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[Drama 2021] A Good Supper/ Be A Meal, 밥이 되어라


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I like 103 a lot. I don't know why :)


Will Mrs Choi back out for GS and YS?


Noticed since amnesia, GS addressed YS as YS-shi, did YS call him as GS-shi? Seems like she doesn't give him any title yet. Is that normal thing in their culture when talking to someone?


YS once says: she is him and he is her. So doesn't matter if he lives her life or she lives his. 


.... You seep into my heart and become everything to me in no time...


How can anyone has a heart can separate them ?

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7 hours ago, Emily Bett said:

BTW spoiler for the episode currently being filmed:



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Looks like KS is back to his usual self? He's got the apron on that he normally wears at the Diner. They usually film a week ahead so next week is when he might get his memory back. 


OR this could be an old picture and Jae Hee is just posting it now...


Source: Jae Hee's IG (@the_jaehee)


Considering the combination of hair length + current shirt… it might be a recent photo, yes. I wasn’t sure either, at first, and I’m still trying to not make assumptions, hehe... But either way… especially if we think about how many episodes we still have left, those memories will likely be back soon. 


I was so frustrated at first with episode 102, but I had cooled off by the time I got to 103, and I was pleasantly surprised with how it went. While I do want Kyung Soo’s memories to return, I do appreciate this version of him, as well. Especially how he’s dealing with his current situation, going after answers on his own since almost no one is telling him (him figuring out that he’s the actual owner of the Diner was brilliant, even if part of his assumption was understandably off), and openly defying the demon yet without being so blinded by his usual rage when it comes to her.

I do hope that some of this does keep after he recovers. 

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@TRAN I liked this episode a lot too. I think there was just something about the mutual comfort between them that made it feel nice. He comes home from work to YS and shares his day with her as they eat dinner together, it's just a sense of domestic bliss in a way that makes it sweet. It's ironic cause the old him was even closer to YS (considering that they lived together for years) but because of his walls, he was always reserved in some way. The new KS is unafraid to share his emotions and hold her hand.


As for your question about how they address one another, KS used to call her Young Shin-ah, the "ah" is informal casual speak so he was saying her name with intimacy. Young Shin-shi is used by the new KS as a form of formal speech, it's often used when couples start seeing each other cause you're still respectful and somewhat "formal" with one another. As for Young Shin, it's normal to call a man older than you as oppa, ahjussi, etc so she's always called him ahjussi since their age difference warrants the use of ahjussi. It's like in Goblin, Eun Tak always called Kim Shin ahjussi, even after they got married. I've noticed the same as you, Young Shin is actively avoiding saying ahjussi to Kyung Soo directly ever since he lost his memory. I don't know if it's cause she doesn't want to make him feel older or it's a subconscious effort to create some equality in their relationship, a sense of mutualism instead of the older-younger dynamic.  


5 minutes ago, bluesappir said:

openly defying the demon yet without being so blinded by his usual rage when it comes to her


So true, instead of flipping tables he's using words and it's pissing off SJ more effectively. I enjoy defiant KS much more!

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Great, looks like the writer is going to use JH to try and tear YS and KS apart in the final act of the show. The amount of eye rolling I did watching today’s episode whenever Korean Squidward showed up, ugh.


Why is JH literally the human embodiment of a soggy piece of cardboard. Like he has zero redeeming qualities and yet trots around acting like he’s some kind of moral authority. Next to SJ, JH is also someone who I have no empathy for and couldn’t care less if he gets the WTOD treatment. What a loser!


As for the ending, ugh my heart. Keep fighting for her KS! 

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I am not surprised at all by what JH is doing.  It is way beyond thinking they are not suitable and is all about jealousy that he could not get YS. Everyone has told him to stop but he continues to persist saying even to his father that if he gives up it is a waste of his liking her. The main issue is YS does not like him. Everything he does only pushes her farther and farther away. It goes beyond his liking her and more about his ego and obsession with her. 


