nerves to call her husband yaaaa? I asked my male friend, if your mother came, and your wife call you and seems complain about his mother's presence, he said, I will get mad & yell at her on the phone:lol:



20 hours ago, Green Chilli said:

Husband should have been thoughtful when he came down with cold it was because he was too thoughtful for the mistress , so stayed out of car in cold. Her job is voice job , she cannot afford cold , he should have shown 1/10 of consideration which he showed mistress and he himself should have slept outside.

Yes, the cold scene was after he met and be friended with SW. But, what if the scene was shown before he had an "affair"? Also, if the cold scene showed after she found out about his dark affair, yes, I can understand just like I understand, he have to slept on the sofa after she knew about the dark affair. 


Just look at the drunk scene, she got mad at him got home drunk, but she can be drunk & humiliated the husband by went out from the car & and asked Seo Ban directly to his face, why he didn't introduced her to his friends, said something about her beauty face bla bla blaaaa.... My oh my, yes I understand, everybody have their own "honesty" during drunk, same like PSH called her "kyaaaaaaa". PSH said, he always being kicked to sleep on the sofa, but when she drunk, PSH made honey water for her and didn't ask her to sleep on the sofa. And also BHR reminded PSH what he did while she was drunk for the first time. PSH bought her medicine, helped her throw up & carried her to the car. But when PSH wants to eat fried egg to cure his hangover, but what he get? A yell from his own wife...
And the lump scene, PSH rushed home and straight away check her wife's condition. Turned out it just an ulcer. It showing that PSH truly loves and care for her. PSH worried about her sickness, but she kicked her husband slept on the sofa, without giving him any warm water or medication eyyyyy. She said herself, Korea have 24-hour cafe/diners and a lot of convenience store too. Why can't she go out for a while and buy some porridge and medication for her husband? At least I have a thought that she loves and care much for her husband. Ohhhhhh.... maybe she can't be seen by others while buying those things because she is a top celebrity like Song Hye Kyo right. Ok, understand. :rolleyes:

And she didn't prepare any emergency medication at home? Ohhh, I forget, she's not a housewife, she didn't have to prepare all that as for her the husband the ones need to prepare it all. She didn't have to do anything at home, apart to take care of her beauty face. -_-


What I can't understand, why he can tolerates with her, shows his love and care for his wife but she can't? 



20 hours ago, Green Chilli said:

she prioritizes  her stuff than in law stuff and maintaining relationships with having husband cover for her, that is called managing relationships , if she says she won’t come if would have offended them . A clean and easy way to maintain tricky situations .

Sorry, managing what? She's the one who forget, but why PSH needs to pick her "p00p" and lie to his parents? Why didn't she call and apologize to her PIL herself for not able to be there for her FIL's birthday and lie that she have some other works to manage at radio station or meeting with new home shopping channel? I know why, she wants to cover her own "@zz" and didn't wanna show her bad side to her MIL. And either she calls or PSH calls, her PIL still feel offended right because they both didn't come and celebrate the father's birthday. I guess the mother felt more offended as she knew her son is lying to her to cover for his wife's mistake. Just like the foods as well. She said herself, she lied to her MIL and told her that her husband always eat breakfast, which he didn't. Lying is like a cancer, once you start to lie, you will lie again and again, because you think, you'll never get caught. 


Sorry for the long reply. Sometimes, talk is just a talk. Yes, she showed her care by asking PSH to sign up for the gym to be fit, being strict to him regarding his food consumption & worried about he will be getting a lot of works after started working at his friend's firm, but in the end, but it's all just a sweet talk. We must walk the talk too right?


I'm a woman, she is a woman too and I have seen people who exactly like her and that's why I write this replies. :D


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5 hours ago, Green Chilli said:

yes she is very western in her upbringing so expecting a phone call before is not a big sin.


I don't think she's very western upbringing. there was line from PSH's father .."You should only emigrate if you're young." - refer to BHR's parents (episode 1, season 2) after the in-law informed they will fly back to Canada on Wednesday.

Meaning, BHR's family was living in Korea all this while before the parents emigrate to Canada (maybe just in few years before.)

