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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2019] Heavenly Sword Dragon Slaying Saber 倚天屠龙记


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On 8/11/2019 at 8:12 PM, psksvp said:


Hi @deminni , @LaurenPanna 


I wonder where can I read your hsds fanfic? Is it in English?  I have written one as well. So I am interested in reading others. My fanfic can be found here https://psksvp.github.io/hsdsMe/mpt.html. It is in English. If you read it, please let me know if you hate it. :)  


On The Grassland is a continuing story from the end of JinYong’s novel; The Heavenly Sword And Dagon Saber.



I am currently reading your fanfic now!!! so SO good.  I have a feeling that it was not your intention to write ZM=YC and WJ=JZ but when reading it...the interactions feels and remind me so much of them. It is so cute.  It gives me a feeling that I am continuing YC&JZ journey as ZM and ZWJ. I can only imagine the couple (2019) .  And your ZZR= 2003 version( ?)cuz it is the only one that suits.  


Other than the use of too much "beautiful as goddess" phrase to  associate with ZZR it is a beautiful fic. :P



I love the plot and layout of the story so clever, smart and realistic and happy:) Please keep up the good work!!! 



Thank you for writing it and for sharing!!:)


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On 4/25/2019 at 10:13 PM, LaurenPanna said:

Grassland Reunion – PART 4 – Nian Niu Nian Niu



Credit to Weibo Writer (Original Link - https://media.weibo.cn/article?id=2309404364041568032393 )

Translation done in Spoiler. Enjoy !

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“Min, Baby seem to be having Fever. His crankiness seem unusual today.” Granny said.


Minmin Stood up, wipe her tears. She need to continue with her life. Nian Niu need her care.


Nian Niu has been easy to take care since Birth. Her pregnancy journey was quite easy to manage. There were no morning sickness, which is why she only discovered about her pregnancy when she returned to Mongol. Since he was born, Nian Niu has been well-behaved and obedient. Luckily for that, otherwise she will be at a total loss being the single parent who need to work and take care of a young child at the same time. Nian Niu is very smart too. He has Wuji’s big round eyes and Minmin’s beautiful lips.


He starts to speak short sentences now, at this age.


Sometimes, Minmin will bare her heart to him, and tell him about the love stories of his parents.


She told him how they met in Lu Liu Manor, how his Dad bullied his Mum, and how She fell in love with him.


She told him how they drank to their hearts’ content in the Little Inn, chatted about the Pugilist world and things happening around the world.


She told him, that his Dad was the Ming Sect Leader, Highly skilled in martial arts, has a kind heart and is a Hero among the Pugilists.


She told him, how she always teased his Dad, how his Dad knew he could not outwit his Mum in arguments but still like to put on a strong front, how cute he was when he was angry with her.


She Told him about their life and death encounters in Snake Island, how she was being framed by others and nearly died.


She told him, How she braved through storms to gatecrash the wedding of his Dad with another girl, how much fear she had at that moment. She was really afraid that he would not leave with her, and still insist to marry the Cruel Zhou Zhi Ruo. Luckily, she won the gamble. His Dad left his beautiful bride to be with her. And they even had their Sweet and Intimate night together.


She did not know if Nian Niu Understood what she said. Nian Niu will always echo her when she Spoke. She believe, if he could truly understand his mum’s sufferings, He will agree to her decision to leave his Dad.


She sat beside his bed, touched his forehead. He is warm to touch. In the past, whenever Nian Niu had fever, She would Sponge him and the fever would be gone.


But This time round, She sponged him, pat him to sleep, But nothing works. He was too cranky and wide awake and he has been crying on and off.


She hugs him, Coax and Pat him, She sings to him.


She think to herself, “Nian Niu ah Nian Niu, Your Dad visited you tonight, is this why you are excited and can’t get to sleep? Or is it because you know Dad and Mum quarreled, Mum said things to hurt your Dad, So you are angry with Mum and could not sleep?”


