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[OFFICIAL] GUM COUPLE ❤ | Kim Nam Gil & Kim Ah Joong | Im ❤ Kyung


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9 minutes ago, siena said:

From what I see, AJ put her hand inside his jacket because when it flipped it's wide open. And it was NG who hugged her, he even grabbed her back in order to hug her tighter.


You know why fans on DC gal insisted to have the director cut and bts....because they saw all this natural sweet acts. They often share gif of cut scenes from the drama and the bts. They want the ice cream date bts, beach date bts, namsan bts, morning kiss bts, acupunture bts, they want all!!!


In ice cream date they notice that it seems NG used snow application when taking all the selcas, they did show us 1 rabbit selca.....they want to see more.


I also think that the beach kiss was supposed to be only 1 kiss. AJ hand's position was different when they zoom out the camera. NG looked very surprised (and happy) after the kiss, just look at his face and his eyes. I think that's why AJ hit him hard before running away so NG would get his concious back. And yes, NG kissed her back and even grab her waist and when she pulled away you see his lips was still reaching her lips.....lol!!!


All the kisses were taken more than 1 time because we saw it from different angle and the editing shown that it was taken few times.


Fans on DC are still negotiating with the production team. They are asked to send petition. These past 2 days at 9pm they always have an online meeting with the production team.



I see that lol!! its like he want more :D:D btw thank you as always! very glad to have you here.. hope the negotiation went well with the production team

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1 minute ago, parootpatootie said:

I also think that how she kissed him in the beach is adlibbed. And the part when KNG held her waist and wanted more, the way she laughed and teased him and ran away is too real. KNG my man, if you want more, just date her and marry her will you? :lol:


and you know what? they did that with the people around them, so when they dating or married later it will be more intimate than that, because its just the of them.. maybe in the dark room... and... *my mind gone crazily pervert right now just to thinking about it LOL*

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18 minutes ago, siena said:

From what I see, AJ put her hand inside his jacket because when it flipped it's wide open. And it was NG who hugged her, he even grabbed her back in order to hug her tighter.


You know why fans on DC gal insisted to have the director cut and bts....because they saw all this natural sweet acts. They often share gif of cut scenes from the drama and the bts. They want the ice cream date bts, beach date bts, namsan bts, morning kiss bts, acupunture bts, they want all!!!


In ice cream date they notice that it seems NG used snow application when taking all the selcas, they did show us 1 rabbit selca.....they want to see more.


I also think that the beach kiss was supposed to be only 1 kiss. AJ hand's position was different when they zoom out the camera. NG looked very surprised (and happy) after the kiss, just look at his face and his eyes. I think that's why AJ hit him hard before running away so NG would get his concious back. And yes, NG kissed her back and even grab her waist and when she pulled away you see his lips was still reaching her lips.....lol!!!


All the kisses were taken more than 1 time because we saw it from different angle and the editing shown that it was taken few times.


Fans on DC are still negotiating with the production team. They are asked to send petition. These past 2 days at 9pm they always have an online meeting with the production team.

everyday were finding new things as we watch  the bts,what more if they release the DVD cut? like him hugging her  tightly,I just notice it now,you guys have an eagle eye..

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36 minutes ago, siena said:

Ah, maybe you already know. But let me share it again. When NG stroked AJ hair during ice cream date....NG talked to her in banmal he said....what do you see? (His voice is soo sweet......lol). And another scene AJ said to him in banmal....those people here.....


I don't know if it was intentional, but in some scenes the editor "forgot" to edit out those banmal talks....which means the talks between NG and AJ not HI and YK.



Maybe the editor is a shipper and cant help but give some hints :D Coz they could have been very strict in not showing anything juicy in the BTS cuts right?

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Wow, from imagining ImKyung having child(ren) and observing which part was adlib kiss(es) and hugs.. you guys are daebak!! Make my days brighter. Hoping our wish(es) come true. :heart:


Awww...speaking of children.

Here is ImKyung fondly watched their secret child, Jae Ha on his first day at school and sadly, the teacher was not fond of him. Luckily, the teacher and Heo Im know one another.







They left their son at school and went to have a date. The end.

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1 minute ago, parootpatootie said:

@heoimajeossi daebak! What an adorable 'alternate subtitle'. Great imagination. You should be a writer. :D


:D:D Actually I had this on my mind for the plot if they ever want to make LUTYN season 2. 





Im and Kyung are happily together in the present time and they thought nothing wrong is gonna happen. Oh boy how wrong they are. Meanwhile Makgae is learning acupuncture with Jaeha since she hates studying and Jaeha volunteer himself to be her teacher, which Im doesnt mind since he can focus more on his life with his Gum. When Makgae was reading on Heo Im's book (since Jaeha said all acupuncturist learn based on Heo Im's book), she was shock to see the author name has change from Heo Im to Jin-Oh. (Jin-oh saw Heo Im and Makgae vanished, and he found the book Heo Im write and changed it to make it as he was the real author.)


