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[Drama 2020] The Cursed/ Method, 방법


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But I do not understand why did shaman get acquainted with Chairman.

And all the other rest of the world shaman agreeing to do the ritual.

Unless she/they have seen the vision of chairman and agree and bought whatever visions he sold to them.

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36 minutes ago, Ellander88 said:

the blood ritual that JinKyung did in the hospital ward

this was at the mortuary when Jin Hee’s supervisor got done the procedure by So Jin? i always thought this was Jin Kyung trying to learn from his body on what had happened to him.. and then to link back to the person who did the procedure etc 


38 minutes ago, Ellander88 said:

I think that the incense smell is to cover his rotten smell.

this is a very good point! he met up with a big investor at the bar right? with the hostesses and they commented on the incense smell as well.. thats when he got drunk and the lighter incident.. 


wished this could have been a regular 16 ep drama instead of 12.. hahaha the suspense is killing me!

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1 minute ago, sadthe1st said:

this was at the mortuary when Jin Hee’s supervisor got done the procedure by So Jin? i always thought this was Jin Kyung trying to learn from his body on what had happened to him.. and then to link back to the person who did the procedure etc 


Nope, that one JinKyung wears black shaman outfit.

This one am talking about clearly shown as "10 years ago" in the episode. Check the episode back, it clearly showed "10 years ago" before that doctor came out from the doctor's rest room.


2 minutes ago, sadthe1st said:

this is a very good point! he met up with a big investor at the bar right? with the hostesses and they commented on the incense smell as well.. thats when he got drunk and the lighter incident.. 


Yeah, I have been suspecting that he had rotten body since the whistleblower mentioned about the strong incense smell to JinHee. And then another rotten smell when he was with the 3rd generation chaebol and the hostesses. 

I am putting out this idea because it doesn't make sense the Inugami being split, I have never heard such theory nor learnt existence of partial transfer. So, the only theory (at least known to me) that matched the situation is he's the evil spirit himself and he's dead already and the Chairman we saw from episode 1 is of the dead body possessed by his own evil spirit. 

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22 minutes ago, mrsj3n said:



But I do not understand why did shaman get acquainted with Chairman.

And all the other rest of the world shaman agreeing to do the ritual.



Why and how did JinKyung get acquainted with the Chairman, maybe we will get the answer in the final 2 episodes.

But, it is for sure that these shamans take pride of themselves serving so-called spirits / gods, and therefore agreed to do the ritual as it can be considered something big in their arena / field... some big achievement for them maybe... well under the pretext to serve world good for example. Pffttt! :rolleyes:

I watched a lot of kdrama and the same dialogue that these shamans keep repeating is that, they are serving the spirits or the gods, so they really prideful of their work as shaman.  Evil spirit? Nahhh, if it is powerful, I think they will be submissive to it and be the servant. Shamanism believed and used these spirits, they don't have the concept of devil / Satan as in Christianity or Islam. 

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13 hours ago, Ellander88 said:


Shamanism believed and used these spirits, they don't have the concept of devil / Satan as in Christianity or Islam. 

I always think Shamanism is getting rid of evil spirits and being a good person who can see spirits and hence the ritual to get rid of evil spirits and etc.

Hard to wrap my head around this when what I thought is wrong. Hence the many questions why are those shamans around the world willingly help Chairman. :joy:


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wow, having a ritual done for 5 hours+ in the hospital is no joke..

hii jin kyung! we thought u’re gone but yes here you are appearing in ep10 again :lol: to have the hospital head agreeing for such to be performed in the hospital.. its gotta be money and sponsorship i guess.


if the spirit inside So Jin is an inugami, then it should have been the same inside the chairman.. that doesn’t sound very strong to me though.. given that otomo could have performed a procedure on Soo Jin.. perhaps the one inside the possessed buddha would have been a better bet for them to serve to :blink:


even if they manage to kill off the chairman with a procedure, i think the evil spirit will continue to live on (like in the air), cos everyday people in this world are cursing and swearing and wishing someone’s dead.. so, i guess it might end up with an open ending for the drama :vicx:

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Thought on Episode 11:


Hmmm, as I wondered in episode 10 whether the Inugami was partially transferred or split, YES, this episode confirmed my guess. Though I never heard the same body evil spirit being split during transfer (from what I have learnt regarding supernatural in both animisme and religious context, black magic and folklore NOR did I ever heard from the practitioner / experts in this area); but I guess this may be can be applied to Inugami, whether just for the convenient of this drama’s plot or the split concept was created based on the source(s) about Japanese folklore that said “when new family members joins in, they will receive their own Inugami”.


