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Kim Seon Ho/ Kim Sun Ho 김선호 - Mr Dimples - Upcoming Drama - "Into the Dead"; Upcoming films: "Tyrant" and "The Child"


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15 minutes ago, Hong Banjang said:

He accepted all the allegations. We should stand for the victim. Had he apologised to her earlier, she wouldn't have had to do what she did. She was driven to do it by his insincerity. If he had treated her with dignity and respect, things would not come to this. A break up can happen in a graceful manner. But he made her feel like a non-person once the abortion was done. It's not the abortion that was wrong, but the manipulation, the lies. She was vulnerable and then he broke up over phone. The relationship was of course toxic, he acted like only his life matters, and she went along with it and in the end felt discarded by him. I feel sorry because I had just discovered him through Hometown Cha Cha Cha and really loved his acting there. I hadn't seen any of his previous work and he was a stranger to me before HCCC. And I wish it had stayed like that, then it won't cause me distress. :/ This is why I don't stan celebs, especially male celebs, they always let me down.

There are often a few fans on Soompi who created their accounts just to bash some people/ couples. Usually they only have a few posts. I hope you're not one of them. Sentences like "She was vulnerable", "The relationship was of course toxic, he acted like only his life matters" really just show your interpretation of what was written from the woman who was betrayed, which may not reflect the real dynamic of their relationship. I am not on his side at this point but I'm not throwing stone at him either. If we all spend a minute thinking about what this character "A" did and with timing, we can see turning someone into a monster does not make that person less disgusting.

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1 minute ago, L A said:

There are often a few fans on Soompi who created their accounts just to bash some people/ couples. Usually they only have a few posts. I hope you're not one of them. Sentences like "She was vulnerable", "The relationship was of course toxic, he acted like only his life matters" really just show your interpretation of what was written from the woman who was betrayed, which may not reflect the real dynamic of their relationship. I am not on his side at this point but I'm not throwing stone at him either. If we all spend a minute thinking about what this character "A" did and with timing, we can see turning someone into a monster does not make that person less disgusting.

Personally attacking me is not helpful. You should read my previous posts if you are that curious, all it will take you is to turn over the previous pages. I wrote what I felt, you can write what you feel too. No need to quote people and get mad. If he had apologised to her earlier and not because of the exposé now, that would make him a better person. Saying that out loud is not 'throwing stones'.

Was she not vulnerable after the medical procedure?

Did he not act like only his life and career is important? Spend a minute and reflect on that.

These aren't my interpretations, this is what she wrote and he apologised basis the same thing.

Yes, she felt vengeful but I'm not going to blame her for that, I can now see why.

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Wow so he released an apology and statement. I read it and it was a good one: acknowledge his bad conduct, his acceptance of responsibility, and most importantly he didn’t say anything negative about his ex. I really applaud him on this. Because the problem was not about her but his own actions. This is already so much better than most celeb statements.


I don’t think his career is over  - it is just that his imagine was so tied to being a ‘good guy’ and this was a break of trust on a level. If he can show his sincerity and efforts to change through action, I think he will be ok. I hope he works things out with his ex, maybe seek therapy, and process it all before coming back in a year or two. 

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3 minutes ago, Yinye said:

Wow so he released an apology and statement. I read it and it was a good one: acknowledge his bad conduct, his acceptance of responsibility, and most importantly he didn’t say anything negative about his ex. I really applaud him on this. Because the problem was not about her but his own actions. This is already so much better than most celeb statements.


I don’t think his career is over  - it is just that his imagine was so tied to being a ‘good guy’ and this was a break of trust on a level. If he can show his sincerity and efforts to change through action, I think he will be ok. I hope he works things out with his ex, maybe seek therapy, and process it all before coming back in a year or two. 

Yes, I do like the statement as well because there was no gaslighting.  


His career is not over but he will never reach A list level he was already poised to enter prior to this scandal.   He can get roles in shows produced by Netflix probably.  Western producers probably don't care what he did, and neither do most international fans.

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1 hour ago, lilsakus said:

I've been lurking in Soompi forums for the longest time but finally striven to create an account to pen my thoughts.


To say I'm disappointed of KSH is inevitable. But we all know that we do not know these idols/actors/actresses in real life, and what we have seen through dramas and variety shows may be just a facade. But I choose to believe that they are sincere in engaging us in their works. Nonetheless, I hope KSH will learn from this episode and turn a better man! It can be seen that he really enjoys acting, and I feel bad that he may have lost his dream in a moment of folly. He could have managed the breakup in a better way and possibly headsup SALT and seek advice from his family for damage control.