Makgae went to tell Heo Im about it. Grandpa already know and show what he had search on internet. Heo Im was a nobody now and Jin-oh is more famous than Heo Jun. All of them discuss about the situation. Heo im decided to went back to check what and how it happened. Kyung said she wants to go along too. Of course gradnpa say NO! But there is one problem. Heo Im wasnt sure who is the current owner for the pouch. He only remember that after he woke up at Seoul when he last saved Makgae from the fallen rack in Joseon, the pouch was between him and Makgae. Since he was so excited to be back in Seoul, he kept the pouch inside his garment, and pushed Makgae inside the elevator and went to see Kyung but then had to steal someone's bike since Kyung was doing a voluntary job at other place.


Heo Im said the only way to find out whether or not he is the owner of the pouch is by to killing himself, but of course Kyung objected. What if the pouch belongs to Makgae, Heo Im will die! Then Heo Im take out his long needle and went to attack Makgae, but stopped by Jaeha. Makgae said only one way to travel back to Joseon. 


Makgae and Heo Im was watching the busy street, they were waiting for the right moment. Kyung and Jaeha looked worried. At last, they saw a big truck coming, so Heo Im dragged Makgae and hugged her tightly and wait for the truck to hit them. Of course at the last few second, Kyung and Jaeha join the hug since they cant watch they beloved died in front of their eyes. Four of them wake up and they were back in Joseon.



Sadly, english in not my first language so I cant turn this into my own fanfic.. Oh well. :lol:



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@heoimajeossi wow, i can't help but give a round of applause to you!!! Your idea can be extended to an awesome fanfic and even for our expected LUTYN season 2.


It seems to have a lot of funnier scenes this way :)) *clap clap*


:)) btw, should we do marathon writing for it :)))) we can develop it to a very special fanfic of our own B)



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24 minutes ago, heoimajeossi said:


:D:D Actually I had this on my mind for the plot if they ever want to make LUTYN season 2. 



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Im and Kyung are happily together in the present time and they thought nothing wrong is gonna happen. Oh boy how wrong they are. Meanwhile Makgae is learning acupuncture with Jaeha since she hates studying and Jaeha volunteer himself to be her teacher, which Im doesnt mind since he can focus more on his life with his Gum. When Makgae was reading on Heo Im's book (since Jaeha said all acupuncturist learn based on Heo Im's book), she was shock to see the author name has change from Heo Im to Jin-Oh. (Jin-oh saw Heo Im and Makgae vanished, and he found the book Heo Im write and changed it to make it as he was the real author.)


Makgae went to tell Heo Im about it. Grandpa already know and show what he had search on internet. Heo Im was a nobody now and Jin-oh is more famous than Heo Jun. All of them discuss about the situation. Heo im decided to went back to check what and how it happened. Kyung said she wants to go along too. Of course gradnpa say NO! But there is one problem. Heo Im wasnt sure who is the current owner for the pouch. He only remember that after he woke up at Seoul when he last saved Makgae from the fallen rack in Joseon, the pouch was between him and Makgae. Since he was so excited to be back in Seoul, he kept the pouch inside his garment, and pushed Makgae inside the elevator and went to see Kyung but then had to steal someone's bike since Kyung was doing a voluntary job at other place.


Heo Im said the only way to find out whether or not he is the owner of the pouch is by to killing himself, but of course Kyung objected. What if the pouch belongs to Makgae, Heo Im will die! Then Heo Im take out his long needle and went to attack Makgae, but stopped by Jaeha. Makgae said only one way to travel back to Joseon. 


Makgae and Heo Im was watching the busy street, they were waiting for the right moment. Kyung and Jaeha looked worried. At last, they saw a big truck coming, so Heo Im dragged Makgae and hugged her tightly and wait for the truck to hit them. Of course at the last few second, Kyung and Jaeha join the hug since they cant watch they beloved died in front of their eyes. Four of them wake up and they were back in Joseon.



Sadly, english in not my first language so I cant turn this into my own fanfic.. Oh well. :lol:



I can imagine them giving love advice to their 'son' in the 2nd season. The JH-MG angle is kinda cute. I saw the MG actress and she's really pretty outside of MG boy dress. I totally dig the hot pair (CYK-HI) cute pair (JH-MG) in one show. Dear tvn, give us season 2 please... :D

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About the beach date, I still curious because they look so natural and make me confuse, when HI and YK walking together in beach, I feel I see NG and AJ walking together in beach not HI and YK. 