So, I guess, the writer may be interpret that, the original and first Inugami from the first person of the family’s ancestor that created it from the starving-the-dog-till-death can be split into as many as the family members’ number and the “personality” of each Inugami differ according to its host / master or their desire. Hence, the writer may used this inspiration as the plot basis that the Inugami split itself into two during the transfer to the Chairman, and at the same time another half still remains in So-Jin.


HOWEVER, this still makes me question the scene where JinKyung had to explain about Inugami to the Chairman. 10 years ago (as shown in this episode), did JinKyung only knew that the Chairman was possessed by very powerful spirit without knowing exactly that it is an Inugami? If she knew it’s the powerful “dog-spirit”, then why did when she showed the Inugami drawing to the Chairman and the way she explained what is Inugami to him sounds like it’s the first encounter to such spirit??? It doesn’t make sense to me. Did the writer have an oversight at this part of the plot? Or did the director interpret the script wrongly?:blink:


ANOTHER thing though, during flashbacks when So-Jin’s mom performed the procedure to the Chairman and also the strategy talk between So-Jin and Jin-Hee at the end of this episode, it seems both scenes are telling us that performing procedure on the Chairman will also equally affect So-Jin as their Inugami are linked to each other. THEN, what about the scene with the drum (tsukumogami) though??? So-Jin was performing procedure to the Chairman but she was not even affected back then, it was only because the curse boomerangs due to the spiritual fight that she hurts her eye. And now they are trying to say that she would be affected too if she do procedure on the Chairman? HUH???:blink::blink::blink:


So, from this episode, this is the chronology that I came up with after considering all the scenes of the back story. This is just my personal opinion and arrangement based on what have been shown to us so far.


1) When So-Jin was very young, she was not yet possessed by the Inugami. As told by JinKyung, many Japanese originated spirits cross over during the Japanese occupation and So-Jin’s hometown is a place that perfect for spirits to dwell in. Thus, there was scene showing she didn’t have the stigmata back then when her mother was excited about her starting school.


2) At one point, So-Jin experienced the “shamanic sickness” that caused her mother to do a ritual and accidentally causing an Inugami possessing her. Thus, it was indeed an acquired Inugami rather than passed down by bloodline.


3) She then became well-known as the child shaman that could perform the method with 3 things: the Chinese character of the name, the person’s belonging and picture. Her mom was reluctant and disheartened thinking that she’s exploiting her daughter for a living and with that spirit attached in her body; she couldn’t have a normal life. But yeah, eventually, the effectiveness of the procedure became the talk of the town and she earned money from that..but she felt guilty for the fate and future of her daughter’s life (knowing herself what had becoming a shaman done to her own life).


4) One day, came an opportunity for So-Jin’s mom to transfer the evil spirit to save So-Jin under the pretense of doing the ritual to ward off bad luck to the Chairman. But, things went awry when So-Jin who was supposed to stay in the closet came out and cross the boundary and talisman her mom put there. I guess, that maybe the cause why the spirit was split as the talisman that suppose to contain the spirit wholly broken by So-Jin. And thus, the mountain highway scene – the Chairman possessed by the spirit.


5) The way the spirit manifests in the Chairman intriguingly different from So-Jin’s – so, I guess the Chairman inner side actually full of resent, anger and dark desire that the spirit took over his humane side entirely. He became a bad father that didn’t came to visit his children. For several months, he mom can’t get in touch with him, and when she went to find him, he told her off that her son already died. Well, figuratively, the former goody JJH “died” and the evil spirit fully took over his soul.


6) Not sure what happened within that several months after the ritual (maybe realizing that the Inugami split into two and both So-Jin and the Chairman has the same spirit), So-Jin’s mom went to find the Chairman’s mom and confess about the Inugami transfer. So, she did the procedure to him in the hope that the spirit will be ward off from the Chairman body. The chairman who was in the meeting at the time, suffered and collapsed from the procedure and being sent to the hospital.


