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[Drama 2017] Confession Couple / Go Back Spouses, 고백부부


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I always fast forward to the part of JJ-NG!


I watch this because of this couple and will stop watching because of the same reason ha ha. I know writernim won't let them be together. Sign. 


Maybe its just me but I don't feel any chemistry between JJ-BD. 

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59 minutes ago, xxPeepsxx said:


Heya! Same same! Enjoying the ride?

Yes, this drama is so cute. It reminds me a little of Fight for My Way actually with the vintage feel and the epilogues and all that. I love it! How about you? Are you watching anything else?

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Just finished episode 7 and except for the first 5 minutes with our second lead, this episode really wasn't interesting to me at all. The only thing that was semi interesting was the second couple. Sadly, I'm just not into the lead as a couple; I've fallen in love with the second male lead.

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41 minutes ago, V said:

Yes, this drama is so cute. It reminds me a little of Fight for My Way actually with the vintage feel and the epilogues and all that. I love it! How about you? Are you watching anything else?


Mmmm~ Loving Because This Is Our First Life, watching While You Were Asleep (though it doesn't really grip me that much these recent episodes), skimming through Mad Dog... and this! I've got all days covered, hahaha, save for maybe Sunday! I did like Fight My Way quite a bit. So cute. Ah, Witches court! Ma YiDeum reduces me to peals of laughter. And 20th Century Boy and Girl is an easy watch for all those little times in between.

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Rainfall of tears/emotions :bawling:seo jin

No preview torture. But I think it's BD dream only in the end.

I think now BD realised how much Jin joo suffer and now it's his turn to give her all happiness she deserves. 

And now I think he "ll try to win her heart again.

Both JJ and BD too emotional but Jin joo more. I love both of them and cute Seo jin

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What an emotional episode, I cried so much from the start to the end... Today’s episode was about parents’ love and Sul’s story was so heartbreaking too. 


Well I guess today’s episode answered our question about secondary pairings. Like a ballerina said BD looked at her with “dad’s” eyes, so maybe he was attracted to her first when he came back but gradually realised he cared for her more like a younger sister than seeing her as a love interest.


Viewers who are rooting for JJ and NG must be disappointed but I don’t think there will be any romance between them in 1999. Most of JJ/NG shippers probably don’t have kids because if they had they’d  understand why JJ isn’t interested in any romance in 1999 timeline. How can she think about romance when she misses her son so much she wants to die? How can she fall in love when all her heart longs for is return to her son? I guess for a non parent is difficult to really understand it but for us who have kids it’s just that simple. As BD said “he will protect SJ for the rest of his life”. There’s nothing in this world that’s greater than a love for your child and nothing can compete with that.


The only way I can see JJ and NG being together is in 2017 after her divorce. I don’t mind JJ ending up with NG in 2017 but I don’t think NG stands a chance in 1999.

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Agree that ep 8 is about parental love, maybe one of the most powerful weapon we have to face the world. Like one chingu said above, its hard to figure out the romance and bond between JJ BD when u hv no kids yet, as well as the reason why she couldnt falling in love with all deeds NG did for her. But for those who hv its simpler to get and ImO JJ BD showed similar wavelength and subtle chemistry only old married couple wud have. Its not about showing affection at almost every turn, or being enchanted every time they see each other's face, its on the little things that matter between them that remind them how each other actually put the others above him or her and that cause of their love. The way JJ gave up peaches she loved cause of BD allergy to it, and the way BD encourages JJ to go find Sul since her heavy burden of 18 years not to find her, as well as their vow to protect their children to the end..thats family for u. BD might be immature at times but he did go for lengths for his family and he didnt hesitate for that, and now he realized how much JJ worth for him (yes its possible its only a dream too), bet he will change his game and treat her better, start by trying to be there for her when it matters the most. Now its up to JJ to see if their marriage is something she still want to hold on to, esp after she learned the fact about BD non affair and the hardness he faces everyday to make living for his family (which even SeHee from BTLis our First adamantly avoid lol). I mean sure they can go back to future, still hv SJ, and still divorced if the marriage is so hard and still be friend while finding someone else, but all these newfound understandings really make it worth for their second chance at happiness. We'll see. 

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7 hours ago, xinabu_1 said:

I always fast forward to the part of JJ-NG!


I watch this because of this couple and will stop watching because of the same reason ha ha. I know writernim won't let them be together. Sign. 


Maybe its just me but I don't feel any chemistry between JJ-BD. 

I think Jang Nara and Son Ho-jun have exceptional chemistry though, especially in Episode 8 and in the scene in the epilogue where they visited Seo-jin together. They look great and natural as a couple. Also, even though there are people on Nam-gil's side, I haven't seen many comment about the "lack of chemistry" between our two leads. Nam-gil is easy to root for because he's a simple character and is meant to be liked. The scenes he had contributed to the chemistry, but acting-wise our main leads have the better rapport even though they don't get the swoon-worthy scenes.


