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[Thai Drama 2017] Princess Hours รักวุ่นๆ เจ้าหญิงจอมจุ้น


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1 hour ago, cdcotr said:

@mizv how popular is the show in thailand? how are the ratings? I've seen some comments a mix of disappointed viewers and some quite happy with it...


The channel is not a Popular channel  I guess... the story is knowned like the Thai version of a Korean Drama (Goong), and the chemistry is disappointing, Kao is not a good actor for me.. .D: and Pattie's Character is just not interesting... 

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2 hours ago, cdcotr said:

@mizv how popular is the show in thailand? how are the ratings? I've seen some comments a mix of disappointed viewers and some quite happy with it...


yeah i'm wondering too..and i'm also curious with Phan, he is so handsome why there is not much news about him xD

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  Episode 19 was full of emotion.  It really made up for the prevous criticisim. They are following the Goong Version ending but with such chaos and emotion. I've never found myself searching so hard to finish the final episodes.  After episode 20  I'm going to content myself back to viki and DF.


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8 hours ago, mizv said:

  Episode 19 was full of emotion.  It really made up for the prevous criticisim. They are following the Goong Version ending but with such chaos and emotion. I've never found myself searching so hard to finish the final episodes.  After episode 20  I'm going to content myself back to viki and DF.


Yes- Episode 19 looked good in the clips I saw. Where were you able to watch full ep 19 raw version? I've tried but can't find it anywhere.

Has anyone been able to find link to subbed episodes for ep 18-19? I'm not able to join private FB group. Maybe someone could PM if they have the links? 

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5 hours ago, Table122000 said:

Yes- Episode 19 looked good in the clips I saw. Where were you able to watch full ep 19 raw version? I've tried but can't find it anywhere.

Has anyone been able to find link to subbed episodes for ep 18-19? I'm not able to join private FB group. Maybe someone could PM if they have the links? 

i will PM u

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On 6/29/2017 at 10:29 AM, cdcotr said:

@mizv how popular is the show in thailand? how are the ratings? I've seen some comments a mix of disappointed viewers and some quite happy with it...


Average rating for True4U, but the later episodes have lesser ratings than the earlier ones. True4U is also not a popular drama channel in Thailand. The highest-rated drama channels are in order: Channel 7, Channel 3 (home to so many drama superstars), One31, 3SD and then Channel 8. Even Workpoint has higher-rated dramas even though it's mainly a variety channel. True4U's drama ratings are on par with GMM25, but the later has the advantage of being popular with young people.

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So I just finished watching subbed 18 and 19 and it confirmed my impression after watching the raw episodes.  It felt like the major characters underwent a personality transplant all of a sudden LOL!  It felt like I missed an episode somewhere esp between 18 and 19  bec   they all of a sudden changed their pattern of behavior - the king, Inn and Khaning. The queen was the same and consistent, so are Nakhun and unfortunately, his mom was the same selfish deluded woman.

Didn't Khaning and Inn still have a strained relationship before she started the kneeling thing? I knew Inn already knew he had feelings for her but he still was incapable of admitting it to her or showing her support and affection without qualifiers. I remember being so annoyed when they were at the falls (I think it was ep 17? or 16?) and Khaning told him that she always knew or expected that he would return to Minnie someday but that she hoped it would not happen. It was practically a a confession on her part! And what does he say in reply? Something like it won't happen bec a crown prince cannot be king if he is divorced. SEriously!! He was practically saying that the only reason they're still together is bec he cannot divorce her bec of his status as crown prince, not if he wants to be king. Pattie did well in this scene bec her expression after he said this was pretty spot on.

So on the heels of this, he makes a point of putting his arms around her shoulders when Nakhun shows up and asks how Khaning is. So he would only show these signs of affection when he wants to make a point that she is his to Nakhun. smh

After this were the impromptu camping, photo developing, Khaning finding Minnie's photos and pin, Minnie hugging Inn again, Khaning seeing this  - again! and Minnie saying goodbye to both of them ...and so their relationship is strained again , then the late night hug etc etc...