7) However, So-Jin’s mom stopped the procedure half-way because the curse also inflicted pain / curse to So-Jin on the basis that they had the same Inugami. The half-done procedure cause the wrath of the spirit inside the Chairman and his physical reaction became uncontrollably psychotic. This was where JinKyung came into the picture, where she was initially acquainted with the Department Chief’s wife. She did the hours of ritual to sooth the enraged spirit, and she even did the fortune reading that the Chairman will do something big in the future changing the world, but there is one person who will block his path. So, that person needs to be eliminated (Pffftttt for that world-changing part).


8) After the ritual, So-Jin was not well due to the effect of the procedure her mom did. But, two women came to find her mom for the procedure (beginning of episode 1). Already distressed with the situation, her mom reluctantly accepted and went in the room to ask So-Jin to do the procedure one more time (maybe she needs money after given $4000 back to Chairman’s mom). At this time, JinKyung is on the way with the Chairman, after persuading him to kill So-Jin’s mom. And thus, the rest is history.


I had hard time to wrap my head around on the supernatural concept and rules of the possession from the shamanism context. This is harder to digest and understand compared to Sohn: The Guest and Priest. After learning that shamanism doesn’t have the concept of devil / Satan, but instead viewed those spirits as whom they serve or use at disposal (the stronger it is the more the shaman submit themselves), I can finally understand the plot and storyline. Phewhh! :sweatingbullets:


Final episode is coming. I hope So-Jin stays alive though. And Jin Hee too.   :(

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14 hours ago, Ellander88 said:

She did the hours of ritual to sooth the enraged spirit, and she even did the fortune reading that the Chairman will do something big in the future changing the world, but there is one person who will block his path. So, that person needs to be eliminated (Pffftttt for that world-changing part).

I believe the chairman died during the ritual and only the spirit is living inside his body. It explains why someone commented he smells of incense. JinKyung knows this, because at the end of the ritual she said to the chairman: "i must have been working hard all my life to meet you sir". She was addressing the spirit not the chairman. It must have also been JinKyung's idea to move the spirit into the Forest App since the chairman body is deteriorating. 

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Well, the backstory happened at episode 11.

After frying our brains all these time. :unamused:



Based on my fried memory, I thought when Jin Kyung was explaining to chairman about Inugami, she was finding out who was the spirit behind the procedure done on the crumpled first corpse and what was required in order to cause that amount of damage.

Note: Chairman has never once require chinese character of the name, photo of the person and personal belongings to do his "thing".

It's all in his eyes.

Based on episode 11, Jin Kyung recognized him as the "great spirit" who she has been waiting all her life to serve. **insert roll eyes**

And since as explained by chairman's mum... the spirit was split so I'm going on a limp here to say it was not clear to Jin Kyung what spirit it was since it's split in half? :sweat_smile:

For all we know, she could have see a big black image at his back.




And  on a serious note, Jin Kyung did claim that the spirit in him was enraged and she finally "calm" it down hence maybe she didn't really look into more details since she was in awe and nervous servicing him.


Now back to So Jin.

As what my fried brain interpreted:

1) So Jin's mum is a shaman and So Jin is perfectly normal.

2) One day, while doing some possession ritual, she made a mistake and caused the Inugami, spirit of curses to possess So Jin. 

3) When chairman's mum came and asked for "good fortune" ritual, she tried to transfer the inugami in So Jin to Chairman instead.

4) However So Jin break out from the safety barriers that her mum set on that very day and caused the spirit to be split and the other half of the spirit went into Chairman!

5) Hence So Jin mother tried to do a procedure on him so he can live a normal life. But that procedure brought pain to So Jin too and her mother couldn't bear and stopped the procedure. 


Now back to why did So Jin not get hurt when she tried to curse Chairman.

My take?

She is taking the lead as what the weird professor had said.

So that could be why she wasn't affected during the procedure in the car except the boomerang effect.


And based on the preview for episode 12, seeing Lee Hwan's picture on the forest of curses website made watching episode 11 after nightfall all worthwhile.:innocent:


And P.S: Great thinking captain!!!

