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[Drama 2021] A Good Supper/ Be A Meal, 밥이 되어라


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In today’s episode...


Okay, I got distracted by the new OST song at the end at first and kept listening to it on repeat. A mutual confirmed that it’s Eru (Sung Chan, the nephew) who is singing, and while there were only a few lines, I love it already. The previous song made me think of Young Shin and her feelings, and I think this one likely reflect Kyung Soo and his. 

I hope they won’t take too long to release this one, like they did with the previous. 




I was actually relieved that Young Shin told him no. We know this wouldn’t be fair to either of them, especially Kyung Soo, in the long run. He did however learn that she does love someone, though she tells him that it was a love that couldn’t come true (and this is addressed later in the episode by Mr Lee).


What I liked about this episode was that Kyung Soo is not only after some answers, he’s now even more openly defying the demon, glaring at her for her nonsense attitude and blatantly calling her out for continuously trying to evade his questions. At some point he even told her off when she tries to take some control over what he does...


Still, despite the demon trying to get in the way... long story short, what Kyung Soo has managed to piece together so far is that his “accident” was a result of him getting hurt while protecting Young Shin, who had been kidnapped (information gained as courtesy of the sister-in-law who didn’t really know that he didn’t know, apparently...). And that the man who Young Shin loved was the person who taught her how to cook. ... and that the person who taught her to cook was him.


(goodness, will I ever learn to shorten my posts?) 

The preview shows Kyung Soo saying he’s leaving the Chairman’s house, and later asking Young Shin about the kidnapping incident. He’s like, it almost got him killed, shouldn’t he know what’s going on, who the culprit is? ...Except the demon is there, too. So we all believe that this part of the truth won’t likely come to full surface until Kyung Soo’s memories return. 

Then the preview made a drastic turn, and Mrs Lee is apparently in for a bombshell, with her ready to catch Oh Bok’s head with a mop?? Oh boy, Oh Bok and Da Jung, what did you kids do?

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I have been sporadically watching this drama and I am so done with it.  Why did they have the adopted father fall in love with the kid he raised?!!!! Why didn't he age? RickRoll'D!!! What is the point of the side characters? What's the point in having the 4 kids grow up together and not end up together? Okay, finally, what was the point of this drama?!!! It made NO SENSE! 


Jon Stewart Queue GIF

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Love that can't come true? Will that be their future?

I like KS in this episode, he's a bit more of his old self.


I notice JH didn't bother say hello to KS when he introduced himself to him. Sad.


Why Mrs Choi hasn't learnt her lesson and repent. Her crying for KS was so genuine.

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I understand your frustration, I wish the writers had written YS to live with KS when she was much older, like maybe have him as her guardian after her grandmother passes away much later. I think they had her become an orphan too early in the storyline. Also wish that the age difference between her and KS wasn't this huge but what can we do? Seems like the writers have a thing for Winter-Spring romances. The most useless character to me right now is JH, I don't really understand why they would have a full main character only serve his purpose for romantic angst in the first half of a 120 episode drama. I wish they had given JH's character more depth and maturity and some aspect that would make him likeable to the audience but they haven't so now the only hero we can see that will work with YS is KS. Don't get me wrong, I don't feel like KS is a perfect hero either but at least I can understand why he is the way he is, he hasn't really had the chance to be truly happy. First with a depressed suicidal mother that didn't truly love him because he was the proof of her husband's affair and second, because of a father that didn't really seem part of the picture, since he spent it chasing SJ. I'm assuming his discovery of YS was through his pursuit of SJ and her schemes after she had left his household. His father only seemed to appear in his life to deposit an orphaned child at his doorstep with no explanation; to many young single men that would definitely seem like a burden and probably cause resentment. Luckily for KS, YS' presence healed him in a way but finding out that she wouldn't have been in his life had his mother not been an evil social-climber probably added to his emotional wounds. The fact that he found out the woman who he thought was his mother his whole life wasn't and it was the same person he'd hated thinking her the cause of her death probably was emotionally damaging enough. He's obviously a person who hasn't been given the time and space to sort out his emotional baggage because he's constantly forced to confront and deal with SJ's schemes. Honestly, overall he's an introvert by nature and a depressed character, so I understand why he's struggled to be more bold and straightforward.