And because of that beach scene, I can't differentiate their acting and real.hahahaha.


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8 minutes ago, Cynthia kristiani said:

Thank you @gogumajet This beach scene is too real. :lol:

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Yes. Can I just believe that it is real. Lol! Because of this scene, I start to rewatch LUTYN from 1st ep for the 6th time. Lol. I'm on ep4 now. The 1st time YK came to Joseon. Funny moment. :D

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Eeeps!!! I kinda freaked a little when he said in his interview that he didn't eat for two days to portray the haggardness of a disaster stricken person. EAT!!! EATING IS A BASIC NECESSITY!!! Haggardness can be made with make up! Make up is wonderful!!


Surprised me too. I have heard that it's almost "normal" for Korean actors and actresses to get their nutrients through IV... some footage or BTS videos we see have them look happy but that's not everything that's going on during the set.... just thinking of them resting with something injected in them to keep going... definitely not healthy. Although I think that there are actors who take it to a different level.

I wonder if they give the same treatment with their superstars?

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30 minutes ago, gogumajet said:

This is the scene that we talk about. Lol! Finally I able to post gif! 

credit: tumblr


even so many times I watch, it seems like a real couple enjoying their beach date. Lol!


edit: that is why I say KNG want more on the lips. Lololol! His face says it all. And as someone said before here for the second kiss, KAJ hands place a bit different than the others clip. How many takes for that scene? Do you enjoy it KNG-shi? :lol: perverted mood is on. 


Of course he enjoy it, he even want more!! lol omg pervert content incoming

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@sight_stv @gogumajet @prenchpries thanks for answering my question.

@sight_stv he hugged her tights.and KAJ responded. She leaned closer to him. If there's no mutual attraction, how can they explain that "natural" gesture? 

2 hours ago, parootpatootie said:

They kiss naturally because they're naturally attracted to each other. And I agree, this the most beautiful kiss and I mean the most beautiful kiss I have seen in my entire life. I'm not kidding. Lol.

Yes.. Yes.. They kiss naturally and beautifully. And for me, how KNG caressing KAJ face after their kiss make it more beautiful. It's a intimate gesture. It's a gesture when you kissing your love one. Either its acting or "natural", for me It's icing on the cake.

I don't remember do i ever watch a kdrama when the male lead doing that after kiss scene. Or maybe I'm watching that kissing scene too much:tongue:

2 hours ago, sight_stv said:

And you will notice after he said "saranghae" he look around and whisper to KAJ "there is so many people looking" like he is so shy to say saranghae to KAJ lol maybe because there is his real feelings when he said that and he want to say it just if these two on the scene with no people around

THIS!!!  This is main reason i became a shipper. I mean, look at them. The way he said it like a boyfriend who embarrassed showing PDA but still saying it coz his GF asking it. And how she's so happy and shy after he said it. Too real to just an acting

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13 hours ago, gogumajet said:

This is the scene that we talk about. Lol! Finally I able to post gif! 


even so many times I watch, it seems like a real couple enjoying their beach date. Lol!


edit: that is why I say KNG want more on the lips. Lololol! His face says it all. And as someone said before here for the second kiss, KAJ hands place a bit different than the others clip. How many takes for that scene? Do you enjoy it KNG-shi? :lol: perverted mood is on. 


@gogumajet Look at the way he held her waist, asking for more. and his face in the next gif is like totally wanting more.

Seems like he is always the one wanting more in kisses, hugs etc. LOL JUST GET MARRIED YOU TWO! this is NOT NORMAL for co-stars, no matter how great the chemistry is! I have never seen him act like this with the other female co-stars despite great chemistry with all of them, KAJ is just different.


13 hours ago, uphie_ajah said:

@sight_stv @gogumajet @prenchpries thanks for answering my question.

@sight_stv he hugged her tights.and KAJ responded. She leaned closer to him. If there's no mutual attraction, how can they explain that "natural" gesture? 

Yes.. Yes.. They kiss naturally and beautifully. And for me, how KNG caressing KAJ face after their kiss make it more beautiful. It's a intimate gesture. It's a gesture when you kissing your love one. Either its acting or "natural", for me It's icing on the cake.

I don't remember do i ever watch a kdrama when the male lead doing that after kiss scene. Or maybe I'm watching that kissing scene too much:tongue:

THIS!!!  This is main reason i became a shipper. I mean, look at them. The way he said it like a boyfriend who embarrassed showing PDA but still saying it coz his GF asking it. And how she's so happy and shy after he said it. Too real to just an acting


@uphie_ajah yeah why must he feel shy over saying 'i love you' if it is just plain acting? :grin: and how she loves it when he gets so shy after saying it and lean on his chest. She's so girly!

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