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[OFFICIAL] Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun Couple (JiBong/JiJi Couple)


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Director; " Obstinately I will do it " kk
Jiwook; "No, I can  do it alone."
Bonghee; " No."
Jiwook; " Coz it tickles."
Bonghee; "Ahh coz it tickles... haha" " Oppa is easily tickled, he said."
Director; " Ahh really?"
Jiwook; " Side especially " .
Bonghee; " I'd like to tease him... kk.
Jiwook;" The line...if you do this, I can't stand it... What can't I stand it? ... what does that mean?"
 Director;" kkkk...it means that you can't stand the tickles." .
Jiwook; " Then I can't stand it. "
Director; "  Bbong ah, then you put in this one deeply." Bonghee; "Then I will make you not be tickled" "I will put this one in... kkkk ."
Director; " Be sick rather than it tickles... hahaha.
Bonghee; So would it be good to be sick rather ?
Jiwook; " Ouch, you are more cruel than JeongHyunsu." . . .

Jiwook; " It's okay. I will do this alone." .


credit to @changwook10 ig for the translation

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16 hours ago, erjo said:


So recently i went on a trip to south korea, and i had the chance to visit some filming locations of SP— the suspicious house, the place where they had their first drink in ep 1, the pork restaurant where jiwook tells mr bang he feels the need to protect bonghee, subway line 6 (lmao), and the neighborhood in ep 12 where they got lost after checking out the restaurant, where soon afterwards the rain scene happened...


Your trip looks amazing! I love love the pictures with the polaroids! Thank you so much for sharing!! :heart:

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6 hours ago, waveoflove said:

Ive seen posts saying Wookie and Y look alike. Even if i was not a shipper those two looking alike is just plain stupid. They do not look even closely similar.


Wahahahah. What's impt is that wookie himself acknowledges that people are saying he and hyunni look alike. Kekeke. All humans do in fact look alike in certain angles, it can't be helped cos all generally humans have 2 eyes, 1 nose and lip. Hahahahba. #lame 


@reader123 Welcome to our fam dear! Thabk you for taking time to share your thoughts with us! Heheh. After reading ur post, especially pertaining to point 1, i also wanna share that i dun think namji has any dating rumours. LOL. I remember all of us were perplexed as to the whole situation cos their chemistry is obviously very very strong. And the bts also show obvious stuffs that is sufficient to fuel a rumour. But yet, nothing came. Wahahha. The actual reason remains unknown but to be objective, imo, since there wasnt any rumour, wookie won't have to deny anything. Kekek. I believe our speculations at that time was everything that was arranged, it was on purpose. They prolly didnt want to give any chance for rumours to form cos if there was the need, namji being them prolly can't deny it. Wahahahaha. Thats our delulu theory. Till now the whole period of time was very surreal. Both had individual interviews. Both did talk abt each other. Their ans.. Made us high on all front. Hah. I remember we had such a hoot of time analysing stuffs. Of course, all these culminated in the ultimate video inteview of wookie saying hyunni said she will come bla bla bla and dun worry abt oppa. Hahahahah. Good times man. Heh. 

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@reader123 welcome aboard Chingu, it's never too many in this sailing ship. nice to hear again and again what many of us have seen from the very beginning and prompted us to board this ship. when a new one shares his/her thoughts about NamJi, it solidifies my belief about them and reminds me that i'm not imagining nor over reading what I'm seeing because many others have the same thoughts. keep spazzing, we have a long way to go!


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6 hours ago, masthu said:

Its past 12.00 pm over here and with nothing good to do i just came up with this scenario.... Just for fun chingus! (Sry for any typos and grammar errors)


Friend: *looks up from the phone* ya what time did you check your ig last.

Hynnie: *looks up from her notes" last night. Ya you know im busy studying and have no time for ig. I already have a lot of catching up to do since i couldn't study during the past few days


Friend: yeah yeah. our bookworm was doing other things instead of studying. I think he needs to take responsibility if you fail!!!

Hyunnie: ya dont say that. I was the one who wanted to spend time with him while oppa told me to focus on studying.


Friend: i wonder if you'll even focus since he's out already.

Hyunnie: Eeee c'mon you know i can focus when i make an effort to do so


Friend: you focus real well with a few "staring at nothing", "smiling alone" expressions now and again while studying!

Hyunnie: Yaaaaaa.

(Changes the subject) so whats up woth ig?