Nian Niu Cried even Louder now. “Nian Niu ah, What is wrong with you tonight?”


Minmin decided to go out to look for a Physician. She is worried about Nian Niu’s condition. She walked out of the Tent, and Zhang Wuji is still around!


He looked haggard. “Minmin, Finally, you are willing to see me. “ He smiled happily.


Minmin replied coldly, “No, didn’t you hear me just now? I do not love you anymore.”


Her heart bled when she said that. But she cannot and will not display her emotions. Being Straight to the Point and Clear-cut has always been Her Style and way of doing things.


Being miserable, Wuji forced himself to smile and said, “it is okay, Min Min, I am willing to wait for you to accept me again.”


“You better leave, I have urgent matters to see to. I don’t wish to talk to you now. “


Wuji frowned. She must be in some troubled situation. “Minmin, What happened? Just let me know if you need help. I will do anything to help.”


It suddenly occurred to Minmin that Wuji is a very good doctor and Maybe he could help. So She said, “Nian Niu is having a fever now. I used to sponge him when he had fever and it worked. But today, Nothing works. Can you help to look at his condition?”


Wuji held her hand and said, “Minmin, why do you regard me as an outsider? You don’t have to stand on ceremony with me. Even if Nian Niu is not my son, I will still do my very best to treat him. Please bring me to him quickly.” 


Wuji followed Minmin into the Tent, he takes a look at Nian Niu, did a pulse diagnosis for him, and Said, “He is fine, he just caught a cold. Minmin, do you have radish, raw ginger or some wine at home?”


Minmin was taken aback.


He explained, “these are natural remedies for Cold and Flu, and has no harmful effects on children.


Minmin nods her head, “Yes, I have. Wait for me, I will go get them.


Minmin went out, Leaving only Wuji and Nian Niu in the tent.  


“This Child is so well-behaved, and does not have any stranger anxiety.” Wuji thought to himself.

Nian Niu looks like he is almost 2 year old. Even though Minmin denied, he has a strong feeling that Nian Niu is his flesh and Blood.


He tried playing with him and coaxing him. At this juncture, Nian Niu suddenly called out to him, “Dad !”

Wuji couldn’t move, he froze. Nian Niu called him Dad !


Wuji asked eagerly, “Nian Niu, what did you call me?”  Nian Niu remained silent. For a moment, he thought he hallucinated. “No! That is not my hallucination. Nian Niu subconsciously called me Dad. Maybe he know something. He is almost 2 year old. He could probably understand what the adults said. And he could speak few words now. Minmin must have told Nian Niu about me!”


The thought of Minmin telling Nian Niu about him, filled his mind completely. He still have several doubts. Perhaps he could try sounding Nian Niu out.


“Nian Niu…. Where is your dad?”


Nian Nu’s beautiful eyes sparkled. Wuji love his eyes so much. Upon hearing the word “Dad”, Nian Niu seems to become alert all of a sudden.


He kept mumbling non-stop and suddenly he said, “Dad…. is… bad guy…. He don’t want Mum… bad guy!”


Wuji is overwhelmed by his reaction, and continued, “Nian Niu, Who is your Dad?” He looked forward to his reaction.


“Zhang…..Wuji…. is bad guy…..make Mum sad…..”


On 4/26/2019 at 5:59 AM, LaurenPanna said:

Grassland Reunion PART 5 – Sheep herding together

Credit to Weibo Writer.

Original Link: https://media.weibo.cn/article?id=2309404364336901538532



Translation done in Spoiler.

I happen to be able do one more part today, as for the next two days, i won't be in office. So i usually can't use the PC at home, as my son will pester for my attention. hahahaha

Enjoy !

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This is the answer he has been waiting for ! Little did he expect that the truth would be reveal by his son.

He knew it! Minmin will never give up on their relationship.

She is the strong-willed girl who said “I Insist” during the wedding clash.