I think all of you are putting a little too much focus on the love-lines, which isn't really the point of the show. Them going back wasn't about finding a better person, but becoming a better person.

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I think this week's episodes were excellent, it had a very "slice of life" kind of feel. I've seen comments that expressed disappointment NG didn't have as much screentime or won't end up with JJ. However, real love isn't based on a swoon-worthy and heart-fluttering moments where the guy catches you when you fall or shows up with perfect timing when you're in trouble. It's more about understanding each other's hardships and struggles and working through them and supporting each other. Although I do not believe JJ and BD are perfect for each other, I enjoyed getting to see them develop their relationship in this way. 

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That's it folks! I guess that's the end of NG - JJ or BD - SY. -_-

I know it'll be short-lived but at least NG had something - his first love towards JJ. :rolleyes: And I'd love to think that alone helps shape future NG as a better man. 


In a way, GBC is so much more than just a story of two people going back to the past and fix their relationship. In Asia, family plays a greater role in someone's life. I doubt if this is a western series, the focus of the story will be the same since they're all about individuality. Throughout the drama, there are so many mother - child storyline (JJ-mom, Seul-mom, Jjiljimbang's ahjuma - daughter, JJ-SJ) and they all portrayed touchingly. Father - child not so much except for BD-SJ and SJ-dad. And in all, the same theme: try their best to get the best for their child, which I think it's so heartbreakingly lovely. I think this is drama gods trying to remind us that we need to appreciate our parents before they're gone. :(


I've been wondering about BD's mother, not towards BD but towards JJ. JJ's mother was really happy to have BD as son-in-law, was BD's mother the same towards JJ? So far BD's mother is only a one-dimensional character, but I think even BD is closer to JJ's mom than his own mom. :huh:


I've said it before and I say it again: I'm not too impressed with BD, so I'm glad that this journey changed his perspective towards his own life - somewhat. :mellow: At the very least, he now appreciate what a wonderful mother and wife JJ was. Though, I'm not sure if even then he understood his own life. I didn't expect him to be back in the future so soon. BD still had a lot of figuring out to do, not just towards JJ but to himself; what he wanted to achieve realistically. A movie director is a great dream. It's not impossible but dreams should be just out of your present reach, not out of sight. If he only dreams but do nothing about it.. eventually it amounts to nothing. 


So what now? BD is back, JJ is still in the past? Even if BD is back, he's not back in his last timeline in 2017. Does it mean he has to do his own figuring it out in 2017 - making amends and prevent his divorce? Why JJ is still in the past? Gaaawwwh.. :blink::blink::blink:

There are still some cases that not yet solved: BR and JW's breakup, dad's remarrying (though I guess that really did happen in 2017 and there's nothing JJ can do about it in the past except to drop hints to dad to be a more loving husband). 

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4 hours ago, aisling said:

What an emotional episode, I cried so much from the start to the end... Today’s episode was about parents’ love and Sul’s story was so heartbreaking too. 


Well I guess today’s episode answered our question about secondary pairings. Like a ballerina said BD looked at her with “dad’s” eyes, so maybe he was attracted to her first when he came back but gradually realised he cared for her more like a younger sister than seeing her as a love interest.


Viewers who are rooting for JJ and NG must be disappointed but I don’t think there will be any romance between them in 1999. Most of JJ/NG shippers probably don’t have kids because if they had they’d  understand why JJ isn’t interested in any romance in 1999 timeline. How can she think about romance when she misses her son so much she wants to die? How can she fall in love when all her heart longs for is return to her son? I guess for a non parent is difficult to really understand it but for us who have kids it’s just that simple. As BD said “he will protect SJ for the rest of his life”. There’s nothing in this world that’s greater than a love for your child and nothing can compete with that.


The only way I can see JJ and NG being together is in 2017 after her divorce. I don’t mind JJ ending up with NG in 2017 but I don’t think NG stands a chance in 1999.

I cried so much with this episode too. All the feels. I agree, theres no way a romance is happening with NG in 1999. You completely nailed it as to why. It could be hard for some to understand why JJ is missing her son so much when he technically doesn't exist right now, but all her memories and heart are in tact and you cannot erase that bond of mother and child. The show does a lovely job portraying that. 

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1 hour ago, anopinion said:

I think all of you are putting a little too much focus on the love-lines, which isn't really the point of the show. Them going back wasn't about finding a better person, but becoming a better person.


That explains it all. Completely agree with you on this.  most people that focus on shipping NG-JJ tend to fogot this


I watch this drama because of its story, its magnificent. I started watching it and focus on the story itself so Im not that attached with shipping thing happening. This drama has a lot of good things that can offer to us, on relationship with your loved ones, friends, parents. It also teaches us good values in life and many more things that we shouldn't forgot. 

