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Zhu Yi Long 朱一龙 Official Thread


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Take a peek on Border Town Prodigal sequel played by Wallace Chung. Were you talking about The Magical Blade?! Please enlighten me; so The Magical Blade is adaptation for novel second volume and Border Town Prodigal is adaptation for novel first volume? I am getting confused here .....


The ending of The Magical Blade is also sad, the women dead ..... I literally just skipping around when watching thus the story just passed me. Do you think it is a worth watch? After watching Zhu Yi Long Fu Hong Xue, I have difficulty accepting Wallace Chung Fu Hong Xue:lol:. But I will consider serious watch if the story is good

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This video is a new one with ENG subs.
This is a super cute interview. He keeps his ants in these gel antfarms though, just the workers I think. They have a lifespan from a couple of weeks to about a couple of months, depends on the species. Because there's no queen (probably), they all die. People say these gel farms are not really a great environment for the ants (can't be used as a nest anyway), and it doesn't have protein, so should add bugs, but that can create mold. But then he can't really take an ant farm with him when he goes to a new place so it doesn't make sense to start with a queen. I think they don't really like the light conditions in these gel farms, but then people don't really agree if they're bad for short-term keeping. (Some people think they're poisonous, but that seems to not be the case.)
Anyway. Cute vid. Sorry about the mini rant about ant rights : p

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Zhu Yilong is the New Wu Xie of The Lost Tomb Franchise



This is a very exciting year for Zhu Yilong. He will be playing Wu Xie for an upcoming Youku production, The Lost Tomb Chong Qi 盗墓笔记重启. The character, Wu Xie, is based on a series of online novel by Nanpai Sanshu 南派三书 published in 2007. He is the spiritual leader of the Iron Triangle who was born into a family of grave robbers. Zhu Yilong is going to be the fifth actor to play the role. 

Li Yifeng first played the character in the drama, The Lost Tomb. 

Luhan played the character for the movie, Time Raiders. 

Qin Hao plays an older version of the character in Tomb of the Sea, which is currently airing on Tencent. 

Neo Hou Minghao is the youngest actor to play the character as the lead of The Lost Tomb 2 which is in the works.

This new drama adaptation will be based on another sequel of the book series.  Zhu Yilong is the only cast to be announced so far, and the production team even released a statement to say that the castings going around on who will play the character Zhang Qiling, another fan favorite, are not true.

Drama panda 


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They said at today's press conference that Letting you Float Like a Dream will air in early September. I guess you just can't rush some things. Also. Guardian is (probably?) about to be put back on youku, although it is not back up yet, so we'll see if this is true. 

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http://ent.sina.com.cn/s/m/2018-08-18/doc-ihhxaafy2647454.shtml A new interview. Nothing particularly interesting, just talking about his popularity (he was touched when fans did charity) and how confident he feels in the role of Wu Xie (won't know until he finishes filming, but he will do his best) and his role in Letting you float like a dream (has 3 roles, but the main one is the one in the past (If I understood correctly) and it's different to his past roles, more lively). Oh, and they talked about fans wanting him to use eye cream to combat wrinkles, and he responded that although taking care of his appearance is important for an actor, he likes to retain some of the roughness, otherwise if he's too smooth it will look out of character in films. In my opinion laugh lines are never bad.

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I approached Zhu Yi Long's fans on Weibo to help translate some live broadcasts and stuff for international fans. They were very warm, so we can expect some goodies in the near future : ) very excited! Then we just need to spread it on youtube (there's a channel that has lots of his videos with permission and allows to add subtitles) and instagram @RPM and aminoapps, so that people can find them.

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7 hours ago, siobhanne said:

They said at today's press conference that Letting you Float Like a Dream will air in early September. I guess you just can't rush some things. Also. Guardian is (probably?) about to be put back on youku, although it is not back up yet, so we'll see if this is true. 

What do you mean? Is this drama supposed to be aired earlier?


The trailer looks interesting. Will watch it.

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14 minutes ago, xienrue said:

What do you mean? Is this drama supposed to be aired earlier?


The trailer looks interesting. Will watch it.

There was news that it will air on the 17th of August. But now it turns out this wasn't official information. 

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After the presscon for Letting You Float Like A Dream, he took part in the Weibo Fan Festival the same night and he said something that really touch my heart...


At around 9:25, for closing he said:

"For such a long time, from the bottom of my heart, I am very thankful for all the supports. You (fans) allow me to have many more choices…and allow me to be more assertive and clear on what I need to do. I will use better performances and better works to repay you all. I will continue to do my best and hope you are as well… Moving forward together. Thank you." (Bow)


To me, that is a very honest thank you speech. He didn't thank us for his popularity or anything else but said he is thankful to us because it allows him to have more choices... As a professional actor, isn't that most important to him? To get the opportunities to take part in better drama and challenging roles. And when he said, he will repay us with better performances/works, isn't that all we ask for? We don't need him to do anything for us, just be himself and continue striving in his career as an actor...that itself is enough! :heart:


@siobhanne Thanks so much for reaching out to them for us international fans!!! :D I hope more videos and dramas of ZYL will get translated in the future.

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From ZYL's Weibo:





The first pic is from the presscon for Letting You Float Like A Dream and the second pic is for after attending the Weibo Fan Festival. The last pic is the most funny. He said that this pic is suppose to be sent out yesterday for Chinese Valentine's Day/Qixi (Qi is seven, his hand gesture of seven ??? and Xi sounds like sucking, him sucking on a straw???) Very creative, Zhu Yi Long! LOL Fans guessed why he didn't send this pic out yesterday because he just became the endorsement of a Lenovo mobile phone in China and he didn't receive his phone yet so he can't send any posting with his previous iphone X...LOL That is too funny! :D


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@BreezeC That's a decent phone for the price category. And also priced right for his fans I think. It would be nice if he could be lured away from apple. Why do Chinese celebs use iphones when there are so many great chinese phones competitively priced? All the hardware is anyway from china, and given that iphone started the stupid bangs things, their design is dead as well. Are chinese phones tracking chinese people or what? Although I've noticed a lot of the new ones are forgoing an earphone jack which is a dealbreaker for me. But android all the way.
I wonder if he will get fired as a spokesperson for uploading such a noisy picture? : D

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@siobhanne It is my favorite show of all time, especially if you are into roleplaying and crime solving. I would love to see Zhu Yi Long roleplaying and solving crime but I am not sure he would accept the invitation since there is a lot of on the spot scenario and playing around... and we all know ZYL's reaction when he is put on the spot (Looking around adorably and seeing if anyone can help him lol). Anyway, I just check the show's official account and they said those are all rumors and the actual attendees will only be official if it is release by them. 


I saw that some of the episodes are eng subbed in Utube but I am not sure if all the seasons/episodes are subbed. 

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