10 minutes ago, TRAN said:

Love that can't come true? Will that be their future?

I like KS in this episode, he's a bit more of his old self.


I notice JH didn't bother say hello to KS when he introduced himself to him. Sad.


Why Mrs Choi hasn't learnt her lesson and repent. Her crying for KS was so genuine.


If it doesn't come true that will be sad, YS and KS are the most pitiful characters to me they've really had it rough for people who are so young. 


JH is the type of character that easily discards any emotional attachments he has to people that don't serve his current selfish needs. He's letting his jealousy about YS overshadow all the memories of KS looking out for him as a kid. Even his concern for KS' health is related to whether YS and KS will explore their feelings. He was like this with DJ, once she didn't serve a purpose and was a barrier for him and YS, he had no problems discarding her. This is why he wasn't able to capture YS' interest for too long.


SJ is evil to the core, she's blinded by greed to the point where she probably thinks KS survival and subsequent memory loss as a win. She probably thinks every time something doesn't completely go wrong and works in her favour, God is rewarding her or that she is somehow able to thwart His wrath. She's a very delusional character at this point.




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I know I’m gonna ruffle some feather but can we be real for a bit I know Kdrama is suppose to over the top not to much on reality but human nature is in all of us but YS is sub human selfish but to let your mother killer who kill your mother walk around free who took her away from you you are ok with that and try to kidnap and kill you please get real so you not trying to get justice for her cause you want to get into the diner guy  pants who raise you but he is looking out for his evil mom and you not and you know how the chairman is looking for his lost daughter which is you this is your chance to tell him his wife is a murderer and spend what ever time he have left with you,just cause you want to jump the diner guy bone this is the same guy that raise you to be so weak and pathetic sooo sad I know any drama that  have a killer they know they would get  justice  for that person , you owe this to your mom  and your daddy YS that what I call a selfish person and someone please ban this writer from doing another daily drama cause this sooo bad Season 4 Sisters GIF by Braxton Family Values

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SJ is foolish to think that things will continue to go her way. The witch does not even realize how she is panicking at every turn. Her husband may be a fool and her nephew covering but that certainly is not the case for KS who can see that something is not right in what she says and then what she does. I am very sure he realizes that she has kept things from him. Of course Dear Aunt passes on a bit of information to him which is good on one level but bad on another as she is not doing it for good reasons. 


SJ is happy cause she has KS away from YS who she sees as ruining her sons life. We all have seen that is not true. She is upset that he is living in some small town working in a small diner. For her this is unbearable because it reminds her I bet of where she comes from. The sad part is she has never raised him but using the fact she gave birth to him (when she never really wanted to!) to try to control him and his actions. She never once thought he was happy living in that small town close to his neighbors or that running that small diner is happiness for him. Not everyone wants fame and fortune and to be seen. SJ is controlled by where she came from and thinks its ok to want money and power. She fails to see that she has been away from the life she grew up in for a long time. Also the things she got by her scheming will never truly be hers nor will she get away with the things she did to get them. She killed someone to keep them away from the Chairman and has kept his daughter away, tried to harm her on many occasions as well and lied and framed her. SJ thinks doing these things were ok because she got what she wanted never wondering what would happen if it was the other way around and her child endured those things that YS and her mother did. Her actions put YS with KS but she never takes any blame for the things she does yet. There is no regret or remorse as in her mind she is justified in order to never be looked down on and go back to where she came from. Someone will have to pay for her crimes so I wonder who it will be that does. 