Anyway my roundabout point is -  that the status of their relationship seems to not jibe with how the last episodes went, esp 19. I get whiplash watching this show and even though I watch all the episodes it always feels like I missed something bec of these sudden shifts in mood and tone. And the inconsistency in emotion seems most common with Khaning who is disappointed or mad at Inn when he messes up one moment,  and seems to have forgiven him and all is well and things are forgotten the next moment. Some of it can be explained by her belief that she doesn't have a hold on Inn bec he still loves Minnie and therefore she can't expect much from him but still there are limits! Esp when he criticizes her on her relationship with Nakhun which is all sorts of hypocrisy, double standards and unfairness.

I keep getting sidetracked...anyway, the king too seemed to have turned into this great father in ep 19 but I say - too little too late. He's been a pretty crappy dad all along and most of the crises could be traced back to him in some way. If he was a more supportive father and one who listens and encourages his son to speak to him or if he treated his wife better then he would have a family that's close to one another and could withstand the manipulations the former consort threw at them. But bec he never really showed his love to his wife (if he actually does love her) , she is always on the defensive and is insecure and so clings to rules and duty and making sure her son is the perfect crown prince as a sort of validation of her worth. And bec he is so strict and distant with his son choosing to focus on how he performs his duties as prince and responsibilities to their kingdom instead of his bond with him as father first, their relationship is strained and Inn grows up this cold, unapproachable person who is unable to express his true feelings. When he sat down and talked calmly to Inn, and expressed his sympathy and support, it felt like it came out of nowhere.

But this showed, as well as the time the prince and princess spent together on the run, these showed what the drama could have been. They could have had a drama where the king and prince had a solid relationship and they could work on these troubles together. They could have had the couple get closer sooner and start working together and developing their relationship more and so making their love more believable.

As it is, it did feel like they were heading that way anyway, towards a love that would lead them to scream each other's name while being pulled apart (LOL) but it felt like there were steps missing and they weren't quite at that level yet.  It seemed to have jumped from cold war to "let's run away together" in one minute. Khaning was unconscious for 2 days and then the next time she saw Inn was when he grabbed her in a mask. And then they were all huggy and teary and all set to run away together as if all the misunderstandings just disappeared. Did I miss the part where he told her he loved her and vice versa? By the time they got to the beach they were hugging and comfortable with each other.  It was weird. Did I really miss something??? Really , please point it out to me.

Once again we are left to assume that there was some real talking going on while they were gallivanting around, it is my hope anyway.

And again the abrupt shifts in tone and clunky transitions are present, the worst being when Khaning told him Saiyood gave her the tonic and he goes outside to tell his security guy abt it then the next scene is them naked!! no transition! I am glad that they had that scene but my enjoyment was dimmed a lot by that jarring transition. While I appreciated that scene, I was a bit preoccupied with feeling annoyed. LOL

Well, only one episode left. let's see how they work it out. /i hope they don't have that weird change in the princess' feelings that the korean version had and I really hope that he takes the throne and not give it away. That alone might make me forgive quite a few of the flaws. After everything they went through, I think they both deserve to be king and queen and then maybe they can change how they run things in the palace. Make it a place that isn't so cold and bound by rules. One where they can do their duties but still live their own lives as regular people. BE a king and a photographer, a queen and an artist. Why not? Why does it have to be all or nothing?

Keeping my fingers crossed that they pull off the ending!

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Hi all,

I lost a very long first comment because of my computer problems (I@s*(&^!) so this is going to be much shorter.  Anyway, I just wanted to share my thoughts on this version of Princess Hours.

I watched the Korean Princess Hours years ago, so I don't remember much detail about it for comparison, but I remember the feeling I got and the differences I see in the Thai version.

Re: this version, the stuff I have a few gripes about are the same as have been mentioned so far - overacting in some instances (like all having to do with Nakhun's mom), jagged transitions, and poor editing.  

