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[Drama 2021] A Good Supper/ Be A Meal, 밥이 되어라


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I find it hilarious that JH thinks he has any right to decide where KS and YS live. He’s forgetting that the Diner belongs to them. He trots in everyday now with the excuse of his dad living there and acts like he owns the place. This is YS and KS’s home, the fact that he thinks he can control them is so similar to how SJ treats everyone like Barbie dolls, wanting them to fall in line with her plans. He needs to butt out, he has zero say in who lives at the Diner.


Honestly JH’s dad just needs to find a place and move out. It feels like an intrusion on their private space and I personally don’t care for him that much. He’s done nothing wrong but I just don’t like how he’s okay with taking over YS room while she’s so displaced and in need of her comfort zone.

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Both JH and father had their roles in the plot. Just let them migrate or something. 

A father/mother who loves and cherishes a child would not cut ties with him or her. If the child is causing trouble, they would leave the place so he has no reason to return.

Even if the child is a criminal, they would wait for him. So, choosing to remain and 'exiling' his son seems kdrama scene.

I have always felt JH's father had not considered JH when he gave up everything to move to the village.  He should have given JH to the mum when they divorced.


Many parents real or in kdrama sticks to a job to give their child or children  a good education. 

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@maribellaSo parents don't cut ties with their children, does it apply to the other way around too?


It's hard to say. His wife had an affair and JH witnessed the other man. Which way is better for him? By law and common sense the child must go to the not fault party right? JH as a child already calculated, when grown up, didn't want to acknowledge his father or his friend at the University? What is that?  


@Emily Bett Don't think YS will live at the Diner, it's not nice to ask JH's dad to move out, unless he's an understanding man and move out voluntarily :)


Off the topic, after watching this drama, I wish to have Jae Hee, actress playing his mom and actress playing Min Gyung, together in another drama. I like their acting.


I actually like JH's acting too. I hope he get to play the lead in his next drama. 

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3 hours ago, TRAN said:

parents don't cut ties with their children, does it apply to the other way around too?


It's hard to say. His wife had an affair and JH witnessed the other man. Which way is better for him? By law and common sense the child must go to the not fault party right? JH as a child already calculated, when grown up, didn't want to acknowledge his father or his friend at the University? What is that?  

Children might cut ties with parents, many young people are selfish. That's the fate of some parents.


The child should go to the spouse that best provide a stable home, able to provide better than the other. If the mother cheated on the husband he should be able to get his divorce and whatever compensations, but she has married very soon after the divorce to the man, not just messing around. You may have watched more and found her to be nasty or abusive or unfit mother, I only watched a little during her dying days. He seemed to miss her a lot.  I remember a scene when he demanded to go to his mother as a young boy.


I am not saying JH is an engaging young man, but the father choosing friends over son is not right. Especially  the son whom he had fought over against his ex wife. 



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Speaking of parents... I was checking Instagram yesterday, and saw the new list of the names of extras who will show up next week. The characters had names (vs "young man", "employee", "doctor" etc), which had my attention.



After checking the name of the male character, I have been assuming that the characters they're playing are Oh Bok's parents... meaning we are going to (finally) see them. I think several of us suspected that we'd get to see them at some point (... even at a point where we're nearing the end, heh), especially after Grandma mentioned them a few episodes ago.


So now a couple of us speculate that Oh Bok and Da Jung are likely to get a wedding? Mrs. Lee has finally given her blessings, so there's no particular reason why they wouldn't get one. 


Considering that it’s public, I suppose it’s not actually that big of a spoiler, but I put it under cuts just in case ^^;

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6 hours ago, bluesappir said:

Speaking of parents... I was checking Instagram yesterday, and saw the new list of the names of extras who will show up next week. The characters had names (vs "young man", "employee", "doctor" etc), which had my attention.


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After checking the name of the male character, I have been assuming that the characters they're playing are Oh Bok's parents... meaning we are going to (finally) see them. I think several of us suspected that we'd get to see them at some point (... even at a point where we're nearing the end, heh), especially after Grandma mentioned them a few episodes ago.


So now a couple of us speculate that Oh Bok and Da Jung are likely to get a wedding? Mrs. Lee has finally given her blessings, so there's no particular reason why they wouldn't get one. 


Considering that it’s public, I suppose it’s not actually that big of a spoiler, but I put it under cuts just in case ^^;

We will get a wedding. This is a family drama so it's a sure thing.


I thought his parents had died or divorced, that's why he's living with Grandma. 

Even 5 episodes ago, I never would guess OB would end up with DJ.

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1 hour ago, maribella said:

We will get a wedding. This is a family drama so it's a sure thing.


I thought his parents had died or divorced, that's why he's living with Grandma. 

Even 5 episodes ago, I never would guess OB would end up with DJ.

Based on their childhood story and even the flashbacks, I suspected that the writer wanted to bring them together from start. I think the toy ring flashback was what made me almost certain about the two. Though at the same time, when I’d see them as adults, I’d question myself about that so-called certainty, because I just couldn’t see how they were planning on making it happen, based on what was going on then. Weeeeell, guess I got my answer eventually, around the time Da Jung snapped out of it thanks to Uncle, and later Oh Bok was the first person she went to.