When KS finally remembers everything and realizes what SJ has been doing with him while his memory is gone he will completely blow up at her. I don't think this time he will let it go and keep quiet. SJ's actions in kidnapping YS and trying to kill her to keep her from her father will be the last straw for him. He knows how much YS wanted to see her father growing up so I can't see him in good faith letting this go and not telling the Chairman the truth. I see a big fight coming when his memory comes back and SJ will hate it as he will want to tell the Chairman but she will try again to either lie, make up something to stop him or threaten him with killing herself ( I really wish someone would tell her to go head so we can clear away the evil rubbish that is SJ.) to get her way and silence him. It will not work this time around as she went too far. Let's not even talk about the fact that he is living in the chairman's house in YS old room and calling the Chairman father. That place is YS and he would never take that from her. Especially when he realizes that YS never said anything so he could be at ease and live a good life. 


SJ has the perfect way to be in the Chairman's good graces FOREVER. This also goes for the henpecked brother and his scheming wife too. All they had to do is find the daughter. I can't wait to see their faces when they realize that they framed their niece who was beside them the whole time and saw all their bad deeds and behavior.  It made me sick to see them congratulating YS for her win against SJ then later talking about how they framed her but she did good. What shameless people.  SJ could have gotten anything she wanted and I doubt that YS would continue to pursue the fact she killed her mom or tried to harm her many times, but each of them had to go the bad route to get what they wanted so they have to pay a price at some point. 


The chairman makes me angry every time I see him. He should also be ashamed of himself. He knows that KS never wanted to come into his house let alone be adopted but he jumped on the band wagon and bought KS into his house. What makes me angry is he believed in the frame and lies of YS but he still goes to see her in the diner and dares to talk about his daughter and that he is thinking of adopting KS and making him his heir. I can only imagine the stroke he will have when the truth comes out and he realizes what he did to that daughter he was searching for that was right beside him or when he realizes that said daughter also knew she was his kid and said nothing. His trust in his wife who he knew was a liar and a schemer lost him time to recognize his daughter. I really believe that he will have a stroke when he learns everything SJ did to his daughter and that the mother YS said he killed was his first love. I still say he deserves it. I feel like he used YS for her care. He felt a connection to her and was with her for so long yet he never believed in his own impression of her but took the word of his lying wife, lying brother who kept the knowledge about his kid from him and his scheming sister in law who also wanted to keep the truth away and put her son as the heir. In the end I expect to see him changing his will and leaving everything to YS. 


Its very sad that she may not have a chance to have her father for long. (I hope he does not die but the man is very fragile and there will be a lot of guilt as he had his kid so close and never thought about it listening to his wife. Let alone what he will feel to learn that his love was killed by the woman he married not once but twice!) Early on he mentioned how SJ stuck to him for years before he married him and that she was scheming and a liar yet he fell for her schemes again and again to the point that his daughter was almost killed by her to keep the truth from coming out. SJ has been very lucky that no one has said anything. Her nephew is a wuss and tied by the fact she raised him. KS is held by filial petty as well as she gave birth to him but that will come to an end when his memory comes back and I believe that SJ knows that fact that is why she wants to keep him from YS and dreads him getting his memory back trying to keep him from the people he knows. She can't control him and she sees that as he is starting to fight back at her trying to control his life and his comings and goings.


YS is keeping mum as to not fight with KS mom but also to give him peace as she knows how he was tormented by SJ and her actions. I don't agree with this simply because KS is a grown man and making choices that could affect his life is wrong. Sure his memory should come back on his own for health reasons but that does not mean that you keep the fact that the diner was his and that he did not want to live with his mother. If they were so concerned they never needed to mention how awful the woman was or what she did just let him know that he never ived with her. He has a life in that town and he has a diner and home that he should be at. I see her reasoning but its not going to be good when he remembers everything and realizes what she was trying to do for him. And trust he will know because he and YS are on the same wave length and he would do the same for her. The two of them are so pitiful. They love and care for each other so much but can't really be together. I also think we have too many meddlers in this issue. Right now I am just waiting for him to get his memory back so I can see how he cleans SJ up. I don't know if it will be at the end of this week or the next but something has to happen. 


