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[Drama 2017] Because This Is My First Life 이번 생은 처음이라

Go Seung Ji

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From EP 1 til now, Ji Ho is still clueless about men. 

After she found out her 'some' of 3 years has a girlfriend, she told SH that she was embarrassed that at 30, she was still unable to read men's real intentions, and her heart gets swayed easily.

Now, with BN, she is still as clueless as ever. 

But I have faith in the writer, just like how JH dealt with the 'some' that tried to rape her, I'm sure she will deal with BN on her own too. The writer tends to write strong female characters in this drama, our JH doesn't need a prince charming to save her. C'mon JH! 

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Hahaha I don't think I'll have time to contribute much today since it's too late now for me to watch much... but I thought this scene was so funny XD I suppose this is the scene after SH and all his colleagues were at the cafe.



BM: What are you going to do?

SH: About what?

BM: That YOLO. He's interested in JH. Shouldn't you be cautious about them working together?

SH: Why should I?

BM: Because you're her husband. 

SH: Just because I'm her husband doesn't give me the right to interfere with her social life. Also that is JH's choice of her workplace, which means everything that happens there is part of her job. I can't do anything just because I'm her "husband". 

BM: Although I anticipated this, your marriage life is just like your personality. But I think you can show more jealousy. Women like those kinda stuff.

SH: Jealous? Who, me?

BM: Yes. You were jealous earlier, weren't you? Constantly.

SH: NO, I wasn't.

BM: Then why are you looking at the same thing you were reading earlier? (peeks at his phone) What weather forecast is it that you're taking an hour to read it?


SH: There's much more to read in a weather forecast than you think!

BM: Of course.

SH: What's with that attitude? Apologise, Miss BM. I wasn't just looking at the weather forecast... (vainly tries to logically explain himself)


@fibdib I posted it earlier but it may have gotten lost in the various replies. Awkward as it is, it's "Because it's our first YOLO."

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1 hour ago, T-e-z-u-k-A said:

Wow what a twist about BN! Please let us be done with him by next episode....


By the way could I please confirm something with you: when did JH say that she had a husband (instead of a boyfriend)? Is it in the same convo in the beginning or some time later during the episode?



It was later on, after they got off the bike he told her the reason why he was doing everything was because he was interested in her. She responded saying something like, I think you're misunderstanding, I said I don't have a boyfriend, but I do have a husband. (sorry I'm recalling from memory)


She's been pretty clear that she's not interested in him and in the final scene overlooking the city, she puts BN in her place saying she feels uncomfortable/burdensome by his attentions. 

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I love how Bomi is lowkey pushing our OTP together. haha. I love her. 


Also agree with the assessment that BN has been stalking for awhile, he keeps dropping these different lines about JH. 1. How can a college graduate not get hired (at his yolo cafe) 2. Something about her looking prettier with her hair up and she comments that shes never had her hair up around him 3. How shes a writer. 

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Last scene between SH and JH:

JH: Oh you're here, Cat again.....

SH: Threw up again.

JH:  Did you got to the hospital yet?

SH: No, not yet because of work. I must go tmrw.

JH: If you're busy, I can take her. I can contact Boknam and change my work hours. I will take her.

SH: It's fine, it's not in our contract, so there is no need to. I can take her during lunch hours.

JH. Ah, ok.

SH: Today.... did you take the bus home?

JH: Yes? ( not replying yes, she took the bus home. but responding to his question, like excuse me? "neh" can mean yes, excuse me?depending on context etc)

SH: Did you take the bus... home?

JH: AH, but is that something I have to answer?

SH: No, there is no reason for you to.

JH: That's right.






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Last scene between SH and BN:

BN: You're just getting off work now?

SH: Yes.

BN: Ah, I'm just dropping nuna off, because coming home alone at night is dangerous

SH: Because it's dangerous, please don't take her home from now on.

BN: Excuse me?

SH:  I think you taking her home could be more dangerous, so don't take her home.

BN: Why? Do I seem like a dangerous person? "Scoffs" Because I have nothing to lose ______ (I didn't understand this word)

SH: That vocabulary must have been very uncomfortable, that wasn't my intention.  I'm just saying that an autobike could be more dangerous. 

BN: Whether I take her home on my autobike or not is something I decide. Not you.

SH: No, thats not right. It's not either you or me, but something that JH should decide. 

He says something here I couldn't exactly understand. But the intent is who are they to make decisions for JH? But he;s just saying thse because JH personality is someone who has a hard time turning others down. So he's asking him not to ask her first to get on.

BN: Couldn't exactly understand what he was saying here either. But saying something like he's different from SH. That what he wants, he must always get.


Sorry, the translation is incomplete, but a little something to tide you guys over!


At the end Bomi sent him the list of people whos account closed?, and Boknams name came up for stalking. She said she sent it to SH because Ma CEO wasn't replying. But I feel like she also sent it to him so he could see that Boknam has a stalking history. 