Friend: ya! Doesnt "I like you" sound way too obvious?

Hyunnie whats obvious? Cmon its just a name of the song!


Friend: Ya! Stop playing dumb we know why you posted "i like you". Werent you telling me the other day how much you loved him??!!

Hyunnie: okay okay. So whats the issue now?


Friend: Didnt you just write ' I like you' when he returned to his base? You Should  have added something more to it like about day06. Now your shippers are going gaga interpreting it as a confession!

Hyuni: Heol! Heol! i forgot!!!! Omo


Friend: hyunnie this is so unlike of you!!!

Hyunnie: *opens ig* ottokeeeeee


Friend: look at that monkey going all shy shy with the confession lol

Hyunnie: yaaa stop it!


Friend: waaah look your day 6 goes well with the 6 crazy days you spent with him. You chose this by purpose didnt you namji??


Hyunnie: *ignores her* I'll just delete the confession haishhh i mean the "i like you" sentence.

Friend: YA didn't you just say confession?! *chuckles *


Hyunnie: ill keep the monkey emoji and add "thank you for producing great songs for this year".

Friend: whatever. You let the cat out of the bag already namji.


Hyunnie its been only 12 hours! Look at the likes not that many.

Friends: But look at the comment section! lets pray that our damage control works.


Hyunnie: *remembers the comments*

 *blushes a bright red*


Goodnight chingus :heart:



Wahh @masthu  give you :thumbsup: you should start writing in fanfict, :glasses:


1 hour ago, reader123 said:

(WARNING: Long post alert)


Hello, everybody. I’ve been a silent reader for several months now. SP is my very first Kdrama ever, so you can imagine how hooked I was with such a wonderful production. This is also the very first time ever I ‘ship’ a couple like this and it is also the first time ever I make a comment about it. I, as objective as I can be, will try to state the verifiable reasons why I believe these two are in a special kind of relationship and I hope not to burden you, so please bear with me as I know that some of my observations have been mentioned already in this thread.


1.       Denial of rumors. I knew nothing about these actors before, but in the time I’ve been reading and watching videos about them I have found that Ji chang Wook is very intentional and firm while Nam Ji Hyun is extremely cautious with her behavior and words. He doesn’t like to bark around the bush but go straight to the point and he likes to make his point of view or opinion very clear. If he doesn’t like something he will make sure to make it known. I took the time to check how long he took to deny his previous dating rumors with his co-stars and in both cases it was a matter of just a few weeks. Healer wrap-up was on Feb 10th, 2015, on Feb 27th he was already being very clear that He and PMY were not in a relationship. Same with the K2, wrap-up party Nov 12th and on Dec 1st he was already denying all rumors with Yoona. I don’t know about you but this is a clear pattern to me. My opinion, the guy doesn’t like to be misunderstood, and until this day no denial from him after over 6 months, all the contrary, in his last interviews he admits to be close to her, gushes about their chemistry and praises her every time he has a chance. That says it all.


2.       JCW is very honest. It’s actually quite easy to read him. He was definitely telling the truth when he said back in 2010 that he wears his feeling on his sleeves and he blushes and is shy when he likes someone. Well, I guess there’s a lot of footage to prove this point, seeking eye contact with NJH and being shy while reading the script and at the press conference yelling not once but twice ‘yeppuda’ to NJH in a room packed of reporters and last but not least blushing while calling her sexy. This man can’t hide his feelings at all, his admiration for NJH is very obvious, plus I also observed that he had an awkward ‘still’ demeanor after catching himself  staring at her, I guess he was trying to put himself together, not successfully though.


3.       NJH is a demure lady. She is just an outstanding young lady! I believe she didn’t fall for him quite immediately, she took her time. She accepts his playfulness but still you can notice some reservations. It’s only in the last BTS, especially after the first kiss that her demeanor towards him started to change, his sometimes rough playing became more subtle and you can see them getting closer, talking more and him doing more aigos. I personally believe that by the time they shot the laundry basket scene they were very much aware of their mutual feelings but still NJH is very cautious and kind of reminds him that they are not alone. He got carried away several times not helping her as she also did eventually. I can’t help but feel a bit sorry for both of them struggling to keep their personal intentions and feelings inside to no avail.