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2 hours ago, hsmz said:

but you didn't mentioned, she didn't welcome her with sincere heart. she have the nerves to call that woman's son who that woman's husband bought the house for them as their wedding present and informed him with unsatisfied tone that his mother came. As a woman, she must be considerate and tolerates as her mother in law is not a type who likes to barge her own son's crib and stay the nights unless she have a a problem with her husband. (as you know, PSH's mom is a very devoted wife towards her husband). The scene was a 10 months flashback, meaning she still not "liking" her MIL or have the sincerity to welcome her with open hands to their house. She's not her step MIL like Dongmi, that's her own MIL, her husband's mother.

If she can't hold it inside, she can always text or call her friend and complain about it but she have the nerves to call her husband yaaaa? I asked my male friend, if your mother came, and your wife call you and seems complain about his mother's presence, he said, I will get mad & yell at her on the phone:lol:



Yes, the cold scene was after he met and be friended with SW. But, what if the scene was shown before he had an "affair"? Also, if the cold scene showed after she found out about his dark affair, yes, I can understand just like I understand, he have to slept on the sofa after she knew about the dark affair. 


Just look at the drunk scene, she got mad at him got home drunk, but she can be drunk & humiliated the husband by went out from the car & and asked Seo Ban directly to his face, why he didn't introduced her to his friends, said something about her beauty face bla bla blaaaa.... My oh my, yes I understand, everybody have their own "honesty" during drunk, same like PSH called her "kyaaaaaaa". PSH said, he always being kicked to sleep on the sofa, but when she drunk, PSH made honey water for her and didn't ask her to sleep on the sofa. And also BHR reminded PSH what he did while she was drunk for the first time. PSH bought her medicine, helped her throw up & carried her to the car. But when PSH wants to eat fried egg to cure his hangover, but what he get? A yell from his own wife...
And the lump scene, PSH rushed home and straight away check her wife's condition. Turned out it just an ulcer. It showing that PSH truly loves and care for her. PSH worried about her sickness, but she kicked her husband slept on the sofa, without giving him any warm water or medication eyyyyy. She said herself, Korea have 24-hour cafe/diners and a lot of convenience store too. Why can't she go out for a while and buy some porridge and medication for her husband? At least I have a thought that she loves and care much for her husband. Ohhhhhh.... maybe she can't be seen by others while buying those things because she is a top celebrity like Song Hye Kyo right. Ok, understand. :rolleyes:

And she didn't prepare any emergency medication at home? Ohhh, I forget, she's not a housewife, she didn't have to prepare all that as for her the husband the ones need to prepare it all. She didn't have to do anything at home, apart to take care of her beauty face. -_-


What I can't understand, why he can tolerates with her, shows his love and care for his wife but she can't? 



Sorry, managing what? She's the one who forget, but why PSH needs to pick her "p00p" and lie to his parents? Why didn't she call and apologize to her PIL herself for not able to be there for her FIL's birthday and lie that she have some other works to manage at radio station or meeting with new home shopping channel? I know why, she wants to cover her own "@zz" and didn't wanna show her bad side to her MIL. And either she calls or PSH calls, her PIL still feel offended right because they both didn't come and celebrate the father's birthday. I guess the mother felt more offended as she knew her son is lying to her to cover for his wife's mistake. Just like the foods as well. She said herself, she lied to her MIL and told her that her husband always eat breakfast, which he didn't. Lying is like a cancer, once you start to lie, you will lie again and again, because you think, you'll never get caught. 


Sorry for the long reply. Sometimes, talk is just a talk. Yes, she showed her care by asking PSH to sign up for the gym to be fit, being strict to him regarding his food consumption & worried about he will be getting a lot of works after started working at his friend's firm, but in the end, but it's all just a sweet talk. We must walk the talk too right?


I'm a woman, she is a woman too and I have seen people who exactly like her and that's why I write this replies. :D


The ideas you are propagating are to have wife bend over backwards to service husband . There is a prime example PSH mom all her life served husband , where did it take him no where.


so I am ok with what is shown as care from BHR side. The cold he should have been careful , she could not  go in the middle of the night to fetch food from him, most caring men in the world not expect to run out in the middle of the night to fetch food , will make do with what is in the home.