The story of Oh Bok’s parents is that they left baby Oh Bok under Grandma’s care while they went away to make money (or so they said). Grandma and Uncle never heard back from them again. I suppose there are probably a couple flaws that we can find with that story, but given how much the drama did get away with so far... *shrug* I’m half surprised that they are planning on bringing them into the story, in the first place. 

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37 minutes ago, bluesappir said:

probably a couple flaws that we can find with that story, but given how much the drama did get away with so far... *shrug* I’m half surprised that they are planning on bringing them into the story, in the first place. 

These long shows always have to leave with some common expectations of the Korean public. Some one said forgiveness is one of those. So we get murderers, arsonists repenting and being forgiven in prison or outside.


But it would be nice for a broken family to get back together during weddings and deaths too.

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I honestly think SJ is so beyond redemption and forgiveness, if the writers try to use that trope most viewers will be disappointed. If they were trying to give her character a plausible chance of that they shouldn't have written her as YS' mother's murderer, or at the very least they should've made it seem like SJ's brother killed YS' mom on his own secretly without knowledge of it or direction from SJ for "her sake" or out of his own greed to have his sister marry a chaebol. 


I agree, I don't think YS will be living with KS because of there only being two bedrooms and one being occupied by Mr. Park. JH is again allowing his possessiveness to get ahead of his rationality; I'm so glad that YS asked him if he would die for her like GS did because I don't think he's realized that his love is based on selfishness and what YS can do for him...it's not the pure love that YS and KS have for eachother that involves willing to forsake their own happiness for the other's. 


Although I think Mr. Park was harsh to tell JH not to come visit him, considering how much he has contributed to emotionally scarring him, I see where he's coming from. He's picked up on the fact that his son is using the excuse to visit him to wear down YS' feelings for KS, so she can look at him; he realized how much his son is interfering in their business and probably sees his son's campaign for YS' affection as futile. The only solution he can see in this situation is to give YS space so he doesn't keep crowding her in and to allow JH to stop obsessing over her because it's clearly making him lose perspective on the situation. The more distant he is from her, the faster he can emotionally heal and move on from the fact that she isn't into him and he won't have to always witness YS and KS' interactions with each other in the diner. Even though JH showed contempt to DJ for acting up when she saw YS and him, he's heading in the exact same direction. I still think there would've been a better way for Mr. Park to handle this though, he could've actually moved out of the diner instead of telling his son not to visit him. This only serves to cause more resentment and emotional distance from his son that their relationship can't afford right now. 

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23 minutes ago, catch22 said:

Mr. Park to handle this though, he could've actually moved out of the diner instead of telling his son not to visit him. This only serves to cause more resentment and emotional distance from his son that their relationship can't afford right now. 

I agree he should move away from the Diner. Find some other place to eat and stay, in that village if he wants to be close to his friends. I did not get the impression that he was doing anything against his will for the good of his son. Maybe he had but I missed it.

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Today scene JH seem like child. he hate the fact GS and YS are living together again. That their dinner what do u expect.


Jh problem is he miserable from his mom from his dad from YS from GS from DJ and Oh Bok. He never smile since day he grew up.

I like Oh Bok better than him. He show good friends to YS and help GS recover His memory. Also he funny nice guy unlike JH.


Ys never into him since beginning Because she will choose GS first. Remember he Was sick. She was devastated. JH personality and connection doesnt seem right for YS.

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She sighs...  is it even possible to put this wreck back on the tracks with three weeks to go...  that said, I am very pleased at how much OB and DJ have matured over the course of this drama and I really love DJs parents...

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So Kyung Soo’s memories, or at least part of them, are back. As far as I can tell, it’s a partial return; he was still speaking formally to Young Shin in the preview.

What he seems to remember is the accident itself, the fact that the demon was the one who kidnapped Young Shin, and that the reason for the whole ordeal was about showing THE photo to the Chairman.

It took him going back a couple times to the scene thanks to Oh Bok’s help, plus finding the pipe that was used against him, and a copy of the photo that was passed to him thanks to Mr. Lee.


Speaking of Oh Bok, I’ll dare to call him this episode’s MVP. He was the immediate ice breaker when Kyung Soo came back to the Diner fully intent on getting his memories back. And he went after Kyung Soo later to offer help however he could. He couldn’t tell him directly who ordered the kidnapping, but cleared up the lie about loan sharks and the way he went about it actually gave Kyung Soo enough clues for him to put those parts of the puzzle pieces himself (that the demon probably had her hand in it).


I always knew that Oh Bok would likely be supportive of Kyung Soo and Young Shin, their circumstances aside.  But it was still nice to see him openly speak up on their behalf in front of Jung Hoon. Oh.. and when he called him out on his attitude. What a nice shot of Sprite that was. Sure, Oh Bok was always the only person so far who truly called out Jung Hoon, but it still felt like a big THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

And speaking of being called out, I don’t think Jung Hoon expected to be scolded like he was in this episode. Sure, Oh Bok usually called him out when he was out of line, but Oh Bok is still a peer. And as far as I can see,  apparently Jung Hoon saw him somewhat as his inferior (even if not on purpose). Which allowed him to brush off whatever Oh Bok would say, even if he rarely had a reply to give. Even Young Shin telling him off a couple times were clearly not taken seriously, since he thinks he’s the one who knows best.