She is stubborn by nature, She would never marry other men or bear children for them.

He does not believe a single word that she said to him.


Suddenly, he felt like he is a Jerk. Minmin went through so much for him, Pregnancy, birth of their Son, all kinds of ordeals and sufferings that she went through, He totally could not imagine.

He even doubted her before. He deserved to die!


He calmed himself down.


“Nian Niu Nian Niu , this name is meaningful but doesn’t sound that nice, isn’t it?”

He laughed, “Only Minmin would come out with this kind of name.”

He need to get Nian Niu a nicer name once they patched back their relationship.


Nian Niu chuckled. Wuji pat his head. He continue to brainstorm for more questions to ask Nian Niu.


“Nian Niu…. How old are you now?” Wuji asked gently.

Nian Niu ignored him and continue playing on his own.

Wuji smiled lovingly at him, “He is still so young, I really should not expect him to have more speech with me. Though Blood is thicker than Water, I am still a stranger to him now. I am really not a dutiful father.”

He gently touched Nian Niu’s cheek.

He is determined to be a good husband, good father, take good care of his wife and Son and protect them with all his might.


Min min is back. Seeing Wuji in tears, She scorned, “ You are a grown up man but Cry all the time. What’s up with you?”



Wuji wiped his tears away and Smiled at Minmin. He suddenly ran up and give her a big Hug.



Minmin was taken aback by his action and wanted to step back to avoid him, however she was still too late. 



The more she struggled, the more tightly he hold on to her, he refused to let go.




She yearn for his embrace for so long. One part of her urge her to push him away, another part of her tell her to accept his embrace.




She really wanted to tell him from the bottom of her heart how much she missed him all these years. She had been telling Nian Niu about him and how much she missed him.


But She Can’t do that now !

She need to hide her feelings. She need to pretend that She does not love him anymore, so as to hurt him.


“Minmin, you still love me. Nian Niu is our flesh and blood, I know the truth now” Wuji said.



“Zhang Wuji. You are shameless to keep pestering me” Minmin continue to struggle from his embrace.



Wuji Interrupted her, “Minmin, please listen to me!”

His big hand touched the back of her head and pull her towards him and gently stroked her hair. Minmin softened towards his touch and almost stopped struggling.



“I know you suffered much to deliver Nian Niu and raised him up. I know I am partially responsible for Father-in-Law’s death. It was my incompetency that cost him his life. It is normal of you to blame me and I don’t deserve your forgiveness. But please don’t lie to me that you have no more feelings for me, can you? “ He spoke gently.



“Zhang Wuji! Let go of me, you jerk! “



He cuddled her even tightly now. “Nian Niu called me Dad, do you know how happy I am? Minmin ! “



Looking at how delightful he is now, Minmin could not imagine how disappointed he will be if she continue to lie to him.



But Still, she continue, “Zhang Wuji, Nian Niu is still young and can’t talk well. How can you believe words that come out of a Child? What a Joke!”

She finally use all her might to push him away.



Wuji is not angry at all. He knew Minmin needs time to heal.



He then proceeded to treat Nian Niu. Nian Niu’s condition is not serious. He will probably be well the next day. Luckily for that, otherwise Minmin will be worried sick.



Minmin carried Nian Niu and patted him to sleep.

Under the pale candle light, Minmin look so beautiful with stunning features.

When he first met her, she is the confident lady, naturally elegant with bright countenance. Now She is even more ravishing after she became a Mother.

He was so enchanted by her charm and intoxicating beauty that he could not take his eyes off her.



No wonder those Men wanted to get near her because She is so beautiful. He thought sullenly. They really think too highly of themselves. She wouldn’t lay an eye on them! 

From Now on, he need to accompany her more. He wants everyone to know that Zhao Min is his Wife, Zhang Wu Ji’s wife. 