JH's ego was hit when she told him they should stop dating. JH never got why YS said that to him as he never got what he did wrong. He never saw his behavior to DJ who was struggling mentally after is brutal break up and nasty words to her as bad. He used DJ then tossed her and then dared to say nasty things to her when she broke down and was doing bad to YS. He set DJ off to do those things with his words. HE knew he was responsible but never admitted it. They grew up together and yet he has never thought to go back to being friends. HE is stubborn to want to date YS who is not about to do that again after what happened with DJ. But instead of staying out of it he keeps trying and trying and she keeps pushing him away. He is angry and jealous that nothing has worked to bring her to him and mad that she is in love with KS who raised her. He will never get her this way. He has been rude to elders and just nasty to everyone who cared about him. He has never formally apologized to anyone about his behavior and they continue to let him run around saying anything ignoring it when they really should either have him not come back there or punch him in the mouth. The only ones who have ever commented on this behavior are OB and YS. 


JH has seen prior that he had no place with YS as long as KS is there and its why he kept trying to push KS to push YS out of living with him. JH wanted YS with out anyone to depend on so he could swoop in and be her everything and that failed. YS could take or leave JH prior to breaking it off with him and he hated it. When she left to live at the Chairman's he thought he had a chance and that fell through as she refused to even talk to him really whenever he met her at the diner. He hated to see her with KS and he has now found his chance to try and break them up. 


Now he is telling KS their past possibly which he has no right to do. Its not his place to do this at least not for jealousy. Once YS finds this out he can't possibly think she will be with him. Even if this separates them back to guardian and ward again he wont get a chance because he stepped on her feelings and wants for his own selfish reasons. He never got that YS was prepared to do anything for KS and that burns him up. I am hoping that YS gives him a good slap down in the next episode for again meddling in her affairs when she has told him to butt out. 


JH was never a good bet for YS because he is too selfish and egotistical. He has mommy issues and he would be a drain to YS emotionally. He would want her to only cater to him and I could not see her having her own life until he got tired of her. He looks down on everyone from that town so I can't understand why he persist in chasing YS. All I can say is its like a child with a toy and he hates someone else getting all the attention. 


I expect that either by the end of this week or next KS will have his memory back. I feel bad for him because in that coming back he will also have to endure the memory of SJ and the rage he feels when he sees her especially with all her lies about his loving her so much and being close to her. I can't even imagine how he will feel when it all comes back and all of SJ's lies to him about YS and the fact he is living in the man's house calling him dad and working in the company that should belong to YS comes back to him. 


I don't know if KS and YS will end up at the end of this drama together but then I could settle with them at least together as companions or close even if KS ran off to marry someone. The best parts for me are the quiet times that KS and YS are together cooking or talking or at peace with no one jumping in to impose boundaries on them. 


I guess the one to make SJ pay will most likely be KS. He is the only one who will be able to bring her down. What she valued most has to be removed. That means the son she wanted to put in YS place has to be the one to expose her once and for all to give YS her place back. I shudder to think of who will have to pay for the things that SJ has done. There has to be some type of payback for her crimes and I hope its not at the expense of KS loosing his life this time around. I hope its only her and KS is not again made to pay a huge price for SJ's crimes. 

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Still in the midst of today's episode but I have to say while I can't stand watching the fiction SJ creates for KS, I'm loving this new, improved DJ and the whole pregnancy thing.  I like her Dad is proud and happy, the Diner family is supportive,  her mother is furious, well feigns fury.  I love how Grandma and Uncle support the couple while making OB take responsibility for his actions and how OB is honest about his feelings and current situation.   If I were DJ's mom, I too would not allow him to see the child until he gets his act together to motivate him to success for DJ and the child.  I really hope there's a long and happy ending for this couple.  PS.  Why does YS allow that woman to enter the Diner?  Doesn't Korea have that "we reserve the right to refuse service" thing?

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9 hours ago, Chickpea said:

Why does YS allow that woman to enter the Diner?  Doesn't Korea have that "we reserve the right to refuse service" thing?

I can only think of it as its his mother even though she is a evil witch. For YS that is KS shop that she was raised in but SJ hates. SJ has no right to make demands there nor come there every time she can't control KS. SJ would love for YS to close that diner(and leave) as she sees it as below her son. Fortunately for KS he has YS to protect the diner who she knows gives him peace. 