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12 minutes ago, mrsj3n said:

Now back to why did So Jin not get hurt when she tried to curse Chairman.

My take?

She is taking the lead as what the weird professor had said.

So that could be why she wasn't affected during the procedure in the car except the boomerang effect.



Yeah, I discussed about this with other fellow commentors on the streaming site and someone also point out about taking the lead..thus the link between the Inugamis kinda broken. Besides, in the past, her mom performing the procedure as the third-party, thus both So-Jin and the Chairman were affected. 


I am watching final episode 

Gosh.. what a show in the beginning of the episode. Hahaha

And I see Kwon Yul face again! :wub:

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1 hour ago, imgreatgal said:

I believe the chairman died during the ritual and only the spirit is living inside his body. It explains why someone commented he smells of incense. JinKyung knows this, because at the end of the ritual she said to the chairman: "i must have been working hard all my life to meet you sir". She was addressing the spirit not the chairman. It must have also been JinKyung's idea to move the spirit into the Forest App since the chairman body is deteriorating. 


Yeah, I am watching the final episode now, and apparently the episode kinda confirm my previous guess about the his rotten body hosting the evil spirit as quoted follow:


On 3/11/2020 at 6:14 PM, Ellander88 said:

You guys remember the whistleblower mentioned that the Chairman has strong incense smell on him right? I think that the incense smell is to cover his rotten smell. Now it has been 10 years since, it’s time to move from the rotten body, maybe because they couldn’t preserve it anymore.


Gosh, JinKyung must've been putting so much work over the years to preserve the body. LOL




Okay I am done with the final episode.

I think I am not gonna comment anything on this final episode. :vicx: :joy:

This is the most exhausting drama to analyse / interpret (because of the new terms, unfamiliar Japanese folklore and unexplored shamanism practice and belief concept/ system), but it had a good plot to engage me till the end.

Particularly all the ritual showmanship by JinKyung and in the final episode, some ritual performance by all the shamans. :thumbsup:

Thank God everyone alive although there is that momentary freeze among the people being cursed. 


The end of the show.

It was a great journey and thank you to fellow friends here who shared their thought and analysis with me here... although this thread is really quiet. Well, it's not everyone's cup of tea kind of drama. 


See you guys again in another thread! Till then~

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  • Guest changed the title to [Drama 2020] The Cursed/ Method, 방법

“The Cursed” Sets Personal Ratings Record With Finale

Mar 18, 2020
by R. Jun

tvN’s “The Cursed” set a personal ratings record with its finale.

According to Nielsen Korea, the March 17 broadcast of the drama recorded averages of 6.7 and 7.7 percent, a notable 1.6 point increase from its previous high point, recorded on March 10.





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On 3/17/2020 at 8:59 AM, mrsj3n said:

@Ellander88 watched episode 12!

What a show, what a show!

Thanks for recommending!

I enjoyed this every bit!!

Sad with the ending. I wanted more! Lol

Seriously! What did it even mean? SJ now on th run/ ‘missing’ after leaving orphanage? But really possessed as evil spirit? We’re they trying to leave cliffhanger for season 2?

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21 hours ago, philosophie said:

Seriously! What did it even mean? SJ now on th run/ ‘missing’ after leaving orphanage? But really possessed as evil spirit? We’re they trying to leave cliffhanger for season 2?


So Jin claimed the spirit is in her now since she did take the lead first.

Remember she has a link to the spirit too?


Based on that ending, it could be anything.

I won't be surprised if they will do a season 2.


I'm disappointed that they didn't adopt So Jin and to care for her.

After all she went through, they left her at the home? Like seriously?


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i think the real chairman didn’t die.. his soul probably got trapped when the split inugami went into him.. he was weak and instead of controlling the inugami, he was taken over.. the scene where otomo did the ritual to transfer the inugami into the Forest tree of curses, he was momentarily awake and asked where was he.. So Jin on the other hand, has always been the one controlling the inugami in her.. she felt weak when the ritual was ongoing but she still has her inugami inside to try curse instead of it being drawn into the tree as well. when the link that formed between the chairman and the tree was not successful, the next possible link is So Jin.. thats why the inugami went into So Jin as a whole.