Nian Niu is fast asleep. Seeing that Wuji is still around, she said, “Zhang Wuji, why are you still here? It is getting late. A single man and a single woman spending time together alone in a tent, is bound to set tongues wagging in this village. You better leave. “



Wuji thought, “That is exactly what I wish for, for everyone in this neighbourhood to know that I am staying with Minmin overnight!”



Trying to find some excuse to stay, he said, “Minmin, I am a little tired now, Don’t you care about me? “ His eyes Sparkled with innocence when he said that, reminded her of the time he pouted his lips and called her “Good Sister” unwillingly. He really looked adorable then.



Her heart is instantly softened, “Fine, I have not taken my dinner as well, I will cook some simple dishes. You may stay and eat together with me then.”



Wuji nodded his head happily! He knew it. Minmin still care for him.



After dinner, Wuji still refused to leave. He cook up an excuse that he is worried for Nian Niu’s condition so he wish to stay overnight with them. Minmin knew what he is up to. She pretended to be angry and insisted to chase him out of the tent. Before he leave, Wuji said that he will be back again in the morning to go sheepherding with her.



She smiled to herself after he left and she was not even aware of that.



The next morning, she purposely wake up early to avoid Zhang Wu Ji, so that he has no chance to go sheepherding with her. She entrusted Nian Niu to Granny’s care.



She gradually understand that their love are deep to the core of the bones that She can’t deceive herself anymore. The more she do that, the clearer she is about her feelings for him.

She was determined that she does not want him anymore. But the moment she sees him, she can’t control her feelings at all.

She is actually very happy to see him. When he is not with her, she miss him badly. Why is she so useless? Why can’t she treat him just like how she treat those other Men?

His Smile and Laughter, everything he do, every single word he said, simply tug on her heartstrings.

Zhao Min ah! Why can’t you forget him?



Despite her inner struggle, she is clear that she has to end this bravely, she need to let go of this love. Time can heal all wounds.



She walked out of the tent and got a shocked seeing Zhang Wuji running up to her.



Still not recovered from her shock, She asked, “Zhang Wuji… you…. Why are you here so early?”



Wuji knew that Minmin would avoid him on purpose. So he rather wake up early than to miss her.



With an aggrieved look, he said, “Minmin, I am afraid that you will avoid me and don’t want me to accompany you. So, I waited for you before dawn.”







Thank you!!

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7 hours ago, Saver said:

For real? They are in a relationship? Would be so cute. 



Not sure. Sometimes their shipper think so much :D



7 hours ago, Saver said:

What do they say if anyone don't mind:)



It's 3 months ago so I forget what JZ said. But Yukee replied "Thanks Wuji"

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On 4/30/2019 at 6:43 AM, LaurenPanna said:

Grassland Reunion – Part 7 – 你倒也舍得我了




Original Link:




Translation in Spoiler


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She moved her trembling fingers to feel his breath.



He is not breathing anymore……



The room is quiet.



Her limbs weakened, she collapsed to the ground. 

She managed a hollow smile,  “Zhang Wuji, are you playing a prank on me? Stop doing this, it is not funny at all”



Shuddered with emotions, She Clung on him, shook him, looking for traces of movement. But he is not responding.

She touched his face gently and wiped away the blood stains from his lips. Since when did she last intimately caress his face? 



“Wuji, why aren’t you responding? I know you are just playing a fool with me. You wanted to test my love for you , right? I knew it. You are so highly skilled in martial arts, you have Jiu yang shen gong’s protection, you know Qian Kun Da Nuo Yi and Taiji. I don’t believe you will be defeated so easily. Am I right?”



She kept talking to him but there is still no response. Her Eyes begin to fill with tears.



Maybe she is right. Xuanming Elders dirty-handedly plotted against him, caught him off guard and killed him.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, they were of no match for him at all.



She turned around to look at Brother, Granny and Grandpa. They look sullen. Sorrow filled the silence in the room. Their expression tell it all.

He is gone.



But she couldn’t believe it.