There is a clear contrast shown there , BHR was thiughtless and may be she is thoughtless to everyone . but there is duality in PSH behavior , recklessly got cold to please Mistress and was not thoughtful enough for wife . That is my take .


in laws relation , in majority households in the world , it is very formal relationship. people do only so much to have a decent relationship specially in Asian countries where DIL comes to sons , so it is sons responsibility to tend to parents.  How do you know she was not sincere , she  is inconvienced   yes but she did sit with MIL and fed her apples while listening to her rants about FIL. That is decent enough behavior when MIL really needed someone to hear her rants . her son was not there , it was BHR. 

yea PSH ran  to her For cancer care because she is the person who demands attention . She would have been persistent if he said I will come later. Yes PSH needed to learn that to be persist this on things he wants from her  just like he is now , he is going around convincing everyone to ensure him being in contact with Sangwon. He needed to that not simply comply and then run off to have affair.


Todays world is an equal world where both genders go out and work and extremely busy and tired , you cannot teach your daughters to bear an additional burden of serving the husband . Yes she needs to caring side but rest everything what BHR does is not some sky falling down scenarios .


Most people bag their family members to exercise  and eat health , if you see that controlling then no one can that person .


why is it sweet talk those are all things which actual impact on life and your quality of life . So nothing is dismissive .the contrast is shown in the series itself where 40s stepmom , and epitome of housewife fed her husband so much unhealthy food and causes heart attack but for outsiders it will look like she took great care LOL 


i  actually glad BHR is like that , otherwise she still be where she is just like her MIl, 30, 50s wife.

she just needs to give hard time to moron husband and clingy mistress and then decide what is best for her , stay in the marriage or go out have fun.


i hope you support her affair too if it really happens , because she is in now in  need for someone to listen to her wows  and comfort her .

30 minutes ago, hsmz said:

I don't think she's very western upbringing. there was line from PSH's father .."You should only emigrate if you're young." - refer to BHR's parents (episode 1, season 2) after the in-law informed they will fly back to Canada on Wednesday.

Meaning, BHR's family was living in Korea all this while before the parents emigrate to Canada (maybe just in few years before.)

we don’t know that when they actually emigrated.  If she does not have western upbringing , we can call her modern working women who has independent thought and practices western lifestyle LOL 


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2 hours ago, Green Chilli said:

i hope you support her affair too if it really happens , because she is in now in  need for someone to listen to her wows  and comfort her .

this is when people will say, when you have someone that loves you, can comfort you, always give you arm pillow, can listen to you, care for you, but you took him/her for granted because you are so CONFIDENT that he/she will always stay by your side and swallow all your true self till end of the world... and now you said you need someone else to listen to you and comfort you...

people tend to appreciate something or someone when it/them no longer be in front of us or ignore us... that's when reality hits. We shall see what will happen to Prof Park when he starts to realize that NGB is nothing to be compared with Writer Lee, and Dr Shin when SPY prevent him to see his daughter. 


I didn't say I'm so right, and you are so wrong. No. Don't get me wrong my dear. It just we have so different opinion about BHR's attitude and style towards her husband and his family. PSH also not a perfect husband as he always kept what inside and always avoid arguments. How I wish to see him at least stands firm to eat at home together while she forcing to eat out also get mad and ask herself to call his parents rather than followed her nonsense to lie to his parents.


But, what can I do.... the writer-nim didn't grant my wish.

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7 minutes ago, hsmz said:

this is when people will say, when you have someone that loves you, can comfort you, always give you arm pillow, can listen to you, care for you, but you took him/her for granted because you are so CONFIDENT that he/she will always stay by your side and swallow all your true self till end of the world... and now you said you need someone else to listen to you and comfort you...

people tend to appreciate something or someone when it/them no longer be in front of us or ignore us... that's when reality hits. We shall see what will happen to Prof Park when he starts to realize that NGB is nothing to be compared with Writer Lee, and Dr Shin when SPY prevent him to see his daughter. 