As for good.....  

Besides the fact that I think the prince and princess make a truly gorgeous couple, I like the actors' portrayals of the prince and princess.  The prince is reserved, respectful of authority, family, and rules.  He's torn between his duty and his position and his dreams.  He's obedient and wants to do the right thing, but struggles over whether doing so can bring him happiness.  The actor conveys this well, I feel, especially through his eyes and body language, which is important since the prince is a man of few words.  This kind of personality can't help but come across as cold, but its basis is not one of a mean spirit.  It's like he's in a straight jacket, bound by rules and responsibilities and expectations.  I feel for him.  This is just one of several dramas that convey the message that being a rich royal is not what people make it out to be.  Life weighs heavy on him.

Enter the princess - sweet, innocent, without guile, unsophisticated, naive.  Life is not heavy for her, but it changes when she enters the palace and becomes the princess.  She is awkward in this new world, but it's worse when she is paired with a man who, for quite some time, leaves her in the dark in terms of how he truly feels about her.  A big part of that is he's not sure, himself.  Until, of course, trials hit, and voila!  Episode 19.  

@cdcotr I have to agree with you on the points you brought up - jarring transitions that make you wonder, "Did I miss something?"  The whiplash you mentioned.  But oddly enough, I don't feel it's all that weird from epi 18 to 19 because of the slow build up.  We've seen signs of love and affection through words and actions from both sides.  It's been bubbling all along until now, finally, a rapid boil.  Their love runneth over, so to speak.  Which is how they can, in epi 19, call out each other's name as they're being torn from each other's embrace.  Better editing, such as a smoother transition from the prince talking on the phone on the beach to the bedroom love scene, would have made it more enjoyable and less distracting, but hooray for their finally coming together!  

Let me just end with the fact that I'm a believer when I watch these two show how much they love each other - the intense looking into each other's eyes, the hand-holding and caressing, the tight hugs, their touching each other's face, and the kisses (despite the fact that we don't get real, bonafide, lips kissing).  I am bummed about that "no kissing" thing for the actress, but maybe that's why they have to make the other stuff all the more believable.  I'm a sucker for romance and the chemistry that comes through the screen.  Prince Inn and Princess Khanning...I, for one, am sold. 

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5 hours ago, mizv said:

Waiting for the final subbed episode. watched it raw.  Was totally lost without subs.  :wacko:


I watched part of it, someone was streaming it on YT but yeah still lost without the subs. My biggest question was - did he give the throne to his sister?

if Khaning was exiled why wasn't she back with her family??? Thailand is not part of Bhutin so technically that satisfies the terms of exile. They didn't even show them consoling her ...In the original I think the orincess went abroad to study, was it the same here? it didn't look like it...unless it was in the early parts I missed...

@kappy I agree, by the end,  I believed the prince and princess are in love with each other. The actors did a good job.  I have actually felt several times, esp in in th ePrince Inn's part, or rather Tao, that I could see the actor wanting to be speak more but cannot bec it's not in the script LOL. Or to give more. Could just be my imagination but being frustrated by the flawed execution of this show and the underutilized talent of the actors, i often have what if thoughts and imagine just how much better it would be if they just tweaked the script and smoothed out transitions and showed less of Nakhun's mom...LOL

The scene where they had the reunion at the beach, I thought it was symbolic of their relationship during the whole show, Khaning goes running to him after almost being summoned with the clue of the mask, she sees him but his face is covered by a mask while hers is open for all to see her emotions. When she goes to try to pull it off, he dodges at first. Pretty much how they've behaved for 95% of the show. He wears a mask to cover his feelings and is hesitant to reveal himself to her and she is not, and goes all out and very honest with how she feels. I really wish I understood what they were saying and what was that drawing the line on the sand abt...