Its amazing she shouts loudly she is her mother but I don't think that KS is on her registry. His mother was the wife of the father.  She may have had him but I see her as a surrogate and not a real mom. She got money for having KS and then left. Its amazing she acts like she loved him so much when she gave him up. The woman is deluded and its going to take KS to put her in her place once and for all. 


YS in my opinion is wrong in how she handles this woman. There is no way I would allow her to lie on me the way she has done. Sure you want KS to live a worry free life but a. his being with the person he hated is not the way to do it. b. allowing her to lie to him about YS or anything is not cool and it only works with those who do not know the truth about KS and SJ. You can tell that SJ has not changed at all and YS is allowing KS to switch places with her to live the life she should be with the Chairman as payback for his raising her. I can't even imagine his face when his memories come back. (Hopefully it comes back right in the mist of one of SJ's lies to him and herself.)


You see the min that YS threatened her with everyone in the town knowing she was the kidnapper and tried to kill her SJ backed down with her threat to teach YS again. The main problem here is too many people are in the way and hiding to not make waves for KS. Everyone is keeping low cause that is his bio mom. Blood should not make you hide crimes to spare the person involved. They know this woman is awful but they still help her hide her crimes. Its going to be crazy when they learn all of it. 

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4 hours ago, Ldy Gmerm said:

again. The main problem here is too many people are in the way and hiding to not make waves for KS. Everyone is keeping low cause that is his bio mom. Blood should not make you hide crimes to spare the person invol


The mother card is being played to the death, from stealing recipes to murder to kidnapping and attempted murder.

The writer is probably thinking out of the box so much that it becomes wacky. I made a mistake of watching the first few. The kids were so cute. So now I want to know the ending even though I find KS-YS lovey dovey stuff tacky, at least.


But I FF a lot. 

 I hope this wacky writer will not give the evil woman redemption at the end.  I need to see evil is paid with real punishment, it's divine justice.


I had watched the first few minutes. When he said he is in love with YS,  I expected the aunt to say ' Isn't she too young for you?' That's what many would say.

So now I am guessing they knew the 'secret' all along.


Oh! and writer, just pay the actor what's due for the whole show and send him off to the US. What a sad and unneccesary character now! 
JH I mean.


@marrez1 come back at the end and watch the evil woman bite the dust, hopefully. I had always planned to do that, but the minor relationships were so inviting.

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I assume it's been a few months since his memory loss and he's been visiting YS every night to have his dinner. But isn't it a bit too soon asking her to marry him? That is unexpected. What is the urgency?


I'm glad JH is the one to tell the truth for whatever his motive is. Better let it out to see how it affects GS and YS. 


Last night, when they were holding hands, I thought if JH didn't interrupt them, maybe GS was about to ask for a kiss?   Lucky they got interrupted.  Even though, I like them together, I don't feel it's the right time at the moment.

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13 hours ago, TRAN said:

But isn't it a bit too soon asking her to marry him? That is unexpected. What is the urgency?


I think it's a combo of family pressure to get married (he's turning 40 and in SK it's like the time when most people's parents reach their limits of having single children) and the fact that if everyone's discussing getting him married, he wanted to propose to the person he actually wants to marry vs a random lady.


13 hours ago, TRAN said:

Even though, I like them together, I don't feel it's the right time at the moment.


I agree with you! While I'd love to see a kiss, I'd rather have it when he's got his memory back and is doing it aware of everything. It evens the playing field for both and would feel even more special. Luckily we don't have to wait very long.

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13 hours ago, TRAN said:

I assume it's been a few months since his memory loss and he's been visiting YS every night to have his dinner. But isn't it a bit too soon asking her to marry him? That is unexpected. What is the urgency?


I'm glad JH is the one to tell the truth for whatever his motive is. Better let it out to see how it affects GS and YS. 


Last night, when they were holding hands, I thought if JH didn't interrupt them, maybe GS was about to ask for a kiss?   Lucky they got interrupted.  Even though, I like them together, I don't feel it's the right time at the moment.