4.       Body language. We could go on all day long taking about this subject in particular but I’ll focus in only one aspect of it. You may remember Blanca Cobb, body language expert who studied Prince Harry and Megan’s behavior during their interview. She said that “an increase of eye blinks is an uncontrollable physiological response to anxiety or excitement”. So, In the award presentation together poor JCW couldn't hide how nervous he was when he called her "Yeppo" and his speech became less fluent, this I believe proves that he actually was very smitten in January and he had strong feelings for her already when he drew her as his ideal type in March, besides I don’t know what’s the deal with Koreans and their clothes, but is it too much of a coincidence that he decided to wear the exact same shirt on the day of the script reading and the day he drew her? Was he trying to send a message? Anyways, going back to the blinking, in the no cut version of their first kiss JCW did it right before start kissing her, and then again during the first pause, NJH also did it. It seems that she is a bit late in her reaction but still there it is! Just pay attention to their ayes.




5.       To finish for now, His concert was full of very  obvious ‘hints’, the song with the no cut kiss in the background, his eyes, his smile, the scenes chosen and on and on, But there is one little detail that I think not everybody noticed. JCW’s deep breath as he watches the scene of Noh Ji wook’s confession at 1:50, you can see how affected he is. This one in particular really confirms that there is really something more serious between them, besides how come when asked about liking a girl he ended up talking about love and love and love and that degree of love? This is not suspicious anymore, these are facts! Here is the video as a reference. 



Compare it with this one at 6:55


I’m sorry for the length I just needed to get it out of my chest.


Welcome to the family @reader123 nothing to be sorry for your logical thought and the length of the post, dont worry we do love reading realistic comment, analysis about these two, as much we can relate, almost shipper here are in sync interm of thoughts about these two lovely person behaviours pre & post SP, it just the matter of our interpretation might be differ, ( by the way I like your post, glad you may spazz here from time to time if any come across your mind, we were very welcoming :smiley: )


I think I had been.hypnotized by no6 wherever I saw "6" I cant contain myself from thinking & curious about their post. Curiosity getting higher when I started to look back their IG, checked when NJH stopped like JCW pic, but still like CTJ pic after SP, How she avoided like his pic, & some other things which I still sort it out with relevant reference. 

:sweat: , 


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7 hours ago, masthu said:

Its past 12.00 pm over here and with nothing good to do i just came up with this scenario.... Just for fun chingus! (Sry for any typos and grammar errors)


Friend: *looks up from the phone* ya what time did you check your ig last.

Hynnie: *looks up from her notes" last night. Ya you know im busy studying and have no time for ig. I already have a lot of catching up to do since i couldn't study during the past few days


Friend: yeah yeah. our bookworm was doing other things instead of studying. I think he needs to take responsibility if you fail!!!

Hyunnie: ya dont say that. I was the one who wanted to spend time with him while oppa told me to focus on studying.


Friend: i wonder if you'll even focus since he's out already.

Hyunnie: Eeee c'mon you know i can focus when i make an effort to do so


Friend: you focus real well with a few "staring at nothing", "smiling alone" expressions now and again while studying!

Hyunnie: Yaaaaaa.

(Changes the subject) so whats up woth ig?


Friend: ya! Doesnt "I like you" sound way too obvious?

Hyunnie whats obvious? Cmon its just a name of the song!


Friend: Ya! Stop playing dumb we know why you posted "i like you". Werent you telling me the other day how much you loved him??!!

Hyunnie: okay okay. So whats the issue now?


Friend: Didnt you just write ' I like you' when he returned to his base? You Should  have added something more to it like about day06. Now your shippers are going gaga interpreting it as a confession!

Hyuni: Heol! Heol! i forgot!!!! Omo


Friend: hyunnie this is so unlike of you!!!

Hyunnie: *opens ig* ottokeeeeee


Friend: look at that monkey going all shy shy with the confession lol

Hyunnie: yaaa stop it!


Friend: waaah look your day 6 goes well with the 6 crazy days you spent with him. You chose this by purpose didnt you namji??


Hyunnie: *ignores her* I'll just delete the confession haishhh i mean the "i like you" sentence.

Friend: YA didn't you just say confession?! *chuckles *


Hyunnie: ill keep the monkey emoji and add "thank you for producing great songs for this year".

Friend: whatever. You let the cat out of the bag already namji.


Hyunnie its been only 12 hours! Look at the likes not that many.

Friends: But look at the comment section! lets pray that our damage control works.