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1 hour ago, cloudydreams said:

I think this week's episodes were excellent, it had a very "slice of life" kind of feel. I've seen comments that expressed disappointment NG didn't have as much screentime or won't end up with JJ. However, real love isn't based on a swoon-worthy and heart-fluttering moments where the guy catches you when you fall or shows up with perfect timing when you're in trouble. It's more about understanding each other's hardships and struggles and working through them and supporting each other. Although I do not believe JJ and BD are perfect for each other, I enjoyed getting to see them develop their relationship in this way. 


That's unfair, to diss those special moments. Moments like that is the beginning of a great true love. Otherwise, those type of scenes wouldn't be shown to any drama at all if they have no value. I couldn't even think of a drama where they hadn't had any special moments or beginnings.


And What understanding would they have and what struggles would they endure together if they had not have any beginnings? 


I bet, if JJ was her younger self she would've been swoon already. But since she isn't, that's why she's just ignoring it.


Anyway, after seeing this episode, clearly with the mom mind of JJ and her 30ish year old soul in her 20ish body will never give a chance to fall for the young NG. She already obviously dumped him in this episode. Sucks. My SLS mind is dying inside. Lol.


But I understand the logic behind the writers, if a soul that has all this  memories still with them, they can't really have an entirely different life. It is only natural that as a parent, she will chose to have her child all over again even if she had to endure everything again. 

I think there's a webtoon similar to this.



Oh, I noticed that they tried to make BD good in this episode, but still couldn't like his character.Remember the scene in the car when JJ called him to get a divorce and he just agreed with it, though he had flowers for her. I think its a coward thing that most men do... just giving up and not fighting for their family. If he really loved her and value their family,  he should've atleast tried. Instead, he took the easy way out just agreed with her and didn't even bother trying. How typical of guys today, yes guys and not real men. Ooopps i hope I didn't sound too bitter on that remark. 


I like how they show the value of family and how they show the love of parents in this episode. Something that the all millennials of today should be reminded of. 


However, I find that I am bored as I keep hitting the forward button. Maybe because I thought this was a romantic drama but is actually a family drama. 

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Glad I pick this up. Time-travel drama can be a hit or miss but Go back couple really draws me in with such a beautiful story about family and friends. 8 episodes in and there was never a dull moment, I laughed and cried along with the characters. Only 4 episodes (or 6?) left so I have really high hope that the writer will give us a satisfying ending. 

For me, Jinjoo and Bando is endgame since the beginning. Their chemistry is off the charts and that makes me believe that they've been married for 14 years.

Look what Go back couple makes me do :unsure: I wait for the live recap, watch the raw ep, watch with subs and rewatch for the nth time!

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@ilovejdy Sorry, I personally prefer more down-to-earth romance. I think it's easier to relate to a drama where people grow closer through emotional connections and mutual understanding rather than fairytale-like situations. I am fond of these moments, but ultimately they do nothing to show how or why two people would make a good couple, it just builds attraction between the characters. I even normally get annoyed with these moments in typical Kdramas because they feel cliche and make up the whole basis of the main romance but I think it's handled pretty well in this drama. I don't think BD is necessarily well-suited for JJ either, because like you I have certain gripes, but I think it's fitting for the main leads to have a deeper relationship. 

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I still don't think those moments where of no value and cliche ,maybe presented as "fairytale like scene" in this drama (and in most dramas) but these moments do happen in real life too. Lucky are those who experience it. Someone who would be there when you needed the most (like someone who will save/help you from an assault or any unfortunate event) , someone who looks after you without anything in return, these may not be the only basis of any relationship but it is a start. And when I say relationship it could be friendship, love or both. But I agree with you, kdrama likes to over emphasize these things and make it look cheesy. 


In this drama however, if we look back

all the emotional connections they should have had originally has been replaced and changed by both BD and Jj. So in 1999, supposedly these memories should have been erased, but so far its not the case, because the two still had those original memories. The writers haven't explained this so far. I mean, how could they still have these memories? Does this mean them going back and changing how they met & how they started dating had no effect whatsoever with the present 2017? So when do they start again in 1999? 

I guess we'll find out next week.





please don't say sorry 

cloudydreams, we are just discussing.

I totally see your point and have nothing against it. I just have experienced these moments (minus the background music and the slowing of time) and I just appreciate them and the people who have done it for me. People who have been in the right place at the right time when I least expected. 

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Episode 8 is really good. I’m sentimental so I kinda cried throughout the whole episode.


Both leads show great chemistry together. They act so naturally that you can empathize with their situation.


Kudos to the whole GBC team :) 

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