I didn't say I'm so right, and you are so wrong. No. Don't get me wrong my dear. It just we have so different opinion about BHR's attitude and style towards her husband and his family. PSH also not a perfect husband as he always kept what inside and always avoid arguments. How I wish to see him at least stands firm to eat at home together while she forcing to eat out also get mad at her when she ask him to lie to his parents.


But, what to do.... the writer-nim didn't grant my wish.


Leaving wife and having an affair for solvable issues is a person worth forgetting is my take .

I meant now that she has real problem where husband broke the trust , disrespected the marriage vows , impregnated another women , these are much bigger issues than any of smaller stuff PSH faced in his marriage .she definitely   needs a friend who she can depend on but I don’t see any one other than 50s wife who is in similar situation . I think the seo

Ban  and brother are just going to remain in imaginations going by what we saw so far and sure hope no affair is in offing .


if BHR decides to stay in marriage for other benefits so be it, it serves him well. He broke the trust of marriage and deserves punishment what ever she gives him.  I sure hope she does not go affair route but PSH deserves every punishment she throws at him .




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@Ameera Aliyour gif meme virus has spread to me :D



*BHR Mr Husband, you must follow what I said, don't say NO and disobey me as I don't like to plan in advance for lunch or dinner*



*BHR : Mr Husband, now I know how to plan in advance for lunch or dinner*


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9 hours ago, Green Chilli said:

Bad lesson to teach kids , endure abuse and then cheat and then get divorce when coughs.


she should have gone to police for

abuse and get rid of the husband .


yes it is a tough choice but it is the right choice .

Oh, I have mentioned this in another post. It happened in the 90s, and they both celebrity including the man she had affair with. So, the fans know why she can't stand for herself and the kids (after her divorce story broke into the media.) Even she had affair before her divorce, I don't think it was a bad lesson/influence to the kids as the kids know how much their mother suffered and how nice and sweet of that guy who always be there for them, support emotionally and calm their hearts. Between the bad tempered father and the sweet & nice man their mother had an affair with, of course the kids can tell who is better. But a father still a father. I believed along the way, the father now has changed to be more softer as I can see the kids now having a happy time with their father. It showed on internet last year when the son got engaged & the father support the daughter's new career as a rookie singer.

It doesn't mean I support cheating, no I don't, but all cheaters have their own story to tell.


Whether we like it or not, we hate cheaters for cheating, it was their choice. And we can't say we won't cheat in future. I always say to myself...

"Don't talk big, don't brag, don't show off, later you'll be trapped in those words and actions."


2 hours ago, Green Chilli said:

 I sure hope she does not go affair route but PSH deserves every punishment she throws at him .

I hope she didn't start her dark affair too with Seo Ban or Dong Ma or who ever idol that she mentioned to PSH. If she does, she only make me rolling my eyes to her even more.

PSH said to his mom, he willing to get all the punishments from BHR because he's the one who cheats, broke their marriage vow, impregnated other woman. He was wrong, I don't deny it. He made me rolling my eyes too, especially when he can't even say NO to his wife, lied to his parents, start asking SW for salad recipe and made out with SW at the hotel in Gangneung.

But from other perspective, like I said, I understand why he cheats and changed from old PSH who the one who chased BHR like a little puppy to new PSH who now always wanna get away from BHR like an untamed cat. 

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we don’t know that when they actually emigrated.  If she does not have western upbringing , we can call her modern working women who has independent thought and practices western lifestyle LOL 



I am not fan of 30 wife, cold and self-centred person - but love how  she modern when is suit her needs . 


** making me launch sorry I am independent/modern woman , you got two hand make it yourself . 


** Your family is your business, don’t involved me , I’m  busy / modern woman that got thing to do other than remembering your family birthdays . 

One day faced with a problems, who said I am modern woman / independent woman who can sorted her problems alone  that lie , let’s get involved your parents . 


# Hey parent , take responsibility of your child mistake  :mrgreen:


~ parents can you leave us out of it , we thought we are getting modern DIL :sweat_smile:



@hsmz I laughed so much with your creativity, it made my day :wub:

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25 minutes ago, Ameera Ali said:

** Your family is your business, don’t involved me , I’m  busy / modern woman that got thing to do other than remembering your family birthdays . 