She used to laugh at his silliness and innocence. She always said that she must have done plenty of good or bad deeds in her past lives to have met the extraordinary him.  

“Without me by his side, He fell into evildoers’ trap and got himself killed. What a fool. “ She thought to herself, with sorrow.



“Wuji, You always said that I am in denial about being in love with you. You always said that I am too cruel to you. Didn’t you say that before? You can scold me now. Wake up please! Scold me! Do you know that You really looked adorable when you bickered with me. Why are you still lying there? I know you are angry with me for not cherishing you. I know you are ignoring me to make me regret for not treating you right.”



No, Wuji still did not respond.



She Wept bitterly. Tears fall from her cheek on his neck. She started jabbing at him non stop. “Zhang Wuji ! Please! Wake up!  I really regret it now. I really regret for everything! Isn’t this what you want to prove to me? Please don’t do this to me. Please…..”



“Zhang Wuji ! If you do not wake up right now, I don’t want you anymore!”



The threat does not work anymore. He is really gone. He left her for good.



“Minmin, please get up. It is too cold to sit on the floor. You still have Nian Niu. You have to take care of your health. Otherwise, Xiao Zeng can’t rest in peace.” 



Minmin shuddered, “Wuji, Didn’t you always want to know if Nian Niu is your flesh and blood? I will tell you now. Nian Niu is yours. Do you remember the night when you came back from Shaolin? Yes, it was that night that we had Nian Niu.  He is very obedient. He can feel that his Dad is not with him, so he never once misbehave. And he has your eyes and lips…… “ She sobbed.



“Wuji, I really regret it now, I love you, I really do, please don’t leave me. Please….”



She sobbed into his chest unceasingly. The pain must have come in waves, minutes of sobbing broken apart by Short pauses for recovering breaths. He is really gone. She wants him to come back to life so badly. It was only yesterday that he promised he would accompany her to sheep herding but he broke his promise.



If only. If only time could just turn back. If only she knew. She would tell him on the day of Reunion, “I’ve waited for so Long.”





Nian Niu wiped her tears, “Mum, Don’t Cry. Nian Niu Hoooooo Wooooooo”



Nian Niu, Nian Niu, Xiang Nian Ah Niu (Missing Ah Niu). But Nian Niu did not know that Ah Niu is gone. Gone for good.



She cried so much until all of her tears have dried off. As if in a daze, she sat beside him and held his hand with hers.

She touched his palm with one hand while wrapping his wrist with another.



WAIT ! His Wrist ! His Pulse! His Pulse is still beating ?!



Just when She wanted to do a pulse diagnosis to confirm her findings, the person on the Bed suddenly sat himself up and Smile at her.



Now…. The truth has come to light.



This is just a prank he set up to make her admit everything, to make her bare her heart to him !!!! She is Furious! 



Fuming with anger, in a high-pitched voice, She said “ZHANG WU JI! HOW DARE YOU LIE TO ME? If I did not find out about your beating pulse, are you going to continue with the pretense forever? “



Not realizing that Minmin is fuming, Wuji stare at her with his big round eyes, and said “Minmin, even if you didn’t touch my wrist, I can’t hold it any longer either. From the moment you step into the room, I started to hold my breath. I can only resume my normal breathing after you remove your fingers from my nose. For fear that you would see through my ploy, I didn’t even dare to breathe deeply at all! I could only take small short breath on and off. Phew ! it was a close shave.”



His pleading tone anger her even more.



“ Zhang Wu Ji ! How can you joke with life and death matters like this? Do you know how devastated I was when I thought you were gone? If not for Nian Niu, I will kill myself to follow you. You are ridiculous!”



He gently tugged her elbow like a child, tried to fawn over her. “Minmin, You care so much for me but you can’t cross the hurdle to accept me. I have to do this for the sake of the both of us, which is why I asked Grandpa, Granny and Brother for help. We can’t possibly let Nian Niu grow up without a Father, can we?”