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Film directors make inroads into small screens

Filmmakers push boundaries with introduction of OTT services

By Choi Ji-won | Mar 30, 2020


“The Kingdom” (Netflix)

In recent years, film directors have been making inroads into the small screen, creating serial productions, “Kingdom” -- the smash-hit Korean zombie thriller produced and distributed by Netflix -- being one of the successful examples.


The first season of the Netflix series was helmed by director Kim Seong-hoon of films “A Hard Day” and “Tunnel,” who made the small screen debut with “Kingdom.” For the second season of “Kingdom,” Kim directed the first episode while another filmmaker Park In-je directed the five remaining episodes.


Kim is joined by several other directors in moving to small screens.


Leading comedy director Lee Byung-heon successfully aired his first drama “Melo Is My Nature” on JTBC last year, while director Kim Chang-hee made his small screen debut with the webtoon-based OCN thriller “Strangers from Hell.” 


“The Cursed,” a fantasy-thriller involving elements of shamanism and demons that recently aired on tvN, was helmed by two film directors. While Kim Yong-wan of 2018 film “Champion” took charge of the overall production, Yeon Sang-ho who directed the hit zombie flick “Train to Busan” wrote the screenplay.


Yeon, whose zombie flick spinoff “Peninsula” is due to be released this summer, is also due to direct his first drama series, “The Hell.”



“The Cursed” (tvN)


It was the Cannes-winning Park Chan-wook, who cleared the path for directors to crossover to the world of television with his 2017 BBC series “The Little Drummer Girl.” 


“It wasn’t TV drama that I wanted to do, but (the production of) ‘The Little Drummer Girl,’” Park said about the miniseries during a press conference in March 2019. The series was an adaption of John le Carre’s novel by the same title.


“If I were to make a film, I would have had to cut down the characters considerably. Even the six episodes had involved much reduction (in story),” Park said.


Greater creative freedom is one of the reasons why more filmmakers are jumping into the television industry. 


Directors’ move to the small screen was accelerated by Netflix, which released its first Korean drama series “Kingdom” in 2019. During a press conference held ahead of the “Kingdom” season one release, director Kim said he produced the series as if he were producing a longer film.


An official from Netflix said the company does not prefer film directors, but look for creators who would manage each production the best and this naturally led them to cooperate with film directors.


“Our service is not run by advertisements from other companies and we grant the whole budget for the production, so we have no reason to interfere with the direction,” said the Netflix official.


The production environment for TV shows has been changing with the emergence of OTTs.


With OTTs releasing both films and series, drama productions have been increasingly employing film staff and expanding budgets to catch up with OTT productions.



“Strangers from Hell” (OCN)


“It wasn’t easy for film directors to jump into the drama industry before. The dramas had a much smaller budget and they weren’t preproduced before being aired, so there was time pressure. Filmmakers aren’t used to such an environment,” culture critic Jung Duk-hyun told The Korea Herald.


“Director Park Chan-wook’s move sent a message that the dramas didn’t have to be different from films. Each episode could be like a film in itself, just as Park had done with his ‘The Little Drummer Girl.’ It was same for ‘Kingdom,’” Jung said.


The viewers also tend to prefer contents by filmmakers due to the diversity of their genres and the more advanced technologies employed by film directors.


“The traditional Korean television dramas were mostly limited to romance and melodrama in the past, but this changed in the last few years as Korean dramas had to compete with film-like series shows made by US producers, such as HBO. With filmmakers directing dramas, their characters are much more evident in their productions compared to the traditional drama producers. This has now become another point to note for the audience,” film critic Ha Jae-keun said.


More dramas from film directors are expected to be released this year. 


On Monday, OCN announced that “Team Bulldog: Off-duty Investigation” produced by director Kang Hyo-jin of film “The Dude In Me” will start airing May. The upcoming drama series is the third set from the cable channel’s “Dramatic Cinema” project. Launched last year, the project aims to introduce new formats and genres by having filmmakers produce drama series. 


Netflix is also slated to release serveral series by Korean filmmakers, including “The School Nurse Files” by director Lee Kyoung-mi, featuring Jung Yu-mi, and “The Squid Game” (unofficial title) by director Hwang Dong-hyuk.



By Choi Ji-won (jwc@heraldcorp.com)

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