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1 hour ago, sophisticated said:


This is very accurate. I also had a similar experience with my co workers. I taught English in Korea and we often go out for dinner & drinks with all the faculty. I noticed that my VP and principal would get so touchy with my female teachers, hands on thighs, arm around shoulder, etc. I asked them why they never said or did anything, they told me if they were to say anything, the principal/VP would make life difficult for them at the school. They said they'd rather just not say anything, get through the school year and get the experience and points to transfer to another district than ruin their teaching career by reporting the sexual harassment. 

What level of sexual harassment is this. I thought for a country that has progressed to electing a female president and a developed country these things shouldn't be happening. Don't they have female legislators or organisations that fight for the females in their society? A lady who lost a husband very early and with a kid is automatically ruled out from marrying again cos society has already condemned her. Female celebrities are hawked to the highest bidder for sexual gratification yet nothing is done about that. A very known fact. All these girls idols are transported to neighbouring countries for money by their agencies. Aside k entertainment I seems to like a lot,I wouldn't want to visit that country. Their society is very cruel to their women.  I'm just so angry.

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I have watched without sub.

But reading yours translations and comments I would like to add something.


1-      The note in the book (you only love one) I think it could work like a message for SH. It’s time for him to wake up at least little by little.


2-      I remember when in epi 2 JH was disappointed because she thought her coworker had fillings for her only because he was nice and kind with her, I hope she learned the lesson and can be more careful.


3-      When she hit BN’s head with the book the message I got was that she is not interested in him and she see him like a mischievous kid.


4-      I am loving CEO MSG more and more he is totally a good guy.


BN is really a bad guy. Even if JH were single he can’t take her to a place without ask her and he said that he gets what he wants. OMG


@chiangfc I don’t think so. If you re-watch the scene in the bus they didn’t talk about anything in details that could make him know about their contract. They didn’t say anything important there.

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1 hour ago, darr said:

What level of sexual harassment is this. I thought for a country that has progressed to electing a female president and a developed country these things shouldn't be happening. Don't they have female legislators or organisations that fight for the females in their society? A lady who lost a husband very early and with a kid is automatically ruled out from marrying again cos society has already condemned her. Female celebrities are hawked to the highest bidder for sexual gratification yet nothing is done about that. A very known fact. All these girls idols are transported to neighbouring countries for money by their agencies. Aside k entertainment I seems to like a lot,I wouldn't want to visit that country. Their society is very cruel to their women.  I'm just so angry.

Sadly, these things happen in a lot of countries, including the United States. 

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When I first commented how I just finished watching the episode raw, I fell asleep again, phone in hand. So I wasn't able to adequately and profusely thank @teep523 and @mapleoaks4 for the translations. 


Thank you for all the comments! This is such an awesome forum to be in. I share the concerns (and anger) regarding sexual harassment and I am glad that they are addressing how extremely difficult it is for women to do something about it. 


I am also grateful at the different angles this drama presents with regards to relationships. 


Okay, here goes. My impressions. No subs so I'm basing it purely on the visuals. :)


The opening scene really hurts. The one where SH stood up after watching JH eat briefly was awkward and painful. But you all already knew that. :) I interpret his facial expression re: "I don't have a boyfriend" as not blank but "still processing." After all, he was still reeling (in spite of his poker face) from JH treatment of him/shutting him down at breakfast. It was heartening for me to see him pause for a moment in deep thought when he was outside their apartment building. I think it all finally hit him, though he doesn't know what to do with the information yet. The heavy sigh was a good sign (for us rooting for them, not for the poor guy, though) because it meant that it was still on his mind and it was bugging him and he couldn't figure out why. 


THEN OF COURSE while all of this was going on in his brain, he walks into his office with the sight of this person--though he doesn't know who he is yet, it certainly piques his curiosity. The next scene was the kicker--high scoring namja is driving HIS wife on a motorbike! I don't know about you but I felt that there was more than jealousy on his face but rather... impending doom? Spider sense?


Each scene after that piled layer after layer of worry, irritation, and curiosity on SH. Being that he's an engineer/CTO, he would most likely treat BN as a bug/virus and won't rest until he solves this incident. 


But while he's "debugging" in the background, I feel this is making him more vulnerable to Ji Ho. He's clearly invested. And his guard is not as ready to block her since he's busy figuring out BN. Hence the being more open to bus rides, accepting food (wooohooo! another great sign for both of them!), etc. 


Also, the faceoff and the way Se Hee looked at the book and at her at the end was absolutely awesome. Like, all the feelings. Those eyes!!!


Anyway, that's all I have at the moment. Thank you for your patience with my overflow of thoughts--I desperately needed to unpack this. I imagine there'd be more once I watch with subs. I must be head over heels in love with this drama--the OST came on my playlist while I was driving to work and I was laugh-smiling like an idiot and singing what I could. 


Final thought re: stalking--ever wonder why BN was on the bus in the first place? Doesn't he have a motorbike? Also, headphones while on the bus? I don't believe it. I think he was eavesdropping. I think he's the type of stalker who preys on attached women and gets a rush from breaking up their relationships. 