“Very well, Zhang Wuji, To Think that you have to resort to lying. You do have good acting skills, don’t you? I can’t believe that I was so easily deceived by you. I cried so much over you. And Every one of you knew about this Except me ! Zhang Wu Ji, Do you know How devastated I was just now? You Jerk! “



Wuji frowned and stare at Minmin with his pair of big innocent eyes, “Minmin, please don’t blame them. It was all my idea. They couldn’t bear to see the both of us tormenting each other, that is why….”



“Enough is enough!” She shrugged his hands off. “Zhang Wu Ji, Leave Now, I Do Not want to see you again!”



She dragged him from the bed and chased him out of the tent.



Wuji panicked, “Looks like it is not going to be easy to pacify her this time round. I should have wake up as soon as she confessed and not waited so long. I was just too greedy for more confessions from her.”



His heart was in pain when he heard her sobbing. But He has waited so long for her confessions. He can’t helped being greedy. It was all his fault, he thought, and he regretted now.



But Deep inside him, he is really very happy to know that he hold an important place in Minmin’s heart.








The next morning, Wuji wakes up early to look for Minmin again. The Weather is good.



Minmin does not appear to be very surprised to see him. She kept a long face, pretended she never see him and walked away on her own.



Wuji followed Minmin closely. Minmin became a little frustrated, “Zhang Wuji, you are really annoying.”





He pouted his lips and Smile cheekily, “No, not annoyed at all !”

“Minmin, it was all my fault yesterday, I shouldn’t have deceived you. You may hit me, if it makes you happy.”



He held Minmin’s hand and slapped his own face with her hand. Minmin pulled her hand back, rolled her eyes and scorned, “Childish!”



Wuji continued to follow her, “Minmin, I know what I did was wrong. But I do not regret a single bit for what I did. Do you know how happy and blissful I felt after hearing your confessions. I knew you can’t bear to be apart from me at all.”  He smiled widely.



Minmin softened her tone , “then what about you? You bear to bring yourself to hurt me then?”



Her coquettish tone melted Wuji’s heart. He is overloaded with happiness now. “No, Minmin, How would I bear to bring myself to hurt you? As long as you live, I am willing to die a thousand times for you” .



Minmin quickly cover his mouth, and lamented “Why are you saying stuffs like that? I don’t want you to die. I want you to live well.”



He looked into her eyes with love and tenderness. He couldn’t take his eyes off her.

She felt as if his beautiful pair of eyes had cast a magical spell on her, that she was bewitched by him. She blushed and quickly turned away from his gaze.    



She exudes a feminine charm that is alluring and mesmerizing. She look so adorable when she shy away from him. He can’t resist the temptation to Kiss her. How he wish he could hide her away so that no other Men than him have the privilege to admire her beauty.  



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48 minutes ago, hwonhwon_stv said:



Not sure. Sometimes their shipper think so much :D





It's 3 months ago so I forget what JZ said. But Yukee replied "Thanks Wuji"

Thank you

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On 6/1/2019 at 11:50 PM, kimmortal said:

Um... I had this idea foster in the back of my mind. I have no idea where the story's even headed. Please bear with me.


What if, after throwing Zhao Min into the ocean, Zhou Zhiruo actually takes the boat to return to Central Plains alone with the secrets she's uncovered from the Heavenly (Yitian) Sword and Dragon Slaying (Tulong) Sabre? Wuji wakes to find only Xie Xun and Yin Li are there with him. But Yin Li dies from her injuries (some of them fresh) and because they've all been poisoned by Zhao Min's poison, they still deduced that it was Zhao Min who did it.