Its funny to me that SJ says YS must have been her enemy in a past life. I think her main issue with YS is she is a reminder of a. the woman the chairman loved and she has to work hard to get rid of and fight for years to finally marry him. b. that YS has mastered the cooking that she wanted to be known for and can't gain fame from. c. that her son who she never raised would choose YS over her any day even if he is a ineffective fighter against this evil woman. 


It also seems that SJ got away with not leaving the restaurant with YS kidnapping and rescue and her running the diner. 


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Yeah, I can't wait for KS to recover his memory and take her down with his own hands. It's so sad that it had to come to this, like really? If she had really loved him as a son she wouldn't force him into this predicament in the first place. I'm also annoyed about the fact that people are acting like she didn't just kidnap and attempt to kill someone in plain sight. The fact that they are okay with a murderer in their midst is shocking to me, I understand YS loves KS and feels indebted to him but they wouldn't be in this situation if SJ hadn't been so greedy. I also don't feel bad for the chairman anymore, I used to pity him being surrounded by vultures but his situation is of his own making. He's so spineless, I can't believe he was able to run a successful business for this long. Tbh, I don't think he's gonna have time with YS after her identity is revealed based on his health condition, probably just enough to rewrite his will, which is completely fine because I don't want him interfering in YS and KS' life in the aftermath of the reveal. 

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The last few episodes have kicked up a storm of long posts which is really unusual for this show. I can barely watch 10 minutes per episode without biting my tongue - bad words were threatening to escape. I always follow this forum.

Thank you @bluesappir You are my hair saver too.


I am perplexed trying to figure out the character YS. When she moved into their house, she was fighting SJ all the way, then lamely moving out - kicked out by the Chairman. She finds out he is her father, and yes, she's keeping mum to protect a healthy 40 year old man with amnesia. Not sure about her wanting to jump him though, @Yazusa

 she is too innocent. All village girls are. :lol:

But I always thought the treatment for amnesia is to expose the patient to as many old memories to jog the missing ones? Is he even seeing a doctor? Such a bad head injury but not even a change in the hairstyle. Everyone is mollycoddling this insipid man - before he got antsy with YS- so that a murderess, an attempted murderess, liar, thief etc. is free and thriving. Mindboggling script.

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Okay… I need to take a deep breath because while the beginning of the episode was a breather and the middle made me laugh so hard despite the situation itself (I mean… save for Mrs Lee, everyone was happy about the news…), the end made me feel like someone just choked me with a load of sweet potatoes. Courtesy of the demon, feat. Young Shin.


It’s been a long time since I felt like I wanted so badly to wipe a smirk off the face of a villain. The demon manages just that, and more. 


A couple people are speculating that Kyung Soo might have his own reasons why he accepts joining the company tomorrow. He doesn’t seem to buy the lies, and who knows, hopefully he will be on his way to find what he’s looking for on his own. Since no one is telling him.


The memory loss hasn’t only removed any self-imposed barriers concerning his feelings for Young Shin. It has also affected how he deals with the situation when it comes to the demon. Before, he’d be so blinded by hatred and rage that he failed to ever be rational in front of her. Not having any memories of her has actually allowed him to think more clearly so far. If the writer manages to stay consistent on that detail… It might mean that Kyung Soo will succeed in getting to the bottom of this mess. Because at this point… it seems that it’s really up to him and him finding the truth or his memories, whichever comes first. 