Up to this point, none of the adults had really called him out on his attitude. Mr Park, his father, probably wouldn’t count since Jung Hoon is way past the point of really listening because of the issues that they had barely worked out. Kyung Soo did once, but I suppose that one doesn’t really count either, since at that point Jung Hoon had already “put him as an equal” from the moment he saw him as a “rival” for Young Shin’s affection).


The story changed completely when the adult scolding him was Mrs Lee. And boy, did she call him out. He almost looked lost after she did. He’s fortunate that Mr Lee was still being nice to him afterwards. Not that he deserved it from him, after his behavior a little while ago. 

Anyway… Mr Park is moving back to Oh Bok’s, now that Oh Bok will live with the Lees after getting married.

So Young Shin is going back to the Diner, but based on the preview, it seems that it won’t be for long? Kyung Soo was about to show the photo to the chairman, in front of the entire Kang family… and the content of the preview implies that he succeeds

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4 hours ago, bluesappir said:

 Kyung Soo was about to show the photo to the chairman, in front of the entire Kang family… and the content of the preview implies that he succeeds

I am not sure he succeeded. I hope he does this time around. But given the scenes in the preview the nephew of SJ has done something. He either stopped KS from showing the picture or he took the blame for something in SJ's place. The better scenario to show this picture should have been his going to the office of the Chairman to do it without SJ knowing or asking to speak to him alone in the bedroom. Trying to show this picture to the Chairman in front of SJ is only asking for her to try to block or lie. 


Let's talk about the nephew for a min. Since he learned that she killed YS mom and that YS was the Chairman's daughter he has been trying to get SJ a person who refuses to do anything the right way to confess that YS is the Chairman's daughter. His aunt would never do that because she feels she has suffered and deserves to take everything from the Chairman. The nephew knows his Aunt will never do that because she knows she is going to get kicked out and possibly get jail time IF they had evidence of what his father did for her. Of course given the statue of limitations on that and the fact there is no real evidence that he intentionally killed her for SJ there is nothing to worry about. The current kidnapping and attempted murder could cause issues. What I fault the nephew the most for is he knows his father and SJ have done wrong. He does not want his father to go to jail nor his aunt but he still fails to take the time to tell the Chairman the truth. HE lives in his house, eats at his table and works in his company yet he can't give the man the courtesy to tell him that YS is his daughter even if it angers his Aunt. He has paid her back many times over for raising him at this point and he himself said he would leave once YS was put back in her place yet he still keeps mum and deals with his crazy Aunt who is consumed by greed. He is such an ineffective character in my opinion. I would have wanted to see him at least do the right thing for YS even if he goes against his Aunt. He never had to let her know it came from him. 


So by the end of this week I think we will see the truth out. (at least I hope so with only two weeks left after this one.)

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If KS has YS' mothers photo and he suspects his mother was involved with her, I will be very surprised if he does not go to the evil woman first. 

It seems to be the MO of kdramas especially this one to go to the culprit first. And so giving them the heads up. Then they got furious and wondered how the cuplrit managed to save themselves.



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It’s official. Kyung Soo showed the photo directly, because he knew that if he took it to the demon, she’d lie again. So the secret is out, at last.


Except the whole deal about Young Shin having been kidnapped, but one step at a time (sigh). There are still a number of episodes left and the villain still needs to be around (*facepalm*).  

At least, in this case they did take the DNA test :p


Congrats to Oh Bok and Da Jung on their wedding! I know Young Shin was the only single female left, but it was still nice to see her catch the bouquet that Da Jung threw to her XD


And according to the preview, Oh Bok is not the only one who’ll be a dad. Congrats, Uncle and Pil Sun!

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1 hour ago, maribella said:

So the idiot Chairman is still keeping the evil woman around? Why?



I understand he's probably in shock about how events have unfolded but this level of stupidity doesn't make sense. The fact that he's eating up SJ's innocent, loving step-mother act is so irritating. Like, how did he magically forget that YS once accused her of killing her mother and the incident where she hid YS' mother's photo> Then there's the whole kidnapping incident, WHY is he neglecting to consider those? Or is it a case of him only seeing what he wishes to see? I'm guessing the reason why the writers made his character appear dumb is because if they threw the paternity news with the "SJ is a murdering scheming devil" news, then his character would have to suffer a heart attack from the shock of it all at once. In order to have him take everything in stride and to lengthen the plot, they're revealing things to him in bits and pieces to allow him to sort out the inheritance before passing away from the shock of revealing SJ. I have a feeling Min Gyung is gonna drop some sly comments about SJ's crimes in this mess and that will get things rolling and KS will probably reveal the full story to the chairman once he recovers the full extent of his memories. 

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