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A Re-imagining of Spirit Snake Island: Chapter 1


Zhang Wuji has been sitting on the ground staring at the makeshift tombstone for several hours with the sun beating down on his face. He ignored the heat. His legs were starting to feel numb. He ignored that too. He felt so useless. Here he was, the leader of Ming Cult, with one of the highest levels of martial arts that could be achieved by someone of his age, and yet he couldn’t save his cousin, Yin Li. He couldn’t even keep Zhiruo safe. He had no idea about her whereabouts. For all he knew, she could be suffering under the enemy’s hands right now, unwilling to give in to their demands. He dreaded that thought. He felt like a failure. All because of that evil witch Zhao Min.


His heart ached at the thought of her – this alluring woman who had tricked him into letting his guard down. He didn’t know why he trusted her even though everyone has told him not to. Perhaps he was overconfident in his own abilities and intellect. Perhaps he was still the naïve little boy who believed in the goodness of people. No – he knew he was only kidding himself; none of those were the true reasons.


Feeling dejected, Zhang Wuji decided to make himself useful and go gather some fruits to bring back to Godfather. Without thinking, he ended up at the shore where he first discovered that their boat was missing. He glanced at the sea, hoping to see a ship pass by. There was no ship. The waves were beating against the shoreline as the wind was blowing strong. Zhang Wuji’s eyes caught sight of a figure floating in the water. The forceful waves were pushing the figure onto shore. He recognized that delicate figure, those white and green robes, that pair of cloth boots that covered a pair of small, lovely feet. A wave of panic suddenly hit Zhang Wuji as he rushed to that body as fast as his qinggong could take him. Please don’t let her be dead. Zhang Wuji lifted the body up and quickly felt around for a pulse. He breathed a sigh of relief as he discovered she was still alive, but the pulse was very weak. Carrying Zhao Min in his arms he ran back toward the direction of the house, his emotions a mix of fear and happiness.


Seeing the house in view, Zhang Wuji called out, “Godfather, please help!”


Xie Xun opened the doors and stepped out. “What is it? What’s wrong?”


“It’s Zhao Min! She didn’t abandon us. I found her floating in the sea, unconscious.” Zhang Wuji paused. “She was poisoned by the Ten Fragrance Muscle Softener Powder too.”


Xie Xun was shocked. This turn of events completely overturned their initial theory of what had happened. “How could she be poisoned too? Wuji, you said this was her own poison that she used on the Six Major Sects. Could it be a trick of hers?”


Zhang Wuji frowned. “I don’t think so. She’s in critical condition right now. She could die any second. I’m the only one with the ability to save her, but only because the 9 Yang Divine Skill allowed me to expel the poison from my own body first. If not for that, I won’t be able to circulate my own internal energy to heal her. She couldn’t have possibly done this to herself.”


“There’s no point in theorizing now.” Xie Xun said. “The only way we’ll get any answers is if we keep her alive. You need to do what you can to save her.” The two of them carefully laid Zhao Min on one of the beds. Xie Xun quickly retreated out of the room.


With nobody else in the room and Zhao Min unconscious, Zhang Wuji does not hesitate. He carefully propped her up in a sitting position, gently removed one layer of her clothing, and placed both his palms on her back to transfer his 9 Yang Divine Energy into her body to heal her. After working hard for almost two hours, he felt that the energy circulating inside Zhao Min’s body was stabilizing. Her life was no longer in danger. As soon as Zhang Wuji lifted his palms from Zhao Min’s back, he felt her beginning to stir. Zhang Wuji held onto her shoulders and moved to lay her back down, but before he could let go Zhao Min opened her eyes and looked straight at him.


“Zhang Wuji!” Zhao Min smiled warmly. “I asked the heavens to let me see you one last time before I die. The heavens do not disappoint.”


Zhang Wuji stared at her face, her cheeks flush with affection and her eyes gleaming with tears. His voice caught in his throat. He had not realized he was holding his breath. “Don’t be silly. I would never let anything happen to you.” He surprised himself. He did not mean to say that. He felt shy as he realized he was still holding her in his arms.


Zhao Min blinked as tears streamed down her face. “Are you really here or am I dreaming?” Her voice was hoarse; she was exerting all her energy just to speak.