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12 minutes ago, qynn said:

Sadly, these things happen in a lot of countries, including the United States. 

Agree. It is definitely a sad reality and there are risks that goes into these factors with different countries that it is hard for woman to stand up against sexual harassment. It's a hard truth to take in but it is the reality of different society. It's the same with the US that woman have to bear that harassment (it is only til now that they're coming out and fighting back the harassment which I am proud of because no person deserve to be treated that way) but even so, there are many society and country that even if they want to fight back, there is fear along with risk. I actually watch Witch Court (sorry to throw another drama in here) that actually depicts harassment and the punishment these perp get (and honestly it is not enough) in Korea. 


It makes me angry about the unfairness and treatment of woman but changes are slowly coming around that we find our voice and speak up about it.


Back to drama, I am kind of curious to why BN is after JH like what his agenda is? Is it because she was an assistant PD and he audition and rejected for something before that he holds a grudge? Can't wait for tomorrow to find out and see how much changes it will have towards SH and JH. I just love how much JH is slowly becoming someone important to introvert SH (not just important as a tenant he needs).

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When did HR got the time to read all those books ? Where did she find them ? Did SJ conveniently got them at home ?
I love that she take the marriage = love ? to the love = sexe ?


I really don't like how dog force her to do things. SH is so right. JH will say yes even if she don't want.

Red flag when she ask how can he know how she look with her hair tied. He know she was a writer. He even know with writer she like witch mean he followed her for a while. The way he react when SH say it's dangereous.
And the attack on SH with house poor made you pathetic. I don't like that he keep judging how people gain their hapiness.
He even threat her like a thing instead of a person.


I love SH look when SG want him to pay for something and when BM say to go to JH work. Don't know who he hate the more at that moment.
And when he accept that he must pay for other but choose what they will get. So SH and so funny. And he will buy them food in 2048.

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Watched with the subs, I'm a little scared about the new guy. But after all, there can't be two rapists for one heroine in one drama, right? I hope so. 

And I hope that the cat will not be killed in order to bring dramatism to to the plot ((( 

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31 minutes ago, yusefull said:

I love SH look when SG want him to pay for something and when BM say to go to JH work. Don't know who he hate the more at that moment.
And when he accept that he must pay for other but choose what they will get. So SH and so funny. And he will buy them food in 2048.

HAHAHA!  That just mess up his "saving money" goal if he have to pay for others cause he want to save money to pay off his home :)

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11 minutes ago, plappi said:

Watched with the subs, I'm a little scared about the new guy. But after all, there can't be two rapists for one heroine in one drama, right? I hope so. 

And I hope that the cat will not be killed in order to bring dramatism to to the plot ((( 

the dude screams as stalker and i think what SH read on the phone was as well the same,that he is a stalker

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I watch with the eng subs. 

Everything make us think that BN is dangerous : the music, his expressions but at then end I am not 100% sure. He seems really mad about SH's words. BN hates SH for sure ! 


I really laugh when they all think that SH is logical.

He was so petty : 

he wanted to know when JH was coming home in the purpose of taking the bus together. 

Where is SH's logic here ? 

In this episode, he only mentions the contract ( and becomes colder) after JH talks about BN.


So I don't know what will happens with BN tomorrow but today, we have proofs that SH is jealous of BN and have feelings for JH. The moment he ditches his logic, we can say he is in love with JH. 

It's hard with this kind of characters to know since it's not in your face but very subtile. 

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My first time marathon a drama from ep 1 to 7 and its WORTH IT. Its been along time since I've seen LMK;s project since very ordinary couple really love him in dalja's spring (which is 10 years ago).

BN is pretty a jerk to me when he said if you have a husband , can't you have a boyfriend to JH.


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14 hours ago, darr said:

What level of sexual harassment is this. I thought for a country that has progressed to electing a female president and a developed country these things shouldn't be happening. Don't they have female legislators or organisations that fight for the females in their society? A lady who lost a husband very early and with a kid is automatically ruled out from marrying again cos society has already condemned her. Female celebrities are hawked to the highest bidder for sexual gratification yet nothing is done about that. A very known fact. All these girls idols are transported to neighbouring countries for money by their agencies. Aside k entertainment I seems to like a lot,I wouldn't want to visit that country. Their society is very cruel to their women.  I'm just so angry.

Sexual harassment, rape, verbal abuse, etc. against women and men happens everywhere all over the world. Just because Korea HAD a female president and is a 1st world country does not mean this type of thing won't happen anymore. Sexual harassment has always been going on, it's just now that  people are having courage and coming forward with it. 


I haven't watched the episode yet, but I knew that bo man guy was going to be annoying a creepy from the start! The way he looked her when she was doing the cafe interview as if she was his next plaything was really gross. I just sensed something was weird about him from the beginning.. It's always the seemingly innocent and cute guys that are the creepiest sometimes. 

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