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On 5 July 2017 at 2:01 AM, cdcotr said:

I watched part of it, someone was streaming it on YT but yeah still lost without the subsMy biggest question was - did he give the throne to his sister?

if Khaning was exiled why wasn't she back with her family??? Thailand is not part of Bhutin so technically that satisfies the terms of exile. They didn't even show them consoling her ...In the original I think the orincess went abroad to study, was it the same here? it didn't look like it...unless it was in the early parts I missed...


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So, I was finally able to watch Ep. 20 with subs. I thought the ending was OK-not the best, but not the worst either. They pretty much followed the KDrama version with his sister taking the throne, Nakhun & his mom exiled again, and Inn & Khaning back together.  It wasn't clear if they were still married or not??? I guess the talk on the beach was their renewing of commitment to each other. 

Again, I agree with the others here that the transitions and editing for the episode were poorly done and often confusing. The kissing scene was disappointing in that you could tell it was fake and they were using camera tricks, but I give the show credit for trying their best to make it look real and full of feelings. Ditto to the main male lead for doing his best to make that kiss scene believable. 

Thoughts on the series: Mixed bag. I came into the show with some high expectations, and I had been eagerly waiting for over a year to see it. Unfortunately for me, I was a little disappointed by this show. I wanted it to be fantastic and I wanted to love it, but I have to give it a overall grade of average. 

I liked the world building and felt the production team did a great job in creating a country and royal family with customs and a history. The sets and costumes (even the food) were beautiful. 

I liked Minnie's character and the changes that were made there. Her motivations and actions felt much more believable to me in this version. 

I liked the way the show handled the subject of sex. It was accepted that sex was an important part of marriage and certainly one of the main reasons (if not the main reason) for this marriage. The show didn't try to pretend it didn't exist and I liked how it was one of the pressures/obstacles in the Inn/Khaning relationship. I also liked the fact that the drama was not afraid to show the growing sexual attraction of the main leads to each other.  That all felt real and believable to me. 

The acting was uneven. I think the acting was much improved in the second half of the drama, and the final 2 episodes were probably the best acting from the main leads.  Nakhun's mom was too over the top for me throughout and the actress was overacting quite a bit, but she could have been told to act this style by the director, so I fault him as well.

The directing, script, and editing were lacking in this drama, especially the editing. Clunky transitions and poor editing throughout this drama caused the drama to be a confusing mess most of the time. I felt the script could have been better in a lot of episodes, and the directing as well. Actors did what they could with the material. and I think things were exacerbated by some poor directing choices. I was often frustrated by this drama because it had a lot of good elements that if the editing and directing choices had been better, this drama could have been a good one, rather than just average, and this colored my viewing experience.

Overall Grade: Average. I enjoyed some parts of the drama and disliked others. I did enjoy the second half of the drama more than the first half. Episode 19 was the highlight for me. Acting was all right.  If you enjoyed the K-Drama version, I would encourage people to watch this version as well. 

Thanks to everyone here in the forum for their insights- I enjoyed reading everyone's opinions on both the good and the bad. And thank you to the subbing team for subbing this drama. I truly appreciate being able to watch this drama. I think the next drama coming from Halo Productions is a remake of Secret Garden, starring Ananda. Hopefully, it will be better executed. 


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22 hours ago, Table122000 said:

Thanks to everyone here in the forum for their insights- I enjoyed reading everyone's opinions on both the good and the bad. And thank you to the subbing team for subbing this drama. I truly appreciate being able to watch this drama. I think the next drama coming from Halo Productions is a remake of Secret Garden, starring Ananda. Hopefully, it will be better executed. 



Compared to Princess Hours, Secret Garden remake will star even more popular actor/actress, so they need better execution for that remake befitting of the actor/actress' star status in Thailand.

Here's the unfortunate thing though. On Channel 3, superstars Nadech & Yaya will star in another body-switching drama and it will air before Secret Garden remake (which will definitely air on True). Nadech's character is a police officer while Yaya's character is an actress who only plays elegant/feminine roles, but starts playing tough girl roles after getting body-switched. If this one proves to be real good production, Secret Garden remake will have a lot to live up to.

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