One day faced with a problems, who said I am modern woman / independent woman who can sorted her problems alone  that lie , let’s get involved your parents . 

This so BHR. She can be so independent, modern woman & not typical housewife kind of wife that have to entertain her "clingy and puppy-like husband" in the eyes of others... Your family is your family, I have to prioritize my leisure over your family gathering or whatever you call it.

But when I'm in trouble, my family got sick, I'm sick - my husband's family is rich they can sort it out all for me and for myself! 

26 minutes ago, Ameera Ali said:

 I laughed so much with your creativity, it made my day 

You are the one who always made my day. you GIFs are gold.

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3 hours ago, Green Chilli said:

The ideas you are propagating are to have wife bend over backwards to service husband . There is a prime example PSH mom all her life served husband , where did it take him no where.


We have a better example - 50's wife. She lost herself, lost her health and now is alone with children. 

It's ironic to read that if BHR will start cooking, coming home early, will spend precious time with her husband, will talk and listen to him and will having his baby she will save her marriage. Yes, may be for now. But 20 years later?


And if we talk about BHR as daughterin-law, why not talk about her husband as son-in-law? Her parents live live on a different continent, in a different time zone. No need to meet them, no need to call them. But when his father-in-law came and was in a hospital, he still met SW. As a son-in-law he had to be good to his wife and that is all. But still he failed.

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1 hour ago, hsmz said:

This so BHR. She can be so independent, modern woman & not typical housewife kind of wife that have to entertain her "clingy and puppy-like husband" in the eyes of others..





I think we all can say , between two of them , 30 husband is the one who is independent and modern if we compared him to other husband :mrgreen:


while other been survived like babies 




he well trained for someone who is a rich , younger child lol





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1 hour ago, airgelaal said:

We have a better example - 50's wife. She lost herself, lost her health and now is alone with children. 

It's ironic to read that if BHR will start cooking, coming home early, will spend precious time with her husband, will talk and listen to him and will having his baby she will save her marriage. Yes, may be for now. But 20 years later?

Like I said before, we can never predict the future. Of course that 3 cheaters once promised "I will never cheat on you, you are the love of my live, I will never take my eyes of you, I will never change" but in the end they can't keep their promise.


I know, it's 21st century now, a lot of woman like BHR here and there. But a lot of woman like SPY & Writer Lee outside as well, who is a working mom and expert in handling the households too. As this drama focus at cheater husbands, of course your expectation is : "Don't be so devoted on your husband as he may cheat and you left with nothing but pain and agony", but IRL, there are a lot of man who loves his woman till death do their part, not cheating even once as his woman is so expert in handling their marriage, even they are both working. We can see a lot in dramas too.


Didn't say that BHR needs to like a shadow of PSH's mother, but at least, at least have that consideration. He is your husband, he's not just a sleeping-mate that you only meet during sleeping time. He tried, I saw a lot of scene he tried, even after he met SW, he still tried hard to become a good husband based on SW's advises of course. But.... in the end, BHR still being herself and never thinks about other's feeling. There's a proverbs, "to gain respect from other people, you need to respect other people first."


For me, at least, BHR have that disadvantage that make viewers of this drama have less sympathy at her than the other 2.


And like people said, marriage is a gamble and just like in gambling, we put our luck on the line. 


50 minutes ago, Ameera Ali said:

I think we all can say , between two of them , 30 husband is the one who is independent and modern if we compared him to other husband :mrgreen:

Yes, we can see how he didn't depend on his wife at all, as she also never did that to him. Yes, she is just being herself, it's good because you are not a fake person. But to act cold to your partner, didn't give him a warm hugs that he desperately need, the love looks that he desires, listen to what he wants to say, it not a good things either. Of course, if you give all that, if he wants to cheat, he will cheats. But I don't think, among those 3 cheaters, PSH will cheat if she can change her cold and arrogant personality a bit to become a little bit warm and humble/soft. 

I say : You are so cold, woman! :D

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