Having said that, this is his private matter and I do not see how this event will impact his skills and talents (except for the toxic cancel and unforgiving culture in K entertainment industry). But sorry to say I do not feel much for A (imo so dont bash me for it). As much as I may pity what happen from woman to woman for the baby, what she has done is so revengeful. What does she hope to accomplish other than being scornful and bringing KSH down from his fame? He will not return to your side, and hope your next guy will see your true colors. 

I really pray that he recovers though we will probably not see him on screen for a long while (if not ever due to the unforgiving nature of Knetizens). That's very sad as I was looking forward to seeing him each week on 2D1N and his future works. I really enjoyed his past dramas and Homcha. Really crying for KSH for a mistake he made that will affect his career and dream (which is probably a common mistake by any tom RickRoll'D harry except KSH is in the public eye).


It takes two hands to clap and A is not any better. I deem this incident as one that is a relationship went sour.  but this remains a private matter.  Hope KSH stays strong (he can't quite handle his emotions most times),  self reflect, and comeback at an appropriate time. I am sure his TRUE fans will be waiting for him.  

Netflix is an option if local tvs are not possible! I'm still and will continue to follow him on insta!

I agree with your statement.  I hope to see him back soon as he has great acting. Personally, I don't think he is the only one at fault in this relationship. They probably drifted apart already and the baby wasn't going to keep the relationship going but his way of getting the ex to abort may not have been the best approach. She would end up single parent or the child will have an absent parent who wants no part in raising the child. 

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I really still can't believe that this is happening. It feels like his 15 minutes of fame is up. This feels like KSH's beginning of the dark 5 years as Hong Banjang.


I agree with everyone on that this is a private matter and this could have been handled better, but both are at fault here as well. KSH for being a person making bad decisions, and the girl trying to ruin possibly forever (because of cancel culture) a livelihood of a man. I just hope that they talk about it further so there are no more feelings of revenge to be had.


I'm just so sad that suddenly everything is taken away from KSH -- endorsements, unaired scenes edited off, even his agency contract is ending (I mean who will represent him now while the issue is hot?). His parents must be so sad too that this is happening.


I hope though that he would lay low and start off back in theatre because that's what he excels at, and then work his way to tv and film after. We've seen our share of celebrities bouncing back from their scandals, so it's only a matter of time. Time will heal any hurt.

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24 minutes ago, gwin said:

Confirmed that he will leave 2 Days, 1 Night and all his previously unaired scenes that have been filmed will be cut.

I hope the director and producer of his first upcoming movie “Dog Days” will not remove his casting.  The movie is scheduled to film in Dec/Jan so it should give sometime for scandal to cool down.  

No one can diminish his performance in HTCCC (that’s my first KSH drama) and his acting is brilliant and his chemistry with SMA and other casts make HTCCC special, doesn’t he?


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He just probably has a lot of fines to pay now as he breaches multiple contracts. Boy should have thought about 'consequences' better as he signed contracts and also dated someone simultaneously. Speaking of which makes me wonder if he signed those contracts before or after the breakup. If these current ad campaigns that he endorses were just signed in the last 4 months (i.e. after the breakup), it's understandable he signed without thinking much about how it could hurt him-he thought he was single, unattached and heirless at that moment. And if that is the case, I'm curious if the contract said something like 'maintaining a good-boy image'? Because if a contract didn't require him to be single, heirless and maintain a goodboy image, then it could be the other party who is breaching the contract right now and paying him the compensation, for the sake of stopping the loss.

It's some speculations, I know. All I could think is there are too many unknown/confidential things about him so what will happen in reality may not be like what we're thinking at all.


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Most of his endorsements were signed while he was still with the ex-gf, but after the abortion. We won't know what his thoughts were, but perhaps he was really serious about their relationship and could even see marriage in 2 years time once his fame is established. 


I don't think the endorsements require him to be single, maybe just the goodboy image.

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At least Homcha is completed and we can rewatch it repeatedly T_T Playing Wish by Choi Yu Ree on repeat mode.


Just so sad, it took 4years to build up his tv presence, and over in just 1 revengeful post. Talk about stress and high suicidal rates, toxic culture in SK! How to survive in that!

I will miss him greatly :(


Come on, give him a chance! His talents are so wasted if he lost his dreams just like that. 