Hyunnie: *remembers the comments*

 *blushes a bright red*


Goodnight chingus :heart:


The REAL fanfiction 




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1 hour ago, babyval22 said:


Wahahahah. What's impt is that wookie himself acknowledges that people are saying he and hyunni look alike. Kekeke. All humans do in fact look alike in certain angles, it can't be helped cos all generally humans have 2 eyes, 1 nose and lip. Hahahahba. #lame 


yes he did acknowledge that which means he paid attention.



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15 hours ago, pauliza said:
Try to edit  it into a point form for a better understanding :D






Thank you so much unnie!!! :heart: We shippers are really grateful to you! Its good that you mentioned the steps and it makes it even more clearer


17 hours ago, babyval22 said:


Thanks dearie! Will try it out when i have the chance! Keke. 


Hmm.. Actually for some reason.. I feel the change in caption is prolly more of what she wants to write but didnt write initially. Hahah. She didnt change the initial content of her caption also. Plus i'm also thinking she shld expect the fans reaction judging from the timing she decides to reappear. Hahah. But still, it would be good if the other shippers dun blatantly bombard her and just let the both of them have their space. Hahah. 


True though. Now (after editing) it looks perfectly as if her post has everything to do with day06 lmao! Anyways we have a lot to do with DAY 06 as well right chinguya kekeke. Her editing it is very telling. C'mon its just a name of a song but from her pov it has more deeper meaning! Of all the things, she editing her ig  just cements our theory that it was related to wookie and it did give her away big time :D


No worries chinguya! Hahaha no wonder fans are reacting that way! But still that doesnt justify their irresponsible shipping by tagging wookie. I hope the shippers calm down and stop mentioning ji chang wook!!!



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10 hours ago, jijifirstandonlyship said:

It came up with a something different when I copy & paste onto IG.  Couple of people DM me about it so I clicked on the link and they were right.  It only works from here.


You are right unnie! even @rockband told me "vote for the kiss in SBS catch youtube is quite difficult if you use phone." . It makes sense now.  Dont embed the link unnie just mention the steps how to get there to vote , like pauliza unnie did. That way it would be easy.


Thank you so much for you efforts unnie! We appreciate it a lot :heart:


7 hours ago, songsongdiehard said:


Which explains the shy monkeys hahaha!!



haha LOL :lol::lol: 



Btw @songsongdiehard unnie you just put into words everything that was in my heart!

Im a firm believer that things or incidences dont happen without a reason. Theres a reason for everything, either fate or intentional.

*hugs post*


Guys go with your gut bcz your gut instinct is always right! Hold tight to it and do not let go! 





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Saw this on YT..clicked  because it has JiHyun scenes on it hehe. B) Good to see SHK on it too.^_^


Is it just me...but I'm not really falling for SHJs acting even if most of the comments praises her?-_- Always have this feeling that SBS is promoting her so much. End of.


Sorry if this link has been posted before.

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Guys I gotta tell you this!!! Last night while i was washing the dishes  i remembered a whatsapp convo i had with my closest friend thats totally related to namji  Well i had goosebumps when i remembered!


Friend: what do you think about this guy?? *attaches instagram screenshot*


Me: Woaahhh he's hot. Why??


Friend: I think i like him! with *see no evil* emoji





Okay chingus! Does this sound familiar?? :D


Post prior to hyunii editing her post:  A total healing.. *the song is 'I Like You' by Day6 

translation Cr to haneulnariru 




oh my heartu


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ETA: please disregard this post, so as to avoid confusion. Just a little misunderstanding with @masthu that was immediately clarified  :D


1 hour ago, masthu said:

Thank you so much unnie!!! :heart: We shippers are really grateful to you! Its good that you mentioned the steps and it makes it even more clearer



True though but her "i like you is missing" . Now (after editing) it looks perfectly as if her post has everything to do with day06 lmao! Anyways we have a lot to do with DAY 06 as well right chinguya kekeke. Her editing it is very telling. C'mon its just a name of a song but from her pov it has more deeper meaning! Of all the things, she editing her ig  just cements our theory that it was related to wookie and it did give her away big time :D


No worries chinguya! Hahaha no wonder fans are reacting that way! But still that doesnt justify their irresponsible shipping by tagging wookie. I hope the shippers calm down and stop mentioning ji chang wook!!!




the highlighted part was just the result of a little confusion. 