Anyway… I was so mad earlier and thinking about it makes me mad all over again. This demon needs to go… like last week. She should have been gone last week…


Then again, we have 3.5 weeks left -.-;

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@Maribella.  Greetings.   I agree with your assessment.   These two weeks have been ridiculous.   I feel they've done this whole amnesia thing for another trope, the siblings marriage trope.  Here's something I don't get.  If someone has amnesia,  can he remember a past love?  The drama seems to posit two things,  blood recognizes blood and the heart remembers what the memory doesn't.   Chairman has a fondness for YS like onto a daughter because she is a daughter that his blood recognizes even if his brain and consciousness does not.  KS recognizes a deep love for YS even though he doesn't remember anything else, so his heart remembers YS even if his brain and consciousness do not.  This makes no scientific sense, subordinating the brain to both the blood and its organ, the heart.  Sigh.  How are they going to fix this in 18 episodes....  Yep, it looks like OB is going to meet his maker... at the hands of DJ's mom.  

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It feels like YS and KS had switched roles, he used to peel the onion and pick the bean sprouts and every time Mrs Choi came in the Diner he gave her the look, kind of like What's now? What do you want?. And now we see YS is doing all that.

YS used to beg KS and not pushing her away, now KS is doing that.


Like the song... I'll protect you like you had always protected me?


I guess we can only now depend on KS. And if he can put pieces together and discover the truth, I don't mind if his memories won't come back. As we see he's already feel warm at the Diner and people there, the love with YS and YS's love. What's difference will it makes if his memories back? I rather waiting to see what he will do as of him now.


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I caught the last few minutes of the episode when the evil woman was telling KS that YS was kidnapped by loan sharks. :smile: She's creative.

I had to stop when they pan to YS' silent face. Taking in all the insulting lies to protect a 40 year old healthy man? The most he will get is a big shock for a few weeks but no, treat him like a mentally weak old man with a weak heart that's ready to pop? Good Lord!!!


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As she pulls her hair out....  awwgghh.  What is with this drama, what is with these characters?  YS stands there and takes SJ's lies and disparaging of her character with a straight face and then LIES to KS telling him it's TRUE.  I give up.  This drama is absurd.  Heard that Writer-nim?  ABSURD.  If not for DJ's mom and Grandma teaching OB a lesson this entire episode would have been a waste of time.  At this point I'm holding on solely for the Fall of SJ.  The look on KS's face at the end of the preview was interesting.   Perhaps someone sent him a CCTV clip from the car or kidnap site.  Like nephew?  I don't think "making KS Kang's son" when nephew knows Kang has a daughter isn't going to go over very well.  Fingers crossed. 

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JH want YS so bad. If they end up together last 18 episode  out of 100 episode that stupid.

JH for me is selfish I dont like how things are going. KS almost die and all JH want to do be with YS.


This drama is about YS GS and evil lady. I just want romance on show with two lead. Step sibling. Ys know not blood related.

For me seeing KS and YS they are perfect match. See YS and Jh boring. BESIDE WRITER haven't gave JH no storyline.

Storyline mainly about KS YS evil lady family. DJ and her family and her boyfriend family.

JH not focus. He they trying to separate KS and YS and find truth out. So that YS go back to him.

Do u think so

JH character is boring miserable and flat

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While YS's silence is still deafening, I'm glad she showed at least some backbone today. The whole "COME AT ME BRO" attitude today was just *chef's kiss*


I love how KS is literally coming to the right conclusions every time. I like this version of KS much more, he's more assertive and resourceful, knows how to stand up to SJ and not take her BS, is very verbal about loving YS, and he doesn't sit around staring at sprouts all day which is a plus in my book :lol: I know it's not gonna last forever but I hope that he retains that backbone and spirited attitude once he goes back to his old self.


I just want these two noble idiots to be happy :heart:

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BTW spoiler for the episode currently being filmed:




Looks like KS is back to his usual self? He's got the apron on that he normally wears at the Diner. They usually film a week ahead so next week is when he might get his memory back. 


OR this could be an old picture and Jae Hee is just posting it now...


Source: Jae Hee's IG (@the_jaehee)


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