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Kim Seon Ho finally released his statement and apologizes for his actions. He also dropped out of 2D1N, which was expected if the rumors were true…Honestly I would be lying if I say I’m not disappointed, upset and confused about this whole situation. It really is a shame to see his career go down the drain in the blink of an eye due to his ex-girlfriend revealing everything. He didn’t seem like that kind of person when watching him in interviews or 2D1N, but this is a reminder that we don’t see everything on television or the internet. 

After I read the one article from K****b**, I feared the worst was yet to come. The way the woman was extremely detailed in explaining everything and mentioned specific things about Kim Seon Ho, I had a hunch that the rumors would be true, but of course I didn’t want to jump to any conclusions yet. (Once again, if you want me to send you the article, PM me and I can send it over~ It has the full English translation of what the woman said and gives you the full story. Of course this is her side of the story though…)

I really hate how cancel culture is in Korea and once someone has a scandal, it’s immediately done for them. They get pulled out of any project they were casted in and netizens attack them… it’s like netizen expect actors, actresses, kpop idols to be PERFECT. If one scandal rises, done. Netizens critcize and negatively effect them.


Kim Seon Ho will most likely drop out of his three movies now because of this scandal and he already is out of 2D1N. I just hope for now, Kim Seon Ho will lay low until this scandal blows over and will learn from his actions, not repeating this same mistake again. Both him and the woman were in fault with this and I wouldn’t try to blame one person over another.


All of this being said though, this doesn’t discredit or belittle Kim Seon Ho as an actor and I think we can all agree that his acting is amazing and he did a great job and performance in hometown cha cha cha.

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You can be a great actor, yet be a not so nice person.  Plenty of examples in Hollywood of this.  Heck, even the recent scandal about Seo Ye Ji is proof of this.


It's just that the standards in Korea entertainment are much higher.  That's why his career as an A-lister is likely over. 



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Yes, we can acknowledge his talent as an actor - he is great. But this was never the issue. The issue is that the public lost trust in him due to his public personal now not matching his actions. 

The lines separating the private life of celebs is very thin when it comes to their actions that are linked to improper conduct. He said it himself - he was immature and didn’t act considerately. 

I see fans focusing on this scandal going public because of his ex - but it really is the outcome of both their actions. His own action poured the gasoline and his ex lit the match. 

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26 minutes ago, gwin said:

You can be a great actor, yet be a not so nice person.  Plenty of examples in Hollywood of this.  Heck, even the recent scandal about Seo Ye Ji is proof of this.


It's just that the standards in Korea entertainment are much higher.  That's why his career as an A-lister is likely over. 



Agree, Korea ent is on another level when it comes to their actors image. 


@ferilyagree with you I honestly felt bad on this situation but that is KSH personal life and tho little sad coz who wants their idol to have a tarnished image? I tried to see him as the actor that admire (coz he is indeed a good actor).


Just wish that he bounced back after all this coz we dont want to waste such talent. Maybe Knetz also wishes that and maybe they are just hurting as well coz the image that we all knew (and established) abt KSH :huh:

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This is the worst nightmare. Never had I imagined this recent scandal made me disappointed.

I just hope that KSH didn’t do anything reckless now. Please. It will be hard for him to make a comeback. After the statement released, his followers dropped to 7.3m back. 

The aftermath of this scandal is going to be bad. his ads, upcoming movies. I think his movies will be canceled. As for 2D1N members, i’m feeling bad for them. 

If he is going to reflect, then I’m glad. But if he chose something reckless, which I don’t dare to write here, I hope nothing happens.


to the woman A. I hope she‘s no longer in pain just like what she said when she decided to expose her story. Move on. I don’t think they will continue their relationship. this is a toxic relationship. 

Edited by Hajungjihyun
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According to this youtube video:




The ex-gf is a former weather caster named Choi Yeong Ah. Age 37. She retired after she married in 2013. She married a guy named Park Yeong-Sik, son of Park Su-Nam (Chairman of Samwon Garden, whatever that is) and the brother of Park Ji-Eun, a pro-golfer.


They don't know exactly when she divorced, but it appears she divorced at around 2017. She was recently operating an online shopping mall and had a lot of SNS activity as an influencer regarding fashion and beauty, but currently, everything's been shut down.


She has a dog named "Ho-Ah," which is allegedly taken from Seon-HO and Yeong-AH, showing their level of commitment to each other.


(There are a lot of K-netizen comments tearing her down which I don't think is right, and I hope I'm not contributing to that energy. But I thought this might be interesting to fellow soompiers.)

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