Zhang Wuji’s heart warmed. She’s been through so much. “I’m here. You’re going to be OK.” He caresses her face tenderly as she falls back asleep, exhausted from the transfer of internal energy. He carefully laid her down onto the bed. Sighing, and with one last glance at her small frame, he quietly left the room.


To be continued...


This is really interesting and so far good.  Please don't gave up!!:)


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20 hours ago, Saver said:

 The Vietnam dubbed version might have the best cut. It suddenly disappear from YouTube so sad

  Only thing is ZM voice.  Would prefer different voice actor but I am still too happy:)

LOL That Vietnam version is mine! It was my Youtube account but Youtube suspended it for violating copyright laws. Pst... it’s still up on Dailymotion.com if you do a search! The English subtitled version (along with Legend of the Condor Heroes 2017) is gone too from that account. I don’t think I can risk being suspended again from Youtube so I don’t think I’ll be re-upping the episodes.

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58 minutes ago, kimmortal said:

LOL That Vietnam version is mine! It was my Youtube account but Youtube suspended it for violating copyright laws. Pst... it’s still up on Dailymotion.com if you do a search! The English subtitled version (along with Legend of the Condor Heroes 2017) is gone too from that account. I don’t think I can risk being suspended again from Youtube so I don’t think I’ll be re-upping the episodes.



Hahaha what? Really?? You are awesome!!:D  I am SO HAPPY I got to see it just in time.  Lol now I know who to blame for my current condition:P  hahaha jk;)  it is cuz of it that I joined up here and meet all you cool people.  Thank you!!:wub:

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9 hours ago, hwonhwon_stv said:

More handsome after became leader of Ming sect :heart:

It is not right!!:tears: I still can't get over this Wuji.  He is so cute and I miss him. :wub::huh::sweat_smile:


Lol thanks for the pictures. :heart:

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On 6/3/2020 at 7:27 AM, Saver said:

It is not right!!:tears: I still can't get over this Wuji.  He is so cute and I miss him. :wub::huh::sweat_smile:


Lol thanks for the pictures. :heart:



I really like the young Wuji [before became a leader], handsome and cute. Especially at Guang Ming Ding battle, Wuji is so pretty handsome :D:P


But I really really like Wuji at Wudang battle, I don't know why but he looks so good in Wudang outfit. But I love leader Wuji since wedding scene. OMG, Wuji with long hair and red wedding dress is so so handsome :love:   And then Wuji in white at Shao Lin 




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On 6/3/2020 at 9:38 AM, hwonhwon_stv said:



I really like the young Wuji [before became a leader], handsome and cute. Especially at Guang Ming Ding battle, Wuji is so pretty handsome :D:P


But I really really like Wuji at Wudang battle, I don't know why but he looks so good in Wudang outfit. But I love leader Wuji since wedding scene. OMG, Wuji with long hair and red wedding dress is so so handsome :love:   And then Wuji in white at Shao Lin 




Hahaha I agree..though I like Wuji through out. :heart::wub: can't stop watching him and his expressions and reactions...especially his reaction to ZM teasing. 


And I especially like when he is forced to call her "Hao Jei jei" (sorry if spell it wrong)


And when he gave her back her hairpin the expression just right before he put it in her hair.  I don't know.  Just something about that scene of him pining it into her hair and then she returning it the same way.  Both his expressions before and after is just so adorable. :love:

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On 6/7/2020 at 11:43 AM, hwonhwon_stv said:

Joseph and Yukee will duet and sing the opening song of HSDS 2019 'Sword Like A Dream by Emil Chou'   in Jiangsu TV on June 16 

Zhang Wu Ji and Zhao Min work together again :P





Omg I am SO EXCITED.  Thanks for keeping us updated!  Exciting news:love:  anytime they are together I wanna see. Gosh I am having such a hard time getting over this couple.  I don't think there is any Asian drama couple I have ever had a hard time like this letting go. 

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