But I don't remember seeing any "I like you" in her caption? Not even in the beginning, before the editing took place... :blink: Did I just miss it??? :huh::crazy::( The only "I like you" I saw in her post was the title of the song and  obviously it's still there.

I went back to check and also if you look at this fan made juxtaposition there was no "I like you" even in the earlier version of her post (just the shy monkeys, "healing time", and the thumbs up emoji)


So, I don't think she deleted anything, just added the "thank you for giving us good songs for one year" (rough translation" + clap emoji...? But now, after reading your post, I want to understand...Can you help this ahjumma and clarify, please? What did I miss?

Thanks in advance! :heart:

Edited by midorinokerochan
edited after a clarification with Masthu :)
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2 minutes ago, midorinokerochan said:

So, I don't think she deleted anything, just added the "thank you for giving us good songs for one year" (rough translation" + clap emoji...? But now, after reading your post, I want to understand...Can you help this ahjumma and clarify, please? What did I miss?

Thanks in advance! :heart:

Yes she didn't delete anything ( the healing part & monkey emoji  still there ) & she  just added"  thank you for giving us good songs for one year" * clap emoji :D


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Just now, midorinokerochan said:


But I don't remember sewring any "I like you" in her capti on? Not even in the beginning, before the editing took place... :blink: Did I just miss it??? :huh::crazy::( The only "I like you" I saw in her post was the title of the song and  obviously it's still there.

I went back to check and also if you look at this fan made juxtaposition there was no "I like you" even in the earlier version of her post (just the shy monkeys, "healing time", and the thumbs up emoji)

So, I don't think she deleted anything, just added the "thank you for giving us good songs for one year" (rough translation" + clap emoji...? But now, after reading your post, I want to understand...Can you help this ahjumma and clarify, please? What did I miss?

Thanks in advance! :heart:


No mo you didnt miss anything lol. I was so caught up with that fiction i wrote yestetday Lol. My bad! Just woke up to reply so mind was a bit fuzzy keke. I actually edited my post but u were too quick to quote me Unnie! Lol sry!

Just now, pauliza said:

Yes she didn't delete anything ( the healing part & monkey emoji  still there ) & she  just added"  thank you for giving us good songs for one year" * clap emoji :D



Right! Nothing was changed only added!!! Blames the fiction i wrote! Lmao sry Guys!!!

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4 minutes ago, masthu said:

Right! Nothing was changed only added!!! Blames the fiction i wrote! Lmao sry Guys!!!

haha.. I haven't back read the last 2 pages & still not read your fan fic yet .Just came to last pages & saw  @midorinokerochan post :D


In my opinion ,if she felt uncomfortable she will edit or deleted the first part of the captions not just added a few more captions.Just my pov :D


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3 hours ago, babyval22 said:


Wahahahah. What's impt is that wookie himself acknowledges that people are saying he and hyunni look alike. Kekeke. All humans do in fact look alike in certain angles, it can't be helped cos all generally humans have 2 eyes, 1 nose and lip. Hahahahba. #lame 


2 hours ago, waveoflove said:

yes he did acknowledge that which means he paid attention.




Right! And what I find remarkable is that if I am not mistaken his statement comes from an interview done on the same day of the photoshoot for SP (translated here: https://jichangwookkitchen.com/2017/04/14/drama-ji-chang-wooks-qa-interview-for-suspicious-partner-revealed/#more-23787  - credit to Ji Chang Wook's Kitchen), so early on. In a way, it's understandable that that he was monitoring his fans' initial reaction to the casting and their expectations, and of course he had to encourage them to see the chemistry, but the fact that he choose to mention specifically this point to me sounds like he was genuinely happy that people noticed the similarity between them and at the same time wanted more people to see them that way... Maybe I can't explain this properly, but kind of fishing for feedback on that point (as you would do  in the initial stages of liking someone, and go around asking your friends "don't you think we look compatible", etc.)  :lol:


19 minutes ago, pauliza said:

Yes she didn't delete anything ( the healing part & monkey emoji  still there ) & she  just added"  thank you for giving us good songs for one year" * clap emoji :D



Thanks, chingu! :heart:That's what I thought too... So maybe the ***the song is 'I Like You' by Day6  was added as a way of explanation in the translation, I guess  :D


ETA: @masthu :lol::lol::lol: That's ok, Dearie! NamJi is making it difficult for us to distinguish reel/fiction from real, I understand that! :tongue::lol::D Thanks for your explanation :D

Edited by midorinokerochan
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