First of all, his mother started that wheel to roll; in her haste to sever his ties with YS and increase his legitimacy among the chaebols, she once again shot herself in the foot by suggesting marriage. He obviously isn't gonna go for a random woman at this point, of course he would go for YS who he has feelings for. Once again, due to her rash behaviour and stupidity, SJ blunders again. I think that memory loss has simplified how KS sees his feelings for YS; removing all of the other barriers that prevented him from pursuing their relationship in the past has allowed him to single-mindedly focus on them being together. I also get the sense that he's very confused and vulnerable because of his memory loss; the only person who is a constant in his life is YS now because his intuition and past feelings for her make her the only person he can truly trust. The attachment he has to YS currently is like a baby bird to a mother hen, which is another interesting role-reversal as not too long ago, YS had the same attachment to him. That's why it makes sense that he's trying to increase her presence in his life with haste because she's the only stability he has in the midst of all this confusion in the Kang house. 


Even though I find JH and his meddling annoying at the same time I can see the merit in it; KS needs to recover his memories however hurtful they may be. I agree, the way he is right now, I don't think he's ready to pursue a relationship with YS because his vulnerability and lack of knowledge about what's going on behind the scenes is blocking him from protecting YS from SJ. As long as he doesn't remember anything, YS will continue to be a doormat for SJ because it's the one thing she can emotionally blackmail her with and she knows it. Also, whatever he says about furthering their relationship YS can't take seriously because she knows he's in a vulnerable state, she knows in the end that it won't work unless he pursues her with all his memories back. 

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Now I understand why the writer keeps JH around. He is like the child in Emperor's New Clothes, say it loud, although his motive is less than altruistic.

Now, he is questioning if they are going to live together in the house like before, the very thought in the Diner's family mind. But if they could keep mum about YS' kidnapping, it's not surprising that they don't say anything.

A bit much is JH's father telling him not to see him again. Cutting ties with your son whom you refused to leave him with his mother. :expressionless:

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I wonder if YS will continue living with DJ cause I think the Diner home was only two bedrooms and if KS is moving back into his room and JH's dad is in YS's old room, she's not gonna have her own space. We all know they won't live in the same room (yet hehe). I think maybe KS is gonna find his old phone with the wallpaper of YS and him together, see the picture of the padlock from their pseudo-date and that'll trigger his memory finally. They've shown the phone in KS's drawer so many times now that it's gotta mean something.

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3 hours ago, backstreetboysfan said:

OMG so KS was cooking at the diner at the end of episode 105, what is going on :)

To me it look like he might have gotten his partial memory back. He does not seem to remember that SJ is the kidnapper and tried to kill YS I don't think. But then again we shall see this could just be a trick from the writer. Its more likely he could have just decided to leave the Chairman's house after knowing he did not live there before. He has no ties to the Chairman and there is no reason for him to live in that house especially with what SJ is doing and saying. Her actions and words are just pushing him away once again. SJ will go too far once again and this time it will bring his memory back and get her exposed.


He has a house behind the diner and a business. Why continue to stay in that house and have to deal with SJ trying to run his life. He is way past that stage to need a mother let alone one like SJ. The preview shows him asking OB questions and OB saying he can't tell him that. My guess is he could have asked about what was really going on with kidnapper or information about his raising YS and their relationship. 


I feel bad for KS because no one is willing to open that can of worms with him while he is ill. KS is wading around in a fog without his memories trying to figure out the truth. Given that YS says she can not have a relationship with him without his memory I bet he is trying hard to get those back. 


JH is once again jumping in where he has no right. Why would YS go back to KS house to live? JH's dad is living there and KS room is there for him to come back to. I do expect YS to move out once OB and DJ get married cause they need DJ's bedroom so we shall see if she has acknowledge her father by that time or gets an apartment or goes to live with Uncle , granny and his wife. I don't blame his father. JH is a grown man and he doesn't listen to anyone let alone respect them. I guess he could not get his dad on the band wagon about YS and KS so he is mad saying things he should not and he and his dad once again got into it. 

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